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freddie 02-05-2003 21:33


Originally posted by luxxi
freddie, I have to disagree with you on Bosnian language. While similar to both croatian and serbian there are more diferences between bosnian and serbian than between serbian and croatian. IMO this is because Serbs (and Croats to some extent) tried to purge their language of words with turkish origin Bosnians "invited" them in.

cool, which alphabet do you use? Same as Serbs or Russians? I know they are similar but not same. I can read Serbian alphabet but only some Russian.

luxxi you could be right, but when I hear all those languages they all sound the same to me. I do now 'though that Bosnian language has a lot of turkish expressions incorporated into it's structure... but no turkish grammar rules. And if you look at the examples from cool's link you'll see that as an example of croatian sebian and bosnian language is completlely the same.


Good (Late) Evening - Dobry wieczor
I forgot to add that in:
Good Evening - Dobrer Vecer (again c in vecer pronounces as -ch - vecher)

crni 02-05-2003 21:40

right right...
there really are no major differences between croatian, serbian and bosnian. everyone can speak to everyone without any special knowledge of the "other" language. you could say they're all dialects of the same language ;)

coolasfcuk 02-05-2003 21:49

oh then I forgot this one also...
Good Evening = Dobar Vecher I don't thik any of us will have problem understanding each other when we greet ourselves. :heh:

so next I thought it would be great to compare our languages with a text (so everyone will translate the same text). And since we are on a t.A.T.u. forum, what better way than translating their songs. How about 'Ya soshla s Uma'? (maybe stick with the russian one since it is the slavic version, and it is been trnaslated over here I will put mine up tonight. :D

crni 02-05-2003 22:58 goes...
1st of all...some directions:

(s=sh) (c=ch) (d=dj) (s=sh) (z=zh)

Izgubila sam razum

Izgubila sam razum.
Meni treba ona.
Izgubila sam razum.

Ja vise ne postojim,
Potpuno sam ozbiljna,
Moja situacija treba pomoc.
Situacija SOS.

Ja sebe ne razumijem,
Ili otkuda si ti dosla.
Zasto? Zasto
Me privlacIs k sebi?

Svjetla se gase,
I ja letim dalje.
Bez tebe, ja ne postojim.
Ne zelim nista.

Ovaj spori otrov,
Izluduje me.
A oni govore "Ti si kriva",
A oni govore "Ti si kriva".


Bez tebe, ja nisam ja.
Bez tebe, ja ne postojim.
A oni govore,
Govore ovo je glupo.

Otrovne zrake,
Zrake od zlata.
A oni govore
Da se trebam izlijeciti.

Sve ovo zaboraviti,
Brojim polove
I izgubljene ptice.

Ali bez tebe, ja ne postojim.
Pusti, pusti.
Stjerana sam uz zid,
Mama, tata, oprostite mi...


Jedna, dvije minute poslije pet...
Mama, tata, oprostite mi,
Izgubila sam razum.


hope you get it :done:

luxxi 02-05-2003 23:14

Re: now...let's see...

Originally posted by crni
and luxxi you're quite right about purging turkish origins from our language. you'd laugh to some new words that are "invented" in the past 10 years just to differ from serbian or bosnian :D [/b]
Like udaljinoumnozivac (in distance copier-fax), brzoglas (fast voice-phone), vrtolet (helicopter). Those are real ones but I remember some of the jokes like: vuneni travojed (wooled grass eater-sheep), cuvar vunenog travojeda (guardian of the wolled grass eater-shepherd dog).

crni 02-05-2003 23:19

yeah, that's right.
televizija-dalekovidnica, we even have the 4th reincarnation of helicopter. helikopter-zrakomlat-vrtolet-uvrtnjak. hilarious :D
and i also knew some of those jokes too, but i forgot them :(

luxxi 02-05-2003 23:48

are you serious about zrakomlat? I thought that was a joke.

crni 02-05-2003 23:51

no no
it's the real thing :D
actually, it's very common on tv, or should i say, dalekovidnici...

coolasfcuk 02-05-2003 23:56

Ok, here comes my translit of "Ya Soshla S Uma' in Bulgarian, but you guys have to understand that there is not exact way of translitting from Cyrillic to Latin, so other Bulgarian people might do it a little differentlly here and there, but in general it would be the same. :heh:
For example, our letter ж is usually translitted as zh, or the letter ц could be translited either as ts or c depending on the situation or the person, I prefer the first one ts.

