Unofficial forum of group TATU

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Yves 19-03-2009 23:11

It's true Yulia will start a solo career but she won't quit tatu. And she doesn't know who Lady Gaga is so there is no collaboration. That's written in the new article. By the way did anyone count how many break-up rumors appeared since tatu started?

FiorE 19-03-2009 23:15

Yulia always wanted to do a solo career, and if this is the End, she will try and try the worst thing is that she could face is that she fails worldwide and she`s stuck in russian market only, I really feel bad that Lena on the contrary will disappear from the spot light, cause she has said and claim that she`d never be a solist, it`s not for her, a real pity.
at least a last tour should be planned, but There wont be such thing.

there was many roumours before, but any was confirmed by a fan that headr it from yulia`s mouth and confirmed , this last roumours obviously has true on it.

tatu97 20-03-2009 00:10


Originally Posted by crazy malchik (Post 381678)
Yulia Volkova WILL NEVER BE Lady GaGa.


Can we give her shoulder pads and a ridiculously long wig and see if it works out? :(

barzha 01 20-03-2009 01:00

Yulia will meet with fans in her parent's house on Sunday on 14:00

I hope someone will ask her about the recent info

QueenBee 20-03-2009 09:24

I made this "Yulia leaving group" rumour thing a separate thread, I hope there are no mistakes. If you see anything being off, please let me know so I can try to change it. :D

crazy malchik 20-03-2009 09:25


Originally Posted by tatu97 (Post 381683)
Can we give her shoulder pads and a ridiculously long wig and see if it works out? :(

She already has fake eyebrows and fake lips. :cry:

AshMcAuliffe 20-03-2009 10:35


Originally Posted by crazy malchik (Post 381678)
Yulia Volkova WILL NEVER BE Lady GaGa.


Lady GaGa is pap anyway. Why try to emulate crap?

Kasimir89 20-03-2009 11:15

haha nice stories here (=

tatu97 20-03-2009 12:46

This completely made my day though. GaGa...and Yulia?!?!?!? My two favorite women, my god!

Sahar 20-03-2009 13:07

what can I say? good luck. have fun.

BUT, I'm sure that Julia solo won't have the same effect as she have when she's with Lena.

AshMcAuliffe 20-03-2009 15:37

She's a traitor if she goes solo.
It really annoys me that there are loads of people who would love the opportunity to be in a band/group and would do everything they could to make it work right up until the bitter end. But no. This group (nowadays anyway) do frig all and expect success to be served to them on a plate.

Argos 20-03-2009 18:01


Originally Posted by AshMcAuliffe (Post 381706)
She's a traitor if she goes solo.

Why? She wanted to go solo since 2003. People could persuade her again and again, but this time the situation in the group is worse than ever before. No success, no work to do, stagnation for two years, nothing in the group worth to fight for. And on top of that, when they finally get one or two engagements per year, then she can sing stupid lyrics and make stupid dance moves, perfect for the self-esteem of a young artist.

The creative department of tatu is a huge black hole, and the management even has the impudence to call their bungling alternative 'arts', which only 'understanding' people can comprehend. The project has no future under Renskij and his fellows, but he doesn't want to give up his toy. If Lena isn't smart enough to see this, at least Yulya seems to draw her conclusions. If they want to survive in show business, Yulya and Lena have to go solo.

Originally Posted by AshMcAuliffe (Post 381706)
It really annoys me that there are loads of people who would love the opportunity to be in a band/group and would do everything they could to make it work right up until the bitter end.

Let's say - loads of ignorant people. Nobody with a healthy mind would sacrifice their time, their future, their reputation for a useless-senseless-brainless and infantile project.

Endri 20-03-2009 18:41

I suppose this is how they are going to celebrate 10 years existence of t.A.T.u.. :mad:
Yulia is an important part of t.A.T.u. but this doesn't mean that she's the key of their success.
I don't think she'll have success, especially in US.
I hope she'll be patient until they release their last album and then go.

AshMcAuliffe 20-03-2009 18:55

who will they get to write the band obituary i wonder?
i have an idea.. the guy who wrote the book for the movie!!
might as well keep it within the "family"

TN111 20-03-2009 19:04

I really think it would be a bad idea and there is no way she could have a firm fan base here in the U.S. But, if this is what she ultimately decides to do, I hope I am entirely wrong.

mulder 20-03-2009 19:07


Originally Posted by AshMcAuliffe (Post 381706)
She's a traitor if she goes solo.

Rubbish. Yulia can leave Tatu and start a solo career any time she wants, just like any member of any band the world over, and just like anyone in any other job can leave for a better one.

As Argos has said, Yulia has been talking about going solo for years now, although she has probably been considering just doing solo work as a side project. Now the whole Tatu thing is rapidly going down the plughole, it would be in her best interest to make a break before it becomes too embarassing (if it hasn't already).

With the right management in LA (and Yulia can spot crap management a mile away these days), there should be no problem in getting her noticed. Her looks, her "exotic" accent, her singing voice, especially once she has songs written in a range that suits her, all are marketable. Plus she has an acting background, perfect for walk on parts in TV shows, and an opinion on everything, perfect for talk shows.

If she doesn't make it as a solo artist, it won't be for lack of opportunity :D

AshMcAuliffe 20-03-2009 19:16

so become an all-american clone? well good luck to her. i give her 15 minutes of solo fame and then we'll all be expected to be over the moon when they get together for a reunion show etc etc. that's all i'm going to say.

Endri 20-03-2009 19:21

She won't have success and will want to continue her career with t.A.T.u. :yes:

AshMcAuliffe 20-03-2009 19:22


QueenBee 20-03-2009 19:32

It would be kind of sad (in my opinion) to see her turn into "an all-american clone", I hope she doesn't, but whatever.

I don't see how it's so negative that she's leaving, though. Tatu is a train wreck and a complete failure these days, I'm surprised she didn't leave already. Run Yulia, run :D

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