Unofficial forum of group TATU

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-   -   The Contest goes on! - Send t.A.T.u. a song ... (

transcend 01-02-2004 02:57

Re: Re: The Contest goes on! - Send t.A.T.u. a song ...

Originally posted by Mad Debz
Hmmmmm, this is dodgy. Because if you write a song, it is copywrited to you. They are basically saying if you they use your song they don't want to give you a penny, just a tshirt?!. Ivan just doesn't want to pay a song writter. Copywrite your songs by posting them to yourself and not opening it. The date on the stamp proves who had the words first.


That's right, Debz. My first feeling when I saw this was that it just had to be a p*ss-take. Write us a worldwide smash and we'll send you a signed tshirt! Yeah, right. I would love to write a song for Tatu, but give up copyright - no way, baby! If this whole thing is kosher, Ivan is beyond redemption. A f**king signed tshirt for a song! Absolutely ludicrous!

freddie 01-02-2004 03:52


Originally posted by staringelf
What about Valeriy Polienko? He was the man! :done:
Indeed!! I bet he got a whole BUNCH of nice shirts!! :D

QueenBee 01-02-2004 03:56

But... I want signed underwear! :gigi:

haku 01-02-2004 03:57


Originally posted by QueenBee
But... I want signed underwear!
LMAO! :D Signed strawberry panties... Now that would be something... :lalala:

freddie 01-02-2004 04:08

Dunno about you guys but I'd rather have a signed Yulia! :D

QueenBee 01-02-2004 04:13

freddie, I think you just upset the Lena fans REAL bad.. :none: Run for cover, they're gonna blow! :p

haku 01-02-2004 04:19

Nah, that's ok, QueenBee. :)

freddie, Pasha may disagree with your idea though... :P

spyretto 01-02-2004 06:48

Re: Re: Re: The Contest goes on! - Send t.A.T.u. a song ...

Originally posted by transcend
That's right, Debz. My first feeling when I saw this was that it just had to be a p*ss-take. Write us a worldwide smash and we'll send you a signed tshirt! Yeah, right. I would love to write a song for Tatu, but give up copyright - no way, baby! If this whole thing is kosher, Ivan is beyond redemption. A f**king signed tshirt for a song! Absolutely ludicrous!
Maybe they just need inspiration, you know? Write us a song or a lyric and Shapovalov will make his own version, like a pastiche from all songs , so it'll be his own song.

What am I saying? :bum:


Originally posted by QueenBee
But... I want signed underwear! :gigi:

transcend 01-02-2004 07:14

One would most sincerely hope so,

denial 01-02-2004 09:57

Something about this song. I think this guy took Ivan,Yulia and Lena voices from clips or anywhere and make it into song. This cool sound like TATU style.

Can someone tell what they say in the song? :lalala:

I heard robot, sex, harasho ...

Lena410 01-02-2004 10:07

I'd love to have the signed strawberry pants with lena in them :gigi: :lalala:

well I don't know bout this contest and the T-shirts *shrugs* maybe shap is planning to really use them only as inspiration and rewrite them to the point that no one will recognise the original

Rivendell 01-02-2004 14:15


Something about this song. I think this guy took Ivan,Yulia and Lena voices from clips or anywhere and make it into song. This cool sound like TATU style.

Can someone tell what they say in the song?

I heard robot, sex, harasho ...
It`s the same song - Masturbirovala i konchala. You can find it on Alerg`s FTP.
But this one is also very similar to the 2. track - Sex on the album Duet-Taty. Actually there are some more cool remixes. Listen here:

girl_into_music 01-02-2004 16:50

I am coming up with the title for their second album...
"Sexed up Dossier"
It sounds scandalous and can be interpreted in many ways..
They can put in couple of songs about "war and peace" (to connect with the title) and the rest - whatever they want...

dollparts3000 01-02-2004 17:44

I really like this song and this girls voice! I think she should record her own album and that she does not need tatu.
Does anybody know what she's saying? I like how it sounds phonetically. I think that her voice is really good but I would probably change the music track a little to make it more unique. Anyway, I've already listened to it atleast 10 times!!! I'm going to add it to my playlist. The people at Tatu could probably make the music track a little better but I like the passion and the catchiness of the song.

There should be more about the artist. I would like to hear her other songs. Does anybody know who it is? Reminds me a little of 'Within Temptation' but it is more pop. I like how it's a mix between pop and rock. It would definitely fit Tatu's new image. It would be a perfect song for Yulia!!!!

dollparts3000 01-02-2004 18:06


Mad Debz said:
"They are basically saying if you they use your song they don't want to give you a penny, just a tshirt?!. Ivan just doesn't want to pay a song writter. Copywrite your songs by posting them to yourself and not opening it. The date on the stamp proves who had the words first.

