Unofficial forum of group TATU

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-   Tatu In Podnebesnaya (
-   -   "Tatu in Podnebesnaya". Releases from 31.01.04 and 01.02.04. [aka Eps. 5 & 6] (

haku 02-02-2004 03:28

Well, i'm not surprised that Shap is focusing his attention on Netchaeva now. LOL She's 16 or something. :P

And yep, congrats on your 666th post Kate :D

An appropriate number for the Forum of Doom. :P

And QueenBee, he he, you'd be the first to buy his album! :gigi:
If you contact him, maybe he could make you a star too, you're 14, the right age to start a new project. :rose:

QueenBee 02-02-2004 03:38


Originally posted by haku
Well, i'm not surprised that Shap is focusing his attention on Netchaeva now. LOL She's 16 or something. :P
Hmm I never followed her.. Actually I don't even have any idea of who this girl is.. :ithink: Am I stupid? :gigi:


And yep, congrats on your 666th post Kate :D

An appropiate number for the Forum of Doom. :P

Heheh.. true! Now let's all do the "Dance of doom" together.. *grabs everyone's hand and starts dancing in a circle*


And QueenBee, he he, you'd be the first to buy his album! :gigi:
Yup.. I'd stand in line in the morning waiting until the stores open so that I can get my Shapovalov CD! :love:


If you contact him, maybe he could make you a star too, you're 14, the right age to start a new project. :rose:
Well... I wouldn't mind! :gigi: Wonder what that project would be about? :ithink: I'm up for anything! Well.. almost. :gigi:

Kate 02-02-2004 03:41

QueenBee, haku, thanks. :gigi:

Everyone is denial's faux lesbian lover. I wanna be one, too. Do heterosexuals qualify?

QueenBee 02-02-2004 03:55

katbeidar, of course! I am one afterall.. plus it's just faux lesbianism :kwink:

I am kinda confused by this whole reality show.. not quite sure what's going on anymore.. :ithink: But maybe that's just 'cause I'm such a slow dopehead (erm, not literally :P). :laugh:

Kate 02-02-2004 04:03

QueenBee, how do I apply to become a faux lesbian lover?

This show is not understood by any of us. That's for sure. It's not "reality", it's not "album recording"... what is it?

QueenBee 02-02-2004 04:08

katbeidar, just PM denial.. I'm sure she's gladly appreciate it :gigi:

This RS is.. :ithink: An attempt to stay in the spotlight? At least they have been working a bit.. but there is no way the album can come out in March.. unless..

Kate 02-02-2004 04:11

QueenBee, I think there is no way the album will come out in March, since noy only the song recording is involved. You have to make an album cover, design a promotion... It's not simple... as Forre said, it's impossible to do in so little time.

denial 02-02-2004 04:26

ohhh .. Ivan's recording album!! :dead:

Well .. been listening to his demo mp3 .. I thought those are ..umm.... interesting to listen too.. I think he's very energetic/deep/emotional/enthuismn (sp? :hmmm: ) when it come to songs... the way he sang them... or directing them... :lalala:

QueenBee 02-02-2004 04:34

Well, it won't be out in March, UNLESS they already have recorded all the songs secretly and have kept them in their superduper underground warehouse just to bring them back when we think everything is lost and they will have this huge massive hit and this new kewl image everyone will fall for and they will look stunning and the cash will just fly in and Ivan will be so happy and he will have his psychological interviews again and.. *Faints*

denial 02-02-2004 04:40


I lurked at RS forum with translator .. they already talking about master tape is somewhere save.

Kate 02-02-2004 05:36

denial, master type of what?

Rob 02-02-2004 05:39

Well, would make sense if they had a master-tape.
They could just have fun now presenting us their "show". :D

denial 02-02-2004 05:41

I dont know .. I think its the 'new album' .. more than one people mentioning about it .. kinda weird to me ..

haku 02-02-2004 05:59

I don't think anyone on the RS forum *knows* that the album has already been mastered, but some Russian viewers are like some of us i guess. They think that the RS is staged and that the album is in fact being worked on or even already made.

Like a lot of people said, the RS is a soap opera. In the coming weeks we'll see more "dramatic" events. Ivan and the girls fighting, Yulia sick, Lena wanting to leave, and i trust them to find original twists we didn't even think about... LOL

Celtic Jobber 02-02-2004 06:16

Does anyone have a full report of episodes 5 and 6 (or better yet, videos)?

Thanks :done:

Lux 02-02-2004 07:16

Rob - that would be hilarious though..this "show" being a marketing ploy to promote an already finished album. it's a risky investment, if you ask me. the show can swing people either way [as though they haven't been swayed one way already] :gigi:

Kate 02-02-2004 07:18

Celtic Jobber, unfortunatly, no one posted anything yet... well, apart from what I translated...

denial, never trust people on Russian forums, the only exception is's Russian forum. Russians have a habbit of seeking attention, be "I know it all", "I have insider info". Just ignore them.

