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Zero682 23-08-2006 23:09

Im talking about defiending against animals, like bears. I mean if im camping and this bear wants to maul me, i would like something better than a stick.

Rachel 23-08-2006 23:14

Zero682, statements like that make me want to go back to a time before there were guns.

Zero682 23-08-2006 23:15

Like what ??

Rachel 23-08-2006 23:17

"My life is more important than anothers."

Zero682 23-08-2006 23:21

I think my lifes worth more than any animal thats not human. Cause come life or death, I want to live.

Rachel 23-08-2006 23:22


Originally Posted by Zero682
I think my lifes worth more than any animal thats not human.

Not everyone would agree, me being one of those people. Sorry.

And on that note, I'm off to bed. Bye bye!

Zero682 23-08-2006 23:24


Kyro 23-08-2006 23:28


Originally Posted by Zero682
I think my lifes worth more than any animal thats not human.

I don't understand people with that sort of attitude. What is it that makes us humans so much more important? Don't all animals have an equal right to live?

Zero682 23-08-2006 23:30

So your saying if you life came down to either you die or say some animal dies, you will be willing to die in order for it to keep on living?

Kyro 23-08-2006 23:39

No. I want to live and would do whatever it took to survive, but to say my life was worth more than theirs would be ridiculous. In my opinion all lives are equal. I don't deserve to live more than them, and they don't deserve to live more than me.

spyretto 24-08-2006 00:14

Very altruistic notion but it makes no sense

dradeel 24-08-2006 00:19


Originally Posted by Kyro
No. I want to live and would do whatever it took to survive, but to say my life was worth more than theirs would be ridiculous. In my opinion all lives are equal. I don't deserve to live more than them, and they don't deserve to live more than me.

I agree!

I mean, I value the life of a human more than anything else, but at the same time do I also think that we don't have the right to live more than any other animal. We're on the top of the food chain and feed on other animals and plants aso ... also, we are a product of nature like everything else, and we should respect the fact that everything else is there so that we can survive - therefor should we also value everything else (animals and plants aso.) as we do with humans. We depend on others, so that makes them equally valued as us. Hehehe.. it's a tricky topic and I hate taking either side of it :) But yeah, I think that saying humans value more than everything else without adding a "but [...]" is wrong, yet I can't totally disagree with the statement either. Hehe.

Edit: why are ALL of zero's msgs deleted? It's crazy hard to understand the whole thing with the last page, allthough I do understand most of it. It's annoying tho. Hehehe.

Rachel: He deleted them. I brought them back.

Zero682 24-08-2006 00:44

I don't want to fight with people over this topic. I have a feeling this will never end then. I have already sent a message to the admin about deletion. By the way thanks to the people who were nice to me.

dradeel 24-08-2006 01:22


Originally Posted by Zero682
I don't want to fight with people over this topic. So my account will be deleted soon.

Imo there's no need for any deletion. People are entitled their right to have their own opnions! :) I wouldn't agree your account being deleted, and I think it's a pity if it's you who don't have the will to be a member anymore. Whatever the reason may be, it shouldn't be necessary. Offtop:
BUT I've been away for 2 days, so I haven't really been able to keep on track with everybody else. Things might've happened?

tatuftw99 24-08-2006 02:20

Looks like this whole thing kinda escalated to far lol. I understand both sides of the argument and i have honestly never put much thought into the subject before now. So i dont really have a side .

Rachel 24-08-2006 17:31


Originally Posted by Zero682
So your saying if you life came down to either you die or say some animal dies, you will be willing to die in order for it to keep on living?

Do other animals have guns to protect themselves?

Zero682 24-08-2006 19:08

Nope humans are defensless and they built weapons at first to defend ourselves. Sadly nowadays weapons have gotten out of control.

Rachel 24-08-2006 19:10

LOOOOOOOL Zero, thought you were going? :laugh:

Did you expect me to grovel for you to stay in that PM?!

Grow up!

Winkie 24-08-2006 19:23

What's going on here, anyway? :p It started about that shooting of rabbits, right? Or am I mistaken? Can't everyone just act a bit mature and not threaten with "i'll delete my account" or stuff. If you have something to say, say it. If you don't, shut the f**k up and don't start acting like a 3 years old.. :S Zero, I don't know you, but why do you want to delete your account? Nobody's telling you to go, as far as I know, but I don't think we'll beg you to stay, do as you please, but don't act like "I'm gonna delete" because that's soo childish.

Rach, that purple stuff in your signature is awesome :p

Rachel 24-08-2006 19:28


Originally Posted by Winkie
It started about that shooting of rabbits, right?

Yup :(


Originally Posted by Winkie
Can't everyone just act a bit mature and not threaten with "i'll delete my account" or stuff. If you have something to say, say it. If you don't, shut the f**k up and don't start acting like a 3 years old.. :S Zero, I don't know you, but why do you want to delete your account? Nobody's telling you to go, as far as I know, but I don't think we'll beg you to stay, do as you please, but don't act like "I'm gonna delete" because that's soo childish.

Totally agree Winkie :yes: He already deleted his posts so I brought them back as they made the thread totally unreadable.


Originally Posted by Winkie
Rach, that purple stuff in your signature is awesome :p

LOOOOOL I love it too! Sean (Tatutaty) is a genius! :gigi:

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