Unofficial forum of group TATU

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-   -   "Tatu in Podnebesnaya". Releases from 31.01.04 and 01.02.04. [aka Eps. 5 & 6] (

RowerB 31-01-2004 23:48


Originally posted by haku
But could this thread be only about Episode 5? I think we should have another thread for Episode 6 tomorrow, otherwise we're going to discuss two different subjects at the same time and it's going to be really confusing. :) Just my opinion.
I think you're right haku

teeny 31-01-2004 23:52

qb, I know you are :heh:
*forgot point to post*
errhhhmmmm, it was something about waiting and seeing, I guess..

Kate 31-01-2004 23:52

haku, yeah, 'bout that. If there was something to discuss I would have made two threads. But it's all the same. Plus, Igor made only one thread for the two episodes in the Russian forum, so I followed his example.

Let's wait what news we'll have on the second episode this week and the decide, ok? For all we know, they might show the "Anatomy" again. :rolleyes:

QueenBee 31-01-2004 23:58


*forgot point to post*
Aaah, bad-memory-people unite! *Starts club*


*does the little dance of doom* Ooo-ga-ga Boo-ga-ga!
Hahahaha, Kate, you crack me up! :laugh:

Anyway, to get on-topic... erm.. :ithink:

teeny 01-02-2004 00:16


Originally posted by QueenBee
Anyway, to get on-topic... erm.. :ithink:
lol.. in that line you managed to put down my exact point. There is no way we are able to discuss something we haven't seen. This discussion could have (and has as far as I remember) taken place at any time. Only difference is that this time it has been in a show most haven't seen :rolleyes:

Don't get me wrong I appreciate the translations :rose: Problem is that I won't discuss it I guess..

edit: fixed typo

Kate 01-02-2004 00:20

I think the topic is pretty obvious here: In this episode Tatu started to record the album, but failed, since Julia's voice problems returned.

What difference does it make if you actually saw it? I just don't understand...

Edit: fixed some technicalities...

teeny 01-02-2004 00:37

Well.. for a start:
This problem I think we all talked about before this episode. The new thing in this case is that it aired in the reality show.
The difference to if I actually saw it or not, would be that I could comment about something new besides Yul having a voice problem and the record not going anywhere for now.

I take it, it's just me being fed up with the same old topics? :dknow:

Kate 01-02-2004 00:46

TLFdk, I think we all are. But I'm pretty sure there was nothing interesting in the ep, otherwise Veter would have mentioned it. And discussing minor things, like Julia's sneeze and cough, is getting old, too...

Basically, unless they release a new album, we are stuck here with the old topics... :D

teeny 01-02-2004 00:56


Basically, unless they release a new album, we are stuck here with the old topics...:D
yeah, scary thought really :none:
I really hope tomorrows episode will be about something new and not go back to lacking material. Then again.. I will have less to discuss about I guess.

xena225 01-02-2004 01:00


Originally posted by katbeidar
I think the topic is pretty obvious here: Tatu started to record the album, but failed, since Julia's voice problems returned.

What difference does it make if you actually saw it? I just don't understand...
Well, thank you for that post, because it shows how difficult it is to draw conclusions if you haven't seen the episode in question, if, in fact, you haven't even read a detailed report, because someone on a Russian forum wrote that Lena did sing and that she sang beautifully. So you say: They failed to record the album, while others say Lena sang beautifully. Contradicting points of view, no? Oh, and couldn't Yulia just have a bad cold? Why are you so sure her voice problems have returned? It's possible, but we don't know yet, do we?

So, in short: The difference it makes if you've seen it, katbeidar, would be to know what actually happened.


Originally posted by QueenBee
Yes, we sound negative alot, but it's hard not to be negative about Tatu these days.
No, QueenBee, to some it's obviously incredibly hard to be positive about tATu, no matter what they do. Everything gets distorted and interpreted in the most negative way. It's almost like a reflex. (And I'm not talking about constructive criticism here.)

I don't mean to tell anyone what to think - but if you try and leave behind the negativity once in a while, you may find that there are a lot of positive things to be enjoyed about tATu. :)


Kate 01-02-2004 01:12

xena225, having a bad cold can arise voice problems. I didn't say what kind of voice problems in my post, did I? It doesn't metter what kind, the fact remains: the album can't be recorded for the time being.

I said that they failed to record the album this time. I didn't say they failed to record it all together. And I am sure Lena sang beatifully... I always admired her voice.

