Unofficial forum of group TATU

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QueenBee 07-01-2004 21:02

kishkash, LOL. Just a couple o weiners.. *Chats* BAH, I just can't control myself!!!

kishkash 07-01-2004 22:32


kishkash, LOL. Just a couple o weiners.. *Chats* BAH, I just can't control myself!!!
hehe...there's more in the orig. sized pic that u can't quite see in the avy :none:


i like ur flower too :D when i scroll by it too reminds me of the Java Penguin :gigi:

Kate 07-01-2004 22:37

!!!PEOPLE!!! This thread is for nominations ONLY! Please, show some respect. This is the third time I had to ask you guy not to spam. :( I am getting a bit disapointed.

febrika 08-01-2004 03:35

1). Best General Male Perfomance. -- freddie
2). Best General Female Performance. -- Queenbee
3). Best Moderator. -- Forre
4). Most Helpful Member. -- Real_Lesbian
5). Best Avatar. -- Forre
6). Most Unpredictable Member. --
7). Most Addicted to this Forum. -- haku
8). Best Original Nickname. -- upon request: denial.
9). Best Looking Member. --
10). Best Fan Fiction Writer. -- uhaku
11). Most Changed. (after comming to this forum) --
12). Best Statement Maker. -- freddie
13). Most Controversial Member. -- fidget
14). Most Predictable Member. -- TvA
15). Best Member of the Year!! -- denial !!

thats all i can think of now ..

denial 08-01-2004 03:48


Originally posted by febrika
8). Best Original Nickname. -- upon request: denial.
aww..thanks Feb .. finally... :rose: ...after I gave up ..:lalala: LoL


9). Best Looking Member. -- Denial
awwww... you can't be serious !!! *blush*


15). Best Member of the Year!! -- denial !! I'm not .. :o

febrika 08-01-2004 04:46


Originally posted by denial

too serious until i forgot how to type your name
my hands are trembling and so :gigi:

Echoed: Seriously, guys, Kate's asked for people to keep to the topic. So, por favor, keep it to the nominations, people. ^_^' (You're all sexy, have fabulous avatars and fantastic screen names. :kwink: ) *Clears throat.* Back on topic!

Kate 08-01-2004 04:58

Thanks, Echoed. I was about to give up on this thread and the whole awards idea...

Lena410 08-01-2004 18:36

I finally got around to doing this :D and guys whoever tried to make me vote for you, the only way would have been in sending biiig parcels with presents or giving me money :gigi:

1). Best General Male Perfomance. Freddie cause his comments are always worth reading. :p

2). Best General Female Performance. xena225 cause she always has something to say and tries to keep everyone positive

3). Best Moderator. all of them. I couldn't pick one

4). Most Helpful Member. (provided most info/exclusives) I_Love_Yulia all the exclusives she provided us with *sighs*

5). Best Avatar. well this was a tough one. but I decided I'll nominate Queenbee cause I don't remember any avatar she could have had that I didn't like :D

6). Most Unpredictable Member. I_Love_Yulia/Real_Lesbian

7). Most Addicted to this Forum. TLFdk cause she seems to be always online :rose:

8). Best Original Nickname. kishkash I just love your nick. It's great. :p

9). Best Looking Member. (nominees are to provide photos) haku cause he's handsome *winks*

10). Best Fan Fiction Writer. I love most fanfics and think that all of the writers are great but Parrish is the best :coctail:

11). Most Changed. (after comming to this forum)

12). Best Statement Maker.thegurgi for his clever posts

13). Most Controversial Member.Mossopp

14). Most Predictable Member. forre, she always has a lot of information and exlusives for us.

15). Best Member of the Year!! coolasfcuk, there are a lot of reasons.

skye 08-01-2004 19:38


Most Changed. (after comming to this forum)
I Love Yulia has changed a lot but in her way to look Tatu.
<-- Well......why am I NOT on the list :lalala:

kishkash 08-01-2004 23:45


8). Best Original Nickname. kishkash I just love your nick. It's great.
:kwink: i wub ja too babe :gigi:

ypsidan04 09-01-2004 01:46


Originally posted by Lena410
5). Best Avatar. well this was a tough one. but I decided I'll nominate Queenbee cause I don't remember any avatar she could have had that I didn't like :D

9). Best Looking Member. (nominees are to provide photos)

13). Most Controversial Member.

