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crazy malchik crazy malchik is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
  1. Endri
    12-09-2009 18:56
    I would have emailed you, but im too lazy and I can let you know here that the page should continue.
  2. Endri
    11-09-2009 15:38
    hey, you have to update Katina Ultimate!
  3. manatsu103
    20-07-2009 21:59
    Check out my new music thread "UTIMTA" my friend!
  4. fanoff
    04-07-2009 00:52
    are you really 15?
  5. Станко394
    18-04-2009 02:44
    lool neee? xD
    ne idem ja više ni na jedan forum bre o__o
    fejs, spejs, EF i tako te šeme. xD
  6. Станко394
    15-04-2009 20:05
    bicharko ti jos uvek ovde otpadas?
  7. AshMcAuliffe
    11-04-2009 23:40
    Fragile Tension and Spacewalker are my favourites. I always listen to these on repeat! i'd love to see them play. I have a friend who is totally obsessed with them and would do anything to see them... she's even contemplating going to France to see them play
  8. AshMcAuliffe
    11-04-2009 23:25
    Snap! Playing The Angel was amazing. I find the new album rather subdued... i still love it but there's nothing stand out-ish like on Playing The Angel. It's defo a grower =)
  9. AshMcAuliffe
    10-04-2009 20:33
    hey i love your avatar!!! have u heard the new record?? it is pretty good...
  10. chaz
    13-09-2008 22:33
    Love your avatar, where is it from?

About Me

  • About crazy malchik


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Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: 08-03-2024 22:25
  • Join Date: 03-10-2006
  • Referrals: 0


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 10

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