Added: I think it is very highly unlikely that Tatu have already recorded the album, and started the show after they did so. But what do I know? Lol.

Lena410 02-02-2004 08:50

I agree with everyone who said that the RS looks staged. I do think that it's likely that they recorded at least a huge part of the album when they recorded Nich'ya. I think that the RS is just a marketing gag to be present in the media's before they release the album. But I could be wrong *shrugs*

denial 02-02-2004 08:58

maybe 'the last song' is Everything is Fine .. and maybe they'll get some song from fans too .. in the chat the way they answer sound comfirm what songs already there ..PD and remix ..and of course Ivan said something about 'professional secret' ..

Kate ..thank you for the advice... :gigi: ..I like your signature .. :kwink: ..for you :rose:

la aurora 02-02-2004 13:23

Oh... ok... sory for the delay... couldn't connect before... and have to admit I DID miss the Saturday episode... But I've seen the Sunday one.

So it began with some guy who looked like Yulia's dad saying that Ivan wants to get as much money from the project as possible and that he doesn't care about girls... and Yulia's health in particular.
Then Ivan was shown in the studio singing some song to Lena. Lol. That was awful... the way he sang. He tried to scream but it sounded funny. After singing was over Lena said: "Volkova said she's not going to scream anymore. Neither am I".
Then Yulia was shown talking to Ivan. And she said Ivan to go to the ass with his stardome sindrome. lol The guy just laughed.

Then there was some information that 1420 songs were sent to TATU in last week only... and still they didn't choose even 1 single song and recording is not going.

Then was some girl... talking about what's going on in TATU camp. She said Eurovision where TATU didn't win was the last drop... that girls are frustrated with Ivan... they grew up and want more now.

Then there was one more subtitle... telling that there's a huge conflict between girls and Ivan. That Y&L just sit in Pekin's hotel cafe, meet guests but refuse to come up to Podnebesnaya and do recording. And Yulia brought Ivan the doctors note that she can't sing for the week at least... the note exactly like one Ivan gave ESC organizers some months ago. Now it was him to face it. lol

As nothing serious is going on in Podnebesnaya, old material about ESC was shown mostly. One of new episedes was Sergey from Smash!! coming to see girls in Pekin hotel. They were talking about Eurovision. Lena said that when she saw the recording, she was in hysterics. lol She found it awful and decided to leave show-business as she has no talent. Girls also said the sound during performance was much worse than during rehearsals. I like the subtitle when Sergey was talking. It said: 'Smash will represent Russia in Instanbul'. Wich makes me wonder what's going on. lol It was exactly Sunday morning when I saw the ESC ad on TV for the first time. It was inviting artists to send their songs to ORT for ESC. The results should be announced around 20 Feb i think... as it was last year. So the selection should only begin. I wonder where Mansky got this exclusive information on who's going to Turkey this year.

Most of the other footage we saw already in documentary and other reports about ESC. Just few new scenes were added. Like Leonid talking that rehearsals should take place and it was plain stupid to refuse. Organizers just needed to fix cameras in his opinion.
What else... hmm... Yulia in the hospital... with doctor saying she had problems with nose and throat... subtitle that she had this problem for half a year already... ESC performance... interview for ORT before voting. With Yulia refusing to do it just coz 'she didn't want' and frustrated ORT journalist saying they put him in the ass this way and going away. Then Yulia changing her mind and both girls running to catch Pelsh (journalist). With him turning back and asking 'what happened? why are u here?' and Lena saying about 'green snow and Volkova changing her opinion' lol Then they were running to the voting zone... 800 meters in 60 secs... frustration every time they weren't getting high points... Yulia saying she won't go to Britan and Germany again ever...
Right after performance Yulia said lena was false only once... everything else was clear... so they didn't put shame on the country and both girls seemed pretty happy that the performance was over...
And sure lots of scenes with journalists were shown... right after performance and later in the cafe. Girls were eating something that looked like apples and were surrounded by guys with cams and mics. Results were known already. But girls were in ok mood. Yulia was even friendly with journalists. She just said: 'oh... u again here' and smiled. 2 hours later everyone was having hard laugh in hotel room. Girls seemed a bit frustrated only when got no points from UK and Ireland and when voting was over... Yulia looked sad when said: 'so... 3rd place'.

Somewhere near the end there was another subtitle: "After the competition Russian side got documentary prove that Ireland gave TATU 12 points. Viewers voices were replaced with voting of jury on the results of watching rehearsals... where only Lena was singing".
Oh... and Katya Nechaeva was shown singing on the background during that rehearsal... so she WAS there.

That's all I can remember, sry :rose:

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