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Lux 06-08-2003 01:55

mulholland drive i see more of as an extension that manifested into a film, where he plays with the nature of time brilliantly. as purely a film, eh not so much.
i love fight club. :gigi: the underlying message is, it's only after you've lost everything, that you're free to do anything. letting that which does not matter truly slide. its what the entire movie is based around, everyone letting go and riding their split personalities.:D creating mayhem is something else...:gigi:

anyone seen The Stand
or Resident Evil

dey verre joost bahd.

XtremeHollywood 06-08-2003 07:52

How about The Last Starfighter? Or even dare I say, Return to Oz? I like those movies but then again I do have the worst taste.

Resident Evil did blow @$$. They had a good story to use but they so killed it. I own it though like many other old bad movies.

Oh I remember the worst movie ever now , Mario Bros. I heard that movie almost brought an end to video game movies.

luxxi 06-08-2003 08:28


Originally posted by Lux
anyone seen The Stand

That 4 part series? I think it wasn't that bad but one of those examples of good book turned into mediocre movie.

spyretto 06-08-2003 11:57


Originally posted by Mossopp
And as for everyone bashing David Lynch movies: just cos you don't understand them doesn't make 'em bad. Even if you can't follow the story you can still admire the imagery.
And I did actually understand 'Mulholland Drive' so it's not completely nonsensical. In fact, I thought it was a fantastic film!
I think "Mulholland Drive" was probably Lynch's best film although I'll be honest and say that I didn't understand it much at the end ;) "The Elephant Man" and "Dune" I like too so maybe I'm more spiteful towards "masterpieces" like "Blue Velvet" and "Wild At Heart" ( yeah, especially that ) It'd be off topic to explain M.D.? ;)
The problem with Dave ;) is that he started by adapting weird stories ( like E.M. ) but then he became plain weird :D
oh, I remember a French film where we left the cinema in the first hour , so it was only one hour I will not get back. It was called something like "A Sunday in the country"? yeps.
And it had won some award in Cannes, to think about it ;)
People in Greece bash Theo Angelopoulos' films for being slow and boring but I like them, especially "Ulysees Gaze".

But I think some American blockbusters can be particularly crappy

russkayatatu 06-08-2003 14:03

Ahem. Not at the cinema ;) , but I really didn't get why "E.T." was such a great movie. In fact I thought it sucked. Just stupid...

I didn't like "Titanic" either, but those are the sort of movies I just like to flow over me. Like "Charlie's Angels" as well ;) Sometimes they're OK if you're in the mood for a bit of fluff (or mindless entertainment, depending on the movie...). I think I've managed to avoid most of the really crappy US blockbusters, although I'm sure I've spent more than 2 hrs on some of them ;)

"Spider" was pretty bad. I guess it had a few redeeming features, but overall it was a waste of time. Plus it bothers me a little how foreign or arthouse films, even if they are HORRENDOUS, still get good reviews :rolleyes:

Rachel 06-08-2003 14:31


Originally posted by uhaku
But I am a cheerleader - Just boring.
How can you not like that film! :eek: It's GREAT!

freddie 06-08-2003 15:46

Demolition Man.
Every James Bond since 1994 till now (bring back Sean Connery !!!:( )
Barb Wire
Free Willy

EeZeReal 06-08-2003 18:20

Street Fighter The Movie.... Made a mockery of the name 'Street Fighter'... :(

Mossopp 06-08-2003 18:25


Originally posted by spyretto
I think "Mulholland Drive" was probably Lynch's best film although I'll be honest and say that I didn't understand it much at the end It'd be off topic to explain M.D.? ;)

It would be off-topic and it may also take quite some time to untangle all the threads! I'll try'n explain it if you want me to though. :)


originally posted by Powerpuff Grrl
On topic though, I absolutely loathed The Fight Club. The absolute, ridiculous defense mechanism these men used against society because of how their were insecure of their masculinity. And their reasons why to up their defenses are equally absurd.
So in order to help them find out their latent masculinity they go through phases in their "club" ranging from shaving their heads, sleeping on dirty-ass matresses with no bedsheets, to beating each other up to a bloody pulp!

'Fight Club' is one of my all-time favourite movies............but when you describe it like that my perspective on the film kinda changes.
I think you misintrepreted it though. I don't think it's necessarily about men just wanting to act like savages and beat the sh*t out of things. I see it as being about people who are at the end of their rope and can't take much more of the souless existance that society has saddled them with.
I am Edward Norton in 'Fight Club' - I get up every day and sit behind the same desk 9 till 5 and then go back to my boring little house, fall asleep and get up to do the same thing all over again the next day. And the day after that. And the day after that. .... I'm about ready to completely shave my head and go beat the crap out of complete strangers aswell!! :bum:

WildChild 06-08-2003 20:11

Harry Potter is f*cking boring movie.. :(((

Echoed: Meep. Language. ...But I'm so disinterested in HP, that I haven't even watched it. :P

Mossopp 06-08-2003 20:39

completely off-topic!

