Unofficial forum of group TATU

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forre 16-03-2004 02:42

sunny poison, Not arguing. Of course not. Debating here, as usual.

The problem is - t.A.T.u. is a brand that sells and not Shapovalov. Oh! Both he and Kiper want to stand in the spotlight and receive the awards! Ooooops! It's the artist's job. The producer will always remain in the shadow. Greed and ignorance ruined him. Oh! Maybe he doesn't care. Here we speak about t.A.T.u. and not Shapovalov's future projects. He'll be as successful as Nichya.

Yes, t.A.T.u. showed that Russia "is able" too. Unfortunatelly, it's a one-hit wonder in the West. Nothing more. Next time a Russian artist makes its way to the charts, Western promotors will think twice whether to work with this artist or not. Many companies not only earned money on t.A.T.u. but lost them too. So, it's not about the group at the end, it's about the nation.

Enough politics. We'll follow the girls for a while now and see where we end up. There are a few recorded songs, those will be released for sure. That's good.

la aurora 16-03-2004 02:55

well... Ivan was one of those few producers who managed to put himself in the sportlight... :rolleyes: And it was him who made the brand TATU so well-selling. But it went too far. You are right here... now t.A.T.u costs much more then Ivan and his ideas. TATU is not Ivan anymore. But unfortunately, Ivan is TATU. And he won't be anything else no matter how hard he tries.

As for the effect TATU had on Russian show-biz, well... I don't regret what happened. TATU showed not only western promoters that Russia 'is able', but russian artists too. Now they aren't afraid to try. The situation doesn't look so hopeless anymore. And some producers already said that TATU's success helped them a lot in getting nice contracts. Ivan didn't harm much. It will be enough for other russians to give real garantees and show some will to work to convince western promoters to try one more time. At least now russians can expect some attention.

And yeah, lets wait for new songs and see what happens in the next episode of TATU soap opera. :gigi:

Uf... ok... 5 am... have to get up at 8. Phewww!! Hate it!!
*is off to sleep*

forre 16-03-2004 03:05


Originally posted by sunny poison
well... Ivan was one of those few producers who managed to put himself in the sportlight... :rolleyes:

Uf... ok... 5 am... have to get up at 8. Phewww!! Hate it!!
*is off to sleep*

For what? :ill:

Sweet dreams! :rose:

Lena410 16-03-2004 07:00

thanks sunny poison for clearing that up!
I really enjoy your reports. ^^

RowerB 16-03-2004 07:08

Thanks for your report and your views sunny poison.

freddie 16-03-2004 08:22


Originally posted by sunny poison

As for the effect TATU had on Russian show-biz, well... I don't regret what happened. TATU showed not only western promoters that Russia 'is able', but russian artists too. Now they aren't afraid to try. The situation doesn't look so hopeless anymore. And some producers already said that TATU's success helped them a lot in getting nice contracts. Ivan didn't harm much. It will be enough for other russians to give real garantees and show some will to work to convince western promoters to try one more time. At least now russians can expect some attention.

Some nice effects really, but frankly also some bad ones as well. What will the westerners think about russia's sense for show business, russian arogance, lack of organizing skills, un-professionalism etc. They ceratainly helped in perpetuating a lot of "eastern" stereotypes... all about how people were SUPPOSED to be behind the former iron curtain. And I'm not happy about that at all :|
On the other hand we can't dismiss all the good things of course. But I can't help but wonder what all this could STILL become if it was jsut managed properly. :/

Lena410 16-03-2004 15:17

freddie, I don't think that they themselves were in any way supporting those stereotypes. They didn't behave differently than some of the western stars do. I'm more appalled at seeing how deeply rooted those stereotypes are.
I don't really think that there was a way in which tatu could have behaved without being bashed. That's the thing that makes me sad. :\

and I agree that they still have a chance if they would be managed properly from now on.

coolasfcuk 16-03-2004 18:23


What will the westerners think about russia's sense for show business, russian arogance, lack of organizing skills, un-professionalism etc. They ceratainly helped in perpetuating a lot of "eastern" stereotypes...
What can I say....the sad part is.... usually those things are true... sad... but yeah. There is a reason why some of those Eastern Countries arent getting in the E.U. quite just yet for example (Russia being one of them) and its because.... the stereoptypes are a bit true :none:
arogance, unprofessionalism, lack of skills (still usually), greediness, LAZINESS ... etc...etc... moving slowly toward the change.. but.... still crawling hihi.

Same with t.A.T.u. ... perfect example how those world collapsed - the east ways didnt go too far when it came to the west

Bottom line is - there are still places where people still function with their old mentality of: being lazy, but wanting everything at the same time ..just like THAT.... without wanting to move too many muscles....:laugh: ask me for examples and ill give you LOTS from my country ;)

Mossopp 16-03-2004 19:30

Why has noone considered the idea of Trevor Horn being tATu's new producer? He did contribute heavily to '200KM/H' and, in case anyone is forgetting, it was Horn who produced the girls most sucessful song to date! The production on the English album is far, far superior to that of the Russian debut.
Of course, I think the chances of Horn taking Shap's place full-time are about a million to one but it just strikes me as odd why none of you have mentioned him. :ithink:

Ruivelle 16-03-2004 19:35


Originally posted by nasnedagoniat
[HINT]You don't appreciate what you've got until you don't have it anymore. If you're lucky enough to get it back, you love it more than ever before. - Mass Manipulation Rule #13[/HINT]

... that hint is kinda ...... true .... :none: :eek: :bum: .... anyway , thanks for all the report guys :) .... TATU is still there or not , i'll stick with Yulia and Lena :D :D

Ningyo 17-03-2004 08:12


Originally posted by sunny poison
It was the combination of gimmick, Y&L personalities, fine lyrics and nice arragements that made TATU so popular. Take one part away and the thing just wouldn't work.
Amen! On the few times I've expressed my opinion about Tatu (not here, though), it's always been something like this.

Things could be better or they could be worse, but I'd never be the same.

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