14). Most Predictable Member.

5. How 'bout Haku's old heart avatar? :love:

9. I have a nomination, but I dont wanna say.....yet.

13&14. I have a nomination, but all I'm gonna say is that they both should go to the same person.

forre 09-01-2004 02:26

1). Best General Male Perfomance. - freddie
2). Best General Female Performance. - QueenBee
3). Best Moderator. Echoed
4). Most Helpful Member. (provided most info/exclusives) xena225
5). Best Avatar. QueenBee
6). Most Unpredictable Member. katbeidar
7). Most Addicted to this Forum. sunwalk
8). Best Original Nickname. Darje
9). Best Looking Member. (nominees are to provide photos) -
10). Best Fan Fiction Writer. parrish122
11). Most Changed. (after comming to this forum) I_Love_Yulia
12). Best Statement Maker. spyretto
13). Most Controversial Member. haku
14). Most Predictable Member. xena225
15). Best Member of the Year!! Igor

haku 27-01-2004 01:08

So, what do we do about the awards? The submission should be closed now but the forum crashed.

Do we extend the date, or proceed to the next step? :)

coolasfcuk 27-01-2004 01:15


Originally posted by haku
[b]So, what do we do about the awards? The submission should be closed now but the forum crashed.

Do we extend the date, or proceed to the next step?
well it crashed about 6 days before it was supposed to close, no?
I say give it til the weekend - say Saturday Noon Eastern U.S. time = 19:00 Central European time we close it - I wont be able to count votes til the weekend anyay :hmmm:
how's that sound?

haku 27-01-2004 01:23


Originally posted by coolasfcuk
how's that sound?
That's ok with me. There's always people who wait the last day to post and since the server crashed, they never got the chance, so a few more days sounds good. :)

Unplugged 31-01-2004 16:00

Well people? Are these awards gonna happen or what? :dknow:

Come on, select the nominees and let's start voting! :coctail:

Mossopp 31-01-2004 17:25

Yeah, get a move on! I'm only gonna be here for another few weeks - I wanna vote and see the final results before I leave!! :(

Lena410 31-01-2004 18:43

Yeah we should select the nominees. I completed my nominations, there are only two missing and I won't come up with anyone for that. :D

Silenced Sonix 31-01-2004 19:12

Hah, looks like I am already old news here - although I did see that someone remembered me on the second page...

But... I WILL BE BACK! Whether you like it or not.

transcend 01-02-2004 01:36


Originally posted by Mossopp
Yeah, get a move on! I'm only gonna be here for another few weeks - I wanna vote and see the final results before I leave!! :(
How come? Where are you going?

Mossopp 01-02-2004 20:32


Originally posted by transcend
How come? Where are you going?
I'm moving out of my parents house. I bought a place in Glasgow a few months ago and I'll be moving there soon. My parents are refusing to let me take this computer with me (even though neither of them have any fucking clue how to use it!) and even if I did take it with me I wouldn't be able to afford the costs of internet access.
So I'm afraid to say I'll have to say "goodbye" to tatysite. :(
Hopefully I'll still be able to visit on occasion - I'm sure I can find a nearby library that offers free internet access - but I definately won't be here as often as I am now.

transcend 01-02-2004 20:38


Originally posted by Mossopp
I'm moving out of my parents house. I bought a place in Glasgow a few months ago and I'll be moving there soon. My parents are refusing to let me take this computer with me (even though neither of them have any fucking clue how to use it!) and even if I did take it with me I wouldn't be able to afford the costs of internet access.
So I'm afraid to say I'll have to say "goodbye" to tatysite. :(
Hopefully I'll still be able to visit on occasion - I'm sure I can find a nearby library that offers free internet access - but I definately won't be here as often as I am now.

I'm happy to hear you're moving away to the big city. It could be the start of a whole new life for you ;) .Don't worry, you won't be forgotten!