Originally posted by spyretto
"Fight Club" doesn't work for me either. The ending was interesting, the concept too but the movie was plain ugly and spiteful in visual sense.
I like the look of the film. I thought the way the sterile whites and greys of Jacks office and apartment contrasted with the murky interior of his and Tylers house and the old church where Jack attends his support groups. It was as if the director (David Fincher - who is also responsible for the awesome 'Se7en') was underlining the difference between Jack's parallel lives purely through the use of colour.


What else can you do in Scotland anyway? not much more than you can do in Wales..
There's plenty of living to be done in Scotland (or so I'm told), I'm just not a part of it. :(

PowerPuff Grrl 06-08-2003 20:41


Originally posted by Mossopp
'Fight Club' is one of my all-time favourite movies............but when you describe it like that my perspective on the film kinda changes.
I think you misintrepreted it though. I don't think it's necessarily about men just wanting to act like savages and beat the sh*t out of things. I see it as being about people who are at the end of their rope and can't take much more of the souless existance that society has saddled them with.

I thought I misinterpreted too until I thought of some other films that best portrayed people sick of conformity; Easy Rider and especially Office Space. In the latter movie, the reasons as to why the protagonist goes against his company are things I can certainly relate to. Whereas in Fight Club the only reason why I think Pitt's character goes against the establishment, was because he didn't get all the things he thought he was entitled to. Which is pretty much all of us, but we don't complain now do we? So that pretty much makes me think he is just self-entitled cry-baby that needs a good smack of reality.

And I still think the fights were stupid.
Damnit! I just hate this movie.

But, of course, all that is just my humble opinion.

In other news:


Gigli was horrid. 'Turkey time! Gobble, gobble!'
I heard this quote so many times monkcheese and yet I still don't want to know under what context it was used for.

spyretto 06-08-2003 20:45

but it wasn't Pitt, it was Norton who went against the establishment, and he was a bit of a schizo, right?

So basically he went against the establishment cause he was a loonie, and that's the moral of the story. You'd go against the establishment only if you were a loonie :D

PowerPuff Grrl 06-08-2003 20:47

Yes, no, but more importantly there are people that may have not seen this movie yet, so I wanted to be as vague as possible.

Mossopp 06-08-2003 20:47


Originally posted by spyretto
So basically he went against the establishment cause he was a loonie, and that's the moral of the story. You'd g against the establishment only if you were a loonie :D
Loonie or not, I still dream of the day when I have the guts to beat myself up infront of my boss and score myself a new computer and free airline tickets!! :bum: :done:

spyretto 06-08-2003 20:52


Yes, no, but more importantly there are people that may have not seen this movie yet, so I wanted to be as vague as possible.
oops, you're right, SPOOOILEEER!! don't read this thread, those who missed it on TV the third time ;)

jeez how more off top can I get? Echoeeed! Put me out of my misery!!

Echoed: People! On topic! Ror! :P

Uhaku 06-08-2003 22:10


Originally posted by I_Love_Yulia
How can you not like that film! :eek: It's GREAT!
Umm, I can write an essay on that. LOL. I guess I'm just very picky when it comes to liking movies, even comedy. I think the setting is terrible. I know it was done in a mockery way. But it looked like it was done by a lazy (and lousy) set designer. I know that the storyline was intended to be unrealistic (which I think it was pretty cool). But ... too much of a good thing is bad. I just could not enjoy it. Repetition of some scenes got me really bored, too. And the characters were flat. What else? LOL.

I know it's not one of the worst movies I've seen. But I couldn't think of anything else for now. :D

LenochkaO 07-08-2003 08:01


Originally posted by spyretto
And it had won some award in Cannes, to think about it ;)
People in Greece bash Theo Angelopoulos' films for being slow and boring but I like them, especially "Ulysees Gaze".

Sorry, Spyretto, but you've just reminded me of the most boring film I've ever seen, ever, ever, ever. Theo Angelopoulos' 'Eternity and a day'. Watching it felt like it.

The oddest film I've ever seen was a Turkish one, one plotline of which involved some homeless guy stealing a peacock to eat. Most bizarre.

Khartoun2004 07-08-2003 15:40

ok let's see Gigli sucked so much. I only went to see it because I had read a review that said J-lo's character had stayed true to being a lesbian. I wonder what drugs that guy was on? Also I wanted to see if she could pull off playing a lesbian and of course she can't.

Umm Gods and Generals... BORING! I wanted to shoot myself after about half an hour and then they had to put in an intermission. I was like just get on with it already. And from all the history text books I thought Stonewall Jackson was an interesting person...

The only movie I've ever walked out of was The Blair Witch Project. And to this day I still don't know the end. I was very disappointed by this movie especially because of all the damn media hype and the critics ranting and raving about how awesome it was, ect.

Side note... I loved But I'm a Cheerleader. maybe that's because Clea Duval is one of my favorite actress.

Tranz 07-08-2003 21:03

there was this one movie i rented recently cuz I love horror movies called "Legion Of The Dead". THe cover of the DVD looked pretty sweet. Lol only as the movie went on, it just became worse and worse. I don't even know how I came to watch the hole thing. Me and my friends actually were laughing through the whole thing, cuz of the horrible acting and story line. THe movie was not even a bit scary. Anyhoo, lol please stay away from this if you ever come across it. :spy:

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