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Conversation Between Cooper Scream and little_polar_bear
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. little_polar_bear
    01-05-2009 23:40
    Hey V.! I like your new avatar! I am so sorry that I haven't send you anything yet but I was told to hand in several papers on Monday, so I am really busy... I will send it to you next week, promised and spasibo bolshoe again
  2. Cooper Scream
    07-12-2008 14:28
    Cooper Scream
    ah, i remember that
    glad to see you, Aileen
  3. little_polar_bear
    03-12-2008 14:32
    Hehe, I have to thank you. We've met once in Jon's chatroom ( I think when we first heard "You and I" on Love Radio, hehe. I am Aileen and 24 years old
  4. Cooper Scream
    03-12-2008 14:15
    Cooper Scream
    thanks for adding

    what's your name and how old are u?

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