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tatu_rocks 29-02-2004 02:30

thanks Artem and Sunny poison for your reports, Hare for the song and Katbeidar for the translation :rose: <----- lots of these for all of you.
This really sounds like a tatu song :) do you have the russian lyrics (on english alphabet), please?

Lux 29-02-2004 05:29

thank you Artem, Kate, Hare, and Sunny Poison :)

i like the song, i actually like the song. i really like the song, i can't believe i like the song. although the vocals need some work....yessssssss :dead:

yeah, russian translit anyone?
so...tatu will be replaced by look alikes OR not exist at all..once this album may or may not come out...
i'm just dying to know, you know? at the edge of my seat :none:

TaTuDrEaMeR 29-02-2004 05:45

Thankz Sunny Poison for your report, Hare for the song and katbeidar

I posted this over and i thought i post it here.

First of all I am glad that there is some new material that the girls will be able to give to their fans...but it wont be the same if its part of the album Ivan is going to release. For the reason that its not TATU completly there are other ppl being part of the album, and its not them all the way and its not an album to realse under their name since there other ppl singing in it.

AS for Yulia and Lena, well if they decided to go on and do their own stuff as a duo then i will always support them. The name tatu doesn't really matter to me at this moment because the name doesnt give them the talent that they have. It just a name, so if they take it or not is up to them. But if they don't, it really wouldn't matter because ppl know them for them. Of course those that dont would say "arent they those two girls that came out kissing from russia"...most wont even know their group name if they remeber them that way, only the fans or those whole reconize them as being tatu. But for me they're just Yulia and Lena, not tatu. And if they decided to take a break after this 'unpleasant soap opera', good for them bcuz they deserve it. They been in this business for a while now without a real break. And we as fans (if true fans) have to wait and give them that privlige to take a break and disappear for a while. I know for sure that once they take a break and come back fresh with a stronger passion to record a new album it will be as good as their 200km/h in the wrong lane album, maybe better, who knows?! those that have a passion for singing never stop singing or stop working in the industry of music because their love for music is always stronger than them themselves.

So ppl stop stressing so much bcuz there isnt going to be no more tatu. Because as far as we know Yulia and Lena are going to stick together as a duo, and if thats all that matter to u as a fan than theres no need to worry. But for those who are focus on them being 'tatu' well all i have to say is that nothing last forever, and change is needed in order to live in this world ;)
So lets sit back enjoy the show ;)

rANdoMtATuFaN 29-02-2004 06:38

Two Points:

1. Thank you Sunny Poison, Hare, Katbeidar, and whoever else. :rose:

2. TaTuDrEaMeR - true that. I totally agree w/u.

~ Ok, one more point:

So, basically, we're still as confused as before, if not more so, when we were fed more info? How they manage to do this, I will never know. But, as TaTuDrEaMeR said, I'm gonna sit back and enjoy the ride as we all should.

Celtic Jobber 29-02-2004 07:45

Thanks for the reports, lyrics, and song -- Kate, sunny poison, and Hare. :rose:

The new song sounds too Britney-ish to me, but I'll admit it's kind of catchy. ;)

thegurgi 29-02-2004 08:16

You know, at first, I really really didn't like it... Honestly, there were parts i hated... yet i listened to it on repeat hoping it would grow on me, but i didn't...

So i let it rest for a few hours, i let the projection of something i didn't like settle in my head and then i just went to listen to it and all those intial things i didn't like and stuff... somehow, are gone. I still don't think it's perfect, but i don't have a perfect copy of the song yet... so i can easily blame that on transfer [although, Artem did a great job on the rip though... it wasn't Hare... she will be bringing us the other songs ( i think) ]. But i'm sure this is just the Video Edit of the song... probably the full song is longer, Tatu has managed to create shorter edits of all the songs for the videos... so i wouldn't be suprised if that was the case for this one.

:: i also enjoy the little mutterence of "hochesh'" at the beginning of the mp3... it makes me laugh ::

So i feel better now.