Having a song used by tatu looks really good on a resume and more importantly it allows you to get contacts and publicity. Who cares if you are being paid? It's just one song. Writers for feature films in North America don't get much money or credit. A lof of scripts for big budget features are sold for under $100,000 The film will make millions and the script is sold for that or less. A lot of action scripts are only sold for $10,000 - $20,000 Writers who are just starting out usually get less. My point is that writers rarely make big money anyway and there are millions of writers out there. Tatu has become a brand or a trademark. Songs that are given to them will most likely succeed. An unpublished song writer doesn't have very good odds at bringing a song to the top 10, no matter how good the song is. Usually, you need an artist who can carry the song and it takes some time for that artist to get a record deal. Tatu gives you that chance of bringing a song to the top 10. If a person doesn't have anything on their resume and wants to be a song writer, this would be a good contest to participate in. If you write a hit for tatu, what does that look like to investers or a record company. If you are an artist, they are probably going to be more likely to sign you. If you don't want to be an artist and just want to be a writer, it also looks great to record companies and big studios who are looking for writers.

Ooops sorry, didn't mean to post twice in a row!

freddie 01-02-2004 20:21

I think writers in the west recieve a good portion of the profits. And the well known ones who have proven to be hit-writers are well respected and wanted by the biggest stars out there. The general public doesn't see them cause tehy're not in the spot-light. But that doesn't mean they're not present at all - ppl in the business know them well.
Besides an average pop-stars media life is from 2 to 6 years... writers can do stuff for dirrerent artists for decades if they so desire. And make a lot of money in the process as well.

dollparts3000 02-02-2004 03:45

Freddie...ITA!!! It is a great opportunity for a song writer who has never released a hit and is not well known to participate in the contest and work for free. I'm not saying that song writers don't make good money. I'm saying that it is difficult to become established. It's about who you know. I think this contest gives unknown writers the possibility of making a hit song. It doesn't matter if you hand over the rights for you first hit song and do not profit because having one hit song, opens up all sorts of doors. I don't know what kind of pay song writers make but I know a lot about how much feature film writers and television writers are paid. They don't make that much unless they have recieved oscars or golden globes.

That's a good point that you raised about writers being able to profit through writing for different stars for decades but to profit a lot, you usually have to have made a couple of hits.

Kate 02-02-2004 03:59


I think this contest gives unknown writers the possibility of making a hit song. It doesn't matter if you hand over the rights for you first hit song and do not profit because having one hit song, opens up all sorts of doors.
Especially when the writer's name is not mentioned on the album or anywhere near it.

denial 02-02-2004 04:11


Originally posted by katbeidar
dollparts3000, Especially when the writer's name is not mentioned on the album or anywhere near it.
well ... they can sue and make noise in court and tabloids ...

freddie 02-02-2004 08:38


Originally posted by dollparts3000
That's a good point that you raised about writers being able to profit through writing for different stars for decades but to profit a lot, you usually have to have made a couple of hits.
They can live pretty well of one single hit for the rest of their lives.... and many of them do. There are many one-hit wonders, but also many one hit wonder writers and they live of royalties quite well as well. You can't even imagine what money we're talking here. I'll give you an Example. Before Freddie Mercury joined Brian May and Roger Taylor to form Queen, Brian and Roger sang in a group called Smile, with this guy by the name of Tim Staffel. Tim wrote one song that later appeared on the first album of Queen (Doin' Alright). The album wasn't a smash hit, since it was their first album and neither was the song (not even a single)... and yet... Tim Staffelmanaged to live quite comfortably just because he wrote that one single song that was later performed by the famous band. Everytime he was in finantial difficulties the royalties from that one song helped him out of them. And that was s completely unknown song. Now imagine how much a writer of a worldwide smash hit must make!! We're ralking at least 6 figures per year. If not much more.

I undersatnd your point about the less known artist getting known by their work being published... but oyu have to draw the line somewhere. You have too see where pure exploitation is taking place... Ivan wouldn't even mention too who this song belongs, there'd be no credits, he's take all the royalties and writting credits... it's just not right. It reminds me of the 19th century liberal capitralism where you had to work for 20 hours, just cause you had no other choice in order to survive. :/


Originally posted by denial
well ... they can sue and make noise in court and tabloids ...
What would that help them? Ivan would have them sign a legal contract in which they'd waive any rights they may have regarding their own songs. They'd give up their rights by their own free will just to get published one way or another. And this is not right. Cause Ivan is exploiting his possition.

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