Unofficial forum of group TATU

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thegurgi 15-02-2004 22:51


, I won't be on as much either
nooo Kat Kat! You can't leave us!


Rob 15-02-2004 23:25


Originally posted by haku
I said the same thing about Manski precisely filming Lena when she fainted. People told me at the time that Manski (and other people with cameras) were around the girls all the time, so it was only normal they didn't miss anything. *shrugs* I don't know.
I don't have a clue whether what we see is "real" or not but I see a difference in these 2 examples as in Tokyo we had an important event, lots of journalist and cameras, no surprsie Manskii was there in order to film as the 2 Tokyo-Dome concerts wer a huge happening for tATu.
But Manskii being there the moment when Ivan rings in order to talk about the "split"-note comes across a bit odd, at least to me. Besides I don't know if this was really the day Ivan received the note and I don't quite get the locations.
Might be helpful or not to see the stuff with own eyes. :rolleyes:

haku 15-02-2004 23:37

Well, Manski knew when Y&L's lawyer was going to give notice to Ivan about the break of contract, from there it was easy for him to guess that Ivan was going to call Yulia and Lena right away (i'm assuming they were using mobile phones, but who's using wired phones anymore lol), so all he had to do is have a camera with each girl at the time Ivan got the paper.
Besides, i think Yulia and Lena are working with Manski on this, so Manski knows where to be to get the good stuff.

QueenBee 15-02-2004 23:38

<- Is becoming even more paranoid than last time.

And confused.

MassMedia 16-02-2004 03:43


Originally posted by xena225
[b]Does it strike anybody else as weird that Manski was around at exactly the right moment to film the girls' reactions to Ivan's phone calls? Not only in Yulia's apartment, but apparently also in Lena's? Seems like a REAL big coincidence to me. I'm not saying it's not possible, but it's a really strange coincidence, no?
thats what i was thinking.... is mansky really around the girls more than ivan? could he be filming without his knowledge? ofcourse why would ivan allow that?

Rob 16-02-2004 03:53


Originally posted by haku
Well, Manski knew when Y&L's lawyer was going to give notice to Ivan about the break of contract, from there it was easy for him to guess that Ivan was going to call Yulia and Lena right away ...
Hm, we're all speculating, but I would have suggested that he calls his lawyer or the lawyer of Neformat in such a moment. :none:

simon 16-02-2004 04:13

There are three theories:

1. Reality is simply unfolding. Anyone who thinks that's how reality tv works needs to get real.

2. The entire thing is a set-up between Ivan, the tatushki and Mansky. Possible.

3. Mansky and STS hijacked the show from Ivan. Mansky is now in league with Y&L (who have woken up and smelt the coffee about Ivan's management skills) and has got their cooperation by offering to line up some very impressive producer to work with them next. Also possible.

I think Ivan has lost control. Why? Because Elena Kipper is on the show! If Ivan was in control of the situation he wouldn't have let Elena appear telling her side of the story. I think Mansky and STS are directing the situation. Yulia and Lena aren't Ivan's pawns any more - I suspect they're Mansky's!

Rob 16-02-2004 04:49

Hm, Kiper getting screen-time was odd, yes, but if it's true that Ivan and her still got contact, then it's not that surprising anymore.

denial 16-02-2004 04:57


Originally posted by kishkash
Even if he picks himself up again and decides to produce more crappy songs (have u heard the stuff he's been producing lately?) ...
You mean Ne Ver Ne Boisia Ne Prosi and Nich'ya ?

Kate .. I hope you not leaving us. Please don't .. for you :rose:

Rob 16-02-2004 05:04

Sorry, but both NVNB and Nich'ya are great songs.

Kate 16-02-2004 05:10

I'm not leaving-leaving, I'm just not gonna post as much.

Rob, NVNBNP and Nichya are not good enough songs to be hits like ATTSS. And who's stating his opinion as fact now? :rolleyes:

thegurgi 16-02-2004 05:18

i beg to differ Kate about NVNB and Nich'ya, I really do.

But i'll let you keep your opinion....

But, The Squirrel Song and that other one about "Invalid People" ... well, i'd agree fully... even though i haven't heard them

denial 16-02-2004 05:21

kate, they don't need hits like ATTSS... they already have fan base.

dollparts3000 16-02-2004 06:26

I really like Nich'ya
I don't really like NVNB

I don't think those songs compare to NND YSSU !! But Nichya is pretty good!

RowerB 16-02-2004 07:17


Originally posted by katbeidar
NVNBNP and Nichya are not good enough songs to be hits like ATTSS
It would be hard to repeat a song as catchy and as meaningful as ATTSS, but I can listen to NVNBNP on repeat and never tire of it. For me it is the best song of all, ever, even though it’s in a foreign language.

I’ve not been posting on this board long, but I’ve come to think of it as my primary source of tatu news, largely due to your translations katbeidar. I hope the translation wars don’t put you off altogether.

MassMedia 16-02-2004 07:34

i dig both songs. and i like Prostie Dvi better than YSSU

Kate 16-02-2004 08:59


translation wars
Nicely put, RowerB. :gigi:

freddie 16-02-2004 09:10

Translation wars are stupid. Who CARES anyway?! I mean why are you doing the translating? For the fans right? So what if other fans get to read it?! It won't be any less yours. Besides, translations are not intelectual property since it's just a remake of something that was posted in the original langauge.

denial 16-02-2004 09:28

I have a strange thought about this:

If all that happened in RS is REAL: .. What Ivan did since after the cancelation of UK concert seems to me like self-destructive act.

and this:

1) He doesn't want to sign a contract with Universal or any other records company to sell the albums.
2) He doesn't norificate the girls regularly about their earning, and doesn't pay them regularly either.
"Regularly" == How regular? So the girls did get paid.

Why Ivan did what he did ..?
We all know the songs are good. (PD, NVNB and Nich'ya)


Originally posted by Rob
Hm, Kiper getting screen-time was odd, yes, but if it's true that Ivan and her still got contact, then it's not that surprising anymore.
I think Lena Kiper is that extraordinary woman... does she worth all these to Ivan? Love can be strange sometimes..


Happy belated Valentine's day !! :rose: ..LoL

haku 16-02-2004 09:35


Originally posted by freddie
why are you doing the translating? For the fans right? So what if other fans get to read it?! It won't be any less yours.
It's one thing to see your translations copied somewhere else, and another thing to see your work systematically ridiculed on another forum. I can understand that katbeidar got tired to see people say that her translations were not good, biased, and manipulated to make Tatu look bad. If her translations were *that* bad, why were people copying them in the first place?
And if someone does not agree with a translation, the best approach is to write another complete version, instead of pointing out line by line the "misinterpretations" in someone else's work and appear like a "teacher" correcting a "child".

And of course that person from another Russian site copying Tatysite's articles without giving proper credit was probably the final straw.

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