Umm, can i get these lyrics in Cyrillic? I need to know what the line after "Eto Moya Igra" is... i can't figure it out, noo....

angeljas01 29-02-2004 09:54

Thank you so very much to Artem and Sunny for the reports. Thank you so very much Kat and Hare for the mp3. I think the song is great, I quite like it but the music is a bit weak...thanks again to all those who brought these info.

convol 29-02-2004 10:39

Thank you very much Artem, katbeidar, Hare and sunny poison. :rose:

It seems I'm one of the few who really didn't like this song. As a fan of both Tatu and Demyan/7B, it was disappointing for me to hear something this mainstream and conventional. Although I think the singing melody is ok, I really hope they will change the Britney, BSB, Max Martin arrangements. :hmmm: Having said that, I have been thrilled about the other demos though, and I love "Nichya".

Nice to read your outlandish theory there transcend! :)

freddie 29-02-2004 10:54

Sunny Poison, Artem Kate, Hare... thank you guys for making this available to us! :rose:

I think that last report was rather encouraging. At least for a possiblility of tatu as a band to continue... as a group and as a brand name as well. I doubt Ivan would ever let them go and give up on the name... or if he would then Neformat certainly wouldn't. Cause Ivan is not Neformat. There are many people who invested money in the project. And they want their profit back. And it'd be counter-productive for them to give up on their most prized asset.
On another note - looks like the relationship between L&Y is closer them many of us would like to admit these days... they are AT LEAST much more then business partners I'd say.

About the song: I agree with Convol that Max Martin arangments have to go (That "toing"!!! effect in the background... that's SO "Hit Me Baby One More Time" :D ), if they don't want to slip into the supermarket pop slot pretty soon... that being said I belive the song has a great hook, and the potential to make it. It's still an obviously unpolished demo and current arangment may just be temporary.. just a base to carry the main tune and lyrics over it... many things can still change and I hope this song fullfills the potential that it has. I'd give it a "second single" role... the first single should be even MORE upbeat.

transcend 29-02-2004 13:22

You're all dissing Britney (and I usually do myself) but Baby One More Time is a great pop song and her new single "Toxic" is...well...a masterpiece!!!And I mean it. Maybe Ivan should get in touch with Pharrell and Chad to work with Lena and Yulia...I'm sure they'd come up with a decent production job on the new song.

Oh, and I just wanted to say that that Franz Ferdinand song is pretty damn good too, AND the Kelis song...But you're all free to disagree.

haku 29-02-2004 13:48

Well, now that the RS is over, i must say that i feel rather disappointed.

At the beginning we were promised that we would witness the recording of an album and all negativity set apart, i think it would have been actually interesting to see such a creative process, from the first rough drafts to the polished finished product.

None of that was showed even though a few songs *were* recorded.

The original idea of the RS was good, the result is lacking to say the least. :none:

nasnedagoniat 29-02-2004 13:55

I wouldn't call Toxic a masterpiece[I actually have the CD], but I have trouble understanding why people like that song so much, it's so.....

But anyway, I love Sunny Poison and Hare! A hundred kisses. Thank you KatBeidar and Artem.

The song is pretty bubblegum pop-ish, I could see something like this being huge in America. This is what the West goes for. I like it. On the case of that final episode, I guess we have been confused and pushed further into the dark. I wouldn't jump to conclusions about t.A.T.u any time soon. Everyone focuses on "the end" but even the RS gave hints of "a beginning". [I think this has something to do w/Sigmund Freud's "Death Drive", but here it's been refocused on t.A.T.u. for some reason. :dknow:]

xena225 29-02-2004 14:30

I haven't seen the Reality Show (except for a few clips), but I've read numerous reports, I've watched the media hype, I followed discussions on various Russian and English-speaking forums, I checked the Podnebesnaya website daily - and provided that I have no first-hand knowledge of the episodes (as most people here actually) and therefore can't really assess the overall picture presented - based on WHAT I know, here are some observations:

The reality show was a total ride. Such entertainment from week to week. All the guessing, all the theories, all the conclusions - basically for nothing (except for the entertainment factor, of course.). :lol: Nobody knows anything about the state of the album, the future of tAtu, Ivan's mind, the girls' "true" relationship and so on and so forth... :laugh: -- Everyone's been led down whichever road "team tATu" wanted. And people went willingly, even when suspecting they were being played. And still they keep coming back like bees to the honey, people who appreciate tAtu as much as people who despise everything tATu stands for. Go figure. :D


Just brilliant.

