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Unplugged 21-02-2004 23:44

About the song... I love Lena's voice in it, and the melody seems to be nice. With those lyrics, the song could have been a disaster, but they created it in a really nice way. And let me say this just one more time: I LOVE LENA'S SEXY SOOTHING VOICE :love: :yes:

thegurgi 21-02-2004 23:58

i for one was VERY suprised at this song... it's not how i thought it would be. With a bit more work i think it could be really good... but that's just me.

Igor 22-02-2004 00:12

katbeidar, :blabla:

Song here:
( Users only)

Thanks to hare.

Kate 22-02-2004 00:16

Igor, :bebebe:


You are acting like a child.

Igor: Certainly. But I from thread do not remove the messages.

Katya: Ya ubrala ih potomu chto ya iz nih vyrezala ssylki i slova k pesne dlya novoi temy, durak. Kakoi smysl ih imet' tut? A zanovo vse pechatat' mne len'. Ya chto, dlya zabavy udalyayu soobscheniya?

cirrus 22-02-2004 00:26

That song is....

I'm with thegurgi, surprised. I love the bells and pad in the's very airy and open. The vocals sound strange though... it's so calm.


I can see the video now: since the girls won't appear, Ivan will use clips of squirrels out in the wild....eating nuts....chasing other one of those nature programs :D

thegurgi 22-02-2004 00:31

i really like it, it makes me want them to finish this album...

I can see some harmony being added to it and other greatness.... but i really like it.

Kate, did a Tatysite member really write it? Could they explain the whole Squirrel/Bunny thing?

:: and could you please put those lyrics back up too ?? pretty please ::

dare2dream28 22-02-2004 00:32

Wow. Lena's voice sounds *excellent*! It flows very well and the rhythm is nice too. I have to laugh because the only words I understand are devochki & malchik. My roomie, the only person off-line that knows I listen to tatu said it would be funny as hell to try and see me have a conversation in Russian with someone. She's like "The only words you'd be saying would be describing fake lesbians and then something to do with a robot and simple moves." :p

Kate 22-02-2004 00:32

thegurgi, I think he explained it on the Russian forum. I'll go check it out later, and translate it. Ok?

thegurgi 22-02-2004 00:35

That's ok, Kate, take your time, and thanks in advance!

he must be pretty amazed to hear it, i know i would.
He should be proud too... it's quite amazingly soft and powerful

:: i've listened to it for a ten minutes ::

Kate 22-02-2004 00:37

I didn't like the song. No suprises there. Lol. :p

Igor 22-02-2004 00:41

May be a song Katya Nechaeva sings. :dead:

haku 22-02-2004 00:45

Thanks sunny poison for the detailed report! :rose:

Thanks hare for the file, and thanks katbeidar for the early details.

I just listened to Belochka and i didn't really like it but that's not surprising, Tatu has always been at the limit of what i like, this is just way out of it.

And sunny poison? So they showed Lena's new apartment, the one she bought? Is it as small as they said in the article?

angeljas01 22-02-2004 02:40

Thanks for the report Sunny!
Thanks Hare and Kat for the mp3!

haku 22-02-2004 02:51


Originally posted by dare2dream28
Now, is it me, or does anyone else see something wrong with this:
Yeah, i know what you mean, we've already seen that Yulia often orders Lena around. Lena is too nice, she doesn't like conflict, and to avoid arguing she ends up doing what she's told, even when she doesn't feel like it. Lena doesn't seem too happy about her situation in the band right now, the rumors she wants to leave to be on her own seems more and more plausible, and seeing how Yulia is treating her, i'm hoping that she's going to do it soon.

You have to say something about Yulia, she's honest in a weird way. She can't be bothered to go to the awards and she simply says it. She thinks Lena is weak and she says it as well.
Whatever the RS is, this kind of statements are going to leave wounds. :none:

denial 22-02-2004 03:20


...and I love that song Belochka .... it sound sad .. and touching ...

