Unofficial forum of group TATU

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Echoed 07-04-2003 08:07

The heart is the most vital organ of the body. It is the mechanism that pumps blood throughout the arteries, assuring that all tissues receive the necessary nutrients to sustain life. However, a heart may be irreversibly damaged by long-lasting heart disease or viral infection. People with long-term heart failure, heart muscle disease, or other irreversible heart injury that cannot be treated by any other medical or surgical means may have to resort to cardiac transplantation.

When the heart can no longer adequately work and a person is at risk of dying, a heart transplant may be in order.

^_~ ...I think I just busted a meninge in my brain typing that up. Lol.

If people laughed at you, would you take it to heart? Or would you just laugh with them (at yourself)? Lol.


skrtfntcwu 07-04-2003 08:10

depends really. if it's a person i don't know, they will get an assualt of insults back (teehee). if it's a person i know and it was just between us, i'd laugh along if it was rightly funny.

so now that i've been smoking since 14 (and i'm 20 now), i won't get heart disease? you're my doc!

Echoed 07-04-2003 08:14

You wouldn't really be as susceptible to heart disease as to lung cancer. ;P Lol.

What's your poison? ^.^ (Other than smoking. *Bad pun alert.* :P)


skrtfntcwu 07-04-2003 08:19

well, i've never had a drink, and i was never inclined to. been offered class-A mary jane but i've passed on that with no regret as well. my poison... hmm.. does loud music while driving fast count? teehee. OH! my poison of choice is definatly the 'high' i get whenever i recieve my money in the account :)

Perhaps we should both go do what we both do best. You-stay up, Me- sleep. Agreed? ehhehehehehhe

Echoed 07-04-2003 08:22

Lol. Broke a rule! (No specific questions to specific members.) *Grins.*
But, yes. Agreed. ^_^ Sleep! Okaaay. Question for more people. Lol.

What song would you consider to be your life's theme?


bgirlnikki 07-04-2003 17:03

Prison Song

Question: where is your fav place to be/go?

Ranko 07-04-2003 17:30

Answer: I'm most comfortable when i'm at my room. So that should be it i guess.

Question: Name one computer protocol. (i.e. "language"l that the computers use to "talk" to each other)

bgirlnikki 07-04-2003 17:55

Answer: Not sure but C+

Question: When did you realize this world was bull ....?

QueenBee 07-04-2003 18:41

Answer: When I was BORN! hahaha no just kidding :lalala: About 2 years ago when I got depressed and did some really bad stuff... :lalala:

Question: If you got a million dollars but couldn't spend it on yourself (darnit, no? ^_^) what/who would you spend it on and why?

bgirlnikki 07-04-2003 18:49

Man. I can't spend it on myself!
Well, then I would give it to a childrens hospital or a reaserch program.

Question: Did OJ do it?

PowerPuff Grrl 07-04-2003 19:12

Oh, hell yes!

Name a stereotype you hate the most.

bgirlnikki 07-04-2003 19:24

Asians TAKE peoples jobs.

Question: Where is Waldo?

luxxi 07-04-2003 19:35

Waldo is hanging out with OBL.

If a tree falls and nobody hears it , do other trees point at him and laugh?

Echoed 07-04-2003 19:49

Damn straight!

Do you follow the same deity as myself? Deity Sloth, cousin of Lord Procrastination?


bgirlnikki 07-04-2003 19:52


Question: Are you human?

mir 07-04-2003 20:16

sure I am, at least i consider my self to be one..

if you could turn back time to which point would you go?

bgirlnikki 07-04-2003 20:23

The Hellenistic Era!

Question: What's it like to be you? ..... 10 words or less.

rosh 07-04-2003 20:35

C/C++/C# is/are [a] programming languages[s] not a protocol. the answer for that one would be tcp/ip amongst others [pardon me for being a pedant :P

answer : enjoyable but childish and mature at the same time :)

question : who is sexier, wilma or betty [from the flintstones]

bgirlnikki 07-04-2003 20:39

Rosh messed up, but whatever..

Question: Which do you say more? Yes or No?

coolasfcuk 07-04-2003 20:40

Yes ! I think....


What is your favourite place in the world?

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