QueenBee 03-02-2004 00:21

Hey, guys. Just wanna say that I'm counting the votes soon, so if you want to nominate somebody or want to edit your nominations please do it now. :rose:

Kate 03-02-2004 01:43

QueenBee, you are the greatest!! :rose:

russkayatatu 03-02-2004 04:47

I guess I'll vote, if it's still open, since I haven't already :)

Best Male Performance: I have to say freddie
Best Female Performance: there are a lot here, but QueenBee takes it, I think :)
[b]Best Mod: Echoed
Most Helpful Member: sunny poison
Best Avatar: I'm sure there are many great avatars I can't remember at this moment, but I like spyretto's - not so hopeless, I think :p
Most Unpredictable: goku
Most Addicted to the Forum: coolasfcuk
Most Original Nickname: coolasfcuk
Best-looking Member: spyretto judging from the picture of him on his 2nd birthday :heh:
Best Fanfic: one by Me Am Hulk
Most Changed: haku
Best Statement-Maker: forre
Most Controversial: katbeidar
Most Predictable: katbeidar
Best Member of the Year: I'm torn, so many, have to think about this one ;)

QueenBee 03-02-2004 21:00

Okay, I'm going to study now and then I'll count the votes. If I don't have time after studying (sorry) then I'll count the votes tomorrow as soon as I can. :rose:

So if you need to make any changes or haven't nominated someone this is your last chance. :yes:

QueenBee 05-02-2004 22:19

Counting the votes, don't make any changes now!

forre 06-02-2004 13:37

QueenBee, closed the thread to let you count the votes. No changes can be done. Let me know when to open, I'll be around.

haku 08-02-2004 00:43

QueenBee, are you still counting? :spy:

QueenBee 08-02-2004 00:45

haku, yeah.. done soon. :) It's really tiring.. :dead: But fun nontheless. :coctail:

haku 08-02-2004 00:50

QueenBee, thanks for your time and effort, :) for you :rose:

And another :rose: for your 3400th post!

Unplugged 15-02-2004 19:01

Well, is this Award Ceremony ever gonna take place or what? :p

Come on, announce the Nominees and let's start voting! :done:

I already bought my outfit for the red carpet :coctail:


QueenBee 15-02-2004 19:05

staringelf, hahaha! :laugh: They're done soon.. just a couple left.. I'm gonna send them as a PM to Kate so she will announce the winners when she has time. :D

Be patient my love! :gigi:

Outfit? *Remembers she didn't buy outfit* Hmm..

*Goes to count the last votes*

Unplugged 15-02-2004 19:11


she will announce the winners when she has time
Wait a minute! :znaika: :p This thread was just meant to vote for who should be nominated in each category! So, she won't be announcing the winners yet, just the nominees, right? And then when we know the nominees, we'll vote for one specific winner for each category.
By the way - how many nominees will there be in each category? :gigi:

QueenBee 15-02-2004 19:36

staringelf, whaaa? We have already turned this thread into the "voting" thread.. she told me to just announce the person with the most votes for each category. :spy:

Unplugged 15-02-2004 20:00

What? Well, but it was supposed to be nominations only. And then we should choose to vote for one of the nominees in each category. That's how it was supposed to be in the beginning. And after all this is called Nominations Thread... :hmmm:

If you go to page 6, you can tell that people were voting for the ones they want to be nominated, not their definite winners.

QueenBee 15-02-2004 20:07

Ummm... okay... :ithink:

I think we should wait until Kate gets here and find out what's going on... :hmmm:

Mossopp 15-02-2004 20:35

Ahhh, the ol' switcheroo! Classic.
You can't just change the rules halfway through. It was commonly accepted that this thread was for nominations and from here nominees would be chosen and then we vote for the winners.
Not that it matters cos I doubt I'll be here long enough to see the eventual outcome. But it's not fair for those who will cos this awards dealy has been dragged out for ages so we might as well see it through and do it properly.
Tell Kate she's a meanie to change the rules and I'm not playing anymore! :bebebe:

haku 15-02-2004 22:29

I agree with staringelf and Mossopp, this is a nomination thread, not a voting thread! The rules were clear in the first post.

The 5 most nominated people by category were to be chosen for the voting stage.

You can't announce the winners now, that would be totally rigged!

For the next stage, i suggest you create a thread for each category, with a poll, that way no one will have to count the votes. :)

If you don't have the time, i can do it, just send me the 5 most nominated people by category. :rose:

QueenBee 15-02-2004 22:34

*Sighs* Ok! *Goes to count all the nominations all over again* :bebebe:

PS. I don't think Kate will be back.

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