Oh, that new song is marvellous by the way. Love it! :done:


QueenBee 29-02-2004 14:50

Well, that's the whole point of it, to just have fun. :D
I know *I* had alot of fun..! :gigi:

freddie 29-02-2004 15:03

I think Toxic is a tad too repetitive and her voice is noting then average as usual... Hit Me Baby One More time is much like this newsong by tatu.... nice melody, nice hook, but lacking in boring average industrial sound effects. :/

Haku I was pretty sure we wouldn't see any ACTUAL recording. Simply cause the recording process is in fact pretty boring - endless repetitions of the same parts, hours of mixing, adding effects... not something TV audiances would be pleased to see IMO.

la aurora 29-02-2004 15:08


As a fan of both Tatu and Demyan/7B, it was disappointing for me to hear something this mainstream and conventional.
Well... to be frank, I didn't find thid song mainstream or popish... i found it just a bit boring and bad-made. There's something in it that could make it more or less decent song, but it's obvious that what we hear is not a finished album track. More likely it was made in harry with using the volcals recordered in Podnebesnaya (with doesn't have really good conditions for recording) and 'working' arrangement. That's why the vocals aren't really in tune. But the main thing for me - this song lacks emotion every track from 1st album had. From this point of view another song shown in the episode was 100 times better IMHO. It had almost no melody yet, but the beat and agression Yulia put in both screaming and rap versions, Lena's screaming and low voice attemts sounded much more convincing. And the content of the song was much more agressive. So, I'm still waiting impatiently for 'Ti soglasna' to be uploaded.

haku 29-02-2004 15:13

Oh i never said i didn't have fun, i did... :gigi:

I was just saying that it would have been nice to actually see the recording process *besides* all the mess and the drama but oh well...

Now let's wait for that lookalikes album, sounds like fun too... :laugh:


Originally posted by sunny poison
Well... to be frank, I didn't find thid song mainstream or popish...
Well, if it was recorded properly (which it isn't), it could actually do quite well in western charts, i think. The song sounds like a regular British pop song, it could be sung by Girls Aloud or something.
Of course for that to happen they would have to release an English version, which i don't think they intend to do.

la aurora 29-02-2004 15:48


Originally posted by haku

Well, if it was recorded properly (which it isn't), it could actually do quite well in western charts, i think. The song sounds like a regular British pop song, it could be sung by Girls Aloud or something.
Of course for that to happen they would have to release an English version, which i don't think they intend to do.

well... the day it would be hard to differ TATU from Girls Aloud and Co, will be the day I'll lose any interest in this band.

itsme22 29-02-2004 15:49

I hope that the album really isn't released on the 14th, which it looks like it wouldn't be anyway. I'd rather the girls go to Universal to ask for help and release the album a month or two later. I'd rather wait for a really good album than have an album now with 4 good songs. In my opinion that's all they have: Prostye Dvizheniya, Ne Ver Ne Boisya, Nichya, and Zaschischatsya Ochkami. There may be songs that we still haven't heard, but from the songs we know of, that's all they have. Belochka and I Vse Normalno are okay, but the girls have a distinct sound and those songs just don't have it.

About the song: I still think they need to change the music and perhaps add another verse to extend the song a little. In my opinion, the song would need to be a little more rockish to keep people interested in them after 200 KM/H...

haku 29-02-2004 16:17


Originally posted by sunny poison
well... the day it would be hard to differ TATU from Girls Aloud and Co, will be the day I'll lose any interest in this band.
If you take Zaschischatsya Ochkami and remove Y&L's voices, you have a typical average brit pop song, but i can understand that in their current situation they are looking for a more charty sound.
It's just that after the success of their first album, i was expecting them to go for a more challenging sound.


the song would need to be a little more rockish to keep people interested

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