Az sam si izgubila uma

Az sam si izgubila uma.
Nuzhna mi e tia.
Az sam si izgubila uma.
Nuzhna mi e tia.

Az sam si izgubila uma.

Az ne sam sas vsichkia si.
Absolyutno seriozno.
Situatsiya ‘help’ (pomosht)
Situatsiya ‘SOS’

Az sebe si ne razbiram,
Ti otkade se vze.
Zashto, zashto?
Me privlichash kam sebe si.

Gasnat svetlinite,
Az na niakade otlitam.
Bez teb men me niama.
Nishto ne iskam.

Tova e bavna otrova.
Tova mi izpiva uma.
A te govoryat – vinovna si sama.
A te govoryat – vinovna si sama.

Az sam si izgubila uma.
Nuzhna mi e tia.
Az sam si izgubila uma.
Nuzhna mi e tia.

Bez teb az ne sam az.
Bez teb men me niama.
A te govoryat,
Govoryat tova e koshmar.

Tova e slanchev yad,
Zlatni luchi.
A te govoryat,
Triabva barzo da se lekuvash.

Az iskah da zabravya.
Dokrai I do dolu.
Az broih stalbove,
I rastreljani ptici.

Bez teb men me niama.
Pusni me, pusni me,
Do ugala na stenata,
Mamo, tate prosetei…

Az sam si izgubila uma.
Nuzhna mi e tia.
Az sam si izgubila uma.
Nuzhna mi e tia.

Az sam siizagubila uma.
Nuzhna mi e tia.

Edna, dve sled pet..
Mamo, tate prostete
Az sam si izgubila uma.

Edna, dve sled pet..
Mamo, tate prosetei
Az sam si izgubila uma.

Az sam si izgubila uma, az sam si zagubila uma.
Nuzhna mi e tia, nuzhna mi e tia.

Also hope you got some of it. :done:

I wanna say that I got most of crni's post. For example, in bulgarian um = razum
nuzhna = trjabva so close to treba
se vze = doshla

edit: for us also those 2 words helicopter and vartolet ha ha ha too funny.

crni 03-05-2003 00:02

i got, let's say, half of it ;)
pretty difficult to me...

freddie 03-05-2003 00:14

s-sh c-ch z-zh

Zmesalo se mi je

zmesalo se mi je
potrebna mi je ona
zmesalo se mi je

jaz vec ne obstajam
povsem resna sem
situacija HELP (pomoc)
situacija SOS

ne razumem sama sebe
odkod si se ti vzela?
zakaj? zakaj?
me privlacis k sebi?

luci se ugasajo
jaz nekje letim
brez tebe ni mene
nicesar si ne zelim

od tega pocasnega strupa
se mi bo zmesalo
a oni govorijo: sama si kriva
a oni govorijo: sama si kriva

brez tebe, jaz nisem jaz,
brez tebe, jaz ne obstajam,
a oni govorijo,
govorijo, to je neumno

ta soncni strup
me spravlja ob pamet
a oni govorijo,
da se moram pozdraviti

hotela sem pozabiti
do konca in naprej,
stela sem kolicke
in izgubljene ptice.

brez tebe ni mene
pusti me, pusti me,
stisnili so me k zidu
mama, ata oprostita mi

ena, dve minute cez pet
mama, ata oprostita
meni se je zmesalo

Damn this is hard work :D

coolasfcuk 03-05-2003 00:16

Re: well...
Well, at the end of my last post I didn't do all the words ..but here is one more example, why I said I understood most of it, I'd say about 75 to 80%- Ne zelim nista in your translation and Nishto ne iskam. in mine. OK, in bulgarian also iskam = zhelaja which is close to zelim (but depends how you pronaunce that z ) Do you pronaunce it like 'z' as in zebra in English? or different?
I think a lot of it also comes from the translitting- if you are not a person that knows Cyrillic it is harder to deal with translit. :heh:

edit: I just saw freddie's post (haven't read it yet) but I saw he said that z = zh so same for Croatian?? Than zelim is indeed close to zhalija like I thought. :gigi:

freddie 03-05-2003 00:18

Re: Re: well...

