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Tatygotiko 11-11-2008 23:03

Ok thanks very much by news

upoud videos after please!

Blakeich 24-11-2008 21:33

Вечер пятницы… Настроение отличное… Мы с девчонками были в предвкушении предстоящего вечера…Оставалось совсем немного… Всего лишь - огни ночного города, дорога по узкому переулку… И вот мы уже на открытии нового кафе-клуба "Кич Кок". Уютное небольшое заведение располагает к хорошему отдыху в приятной компании.

Атмосфера клуба и стильное внутреннее оформление поспособствовало нашему пятничному отдыху. На открытие приехало очень много представителей светского бомонда, с искренней улыбкой на лице абсолютно все пританцовывали в такт современным ритмам от DJ, которые звучали на танцполе.

Недолго думая, мы слились с музыкой и провели несколько отличных часов и заряженные энергией готовы к предстоящим творческим выходным… Потому что еще столько всего надо успеть!

P.S.: Искренне благодарим Zeppelin за приглашение, успехов Вам!

Всегда ваша,
Настя COM'MA

Friday night....In an excellent mood. The girls and us were excited about the upcoming evening, and there was very little left. Only, the fires of the night city and a narrow lane on the road. And here we are at the opening of a new Party-Club "Kitchkok". The cosy and small institution is a great place to rest with good company. The atmosphere of the club and the stylish interiors has lifted our Friday spirit.

At the opening many representatives of the secular beau monde arrived, with sincere smiles across their faces, they all hopped in step to the modern rhythms from the DJ. Without thinking twice, we merged with the music and spent some excellent hours and energetically charged for some more creative days ahead....because...we still need more time off.

P.S: Huge thanks to Zepplin for the invitation, we wish you luck!

Always yours
Nastya Com'ma.

Blakeich 27-11-2008 20:39

Runet Awards 2008 performance.
On November 25th 2008 the Runet awards took place in GTSKZ Russia. Group COM'MA took to the stage along with other acts such as group Zveri (Animals), Slivki, Pelageya, Gorod 312 (City 312), Sergey Mazaev,Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalia Podolskaya, Pierre Nartsis and many more.

Tatygotiko 28-11-2008 21:52


Originally Posted by Blakeich (Post 375689)

thanks Blacheich:)

Uploud version live this song koma i not watch see

HuMENology 28-11-2008 23:16


Originally Posted by Blakeich (Post 375689)
On November 25th 2008 the Runet awards took place in GTSKZ Russia. Group COM'MA took to the stage along with other acts such as group Zveri (Animals), Slivki, Pelageya, Gorod 312 (City 312), Sergey Mazaev,Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalia Podolskaya, Pierre Nartsis and many more.

Not one single clap hahaha!

Blakeich 29-11-2008 00:00


Originally Posted by HuMENology (Post 375759)
Not one single clap hahaha!

I heard a few claps. But if you watched the whole show. Nobody clapped. Infact this is the worst audience i've seen on tv. Even when they were giving the awards out it showed there faces of peope and they all looked blanked faced.

Blakeich 01-12-2008 22:33

New Com'ma composition "TY!" (YOU!)
You.....Greetings Everyone. The other day we have finished the work of a new creative piece. Literally, not so long ago it was only energetic music. After several days it has appeared, The text was not written for the music and already we are here, in the studio writing lyrics for a new song which has now become "TY!" (YOU!). One thing did occur during the recording.....we all laughed, argued and then calmed down and drank tea! But still while recording the song Sasha got her lines all mixed up about 20 times and this made our sound producer Dima laugh. But still we managed to write down and make this excellent track! This song has hit something in our souls and is special to us. we want you all to like our song, so pleasant listening. We wait of your response.

XXX Snezhana COM'MA.

Listen to song at

COMMAFANATKA93 02-12-2008 00:17

Can someone upload the songs on their myspace in LQ rip please?

Tatygotiko 02-12-2008 04:16

Thanks for news!:)

Tatygotiko 04-12-2008 01:17


COMMAFANATKA93 04-12-2008 03:41

thank you!

Tatygotiko 04-12-2008 05:40


Originally Posted by COMMAFANATKA93 (Post 376127)
thank you!


HuMENology 04-12-2008 07:45

I'll post the HQ later.

Tatygotiko 04-12-2008 20:09


HuMENology 04-12-2008 20:25


Originally Posted by Tatygotiko (Post 376161)

Yes later when I have the chance.

kaah_th 04-12-2008 21:54


HuMENology 04-12-2008 23:08

All song's are in HQ

Coma [Demo]
Ты [Demo]
Ветры [Demo]
Где-То [Demo]
Кома [Demo]
Кома ['Final' Version]
Связи [Двойной Экстаз] [Demo Version 1]
Связи [Demo Version 2]
Связи [Demo Version 3]

HuMENology 04-12-2008 23:55

Demos won't hurt the band, look at all the demos that leaked of t.A.T.u. back in the day.

Blakeich 04-12-2008 23:59

Gde-to is not a demo

robbie 06-12-2008 16:01

Please, back on topic. All off-topic messages will be deleted.

Thank you :)

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