Unofficial forum of group TATU

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Nike75 17-12-2003 18:23


Originally posted by Real_Lesbian
I'll transfer a quote I just put in another thread -

"We're friends, sisters, lovers." - Quote by Lena. they make love? So did she lie? Yes.

When you take "lovers" for making love, yeah.

But can it be, that she has just say that they love each other more than friends, more than sisters - just not in a sexual way ?

I believe in this possibility.


Rachel 17-12-2003 18:26


Originally posted by Nike75
When you take "lovers" for making love, yeah.

But can it be, that she has just say that they love each other more than friends, more than sisters - just not in a sexual way ?

I believe in this possibility.


I don't believe in any "middle" friendship/relationships. Either they're friends or in love with each other. I love my friends, but I'm not in love with them and I don't tell people that they are my lovers!

Lena has enough of a grasp of English to understand what "lovers" means.

QueenBee 17-12-2003 18:27

Well I have no idea what interview it was, but didn't they say "We have sex three times a day"? I didn't take it seriously, but they DID lie.

Rachel 17-12-2003 18:30


Originally posted by QueenBee
Well I have no idea what interview it was, but didn't they say "We have sex three times a day"? I didn't take it seriously, but they DID lie.
I think that quote was originally reported in some German mag/newspaper and not many people belived they ever said it. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't, but they've sure lied many times.

Ruivelle 17-12-2003 18:42

count me in darje :done:

but anyway , IMHO , a lil bit overreacting is not good Real_Lesbian , we still haven't see the documentary YET , for God sake !! Jumping on negative conclusions and accusing the girls before knowing the truth ( if the documentary is a real truth ) wouldn't make ur feeling any better , trust me .... i understand maybe u felt 'betrayed' and sad hearing all the 'bad' news ( :rose: for you ) but still , can u be fair ? why don't try to calm urself while waiting the video to be uploaded , or maybe wait for any statement from t.A.T.u. about it ..... ? sounds like a better idea to me :D

i apologize if any words were wrong or maybe insulting , english is not my native , please understand :)

Rob 17-12-2003 22:20

darje There's not much to say but "I love you", but not in a physical way, no worries, ;) for your words, for your emotions and for giving those who are not sure where to stay as real fans the possibility of a new place (hopefully we won't need it). I'm thankful that you're on this board.


Lena has enough of a grasp of English to understand what "lovers" means.
ILY, I've said it in another thread but I'll repeat it here: There's more than one kind of love, and there's only one word for all the different emotions which can be meant.
I understand your disappointment but I belive that the message is more important the messenger and therefore I don't care what they'll do, if they wanna get happy with little bunnies then they should do so.
As it was said before: Their message is to love whomever you want to without being afraid of other people's oinion and they reached many with this, they got credit as far as I'm concerned, so much credit that I don't worry about me saying "I'm a tATu-fan" - there's enough reason to be. They did more than most other acts and everybody makes mistakes in life and they were young.

Kate 17-12-2003 22:43

darje, all I want to say is I respect where you are comming from and your views of the new forum idea. You actually raised a good point, and I think I'll PM Igor to cancel it.

Real_Lesbian, hang in there. :rose:

Ningyo 17-12-2003 22:49


Originally posted by Jan
I loved them before, I love them now.
This documentary changed nothing for me, maybe cause I knew all those things and love them despite all that.

Haven't seen the documentary yet. But don't think it'll change my views on the group. I had already imagined all these possibilities and they didn't bother me.

Heck, some of my friends have done worse things. Of course I don't care... :gigi:

nikki 17-12-2003 23:09

:) I'm also a very real lesbian and thought I was old enough to not be upset by this - but I am. I'm also realistic enough to know (and have done for some time) that all is not what it seems with Tatu.

However, I don't think I can ever be anti-tatu even if they run off with loads of men ! Most gay people think I'm straight anyway (my best friend is a lovely straight man) and straight people just don't know what to make of me (too many labels there !). I have been totally out since I was 14 and because of that had far too many romantic hopes of Tatu. I will still listen to them (possibly not in the same way) and think Yulia is one of the most gorgeous girls I have ever met.

Alex Parks - why would anyone want to throw their bra at her ?:D

QueenBee 17-12-2003 23:19

I've seen the documentary and I'm still a fan.
True fans unite! Hehe

nikki 17-12-2003 23:29

To add further confusion - I also used to go out with men. Human sexuality is a very diverse, complex and fluid thing (pardon the expression !) and so is love ...

EeZeReal 17-12-2003 23:37

I've seen the documentary and I'm still a fan...Oops did I say fan?! :rolleyes:

Well atleast I now know that the group is just a marketing gimmick...but heeeeey!!! LOL :rolleyes:

Yulia is still the best looking female on the planet but the group is just an act..but heeeeey!!


