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smilie faces 23-06-2003 01:06

Looove it..!

cravings.. are at ease now :coctail: thanx lena 410

YLuelniaa 23-06-2003 04:28

ahhh your such a tease...i thought for a moment......but nope..


parrish122 25-06-2003 16:46

You already know..
...that I love this chapter. But what the heck, I'll say it again. I love this chapter! :)

And gang? Don't you just love the part where it describes Lena as feeling like a lost child, then Yulia holds her and she feels better? She's even able to *breathe* better, because of it. Great stuff. :)


parrish122 23-07-2003 18:38

You already know how much I enjoy this fic, but I want to say it again. :D

Yay! she's back! And with a new chapter! Woo-hoo!


Lena410 23-07-2003 19:00

I hoped you guys would like the new chapter.. *smile* i hope I can finish the next one soon ;-)

parrish122, thanks! *smile* btw although I told you already: I love your fics *gg*

YLuelniaa 24-07-2003 03:35

awww that was good...i want Yul to open up to Tasha...come on...pwease..i like Tasha she seems cool...

warx 24-07-2003 18:41

hmmmm....i like tasha...:):)
plsss post more...:):)

mir 08-08-2003 22:36

Dear craving crowd!

we are proud to present :

Chapter 11 and 12 !


MIR and LENA410

parrish122 09-08-2003 01:03

Oh yay! *Two* chapters at once!

Great stuff, as always. :)


warx 09-08-2003 01:37

this fic really bites my head off...:):)


YLuelniaa 10-08-2003 19:27

oh man......that was intense

Lena410 31-08-2003 19:53

I've finshed chapter 13...It's up now :) hope you like it! Thanks for the feedback :D

Lena 410

parrish122 01-09-2003 00:56

Yay! She's back! *and* with a chapter!

Great stuff, as always. :)


PoisonousTruth 01-09-2003 01:05

I am so happy that they are talking again.:D

marmalou 05-09-2003 12:14

Love this fanfic, it's just awsome.
Geat job Lena410.

mir 08-09-2003 21:59

Dear craving crowd!

we are proud to present :

Chapter 14 and 15 !


MIR and LENA410 :coctail:

parrish122 09-09-2003 01:05


As always, I love reading your chapters. The interaction between the girls and Lena's dog is just too cute.

Plus I can't wait to see what direction this new character is going to pull the fic in. :)

Great job! :D


Winkie 12-01-2011 21:21

I've also been trying to re-find this fic (and 'when love and need are one') since like forever. Does anyone have a copy saved somewhere? The waybackmachine on the internet didn't work.. Unfortunately..

Why did my old computer have to crash? Why??:(

becksgirl 29-04-2011 17:23

I wish i could read.. i did read the 1st chap.. but since i cant find the rest.. i hope you guys really got a copy.. n meybe send it to me ^^

Winkie 26-05-2011 11:57

I've managed to save a couple of chapters through the wayback machine, but I still miss a lot of them. :( Still no one who saved a copy on his/her computer?

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