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I'll Never Tell... (New) Chapter 1 part 1

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Old 13-09-2004, 15:12   #1
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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I'll Never Tell... (New) Chapter 1 completed

Hi everyone! I'm back with a new story for you all. Let me know what you think, your opinions really mean a lot thank you!

I’ll never tell…

Some things you should never tell…
Things that can haunt you…
Why not bury them away deep inside?

You’ll never forget…
It will be a burden till you die…
But how can it hurt if you tell a little lie?

They can’t know…she must never know…ever…

Chapter 1 – Outsider

“So he threw him up against the wall and pulled a knife out, it was so cool!” Claire enthused, obviously impressed by her boyfriend’s violent antics. “Lena, Lena, are you listening?”

“Yeah, I’m listening he pulled out a knife.” Lena said her eyes still focused on the large group of students socialising on the grass outside the ‘goldfish bowl’, the hangout for those who didn’t belong, who had to make do with each other for company, whether they liked it or not.

“But it was so cool.” Claire said with a glint in her eye.

“Sounds it! Dave weighs around six stone wet through, how is that cool? Jonny should pick on someone his own size.” Lena couldn’t hide her irritation, how and why Claire had befriended her she didn’t know but she wished she would get the hint and leave her alone, she preferred it that way.

“He was asking for it.”

“Yeah, right.”

“Well, at least Jonny’s better than your sister’s boyfriend, look at him,” Claire pointed to the tall blonde boy who stood in the quad hanging off a petite brunette. “Who does he think he is? And Yulia’s not much better, always looking down her nose at us all! Pathetic!”

“She isn’t like that!” Lena snapped, “and she’s not my sister! How many times do I have to tell you that?”

“Ok, then, foster sister! But she is stuck up Lena, if you’re not rich or popular… well she’s a bitch!” Claire spat her brown eyes flashing with contempt. She despised Yulia Volkova, she represented all that was wrong with their college and why people like her and Lena had to watch from the goldfish bowl, invisible to those who passed.

“Look, I don’t want to argue with you about this so drop it.” Lena said with an edge to her voice that always surfaced whenever Claire criticised Yulia

Claire’s thin lips twisted into a satisfied smile, since she had found Lena’s Achilles heel was Yulia she pushed her buttons mercilessly to evoke a reaction. She only needed to mention the small, dark haired girl to shatter Lena’s cool and it was a power she loved to exert. “Fine but let’s face it if you hadn’t been brought up together she wouldn’t give you the time of day, you wouldn’t be good enough for the likes of her.”

Lena clenched her fists, her pretty face taut with barely restrained anger. “Just leave it ok?”

Claire flinched as she saw in the menace in Lena’s emerald eyes, shivering almost with excitement. She wasn’t sure exactly what Lena was capable of, no one was and she personally never wanted to find out.
She admired the fiery redhead, thrived on the nervousness she created in others. With Lena as her friend she was afforded protection, nobody would mess with her because of it and she could do exactly what she wanted. However, she couldn’t resist to manipulate her, it was just too easy…


Lena drummed her fingertips on the steering wheel as she waited impatiently for Yulia to arrive at the car. As always that morning when they had got to college they had agreed to meet at the car as usual so they could go home together. However, it was ten past four, over half an hour later than they had agreed to meet.

Lena dialled Yulia’s mobile for the third time, sighing heavily as the answer phone picked up yet again. Where could she be? It wasn’t like her to be so late and in the back of her mind Lena began to worry.

Her conversation with Claire had played on her mind since lunchtime thinking back to the way Yulia’s behaviour changed towards her the moment they entered the college grounds. All the way there in the car they would chat and laugh as relaxed and happy in each other’s company as only the best of friends could be. Then as they pulled into the car park and Lena turned off the ignition they would say their goodbyes for the day and take on other personas.

They would never socialise, barely even acknowledging each other when they passed in the corridor, each with their own formidable reputation to maintain. It seemed easier for Yulia to behave this way, to giggle the day away with her pretty friends and her even prettier boyfriends. She was popular, admired as much for her beauty as her intelligence. They both knew being associated with Lena would never be any good for her image.

Lena, in contrast was isolated by her notoriety, infamous for her explosive outbursts, her reputation for cultivating trouble only serving to attract people like Claire, who were her friends more so out of respect and fear than for her friendship. She didn’t discount the perceptions people had of her, she couldn’t be bothered, they could think of her what they liked, they didn’t know her, no one did.

“Anna, is Yulia there?’ Lena asked as her foster mother answered the phone in her sing-song voice.

