Unofficial forum of group TATU

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RowerB 30-03-2009 19:15

I reckon there is a distinct similarity between some Lena fans and your average Tottenham Hotspur fan. Anyone agrees with me?

Argos 30-03-2009 20:25


Originally Posted by RowerB (Post 382415)
I reckon there is a distinct similarity between some Lena fans and your average Tottenham Hotspur fan. Anyone agrees with me?

....aaand how would you describe an average Spurs fan (for people outside the island)?

Starrgurl 30-03-2009 21:04


Originally Posted by MalchikGeiBrand (Post 382292)
There's a Y&I remix which has her yells, and I thought they should have kept them in the original song.

Do you have a link to this remix?

FiorE 30-03-2009 21:42


Originally Posted by Edgar (Post 382408)
Right now You don't know if She already has people work for her :). ohhhh I'm so sorry I've forgot that You know all about Yulia, You're even watching what She's doing right now on your dreams, Aren't you? :rolleyes:

No thanks, eww I rather to wake up!, I guess that one it`s you that knows every single detail, right;) you already said that she has found her people! woowww You are so informated :blabla: Congratulations!


Thank to Not gonna get us and All the things she said, t.A.T.u. has been here for you and me since 10 years ago ;)
well for me they have been here all that time but for much more than 2 songs ;)


Originally Posted by Edgar (Post 382408)
I'm not saying that Lena will have a label by t.A.T.u. if You know that management didn't get a label for t.A.T.u., Why do You think that They will get it for Lena? ...... So they're dreams what you have, not mine :rolleyes:

did I claim that? you`re the master when it comes to interpretations, I said if management will want a label for her, I was assuming or trying to say if they will do it in that way or in the other not that I was 100% sure that rensky will sign her to a huge label for a multimillionare contract, get it!, sice when speculation is a bad thing!

RowerB 30-03-2009 22:40


Originally Posted by Argos (Post 382417)

....aaand how would you describe an average Spurs fan (for people outside the island)?

He is always going round telling people that his little team is better than it’s mighty north London neighbours, knowing full well they never will be.
When under pressure he will talk quicker and quicker and his voice will go higher and higher until he’s only audible to dogs.

Edgar 30-03-2009 22:54


Originally Posted by FiorE (Post 382426)
No thanks, eww I rather to wake up!, I guess that one it`s you that knows every single detail, right;) you already said that she has found her people! woowww You are so informated :blabla: Congratulations!

Quote me
I've never said it, I just said "hey how do you know it?" Because You're 100% sure that right now She don't have people to work for her and you can't know it anymore, So I think that you're just trying to be a stupid :), Baby Would you stop to make stupid posts?, If you're not enough smart to understand all things what I said or you don't have one opinion anymore, you just shut up


Originally Posted by FiorE (Post 382426)

well for me they have been here all that time but for much more than 2 songs ;)

their frist album was a success and thank to two songs .......... They got enough money to keep going on .....


Originally Posted by FiorE (Post 382426)
did I claim that? you`re the master when it comes to interpretations, I said if management will want a label for her, I was assuming or trying to say if they will do it in that way or in the other not that I was 100% sure that rensky will sign her to a huge label for a multimillionare contract, get it!, sice when speculation is a bad thing!


yeh for LENA, but the difference to the other girls is that at least lena tasted the success with tAtu already,

I'm not saying that Lena will have a label by t.A.T.u.
When you know that it's so hard to be true ....... And when You're enough blind by Your emotions :rolleyes:

i'm so sorry if you won't understand my post

FiorE 01-04-2009 22:28


Originally Posted by RowerB (Post 382428)
He is always going round telling people that his little team is better than it’s mighty north London neighbours, knowing full well they never will be.
When under pressure he will talk quicker and quicker and his voice will go higher and higher until he’s only audible to dogs.

:rolleyes: I guess your BIG team the one that you put all your hope is only big for your BIG mouth! and you BLIND eyes! BTW RowerB , YULIA IS GREAT!!! :coctail: :lol:

I s something wrong with the forum I did post a reply two days ago and right now I dont see my post so far.

Argos: No, ebverything ok, I just deleted offtopicness, use of Spanish language and insulting another member under this weak 'camouflage'.

SoporAeternus 02-04-2009 01:53

i love both girl!

Millie 02-04-2009 13:02


Originally Posted by Edgar (Post 382429)
their frist album was a success and thank to two songs .......... They got enough money to keep going on .....

Wrong-o. Thanks to some horrible contracts, swindling by nearly every other involved party, and Yulia having to pay the then-management for the concert cancellations and 'general absence' of the group, PLUS lost revenue, caused by her taking medical leave for the fucking cyst in her throat that HE (you know who) was responsible for- the only thing the first album got the girls was enough of a ($$$) reputation to renegotiate a new contract on their own, and a hard lesson about trusting people in showbiz.

EDIT: Why do people think the old management was so much better? It was like a circus- everyone had their pompous 'look at me!' freakshow ego with the girls being told, basically unpaid, what angle to have their heads at during each song, and exactly what to say (though never why.) Do we forget Lena passing out during a press conference, and the corresponding video of her candidly saying that she doesn't have enough money to eat? Do we forget the old The one with newsflashes that the girls were getting married, or looking for threesome partners? Do we forget that there was a reality show chronicling the recording of their second album, which was SUPPOSED to end on its' release day, which totally degenerated into a montage of Shapovalov's new protegés, and occasional cameos of the girls wondering why the hell they weren't recording anything? Is THAT what everyone wishes this management was doing?

