Unofficial site of group TATU

Unofficial forum of group TATU
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Forum Rules
  1. It is prohibited to register nicknames, which have excessive characters. For instance: ~*nickname*~, n.I.c.K.n.A.m.E., \_nickneme_/ etc.
  2. It's necessary to specify a valid and working e-mail address in order the system would be able to return you authorisation.
General Clauses:
  1. This forum is a public place, and everyone who wishes so, can take part is the discussions of different themes. And like every other public place, we have certain rules and recommendations that should be respected.
  2. Please remember that all answers to your requests are given voluntarily. That is why it is inappropriate to insist on answering to only your questions or moreover cause conflicts on this basis. If you disagree or strongly object something, please use the Personal Messaging (PM) system to contact the involved party, Moderator or Administrator to solve such disagreements.
  3. Please remember that you are a part of this forum and the general atmosphere on it is dependant of you.
On this Forum, it is forbidden:
  1. To use offensive language of any kind.
  2. To abuse or violate the rights of other members.
  3. To discriminate other members concerning religion, sexual orientation and other personal beliefs!
  4. To publish any kind of materials those have advertising characteristics without the permission from the administration of this forum.
  5. To post materials with commercial characteristics without the permission from the administration of this forum.
  6. To post any other materials those do not pertain to the topic of the particular thread or forum. (This will be allowed in moderation, however, it is frowned upon. Off-topic comments will not be tolerated if continuously abused.)
  7. To post "rubbish" in order to increase the number of post count. (Spam and otherwise.)
  8. To "bump" threads up.
Usage of the forum material:
  1. It's prohibited to use and copy any material of this forum without the author's permission or at least specifying sources and name of the author.
  2. It's prohibited to use and copy any translations without the translator's permission or without specifying the translator's name. To avoid any disputes on the matter, it's necessary to keep the source and name of the author attached to the text.
  3. It's prohibited to copy links and to hotlink the material of this forum to another forums/diaries/websites without the permission of owners of this material, servers or sites.
Breaking any single clause of this addition to the rules will be punished by an immediate banning without any previous warning or explanations.

The Administration of this Forum Does Not Recommend:
  1. To insult the Moderators and the members for their work which is done on this forum voluntarily.
  2. To violate the usage of forum codes and turn posts into "rainbows".
  3. To post messages containing only emoticons (smilies).
  4. To post similar threads in different sections.
  5. To make posts those do not contain any useful information at all. (Spam.)
  6. To chat on the forum ("Hello, how are you?"). There is a normal chat room for this:
  7. To start personal communication with other members. (Please use PMs in this case.)
  8. To post messages in Caps.
  9. To quote the whole post when replying. Quoting one part will suffice.
Any violation of the rules above might lead to the closure of the thread, deletion of the thread, deletion of the message or even to the ban of the member. The lack of knowledge of the rules will not be taken as an exuse. However, all closures and deletions of threads are open for discussion. Messages will be deleted or edited if deemed inappropriate. Reasons will be provided if so requested. Bans will be discussed and voted (poll) on by the Administration, and can be priorly contested in a civil way with clearly-stated reasoning. Three warnings will be issued before threat of banishment and/or suspension is applicated. Warnings may be removed with good behavior. Suspensions last days/weeks/month. Probation may be applied to certain cases.

The Administration of this Forum Does Recommend:
  1. To follow the rules. For the love of God, follow the rules! [Insert Drama.]
  2. To create a thread title which reflects the contents of the thread. Not to use a number of symbols alone, such as "~~~~", or "......" or otherwise similar.
  3. To create a thread in an appropriate forum.
  4. To edit your own messages and not post another one below saying you did a mistake, etc.
  5. Not to answer the posts that are "off topic".
  6. To use "Translit > Rus" if you are typing in Russian.
  7. To ignore and not answer people whom post spam and other materials that are off the topic of the forum. ("Trolls".)
  8. Before creating a new thread, check the forum below, maybe the topic was discussed before.
  9. If you are looking for something in particular, use our search engine and do not create repetitive and pointless threads.
  10. If you found a post that violates any rules, please inform the administrator or the moderator of the forum. The administration of the forum has all the rights to delete and moderate any post or thread for any reason.
  11. When in discussion, it would be preferable to provide reasoning for any given statement that is on topic, in order to avoid misunderstandings. Cleary-stated points are encouraged.
Avatars: Requirements & Instructions:

From now and on every member of this Forum may upload his/her own custom avatar. Administrator of this site made some technical modifications and this option has become available for all of you.

Image Requirements/Recommendations:
  1. Maximum size is 100x100 pixels and 35 kb. *gif/*jpg - file format.
  2. The image may not contain:
    1. Sexually explicit pictures. (Pornography, nudity, etc.)
    2. Any kind of merchandise advertisement.
    3. Any motives that may abuse another members' belief, sexual orientation, race or nationality.
  3. It is not recommended to use another members' avatars as it complicates visual identification of a member by other users of this Forum.
  4. It is recommended to use facial images or similar figures to express your personality.
For Moderators and Administrators:
  1. Moderators and Administrators are responsible for the rules to be obeyed on this forum. Every Moderator has his/her own specified areas of jurisdiction while the Administrator's authority covers the entire forum. However,
  2. If a member (or Moderator or Administrator) of the forum creates a post which contradicts the rules and recommendations of this forum a Moderator or Administrator has a right to:
    1. To edit the post
    2. To delete the post
    3. To delete the thread (Open for Discussion)
    4. To move the thread (OD)
    5. To close the thread (OD)
    6. To place a warning to that person
    7. Thread deletions should be given a delay in which members may argue their case.
  3. Moderators and Administrators are obliged to obey the rules of this forum when creating their own posts. No spamming, no bumping, no insulting comments, etc.
  4. Administration of this forum has a right to add or edit the present rules.
  5. Any constructive suggestions on the forum development and improvement are welcomed.
  6. Should there be any questions, complaints or suggestions, please, refer to the Moderator or Administration of this Forum.
  7. Moderators and Administrators are encouraged to be open-minded to discussions.
  8. Moderators and Administrators are not to abuse their power.
It is recommended to refresh the knowledge of these rules from time to time.

Enjoy your time with us!

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