Unofficial forum of group TATU

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Rachel 14-01-2006 01:22

Ok then...*pretends to be able to read you like a book* :rolleyes:

Lux 14-01-2006 01:26

i won't direct this at anyone but, when people state things as assumptions of what queer women think as a whole or even a portion of them, i don't see how that is observation. it's saying what YOU (not you but whoever says it) think they think, without every knowing. i am NOT saying i know, because i know jack shit. but as someone more inclined to be similar to queer women in a few respects, i can relate better. i can maybe even relate more, but in general i can relate better.

Rachel 14-01-2006 01:29

If you're not directing at anyone then you might aswell not say it. *Really doesn't get your post* :bum:

freddie 14-01-2006 01:31


Originally Posted by Lux
his is a thread about social commentary. can we please refrain from genitalia? and please, straight men, stop trying to say what you think you know about what LESBIANS think. that is not commentary because it is not observation. you don't know many lesbians, nor do you frequent bars and LGBT events. don't forget, you are straight males. unless you're transgendered, you've hardly any insight into what lesbians think. so..let's stop right there

This is a discussion forum. We share opinions here. This is not a court. You don't have to be an expert nor have any "insight" on the subject at hand to be granted the opportunity to discuss it. I mean does any one of us REALLY have any serious "insight" on half the topics we rant about? I should think not. That's why we discuss it. Each opinion is unique and represents a different viewpoint on the subject. Why not share it? It's what we're here for.

Lux 14-01-2006 01:33

i dont think it is social commentary when you try to get inside the minds of groups as a whole without much experience or exposure to them. or without even studying them, objectively. for example, i don't try to say what black people think because i know little about them and what they think, and what they've experienced. i can throw numbers around and analyze research and data but that's it. that is all i'm saying. it is not social commentary when people try to get inside the minds of a group they are far and few from and try to assume what they think, without really knowing.

and please. if i directed it at someone i would be 1. banned 2. ridiculed 3. harassed 4. disliked and well, 5. banned.

directing it at someone is no good on this forum, i've been here long enough to have learned that.


Some women are into men in appearance but hate their genitals.
how do you really know this. it's a generalization and what does it really mean? nothing. Offtop:
how did genitalia even come into question? lol
it is probably true, as it is a generalization, but it seems ridiculous.


Some STRAIGHT women don't exactly find a penis appealing.
but they would gladly have it inside them, back in forth, for hours at a time. :rolleyes: it is appealing to them, is it not.


just as some lesbians don't exactly feel aestetically content seeing a vagina (infact I know at least 2 lesbians who're like that).
what kind of lesbians are these? LMAO :none:


You get all sorts. Physical attraction is all a matter of being attracted to the body as a whole, not just that one small part.
it's a complete package. i can't like women and not like the vagina. it's a complete package, is it not? there would be serious problems if people didn't like the genitalia and like the *person. because sex and gender are closely intertwined. although gender goes beyond sex boundaries, they are closely tied.


But men-bashing is not exactly a domain of the lesbians (regardless of what most here said, most lesbians I know get along famously with me and I'm a straight guy).
it sure isn't. i am serious. straight men are good as friends sometimes. i get along better with them sometimes.


I've experienced just as much (if not more) men-bashing from straight women. Cause they're the ones who have to deal with men more closely in a relationship environment.
oy. that sucks...coming from straight women. :bum:

freddie 14-01-2006 01:38

I don't think Amber was trying to get inside the minds of groups of people. I think he just expressed his opinion on the matter. Maybe in a contraversial but still non-offensive way. If we start going down that road no one willl be free to say ANYTHING anymore without brushing the thin line of political correctness. Chill out a bit. You can still express and explain your counter-opinions, proving him wrong, if you so please.

Lux 14-01-2006 01:42

i thought you were doing it, not amber. but again, *thought = past tense. lets *try* to have a debate instead of a heated mess.

coolasfcuk 14-01-2006 01:43


Originally Posted by freddie
This is a discussion forum. We share opinions here. This is not a court. You don't have to be an expert nor have any "insight" on the subject at hand to be granted the opportunity to discuss it. I mean does any one of us REALLY have any serious "insight" on half the topics we rant about? I should think not. That's why we discuss it. Each opinion is unique and represents a different viewpoint on the subject. Why not share it? It's what we're here for.