Please, don't interpret all that I say in a negative way. There are positive things about me, too.

nasnedagoniat 01-02-2004 01:22

A Russian should set up a web cam in front of a TV set....... :)

But anyway, yea I'd like to hear what they are recording and get a feel for what may be on the album even though they "failed" at this session. It's strange, but I don't seem to mind TATU not doing what's expected. It would be great if a new album was in stores now, but to see the girl(s) be lazy about recording and then release an album in the future adds a little more to the "full package".

Also, it's simple psychology, when we finally get the album, we love it that much more, regardless of how "negative" our views are presently.

Unplugged 01-02-2004 02:29


you may find that there are a lot of positive things to be enjoyed about tATu.
Right now, the only things I enjoy are Lena's new sexy pictures ( :love: ) and their old songs - although I've listened to them a million times, but still :gigi:

The rest is pure chaos and ridiculous situations

haku 01-02-2004 02:30

Quite the contrary, this forum is really open to discussions and anyone can express their opinions freely, good or bad.
And here no one is going to quote and italicize your post just to state that what you said is only your opinion... duh! :rolleyes:

denial 01-02-2004 02:31

they don't have to be together all the time to record songs.. its not necessary ..Lena can record first and then later add Yulia's voice..

Need to see the Lena singing part if it looks like successful. They as probably didn't show everything .. just the 'problem' part.. you know.. OR maybe they did show the positive part ..but the negative part already blocking our head.. like Yulia cannot scream... but they sang LIVE in Tokyo Dome.

Off topic:

Then Yulia .. awww..get well soon baby girl.. you'll be 19 umm.. 20 days.... and I am here :kwink: .. for you .. :rose: with love and tender.

transcend 01-02-2004 02:34

I'd love to think that Yulia's vocal problems were due to a cold...but I really don't. I listened to her singing Nichya in that brief pirate clip of the Tokyo concert and I really felt badly for her - unless it really was a question of poor sound quality. I was astonished at how well Yulia sang at Eurovision (I had expected her to be the weak-link vocally) but on reflection I think it was reckless.

Going back to the scene in the documentary where Yulia's vocal problems are discussed, I found it fascinating how, although Shapovalov says he will respect Yulia's decision whatever it is, it seems to me that he makes it very clear what he thinks she should do - with his remark about the artist being a kind of hero etc. and I do think the problem with Tatu as it stands, is that the two girls are still really, no more than actors in a film that he's directing. I genuinely think the girls are shrewd and intelligent regarding their careers and now could be the optimum time to say "Thanks, Ivan, for everything you've done for us, but now it's time to move on".

BTW Please feel free to disagree with me. I hate the way this forum seems to be becoming increasingly polarised, with sides being drawn and the hostility building. We're discussing stuff here - it's a debate, and there's room for everyone's opinions. Just because somebody disagrees with me, it doesn't mean that I don't like and respect them.

I wish you ALL love!

Rob 01-02-2004 02:35

transcend, I was in Tokyo and Yulia did sound fine on both days.

transcend 01-02-2004 02:39


Originally posted by Rob

transcend, I was in Tokyo and Yulia did sound fine on both days.

I'm glad to hear that Rob.

forre 01-02-2004 02:41

katbeidar, Rob, don't even start, okay?

1. The album won't be released in March. Too little time now. If anyone is familiar with this industry, would agree that if the release is scheduled on March, normally the artist has double number of songs already RECORDED, those would be chosen from for the disc. Let's say about 20, to choose from.

2. The throat is a sensitive part - if it hurts, so it does. Yulia has some problems and it's better to wait 7 days than to say good bye to the voice for a couple of months.

3. They tried to record the song - so be happy!

Kisses to everyone! :rose:

::: Due to a minor quarrel, the thread has been edited :::

bpro50 01-02-2004 03:57

Re: "Tatu in Podnebesnaya". Releases from 31.01.04 and 01.02.04. [aka Eps. 5 & 6]

. . . they were recording a song. Lena seemed to try, but Julia just tried a little and left. Said that she is not in the mood,
Yul sure seems to be so "not in the mood" with an attitude lately. I know she has throat problems but here is an example where they could have made progress and she just walks out. She needs to focus instead of spending so much time showing everyone her "attitude". It seems to me that Ivan may be trying to at least get the team centered around the album and it looks like Yul has a problem for the next 7 days. I would spend the next seven days letting Lena work on her part of the performance. There is no reason they can't break the singing parts in two performances. Get rid of the angst and get something done. Someone needs to be able to take a position of authority with Yul and let her save her attitude for another photo session. What a waste of energy.

My assessment: Lena looks ready to go and has the right mindset. Yul has some issues. Sorry that doesn't sound positive but it sure looks bad for the album schedule if this keeps up.

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