Here the translation with translator. can't help much: I get the words from Veter post at Russian site.


А если нам убежать
И не обозначиться
Пробелы не нажимать
Последний не спрячется
Размазаны красками
Тупыми распросами
Растанемся с масками
И мы станем взрослыми.
Но трудно быть мальчиком, если ты девочка,
Трудно быть девочкой, если ты мальчик
А... а может я буду белочкой
А... а может ты будешь зайчиком

And if to us to escape
And to not be designated
Blanks to not press
Last will not hide
Are smeared by paints
Stupid распросами
Растанемся with masks
And we become adults.
But it is difficult to be the boy, if you the girl,
It is difficult to be the girl, if you the boy
А.. And I can shall белочкой
А.. And you can will зайчиком

:lol: .. So this is the Squirrel song? LoL LoL .. I thought I said somewhere before that this song could be a sad and touching song ...and IT IS!!! LoL LoL ..just the lyric is weird. :none:

Agree with thegurgi ...after some touch up it'll be a good song. :done:

Who sing this ? Lena ?

Anyway.. I am very thankful this morning .. I woke up.. check tatysite .. and there .. my wish came true .. was really-really wanting to hear this song. And the melody is beautiful.

Edit 2:
::::criessss::::: its so nice......
Seriously... this song is like .... enchanted.... I've been listening over and over .....

sings.....'a...a mozet ti budesh zashjekam' ....mmmmm... LoL LoL ..and that was suppose to mean 'you'll be the bunny'? .. LoL .. LoL .. but its nice !!!

Kate 22-02-2004 04:31

The lyrics are here:

If we run away
And not be marked
Not push blanks
The last one won't hide
Washed away paints
With silly questions
Part with masks
We become adults.
But it's hard to be a boy if you are a girl,
And it's hard to be a girl if you are a boy
Oh... maybe I'll be a squirrle
Oh... maybe you'll be a bunny


denial 22-02-2004 04:34

Thank you Kate ... really appreciate that translation. :) for you :rose:

Congratulation and good luck on your 'university' start. Woo .. thats tomorrow!

...millions roses for you .. :rose:

dollparts3000 22-02-2004 04:54

It's o.k. I think it will sound great once they mix in the musical track but the tone sounds a lot like Nich'ya. They need a song that is really upbeat like Malchik Gei, Not Gonna Get Us, or All the Things She Said, or Prostie Dvizhenia. They can't all be depressing and slow. There has to be a high energy song. NVNB is the only one on the cd that has energy. What do you guys think? The CD needs atleast 2-3 more songs with a lot of energy!!!!!!!!!!!!

denial 22-02-2004 04:59

Re: hey

Originally posted by dollparts3000
What do you guys think? The CD needs atleast 2-3 more songs with a lot of energy!!!!!!!!!!!! [/b]
what ever you want, think and wish for TATU.... type here at tatysite .. and they'll come true ..


Originally posted by Igor
May be a song Katya Nechaeva sings. :dead:
Then.. I like this girl already .. she sounded almost like Lena.

Or the voice sound a bit like between Lena and Yulia .. then for Katya to continue the album .. would be to tell the story about TATU.

haku 22-02-2004 05:11


Originally posted by dollparts3000
What do you guys think?
I think i couldn't care less about new songs or a new album when i see the state of the band right now!

The girls don't go to Podnebesnaya anymore and refuse to sing.

Yulia is a total bitch who cares about nothing except herself and diss Lena.

Lena looks as happy as if she was going to the dentist.

Ivan has no clue about what he's doing... "I'll record the songs myself... No! I'll hire new girls... No! I'll get Katya to record them... No! Let's do it with Natasha instead... Or maybe i'll just jump out the window and fly like a pigeon..." :rolleyes: Somebody shoot the guy!

But yay! We have a half demo with Lena alone (or Katya?) singing meaningless lyrics. :none:

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