Unofficial forum of group TATU

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QueenBee 18-12-2003 20:58

cniaju, I am not surprised by some tatu fans being very upset and *tries to find the word but doesn't* but I still think some are taking it too far.. They knew that the possibility was there, that Tatu might not have been gay. Sometimes you realise that things don't go as planned, but I don't think you should give up completely.. Last month everyone thought the lyrics were great and they liked Tatu not only for their sexuality (or so they said) but now they are ready to leave?! Maybe THEY are the ones who have been lying..


As you yourself said, Queenbee - the most beautiful thing in life is the illusions about life.
True... I guess when reality strikes us we all fall down the black hole. :bum:

nath 18-12-2003 21:10


Originally posted by QueenBee
but now they are ready to leave?!
..they won't leave QueenBee....don't worry...let time to them...indulgence about the words is required for some time...
When the next album will arrive, the words will change and will better because , of course, they always love Tatu.

shizzo 18-12-2003 21:19


I guess when reality strikes us we all fall down the black hole. :bum:
Reality is often not as nice as what illusions we can build in its
place. The idea of t.A.T.u. being in love could have been real,
or it could have been just an illusion - now, it seems that it
was just a ploy in marketing. It's understandable to regret the
times when the illusion was more real to a person than when
it's exposed as a fraud.

And there are fans who like t.A.T.u. for their music, some who
enjoy it 'cos it was one of the first lesbian mainstream duos,
some who appreciate the first but are more influenced by the
second. So many possibilities can be drawn out from this, and
not everyone knows each motive for each action, each reason
behind each opinion. A person might enjoy the music more
than the image, but the image might have a more evident
effect on certain fans than the songs. Another case of there
being different reactions for different people - nothing more,
nothing less. It has to be expected that variation occur, and
this case is no exception.

haku 18-12-2003 21:29


Originally posted by QueenBee
They knew that the possibility was there, that Tatu might not have been gay.
QueenBee, i'm only speaking for myself here, but i was originally attacted by Tatu because i thought they were gay and i agreed with their message.

I don't read tabloids or teenage music magazines so i discovered the "controversial" situation of Tatu several months after becoming a fan. (When i joined this forum actually, before that i was going to another site where the "controversy" was for some reason totally avoided, hidden even.)

I guess it was too late for me. My critical mind was no longer working. I'm sure you could tell from my numerous posts that i totally dismissed any indication that they were not a couple and not even gay.
For me the possibility was *not* there, i had completely dismissed that option, i was what people call now a "believer".

This is where i come from, and this is why i reacted the way i did. *shrugs*

EeZeReal 18-12-2003 22:05

Well...whatever...I'm over it :rolleyes:

I'm just sorry I was sorry oblivious to what was apparently sooooooo obvious to sooooooo many people *Slaps self on wrist*

The show must go on *rolls eyes* :rolleyes:

haku 19-12-2003 00:24

A few months ago i convinced a friend of mine who works in a magazine to publish an article about Tatu.

I wrote it and told how they stood for gay rights and obviously loved each other, blah, blah... :rolleyes:

Well, he heard the news and just phoned me. He had a good laugh at me, well, he's a good friend so it was all in good humor. :)

spyretto 19-12-2003 00:37

Why do you keep on saying it's about the music? The old cd is as fresh as still waters now.

Do you still listen to their music? I only listened to Nichya 2-3 times and that was it, got bored of it already. What music?

QueenBee 19-12-2003 00:54


Do you still listen to their music?
In fact, I do. I listen both to originals and remixes.. Their music is fantastic, I love it... I hope that answers your question. :D

I personally don't think it's all about the music ONLY. But it's a big part of it. I expained that in another thread, and it was a long post so I don't wanna repeat.. But what I mean is that people were saying it's about the music, it's about the music, and yet now they are ready to "burn their tatu stuff"? :spy:

teeny 19-12-2003 00:55


Do you still listen to their music? I only listened to Nichya 2-3 times and that was it, got bored of it already. What music?
Yeah I do.. not at repeat as I did 3 months ago, but Nichya has been played a lot. And the cd is played on regular basis. Of course with the new Westlife album out I must say it has been played more the past weeks. But it's still about the music.

haku, I wrote an article too a while ago. For an Internet mag, it haven't been published yet. I better let my friend know it's a bit out dated :lalala:

Kappa 19-12-2003 04:17

haku, if I don't very much am mistaken: you are straight, male, and well over most member's age. Don't you think if there was one persons's ideals to be betrayed, it'd be a lesbian's?

Kate 19-12-2003 04:38

I think we should just stop all this nerve wrecking fights and move on with our lives after the documentrey. :rose:

*Hands out martinies to everyone.*

To peace! Cheers! :coctail:

taty994945 19-12-2003 04:41

that's pretty good advice

teeny 19-12-2003 04:42


I think we should just stop all this nerve wrecking fights and move on with our lives after the documentrey.
Yep.. agreed

*Hands out martinies to everyone.*
Exchanges it for a soda.. Skеl :coctail:

QueenBee 19-12-2003 09:23

YAY martinies :D :coctail: Cheers everyone!

Kappa 19-12-2003 09:56

QueenBee, gimme that ¬¬ You're too young to drink. :coctail:

Kate 19-12-2003 10:26

Illegal teen drinking :lol: I have to exchange my martiny for an orange joice before we get arrested. :gigi:

Kappa 19-12-2003 10:28

katbeidar, why? It isn't like illegal teen sex hasn't already ridden this forum. :gigi:

luxxi 19-12-2003 10:50


Originally posted by spyretto
shoot, now I'm the only one who haven't seen that damn thing!

When you weren't watching it, didn't you notice me not watching it as well:D ? So I take it girls came out and said they weren't gay? Geee, I didn't see that one coming:rolleyes: . I had open mind for both options. They could be or couldn't be. As for being drawn to them, I heard ATTSS couple of times on radio before seing the video. And liked it too. Do I still listen t their music? Yes, keep CD in radio, specially now that every radio station is blaring christmas music. But it's Russian CD, not english one. If Next CD coems along I'll buy it. Even though they are straight.

LenochkaO 19-12-2003 14:18

Sod the martinis, champagne for me!

:cheers: :hic:

Lena410 19-12-2003 16:20

*exchanges the martini for soda* :coctail: Cheers!

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