Unofficial forum of group TATU

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-   -   The Contest goes on! - Send t.A.T.u. a song ... (

dollparts3000 02-02-2004 17:19

Hello :) I have a question. Do you know for sure that Ivan won't give the song writer's credit? I think he will because there is proof that the song writer wrote the song (i.e. the tv show) He's taking away the rights and owning the rights of the song but as long as the artist get's credit, that's a good thing.

I understand your point of view where you say it is not right for Ivan "exploiting" the artists by forcing them to waive the rights to their songs just to get published and you may be right. However, I think differently. Ivan does not have to give any fan the chance of writing lyrics for t.a.t.u He does not need to get lyrics by means of a contest. If he really wanted to, I'm sure he could find other song writers that would work for peanuts, even with his reputation. Things are different in Russia. People will work for cheap. Ivan is creating this contest in order to get fan participation. Half the songs that are contributed aren't very good. He is spending money and time reviewing them. He is spending money and time fixing them up. If he had a professional writer working on the songs, he would have way less problems. It would make his job easier to hire a professional writer who would work for cheap (and be paid up front).

Also, most songwriters do not make one hit wonders that are sung for many generations or remade. This is a chance to make a hit. Every song writer can write a song but how many get the chance to write a song for one of the most popular and scandalous groups to come out in years? Most people do not have this chance. It's just one song. What else would you be doing? If you don't want them to use your song, don't send it in but there are thousands of people who don't care about "signing over their rights" because they realize that it is a great opportunity (ofcourse some are just obsessed fans who will do anything for tatu).

I agree with you that the fans that are being exploited are the extremely obsessed ones who will do anything for tatu but there are fans that are not exploited who have thought about the whole process rationally and come to the conclusion that it is a promissing opportunity.

BTW, I'm sure when Ivan actually decides to use a song, there will be a contract. Somebody should post the contract online. I also have one question, are many people that naive to think that they will profit from the song? If Ivan is deliberately misleading people into thinking that they will profit, I think that is wrong. But if he clearly states that the writer will only recieve credit, a t-shirt etc. than I don't think that is wrong. Misleading people is always wrong.

If people are willing participants (not obsessed fans who will do anything for tatu) and they realize that they will not profit, then it's not an issue of right or wrong or exploitation. It's like having a volunteer. Many filmmakers volunteer their services for feature films for free. They work 10 hour days for free. I realize this case is different because the volunteer is contributing a creative element. People also invest thousands of dollars into student films and do not profit. They often to this in order to have something to show to investors. (I don't think it's too smart but people do it)

itsme22 02-02-2004 21:54

Someone should e-mail them or something and ask if they'll be credited if their song is chosen?

BTW, will they only be picking one song?

nasnedagoniat 02-02-2004 22:53

I see now on the Skyroom website, it says that the winner(s) will actually recieve a fee and world recognition. It states this at the bottom of the page where you go to send an mp3.

dollparts3000 03-02-2004 05:28

Cool! Well that is fair. I don't know why people are complaining if Ivan is paying them and giving them world recognition. Sounds pretty sweet. Sorry if I wrote so much above!

denial 03-02-2004 07:01


Originally posted by Rivendell
It`s the same song - Masturbirovala i konchala. You can find it on Alerg`s FTP.
But this one is also very similar to the 2. track - Sex on the album Duet-Taty. Actually there are some more cool remixes. Listen here:

Thank you Rivendell :rose: .. yes its the same song in track 2. But its longer ...

denial 03-02-2004 07:03

Re: hey

Originally posted by dollparts3000
Cool! Well that is fair. I don't know why people are complaining if Ivan is paying them and giving them world recognition. Sounds pretty sweet. Sorry if I wrote so much above!
*points at Katbeidar* :none:

forre 03-02-2004 17:21

One story made me think that the Contest will be for the moscovities only. Here is the story:

One of my acquaintances used to send poetry and music for different t.A.T.u. related competitions but never got a prise. This person is not from Moscow. Once this person wrote a Moscow address and won a cometition at once. Even a meeting with t.A.T.u. and a cellular phone. This time it was the case with Podnebesnaya. A man called this person to tell that the texts were great and that the person was welcome to come to the Pekin Hotel to show the music. The person specified a Moscow address again this time and got a jack-pot.

