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Lena410 27-01-2004 19:13

awwww...haku thanks! *takes that rose too* your not rude :p *hugs*

QB I agree! Its so good to see something that is not staged *and* cute! :done: :gigi:

xena225 27-01-2004 19:23

Oh puh-leeze, ARM KISSING is a casual thing? :lol:

Just face it, Yulia and Lena are totally close. They are very special to each other, you gotta be BLIND not to see it, and anyone who feels the need to put them in a tidy neat little box that says "they are this" or "they are that" will keep on failing to understand the true scope of their relationship.

For the record: I wasn't talking about them being a couple at all. I was talking about LOVE. How interesting to see people fall over each other to explain how very normal it is to kiss someone's arm, and how very banal it is to tenderly care for your friend. Jeeezus. :rolleyes:


QueenBee 27-01-2004 19:34


and anyone who feels the need to put them in a tidy neat little box that says "they are this" or "they are that" will keep on failing to understand the true scope of their relationship.
Well that's kinda unfair to say since you just did that yourself by saying they are really close friends (even though I agree). :gigi: And we don't know their true scope of their relationship (but I'm sure some people on the forum do) so I don't think we are allowed to judge...


For the record: I wasn't talking about them being a couple at all. I was talking about LOVE.
Well that's what I was talking about too. :confused: Kissing your friend is love, and that's what I meant. I kiss my FRIENDS out of love. In France it is just a tradition, and Haku mentioned that. He didn't say Lena and Yulia were not close.


How interesting to see people fall over each other to explain how very normal it is to kiss someone's arm
Well for some people it is interesting, maybe not to you, but that was a pretty interesting discussion if you ask me. And to some people it actually IS normal to kiss someone's hand.. What's wrong with that?


and how very banal it is to tenderly care for your friend
We were saying the exact opposite, that it is very cute that Yulia did that.

haku 27-01-2004 19:36

Their relationship has no "scope". At best they are close friends, nothing groundshaking. Dozens of people on this very forum have relationships that have more "scope" than theirs.

And yes, arm kissing *is* casual for two people who have been paid to kiss and grope for four years.

coolasfcuk 27-01-2004 19:39

Hmm, to comment on te arm thing...I wont even go into are they lovers, in love, love eachother, friends, etc, etc....

Simple - if anyone fainted in front of you - forget about friend, grandmas, grandpas... wouldnt you help them?!!? :confused: I hope so, becase I would.. and especially if it is someone you know.. that one

second... kissing the arm eh? ha ha - this summer I was in a club with a freind of mine, who I had just recently met... lets say less than a month before that! How good can we know eachother? not THAT good right? I was dancing around and booom, hit my elbow pretty hard on a bar, stopped dancing and went - "ahhhhhhhh". My fried grabbed my arm and she kissed my elbow 'to make it feel better' ;) Are we in love? I dont think so - absolutely NO romantic involvement-did anybody say culture? :gigi:I doubt that could happen here in the U.S.

QueenBee 27-01-2004 19:44

coolasfcuk, aaw.. so nice of your friend :D and you gotta stop dancing like a lunatic so that you don't hit yourself next time :p

Anyway, I think it was very nice of Yulia to help a friend. I feel really sorry for Lena since she seems to be fainting so much.. Apparently it's cause of the diets.. :(

Lena410 27-01-2004 19:47

haku I'm just do you know that their relationship has no "scope"? *frowns* I know that most of my relationships who people just dismiss have more scope than those they say that are important to me. I don't think that anyone can judge a relationship as long as he is not in them.

and how can you be so certain that its casual? when I think about all the relativity and individualism in this world *I* would never say that something that is casual for me has to be casual for someone I dont even know with so much certainity.

I'm not arguing that they are a couple or in love..I just want to understand your point of view..I think that it was cute no matter what it meant to them..but I think that it *did* mean something to them..whatever it was

haku 27-01-2004 20:07

I'm saying it's casual to them because they are *so* used to touch each other's bodies. We have seen them put their hands down each other's pants in front of cameras, that's how far they are willing to go, so kissing an arm is as casual to them as shaking hands to most of us.

And like cool said, kissing arms is indeed casual in some cultures, and the Russian culture is one of them.