WHY does everyone look back at those times with rose-colored glasses? Because they were kissing? As far as I'm concerned, this is a fantastic opportunity for the girls to finally do what they want to. No labels to suck up to, no movies for publicity... I couldn't be more excited.

openwithnotepad 02-04-2009 20:56


Originally Posted by Millie (Post 382557)
Wrong-o. Thanks to some horrible contracts, swindling by nearly every other involved party, and Yulia having to pay the then-management for the concert cancellations and 'general absence' of the group, PLUS lost revenue, caused by her taking medical leave for the fucking cyst in her throat that HE (you know who) was responsible for- the only thing the first album got the girls was enough of a ($$$) reputation to renegotiate a new contract on their own, and a hard lesson about trusting people in showbiz.

EDIT: Why do people think the old management was so much better? It was like a circus- everyone had their pompous 'look at me!' freakshow ego with the girls being told, basically unpaid, what angle to have their heads at during each song, and exactly what to say (though never why.) Do we forget Lena passing out during a press conference, and the corresponding video of her candidly saying that she doesn't have enough money to eat? Do we forget the old The one with newsflashes that the girls were getting married, or looking for threesome partners? Do we forget that there was a reality show chronicling the recording of their second album, which was SUPPOSED to end on its' release day, which totally degenerated into a montage of Shapovalov's new protegés, and occasional cameos of the girls wondering why the hell they weren't recording anything? Is THAT what everyone wishes this management was doing?

WHY does everyone look back at those times with rose-colored glasses? Because they were kissing? As far as I'm concerned, this is a fantastic opportunity for the girls to finally do what they want to. No labels to suck up to, no movies for publicity... I couldn't be more excited.

I agree with your points but people liked the old management because that's when tatu was good. They aren't bad, but they aren't at their first Russian/English album glory. I think a lot of people dislike the new management because they don't sound the same.

I'm glad they don't have that garbage they went through anymore, I was tired of hearing stupid stuff about getting married together and stuff but at that time they were at least in the public's mind and could use that to sell more records and keep on going.

Airheadap 06-04-2009 06:10


Originally Posted by Millie;382557/
WHY does everyone look back at those times with rose-colored glasses? Because they were kissing? As far as I'm concerned, this is a fantastic opportunity for the girls to finally do what they want to. No labels to suck up to, no movies for publicity... I couldn't be more excited.

You hit the nail on the head, here. While the (arguably) most popular/avant garde/influential music of tatu's carrier came during Ivan's days, do we not remember the ridiculousness of him and the buffoons who mascaraeded as a management team? They desperately bragged and/or spread rumors about the group's supposed break ups, pregnancy threats, non-lesbianism, lesbianism, vacations, political ties, any pretty much any other insignificant, unverifiable issue imaginable, just for attention, often on the official web site. At least with this new management, the group releases real news updates instead of pure gossip... although the "insider" cloak doesn't help.
I think this will be a positive step in both girls' lives. They seemed divergent ever since Ivan stopped forcing their intimacy, ~'04-'05. In all honesty, some of my favorite songs of Tatu's were recorded without the influence of a shouting Yulia. The sublime sound of Lena captivates my ears on "You," "I know (down)," "Pavaroty i Padyenya/Turning and Falling," "Divine," and "All my Love/Vsya moya Lyubov." Finally she will be able to spread her wings and take flight.

Good luck to Yulia too, en tout cas.

crazy malchik 06-04-2009 10:12 ? :confused: Is this the site?

Millie 06-04-2009 18:00

I guess I'm just crazy- I think Dvesti po Vstrechnoi was a convoluted mess with a couple of hidden gems, leaving 200 km/h to put the pieces back together. Happy Smiles has been their best album, as far as I'm concerned... or atleast the most honest.

Let's just be honest. The t.A.T.u. that most fans were into is gone... in fact, it never really existed. It had so little to do with the girls that the phrase 't.A.T.u. is Julia and Lena' always made me laugh out loud.

Don't like Happy Smiles? Aren't excited about the solo projects? Go listen to 200 km/h again, or fish out some old Helya mp3s.

AshMcAuliffe 06-04-2009 18:21

I hope Lena's vocals are as strong in her solo work as they were on Dangerous and Moving... i'm sure they will be :)

Argos 06-04-2009 19:24


Originally Posted by crazy malchik (Post 382703) ? :confused: Is this the site?

No. Her homepage will be on R&K company's server. This isn't (Oklahoma City - somewhere in USA...:rolleyes: ).
Obviously somebody acquired the domain in the hope that Renskij will pay a big sum for it - poor idiot, he doesn't know Boris the Piggybank.

Joopy 07-04-2009 18:02

I'm so excited about this project. I hope they provide us with demo samples and photos to keep us interested. When the Beliy Plaschik demo was released everybody went crazy happy. Gotta feed the hungry, that's the way it is. :cool:

taturocks8 14-04-2009 14:53

I'm excited too . :D Hopefully in the next 3 months we get to hear a Demo ;)

Angelito 21-04-2009 17:54

Лена Катина 14 апреля 2009


Thank you Alex Taylor ( forum)

Translation please

QueenBee 21-04-2009 18:00

I got to "Thank you for" and then I gave up :laugh:

Q: The first letter of the second line, is it "Ya"? It looks so beautiful!

Argos 21-04-2009 19:56


Originally Posted by Angelito (Post 383658)

Thank you Alex Taylor ( forum)

Translation please

Did I ever mention that I really hate Russian handwriting?
Well, what I could scrape together:

Guys! Thank you for the participation!!! And it's very fine that artistical people support me! All your ideas, lyrics, music is welcome, if there arises the wish to create something more!
I congratulate the winners, I read everything personally and I liked it very much! Creativity - that's life. so be creative!
Your Lenka

Once again Thank You

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