:D Bravo! I dont need to say anymore, except, I am also 'queer woman', lux, but your post of asking straight males not to participate in the discussion is nothing less than ridiculous! No one is an expert here, like freds said, besides, Amber for example might be MORE queer woman than you anyway! how do you know that he isnt? what is a queer woman anyway? It's not black or white, there are SOOOOOOOOOO many shades of GRAY! :rolleyes:

Lux 14-01-2006 01:47

1. i didn't ask.
2. it just annoyed me, a tiny bit, tiny. tiny is key here but i am over it.
3. see what i mean? i didn't ask it, and if it is interpreted as such, oh well. but that was not the point of it. and certainly not the reason behind it.

freddie 14-01-2006 02:21


Originally Posted by Lux
i thought you were doing it, not amber. but again, *thought = past tense. lets *try* to have a debate instead of a heated mess.

Splendid idea. For this reason I won't reply to your post disecting my statements. If you want an answer/explanation to those I'll gladly send you a PM. Case closed.

So... social commentary... more insights anyone? :D

PowerPuff Grrl 14-01-2006 04:26

Can we still talk about genitalia?... I'd really like that.

Amber's a dude?
I'm so sorry, I had no idea!

Kappa 14-01-2006 04:33

Wow, I could smell the bullshit in this thread all the way from Livejournal. :spy:

Lux 14-01-2006 10:09

in the scene here at nyc, i give up. i give up cause there is no point whatsoever. and if you want a good time here in the city hit me up but it is a waste of fucking time.

coolasfcuk 14-01-2006 10:23


Originally Posted by Lux
in the scene here at nyc, i give up. i give up cause there is no point whatsoever. and if you want a good time here in the city hit me up but it is a waste of fucking time.

:blabla: you're full of shit! YEah I am drunk, so warn, me! I am sorry, lux, but you gotta more uP! its not a waste of time... and when you're erady for it, itsw FUN!


Lux 14-01-2006 10:40

1. i like girls who are girls, not girls who look like guys/arefat/chubby/weirdlooking
2. there aren't many girls like that who are OUT int he scene here
3. so i am not the one full of shit because ppl here have seen the scene in LA and there are far more pretty girls there than here.

this belongs in the daily troubles thread:hmmm:

freddie 14-01-2006 10:49

Wait... are you talking about the same NYC? A bustling metropolis with over 21 million people? I'm sorry but eventhough I have no insight on the matter something tells me there really ought to be some drop dead gorgeous lesbians/bisexuals in the mix there.

Lux 14-01-2006 11:10


Originally Posted by freddie
Wait... are you talking about the same NYC? A bustling metropolis with over 21 million people? I'm sorry but eventhough I have no insight on the matter something tells me there really ought to be some drop dead gorgeous lesbians/bisexuals in the mix there.

1. nyc population - 8.2 million
2. there aren't because girls are not OUT. i mean, the ones who show up in the lesbian scene are fully comfortable and open. many, many girls aren't. i mean, most girls aren't. the ones who are out are aware, and gayer than gay.
3. there aren't drop dead gorgeous lesbian or bi girls
4. the percentage of decent girls i.e. non butch/mannish/old/fat/weird is small. like 25% on a good night, usually less.
5. i know a few promoters in the scene, who throw lesbian parties and have been around for years. they know everything to everything. and i've partied with them nearly every day for the past week. trust me. there isn't much. mostly because girls aren't OUT like guys are out. and they shouldn't be..but that's another story.

catmincenz 14-01-2006 12:37

/me is confused :o

Rachel 14-01-2006 12:37

You're not the only one :bum:

freddie 14-01-2006 13:41

Same here...

There aren't any nice looking girls because none of them are out? All the good-looking lesbians are in the closet? Or what are you saying?

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