As for the "scope" of their relationship. What i mean by that is that there is no reason to be amazed by what is shown in that video. It's a pretty common display of affection and caring between friends, it's cute, but it's in no way extraordinary. Millions of people would have done the same thing in a similar situation.

In their current state, Tatu is no longer breaking any barriers or pushing any limits in terms of what kind of relationships are socially acceptable in our societies. They are now two close female friends who love each other. Totally banal and common.

But it *is* cute! I agree there. :) They are both so pretty, what's not to like.

thegurgi 27-01-2004 20:11


but it's still cute
i agree... it is cute! they are the best faux lesbians ever! although, Denial might have something to say about that.


:: wow, i must have like been behind in where i posted this... cause i thought i was replying to Tina......

i need some sleep ::

Lena410 27-01-2004 20:19

*nods* haku, thanks for clearing that I understand *smile*

transcend 27-01-2004 20:47

Back to the good old days - I knew you wouldn't let me down. For the record, if my best friend fainted and I kissed her arm, she would be extremely worried about me. In fact, there is more chance of hell freezing over than me kissing my best friend's arm...But then...we're English. How I envy you Latins and Slavs. (sigh)

skye 27-01-2004 21:34

Alright alright, I was not discussing are they or aren't they, but it's true they do care about each other quite much. But as the kissing arm , we chinese are not that common to do it(asian people are more conservertive, even kissing cheek is not that common). As my memory of close interaction, that could be lovers or parents towards children :ithink: the way Yulia did is just so nature in that way :) So I don't believe the media said that they hate each other :yes: That is the love, no matter what kind of love ;)

transcend 27-01-2004 21:38


Originally posted by skye
That is the love, no matter what kind of love ;)

teeny 27-01-2004 21:52


Originally posted by thegurgi
i agree... it is cute! they are the best faux lesbians ever! although, Denial might have something to say about that.
Lol.. she prop. has a thing or two to say about that.


:: wow, i must have like been behind in where i posted this... cause i thought i was replying to Tina......
LOL yeah I figured it was my quote and began to wonder why it was quoted this far down.. :p

One time I almost did faint, and 5 sec after I had said, that I didn't feel wel,l I had 10 people or so around me at a vets waiting room. Even though most of the people in there must have been waiting with their ill pets, I was the center of their attention for a few min. Think the reation by Yul was pretty normal, and most people would have helped out everyway they could.
Kissing arm a mayor plus I wouldn't mind at all.. :lalala:

thegurgi 28-01-2004 02:25

TLFdk, i can be a moron sometimes....

I love how Episode 2 is getting so much attention.
like, SCREW YOU EPISODE THREE!! :: that moronicness again ::

But, yeah... i'm starting to get a bit impatient for a cap.

denial 28-01-2004 05:23

I am with xena225, the spontanous act by Yulia for kissing Lena's arm probably came from sort of daily practise. :laugh:

And also when Lena fainted at press conference when Yulia sprays water at Lena ..

Yulia will always take charge when something like that happened.

During the photoshoot with the rude photograher.. Yulia was so upset .. she could just leave by herself .. but she waited for Lena to change .. awww .. :)


PS: I dont kiss anyone arms ..unless.. during ...*ahem*

But again we haven't seen the video .."duh!"

haku 28-01-2004 05:31


Originally posted by denial
the spontanous act by Yulia for kissing Lena's arm probably came from sort of daily practise.
He he denial, no one said this was "rehearsed", all i'm saying is that since they can put their hands down each other's pants in front of cameras, kissing an arm is no big deal, that's all. :)

Lux 28-01-2004 05:55

when i love a friend, i am affectionate. hugs, touching, etc. but it's not necessarily sexual. so what if they are affectionate? i think they love each other on some level, if not in a sexual relationshippy kind of way.

this isnt out yet so....:none:

denial 28-01-2004 05:56

oh well .. why not ..

*kisses Haku's arm*
*kisses Cools's arm*
*kisses Queenbee's arm*
*kisses Tina's arm*
*kisses Greg's arm*

ack! :dead:

Lux 28-01-2004 06:01

*bleeding ensues*

does it matter so?

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