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MalchikGeiBrand 26-12-2013 06:41 Lena got a new Christmas song with her guitarist. It's actually really cute and nice sounding. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays y'allll!!!! :D

oh and she updated her website. it is literally a giant triangle with fans names I think. oh and theres other stuff too.

regigigas1505 17-11-2014 17:21

Album out tomorrow!
So, “This Is Who I Am” is finally available for preorder! The previews of the tracks are looking good, seems like Lena showed lots of vocal versatility. Personally, I think the 5-year wait will pay off. Considering it’s like Lena own thing, without the help of great producers and stuff, I believe it’s quality material.

Who’s buying? :)

Arnaudfrenchy 24-11-2014 13:24

Bought it :)

Oh ! And Lena is pregnant.

AshMcAuliffe 24-11-2014 14:58

I had pre-ordered it and it has been dispatched. I have heard the whole album and it is pretty darned good. Her vocals are strong and the songwriting is impeccable. She proves that she doesn't need Yulia on this album. Bloody time to release it when she announces she's pregnant.

Joopy 16-02-2015 19:13

"An Invitation" is the next single. I was in the studio when she was recording this song, helped her pronounce the word "situation" haha, so I'm chuffed. :)

spyretto 08-03-2015 02:27

Great, i will check it out. It's really good that she's still around making music in an increasingly competitive music business.

AshMcAuliffe 09-03-2015 14:53

My joint favourite track on the album. :)

spyretto 11-03-2015 20:30

the Depeche Mode inspired Wish on a Star, the jazzy An Invitation, Waiting are all good songs. Though the chorus for Waiting has been written before and it was called Small-town Boy :p
A more dynamic version of Never Forget and a great modern pop/rock anthem called Lift Me Up. But it looks like they pieced together all those different songs that were created at different moments in time without creating a cohesion. 7/10 :)

fanoff 17-03-2015 00:33

Went to her concert in Rome and bought her CD to take an autograph. Amazing time and I am really used to the album right now. There are many decent songs but it can't really help her regain her popularity, which i doubt if she really wants. She looked very happy in the concert. I heard An Invitation live for the first time and it's a very nice song. And the duet with the Italian girl Noemi-who is a very sweet girl who has a better voice than lena- is called Golden Leaves, has a very good melody and it's my favourite track on the album. Walking in the sun, wish on a star, waiting are also worth mentioning. It's a shame they didn't add Stay to the album. Overall it was amazing to see Lena and finally my teenage dream was half fulfilled. :)

spyretto 19-03-2015 15:02

Nice one, fanoff.
She's making good music and she has a following from her Tatu days, so things are going well for her. Regaining the popularity of Tatu is very difficult because a) she's no longer a newcomer b) needs the right song that can become viral in the youtube and the social media domain because this is the only platform for somebody like her to become very popular again. At the moment it's still about the "bitchez" and the "niggaz", once that trend dies out and real music returns to the forefront her opportunity might come again.
As long as she's making music and she's happy we can be happy for her. :)

PS. Was gonna buy her album but at the end I bought the new Marina and the Diamonds one instead. So now I owe it to her to see her live somewhere, somehow, someday ;)

fanoff 05-10-2015 09:42

I forgot to mention that I ran into Lena in the bathroom during the break and asked for a selfie but she refused it like a diva :D

I love Marina and The Diamonds!!

spyretto 27-10-2015 22:37

All the songs in her album are pretty good, they sound contemporary and explore different musical styles ( except for the first one which sounds like a silly impromptu-feel good song ).
The duet with the Italian girl is pretty good also but only 97k views on youtube? :(

I'm gonna go see Marina live next month in Cardiff, London is the furthest I'd go for a gig and Lena n is not coming to the UK any time soon so that's the way it is, I suppose...

I hope she wasn't acting like a diva and just doesn't like selfies? :rolleyes:

( this place is pretty much dead isn't it? :p Guess only the Russian forum keeps the site from going kaput )

Slayer 06-05-2016 14:36

Just a small video to reminisce the old days and show why t.A.T.u. Rocked

Lena Katina on WWE

Enjoy !

robbie 06-05-2016 17:39

Slayer, thanks! :rose:

Mateo 04-02-2022 20:59

This Is Who I Am
Hi, I got to Lena's solo work about 4 months ago. Since then, I've been listening to her entire music. The album "This Is Who I Am" is perfect in my opinion, after a few hearings you conquered me, I like every song, I think that "Never Forget" is a clear unit of the album, but I like the song "Waiting". There is no weak song on the album, and the single "Stay" is great. I saw concerts from the period after the release of this album on youtube, and Lena and her band (Sven, Steve, Jorg, Domen) are fantastic, the concert from Rome is not wrong, even though Lena was pregnant at the time. If Lena got together with the boys from the band and recorded their second English album, it could be fantastic. Of course, then they would publish it in Russian as well. I also like the songs from "Mono", especially "Startrek", "McDonalds", "Kosy", and other singles like "Nevermind" or "Убей меня нежно".

regigigas1505 04-05-2022 01:35

Lena announced a new partner officially

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