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Conversation Between fanoff and Endri
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16
  1. fanoff
    30-08-2009 11:26
    Oh what made me think that you study in Kosova?Anyway,yeah he sins folk songs
  2. Endri
    28-08-2009 08:42
    Oh no, I'm not studying in Kosova, I'm studying in Bulgaria, where I met many people from Kosova. However, I do know Nysret Muçiqi, he's a folk singer, not very known in Albania, but famous in Kosova, though.
  3. fanoff
    27-08-2009 23:35
    You've been studying in Kosova right?My aunt went there recently,and says that one of her relatives is a singer.He is called Nysret muçiqi or something like that,do you know him?
  4. fanoff
    11-08-2009 10:04
    Thanks for asking,I think it's going well I hope I can pass it with the support of you all!
  5. Endri
    11-08-2009 01:22
    How is the preparation going?
  6. Endri
    03-08-2009 23:24
    True. I haven't had much time to post here, and on the other hand there's no active discussion on any topic. Sometimes, you cannot force things to happen.
  7. fanoff
    03-08-2009 14:36
    There isn't anybody in the forum for days!
  8. fanoff
    24-07-2009 00:26
    I should find a website to learn a little bit,then I could go further.
  9. Endri
    24-07-2009 00:11
    Feel free to ask me whenever you want.
  10. fanoff
    23-07-2009 22:57
    But I have google translation If you help me learn Albanian I would give it a try

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