Originally posted by coolasfcuk
Well, at the end of my last post I didn't do all the words ..but here is one more example, why I said I understood most of it, I'd say about 75 to 80%- Ne zelim nista in your translation and Nishto ne iskam. in mine. OK, in bulgarian also iskam = zhelaja which is close to zelim (but depends how you pronaunce that z ) Do you pronaunce it like 'z' as in zebra in English? or different?
I think a lot of it also comes from the translitting- if you are not a person that knows Cyrillic it is harder to deal with translit. :heh:

That z is different. It has a mark on top and it's pronounced like zh. Zelim=Zhelim

crni: Zrakomlat =that's hilarious :D :D :D

I would like to say that you could write:

Jaz Sem Sla Z Uma - in slovenian but there is no expresion like this (all the words exist in slovenian, but we don't say it like that, so I had to look for a more apropriate expression).

I understood about half (or maybe a little more) of coolasfcuk's translit and about 100% of crni's translation.

coolasfcuk 03-05-2003 00:29

see, it all depends how it is written I guess, here is one more example from freddie's out of which I understand as much as from crni's by the way, I am not even sure if not more :gigi: )

'brez tebe ni mene
pusti me, pusti me,
stisnili so me k zidu
mama, ata oprostita mi'

this could be written in Bulgarian like such:

'bez teb (or 'tebe' in more informal way) niama men (also 'mene' for informal)
pusni me, pusni me,
stisnali (or pritisnali) sa me do zida (zid is really used for masonry wall usually)
mamo, tate prostete mi'

see, very close.

I also think I have a little advantage of also knowing Russian :heh: and also being able to read the Cyrillic and latin alphabets (because like I said before the translits could be hard for someone that can't read the Russian or Bulgarian versions of the Cyrillic alphabet)- probably that's why I understood about 75% of what you guys wrote.
But still, it is all so close :D

freddie 03-05-2003 00:41


Do ugala na stenata,
It really is a matter of interpretation. I could translate it like this as well (zid just came to mind first).

"...Do vogala na steni..."

It'd be a lot more similar if we weren't using our interpretations ;)

crni 03-05-2003 00:41

sorry, my mistake about the z.
i marked it but i forgot to explain it. indeed, that seems to be very similar to bulgarian zelaja ;)

one more question: are all text in bulgaria written in cyrilic or there are some "latin" words? my point is...when you translit ж, is it like ZH or Z with little "knob" above it? like russian J. it's basicly I with that "knob".
anyway, here in croatia we don't write CH, ZH... but C, Z... with that "knobs" ;)

freddie 03-05-2003 00:42


anyway, here in croatia we don't write CH, ZH... but C, Z... with that "knobs"

coolasfcuk 03-05-2003 00:51

crni, all bulgarian is written in Cyrillic- even words that have been borrowed from other languages get 'adjusted' and are written in Cyrillic. So we dong have the 'z' with the mark on top.
And we have the same й as in Russian, it is called 'i kratko' or 'short i'. In translit it is usually written as 'j' or 'i' or sometimes 'y', like I said- translit is very open to interpretation depending on the combination of letters in the word, and depending on the person translitting.

I am not sure if you saw it earlier in the thread, but if you look on the 1st page you can see links to the Bulgarian and the Russian alphabets, and how identical they are.

freddie, exactly- I agree. I think Slovene might be closer to bulgarian than we thought eh? :D Even now I am getting surprised, he he. Right now seems a little closer or at least as closer as Croatian or serbian

freddie 03-05-2003 00:59


freddie, exactly- I agree. I think Slovene might be closer to bulgarian than we thought eh? Even now I am getting surprised, he he. Right now seems a little closer or at least as closer as Croatian or serbian
It does. Complete surprise. Couple of months back I didn't even know you guys were slavic :D

crni 03-05-2003 01:00

sorry, i guess i've missed that link...
and by looking at the 2nd row (i guess that's transliteration) i see that you DO have little knobs as we do. sweet :D

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