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Angelasgf 10-04-2003 20:32

And just for all of you...

Nuxx is the website designer.
Jacqueline (me) is the editor.
And Willow is the you all know...

Hugs, Jacqueline

bgirlnikki 10-04-2003 20:35

You mean 1 point 5, 1.5! That's stil a long time though.
Angelasgf, sorry for the mix-up, my mistake.

nuxx 10-04-2003 20:36


Originally posted by BouBou

Hi Nuxx! Didn't know you had a part in the project too...
I'm doing the website. And the occational input (no not really)... and then I'm a hardcore fan ;)

BouBou 10-04-2003 20:40

Me too!!

Is it Wednesday yet??!!:coctail:

bgirlnikki 10-04-2003 20:43

It's still Thursday. heh heh

YLuelniaa 10-04-2003 20:46

ohhhhh may
thats too long....what ever shall i do with my time.....

At least give Yulia a jacket while she waits...Like Killa Said...

bgirlnikki 10-04-2003 21:06

You could play the game with us.
Or read a book, watch a movie, go on a walk, call some one, sleep, eat, use the bathroom, watch tv, play b-ball.... ect.

YLuelniaa 10-04-2003 21:18

i gotta go to a few..good ole work...

anyways...back to the story...SOMETIME IN THIS LIFE TIME...hehe yes i know WEDNESDAY....but ahhh

KillaQueen 10-04-2003 21:36

*sneaking*... *looks around to see if there's any people paying attention*... *clear*... *squints in the darkness*... *thinks* damn, it's so cold... POOR YULIA!!!... *spots car, Lena and Eva*... *thinks* Bi.. grr... i was just about to call Lena a 'bitch'... WHOOPS, damn, it slipped :D... *looks for Yulia*... aww, poor thing, she's still on her knees freezing in the snow... *walks over to her and hands her a coat*... *hell, takes off all her clothes and covers Yulia with them*... *err, yes, i still left my underwear on* lol... well, that should do until WEDNESDAY!!! *sniff sniff*

P.S. did i forgot to make my way OUT of the whole scene? well, apparently i did... *hugs Yulia - yeah, since i'm THERE, i might as well hug her* ;) *runs away from scene in her underwear only* - DAMN, it's sooo cold!!!

P.P.S. ahem, no i am not crazy. i'm just "going mad" teehee. ok, i am gonna shut up now lol.

bgirlnikki 10-04-2003 21:46

I saw that! Heh heh
You need help. (Joking)

KillaQueen 10-04-2003 22:05

me SO does not need help... me sane gal... sane, i tells ya... umm... do i talk funny?... funny, funny, funny... funny!... err... funny?... *smacks self*... *(&%*$#*#^%$*???..... !%%%^%*%%*)^%%>":>":!!!!!!!!..... *smacks self again*..... there, that's better... what? you wanna know what's 2+2? well, DUH!!! 5, of course :D

Angelasgf 10-04-2003 22:16

lol KillaQueen...

You made me laugh out loud..but at least thanks to you Yulia is covered with a coat now...Thanks!

Bye, Jacqueline (editor Going Mad)

Fanatic 11-04-2003 01:03

i'm a little late but my computer wasn't working. and like always i check if there is something new from willow so the GREAT AMAZING BEST story took my whole sleep time away.
still it was worth it. much more then my styding tomorrow actualy when i wake up in...hmm...3 hours. :rolleyes: yeah...well...:ithink: maby i won't stydy.:) damn you willow :D

goku 11-04-2003 01:06

Yea!!!!!!!! :D

That was nice! :done:

BouBou 11-04-2003 14:07

KillaQueen- You're too funny!!!! My sides hurt from laughing so hard!

Little did we all know that Willow would have us all Going Mad after reading the last chapter! Hmmm...could she have planned this for a self-surge of empowerment? lol It's working!!!:heh:

YLuelniaa 11-04-2003 18:54

u never fail to crack when you gonna share your fanfic?

pacmangirl 12-04-2003 07:38

I think Willow should post more story up soon so that KQ can get her clothes back :) aren't you cold now KQ?? :p

KillaQueen 12-04-2003 23:49

YLuelniaa: my fic should be up sometime next week on Ripp's site. the editor is working on it just now. damn, i am curious what you guys will think :lalala:

pacmangirl: yes, i am so damn cold... which brings me to... Yulia: d-d-d-damn, g-g-g-girl, i w-w-w-want m-m-m-m-my clo-clo-clothes b-b-b-back.... w-w-w-whaaa?... *suddenly she's not cold anymore* you wanna kiss me for being soooooo nice?..... well, damn, ok then!.... LENA, HEY LEEEEEENAAAAAAA!!! YOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!! watch THIS and LEARN!!!!...... *kisses Yulia*.... mmm, this is nice... *SUDDENLY, instead of the warmth sensation, she feels a strange coldness... and pain*.... *a surprising "kung-fu Lena" had drop-kicked her straight in the face*..... weird..... i think i want my clothes back now...... Mommy?? mommy, where are you??? i want my mommy..... *runs away from scene again*

P.S. this is what happens to people who are put under a great amount of stress... hmm... wow, this room with white padded walls is nice... :laugh:

Kouketsuno Rei 13-04-2003 09:52

Kung-fu Lena! :laugh: That's funny, but poor KillaQueen! Ow! Not much of a consolation, but at least you got your clothes back, right? :p

Oh, and I'm looking forward to your fic, too! :D

KillaQueen 13-04-2003 21:10

hey, thanks... will make sure to let you all know when it's uploaded :)

P.S. yeah, i got my clothes back... so Yulia is open for anyone who wants to... ahem warm her... i can't get anywhere near her now because "karate kid Lena" (yes, she got more training over the night! lol) wants to leave her boot print on my other eye too... so... i am just gonna watch from a distance with my healthy eye like this: :bum: :D

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