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Conversation Between undamaged77 and AshMcAuliffe
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
  1. AshMcAuliffe
    15-07-2009 01:38
    I hope Yulia learns the work ethic. She needs to stop being so lazy! lol
  2. undamaged77
    15-07-2009 00:53
    Well, we can only hope about the album. I think Lena could do very well on her own, especially in the states. I think Yulia has potential too if she actually does the work.
  3. AshMcAuliffe
    15-07-2009 00:49
    I really am excited for the Lena solo project also! I really hope she does well. i've always found her to be the hardest working of the t.A.T.u. girls. She deserves solo success.
    Happy Smiles English version, i will not be surprised, will probably come out around the same time this year as what VU came out last year lol
  4. undamaged77
    15-07-2009 00:40
    Sounds like a plan. I didn't like D&M so much at first, but it grew on me. I don't like Gomenasai much either, never have. But All About Us and Friend or Foe are 2 of my favorite t.A.T.u songs. I really hope we get the English Happy Smiles soon though, with Snowfalls out I'm extremely anxious haha.
  5. AshMcAuliffe
    15-07-2009 00:21
    I have it all planned for when the movie comes out - Buy some rose wine and sneak it into the cinema with a big box of popcorn and sit and watch it with my 2 favourite people in the world. Then come home and rock out to the albums and, hopefully, the Happy Smiles English version =)
    I will always be a fan. My favourite album is defo Dangerous and Moving. I think every track is great though Gomenasai gets on my nerves some times. lol
  6. undamaged77
    15-07-2009 00:12
    Yeah I've noticed haha. I agree with you, it's easy to become frustrated with them with all the delays, but they've put out a lot of good stuff. After the new album I felt like it was worth the wait. I hope the movie is good, too.
  7. AshMcAuliffe
    14-07-2009 22:43
    i'm really wanting to see the movie too. Although i can understand people's frustrations at how the t.A.T.u. has been handled over the past few years i do think it's best to look at the postives and there has been some good music come out of the band over the past 10 years which is worth celebrating. As you can probably tell i'm Team Lena. =)
  8. undamaged77
    14-07-2009 15:35
    hello! time of the moon is really the only other song i'm interested in hearing in English. i don't even care if we get a new "album", as long as I get that song i'm happy haha.
  9. AshMcAuliffe
    14-07-2009 01:47
    Howdy. Hope you are well I cannot wait for the English album now. I'm getting close to finally hearing Time of the Moon

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