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Conversation Between QueenBee and AshMcAuliffe
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 23
  1. AshMcAuliffe
    22-07-2009 12:51
    You are the bestest
  2. QueenBee
    22-07-2009 12:50
    Awesome possum! I'm very thankful you did that for me. *feels special*
  3. AshMcAuliffe
    22-07-2009 12:23
  4. QueenBee
    19-07-2009 04:44
    OMG ARE YOU KIDDING :O What an honor! But I'd be waaaaaay too embarrassed to do that... Have you heard my voice? It's so bad Sorry!!!
  5. AshMcAuliffe
    18-07-2009 18:38
    was wondering if you fancied doing a small spoken part on one of my new songs?? =) x
  6. AshMcAuliffe
    17-07-2009 01:14
    Yay!! You scored gold!
  7. QueenBee
    17-07-2009 00:20
    Done! I think (not sure if I did it right)
  8. AshMcAuliffe
    17-07-2009 00:01
    BAN BAN BAN the new spammer pretty please?
  9. AshMcAuliffe
    29-05-2009 19:31
    Hail QueenBee
    hope you are well =D
    i'm currently loving the sun!!
  10. AshMcAuliffe
    16-05-2009 10:43
    Heya! Yay about the cleaning! I'm a major clean freak me. I inherited it from my mother. A place for everything and to everything a place i say Wellll i was pretty grateful for the rainy day as it had gotten to warm and that nasty soggy sweaty feeling was getting on my nerves so the rain and wind cooled me down! Today however it is just cloudy which is boring.
    Eurovision is on tonight and i cannot wait! I have been looking forward to this for ages and now it has come. I better not be disappointed or i may not watch it next year... i more than likely will but little threats may work
    Vodka?! OMG! That is a satanic drink. I used to drink it until i reached 21 and then i started getting the worst headaches and hangovers ever! So i drink gin and sloe gin which is scrumptious.

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