Veggie Delite 18-12-2003 00:02

any fans left?
many fans left! :rose:

QueenBee 18-12-2003 00:05

I don't understand why some people act like they never saw this coming.. From the very first beginning even the journalists asked the girls if they were really gay... But I do feel sorry for you guys and I hope you will feel better. The forum is in such a terrible state right now, will it EVER be the same?! I think not.

zebu 18-12-2003 00:06

documentary,no documentary,it doesn't matter, i'm a fan forever! :)

EeZeReal 18-12-2003 00:15


I don't understand why some people act like they never saw this coming
Well some people just believed they were gay, I mean seriously, it's as simple as that..Just because the majority of the forum apparently never thought this way, that's the reason why you can't comprehend the reactions of us. Whatever, we all have different opinions on everything, atleast when they were gay (lol) the image had it's foundations, now we're all down to the same level(so to speak), the image portraited is somewhat tainted.

Oh well...If we all thought the same I guess we'd all be a bunch of happy damn campers :rolleyes:

QueenBee 18-12-2003 00:24

THEvolkovaADDICT, if we all thought the same we would be boring! :done: But I still don't understand, why are some people no longer fans? I thought it was about "the whole package" when we took that poll back in.. umm.. can't remember exactly when. I think the lyrics can be beautiful even though they are sung by two straight girls (let's say they're straight.. at least not together), but maybe that's just me...

EeZeReal 18-12-2003 00:56


But I still don't understand, why are some people no longer fans?
Probably because people got too emotionally attatched and they convinced us sooo much that they we're actually gay to put it plainly anyway(Yes, I'm not gonna quote them saying "we're not lesbians" blah blah etc). I'm not a lesbian (last time I checked) so I can't explain it from Rachels or someone elses perspective. For me I got too attatched and Tatu have been the first group/artist that I've ever followed so indepthly, so I guess that plagues on me too. :rolleyes:

I don't know what's gonna happen for me next, I guess two straight girls *could* carry on making songs about homosexual feelings and the such..Doesn't gel too well with me though :none: :hmmm:

I'll get over it ;)

KillaQueen 18-12-2003 01:14

they didn't lie, man... they never said that they were lesbians 100%... i mean, i've never heard them... all the questions that they answered regarding that (like in the polish interviews where they got asked stuff like HOW do they have sex and so on)... so all those questions were based on the fact that they were considered lesbians, but no one asked them so they just played along... then when more controversy appeared, and the big question was popped ("are you really lesbians?"), they kept playing along... stress on PLAYING... you believed what you wanted to believe.

i noticed that they went from "lesbians" --> "hmm... are they really?" --> "it's all a fake"... and please DO notice that "it's all a fake" does NOT equal by far "they are straight" (which is after all, the truth... or is it?).

a band whose albums were such a hit, a band who broke so many taboos, a band who changed so many people's lives... it's such a shame, man, to call ARTISTS who perform in order to entertain people, to call them "fakes"... is their success and everything it entails a fake?

i don't think it is. i mean look at our friend, Michael Jackson... look at what's become of him... all the hits, all the music... who remembers it now that he's being accused of being a paedophile? i personally feel sorry for the guy... ok, so maybe he was abused during childhood, he's had his problems, and now maybe he did all these things he's being charged of, but... is this really the artist, Michael Jackson? is this Jacko's music? i'm not a fan myself, but still... the man has done something for music history. he was unique. THE ARTIST, the man behind the microphone.

did Lena or Yulia rape any kid? not that i know of... man, maybe they steal, maybe they kill, maybe they do drugs, maybe they are straight... oops... *blink blink*... do you see where i'm getting at? since when is being straight a crime? you'll say: "since lying you were a lesbian"... eeeeeeeeeee - WRONG!... lesbian was their artist image... like the moonwalk or something... i mean, do you really see Michael moonwalking in his ordinary life?... come to think of it, maybe you do LOL (kidding) :gigi:

man, i've already gone too far... ok... i'm just gonna say i am still a fan... and i will always be cos they did too much for me willingly or (more probable) unwillingly... when it comes to music, we forget that these people are artists, yeah... like actors... how come we don't blame actors for lying to us? oh yeah, right... sorry, acting was something artistic...

oh and to deny yourself of something you liked, it's like not only calling them fake and liars, but also calling yourself it... and how do you like that?

can you repeat: artist - real life person, artist -real life person... :heh:

DAZ 18-12-2003 02:11

Personally..If the musics good i'll buy it.


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