So, it's probably easier for the management to deal with people if they can be met personally and at once. That's why from Moscow. It was just one of my thoughts.

QueenBee 03-02-2004 19:00

Bye, guys. *Moves to Moscow*.

That's interesting forre. :rose: And pretty unfair too...

coolasfcuk 03-02-2004 19:06


Originally posted by forre
So, it's probably easier for the management to deal with people if they can be met personally and at once. That's why from Moscow. It was just one of my thoughts.
Well, I never believed they would pick for winners anyone that was even outside of Russia ... that's why I never even try submitting anything... besides the fact that i am lazy too :gigi: I never envisioned them flying me to a concert out of midwest USA :laugh: or to meet them for a little hello.... But it always sounded to me like those things were targeted towards the russian crowd.. and even Moscow crowd sounds more convincing... in fact I am surprised that they really pick winners and so on, wihch is great of course, for those who are in Russia and Moscow :coctail:

*starts writing down a list of Moskvichi i know.... for future reference, if I decided to actualy submit use their address... like a great gossip for example....have been considering submitting that* ha ha

QueenBee 03-02-2004 19:13

Well, now that you mention it.. :ithink: Was there some kind of a message directed to the English fans aswell? Because the reality show is only shown in Russia.. So.. umm.. sounds kinda weird.

coolasfcuk 03-02-2004 19:35


Originally posted by QueenBee
Well, now that you mention it.. :ithink: Was there some kind of a message directed to the English fans aswell? Because the reality show is only shown in Russia.. So.. umm.. sounds kinda weird.
well Queenski, I think there was something in English :spy: .. but actually i was talking about other contests.... like that submit a video with emotions, etc.....or send a pic in school unifor and you could've gone with tatu to their London gig... :laugh: .. well, there was no gig at the end, but still.... and i remember it said it only in russian, and it actually said that you would 'fly on the plane with tatu' ... which automaticaly made it sound like you gotta take off with them from Moscow... which right away made me thinks it is for russians, and i guess mainly Moscow people :gigi:

cirrus 03-02-2004 20:49


like that submit a video with emotions, etc.....or send a pic in school unifor and you could've gone with tatu to their London gig...
send emotions video for Show Me Love contest... no SML video

send uniform pics for London gigs... no London gigs

send songs for 2nd album... MWAHAHAHA :smoke:

I hope Tatu aren't that predictable. It seems they're only focusing on Russia, so everyone else gets ignored for the time being. But what would happen if you gave a Moscow address, and they picked you?

haku 04-02-2004 18:17

20 more demo songs have been added:

dollparts3000 05-02-2004 01:30

My new favourite is:

QueenBee 05-02-2004 01:48

OMG... I will NEVER have time to download all of these songs..!

irish22 08-02-2004 05:30

ok sorry to bother you forre but i may be having a brain died day but let me see if i get this right i send the lryics by email to then i go to and fill out the form there for the mp3 is that right. Also can someone send in more then one entry. and if no mp3 available just email the lyrics?


forre 08-02-2004 10:55

irish22, Yep, e-mail the lyrics to, and upload MP3 using the form under. Try several entries, I didn't see any limitations there.

haku 10-02-2004 00:32

A 7th pack of songs has been added:

Since the album seems to be already recorded, why are they asking people to send songs? That doesn't make sense. :spy:

Kate 10-02-2004 00:34

Does the album track list actually contain any songs sent in by fans?


denial 10-02-2004 01:47


Originally posted by haku
A 7th pack of songs has been added:

Since the album seems to be already recorded, why are they asking people to send songs? That doesn't make sense. :spy:

For the NEXT album after the release of this album Haku ...or maybe they want to have special edition Fan songs album .. why not .. da.. everything is fine :coctail:

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