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Talyubittu 06-11-2010 23:04

HAHAHAHA. "What a taint, I need to talk to her."

Not sure what Lena meant to say, but in American English a "taint" is the area between the anus and the vagina on a woman.

I like how the program makes it look like like America is getting some shining talent too, when in reality most people on the street won't even know who she is. I hope she proves me wrong and does something great. But hopes speak little of reality.

little_polar_bear 07-11-2010 17:21


Originally Posted by Talyubittu (Post 395018)
I like how the program makes it look like like America is getting some shining talent too, when in reality most people on the street won't even know who she is.

The program is being clearly ironic here. It's a nice watch, not taking "those celebs" (both girls) seriously.

RowerB 08-11-2010 08:31

Did you ever hear of a song called Tainted Love, Talyubittu? What’s that all about?

Argos 08-11-2010 16:34


Originally Posted by RowerB (Post 395023)
Did you ever hear of a song called Tainted Love, Talyubittu? What’s that all about?

That's then love between ... ouch! Don't come with such stuff, RowerB! This is a well behaved forum!

thelastblossom 08-11-2010 16:49

:D lol

regigigas1505 09-11-2010 01:30

what's that about? :o

I thought it was just... nevermind :gigi:

Talyubittu 09-11-2010 02:55


Originally Posted by RowerB (Post 395023)
Did you ever hear of a song called Tainted Love, Talyubittu? What’s that all about?

Obviously I know that Lena was not calling Yulia a "taint". I just feel like a better translation would have been something along the lines of "what an awful thing to have said."

little_polar_bear 14-11-2010 01:32

It's official now after a few strange comments from Troy and many raised questions concerning Lena's official or non-official merchandise that a guy named Bruce was selling in L.A., Jam_One declared that Troy has left the band after a "fight" with Boris and Lena. No details for the public, of course.

Quote from Jam_One:

This is the time to put an end to speculations on the lately emerged topic.
Troy was made an offer he could not refuse – to leave the project because of critical and compelling dispute with Boris and Lena.
The other members of the team did not find counterarguments against Troy’s leaving.
The nature of the mentioned dispute is not a subject for disclosure. It is not supposed “to be washed in public”. You do not like that sort of stuff, and you are absolutely right.
End of story.
Lena is in Los Angeles, her work goes on well.
and after someone asked for the offer Troy was made, Jam_One added:

It's a quotation from "The Godfather", as my memory convinces me.
"He was made an offer to leave."

...Well, I don't know anything about Bruce, in this regard...
So, he at least implicates that Troy is with that Bruce-guy now who according to anneke who had to speak for the management was not obeying to the management's wishes how and when to sell Katina's merchandise. After this stuff was considered "unofficial" by Renski and Co. because all benefits from the sold items would go only into Bruce's pockets, Troy still announced the re-opening of this online-shop and encouraged fans to buy from Bruce - stabbing Lena into the back, so to speak... if I understood that kindergarten mess correctly... even more ridiculous than before, lord...

I haven't seen this confirmed by anyone in charge yet, but there are rumours that Nicole, one of the backing singers, doesn't work for Lena anymore either...

Talyubittu 14-11-2010 08:35

Not even off the ground and project Lena Katina is already experiencing engine failure. This project is doomed.

fanoff 14-11-2010 19:30

Sad actually, but predictable. Nohing happens and musicians get bored.

regigigas1505 15-11-2010 02:08

little_polar_bear, lemme see if I got it right: Troy betrayed Lena? Or it was Lena who was not treating Troy very well?

Sorry, too much information :gigi:

Anyways, I guess it really is a loss. The guy really is great at the stage... And Nicole was cute.

little_polar_bear 15-11-2010 13:30

regigigas1505, to sum this up: My guess, from seeing what each party says, is that Troy got fired from the team because he wanted things differently than Boris Renski. How hard he pushed or what he said and did to make Renski fire him, we don't know and the team won't let us know, of course. Troy, on the other side, is playing Mr. Innocent...

regigigas1505 15-11-2010 14:47

Ah, I understand... Thanks for clearing that up.

I saw his twitter and I think he may be right; it's Boris, after all, and maybe he's still a jerk concerning t.A.T.u. and everything related to it.

I can just wish Lena luck.

Anyways, here are some tidbits from her Facebook:


Hey all!!!! I just watched "The blind side". I would highly recommend it to everyone!!!!! That is an amazing movie based on a true story!!! I admire that family...
- Posted November 7


‎"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!" Cool, da? :-)))
- Posted November 3

And the new profile picture. I really like it!

MalchikGeiBrand 16-11-2010 01:58

Bleh. It kind of upsets me. :p Troy had such great chemistry with Lena and the band, and it looked like they were getting along well with the backing girls. To me it dooes sound like the result of Boris being a butt. If that's the case, then I wonder why Lena still relies on him... probably because she has little to nowhere else to go, unfortunately.
I don't really know much, but in the past, I always thought Boris was pretty delusional with his "creative" side. :|

The new picture is cute at least. :p

fanoff 16-11-2010 10:14


Originally Posted by little_polar_bear (Post 395058)
Troy, on the other side, is playing Mr. Innocent...

Which is funny to me:)

regigigas1505 18-11-2010 03:01

New vlog entry.

Well, I think it sucks that, at the end, she says the same thing she said with Yulia in the "Happy New Year Video"; "Well do all of our best to make you happy". It's pretty obvious it's coming from Boris. Seriously, this guy really sucks and I can only feel sorry for Lena. I like her, of course, but she's too much of a pet of him. Gosh!

MalchikGeiBrand 19-11-2010 02:45

Her personality is so cute... even when she's awkwardly reading about the projects troubles off of cue cards...

"We are kind of problem here" That one line in that video kind of speaks for all. :s

Thanks for sharing. XD

Talyubittu 19-11-2010 05:23

Who on earth is managing this pile of chaos? Lena Katina has no fanbase other than the 10 or 15 people who actually bother to read her website and check her YouTube. So why are they wasting time making v logs? Finish your album and schedule more shows. Nobody gives a shit about Troy leaving other than (like I said before) the 10 or 15 t.A.T.u. fans who are probably the only ones who even know that he is. Move on, get your shit together, find a new guitarist. This project is DEAD.

sakuya 19-11-2010 08:20


Originally Posted by Talyubittu (Post 395083)
Who on earth is managing this pile of chaos? Lena Katina has no fanbase other than the 10 or 15 people who actually bother to read her website and check her YouTube. So why are they wasting time making v logs? Finish your album and schedule more shows. Nobody gives a shit about Troy leaving other than (like I said before) the 10 or 15 t.A.T.u. fans who are probably the only ones who even know that he is. Move on, get your shit together, find a new guitarist. This project is DEAD.

we heard it first ten times you wrote it :p

Talyubittu 19-11-2010 10:02


Originally Posted by sakuya (Post 395084)
we heard it first ten times you wrote it :p

Evidently the idiots behind the Lena Katina massacre have not.

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