“No, she’s not here, isn’t she supposed to be coming home with you?”

“That’s what I thought too but she hasn’t turned up at the car yet.”

“I suggest you go and look for her, Yulia’s never late for anything, she just isn’t like that.” The concern in Anna’s voice was evident, her precious Yulia never did anything wrong, it had to be Lena’s fault why she wasn’t there.

“Anna, chill out will you? You’re making it sound like it’s my fault!” Lena chastised her. “What do you want me to do start chaperoning prissy missy from class to class?”

“Don’t be so factious.”

“Then get off my case.” Lena said failing to hide her resentment at Anna’s blatant favouritism as the phone crackled. “Anna, Anna, are you still there?”

“Yulia’s here Lena, she’s with Michael.” Anna said happily talking to Yulia and Michael in the background.

Lena shook her head in disbelief. “Great...just great.”


“Can you pass me the salt please Lena?” Yulia asked tentatively as she sat opposite Lena at the dining room table.

“Get it yourself.” Lena replied not even bothering to look up from her dinner.

Yulia sighed and stood up to get the salt, she hated Lena being mad at her and although she had apologised several times since Lena had stormed in through the front door earlier, there was no sign of forgiveness being granted.

The girls’ foster father Alex Federov witnessed the hostility emitting off Lena not liking it one bit. It was typical of the girl, she had been difficult from the first day they had met her but they had let her stay, mainly because Yulia had begged them too. Sometimes he rued the day they had given in, this being one of them as he tried to enjoy his dinner after a long day at work, something neither of the girls seemed to appreciate how important it was to him.

In the Russian community of London, the Fedrovs were renown for their kindness having fostered children for the past twenty years. Their inability to have their own children scarred them deeply, Anna still mourning the loss of the children she had miscarried, five of them in total, all her babies lost to her.

She had yearned for a replacement, especially for her beloved Ysabel who had lived only three days. She had found a natural substitute in Yulia, her dark haired, blue-eyed looks meaning she was easily mistaken as a true Federov. She had found solace in fostering Yulia, who’s parents were killed in a car crash when she was four years old. Yulia had been bewildered at first, desperate to find Mummy and Daddy, only to be told they had gone to play with the angels. She wanted to play too but they wouldn’t let her no matter how much she cried and begged.

Despite the difficulties, Yulia had been reassured by Anna and Alex’s unconditional love, now considered them as her parents, referring to them unlike Lena as Mum and Dad, something that made Anna smile with pride, she was the daughter she had always dreamed for. And then there was Lena and Thomas, the other children they felt obliged to care for and raise as part of their family, they were a different story completely.

Anna cleared the plates away from the table and pulled on her oven gloves to remove a large lemon meringue pie from the oven, slicing it careful into six and placing it in the centre of the table. Alex and Thomas were first in the scramble to secure a portion, Anna frowning as Thomas tried to pick a slice up with his fingers. “Thomas, be careful please, that’s very hot.”

Thomas ignored her, defying her by picking up a piece in his hand dropping it hurriedly on to his plate and trying discreetly to blow on the burning skin on his fingers

Lena smiled despite her fowl mood the eight year old amusing her as he looked wide-eyed and innocent when Anna grimaced at him for disobeying her orders. As the black sheep of the family, they stuck together, leaving Yulia to lap up all the adoration Anna and Alex directed her way.

“Er, Lena, could you pass me the plate over please?” Yulia asked nervously tucking a strand of her sleek long hair behind her ear.

“Here, fucking have it!” Lena hissed sliding the plate across the table so forcefully that it landed in Yulia’s lap.

Thomas burst out laughing, snorting loudly as he covered his mouth with his hand resisting the urge to give Lena the thumbs up, she was the coolest sister ever. Alex, however, was less than impressed jumping to his feet and pointing towards the door. “I’ve had quite enough of this, get to your room!”

“Wait, she needs to apologise to Yulia first.” Anna said now stood at Yulia’s side brandishing a dishcloth to wipe the piping hot pie from her lap.

Lena was already on her feet; she didn’t need an invitation to leave. “Yeah, right, like that’s gonna happen.”

“Don’t be so rude to your mother!” Alex shouted having quite enough of her insolence.

“She’s not my mother, my mother’s dead!” Lena screamed back before leaving the rest of the family to look at each other in amazement. They could never quite get used to her outbursts no matter how frequently they occurred, the fact remained they were running out of excuses for her.

Last edited by vicky7; 14-09-2004 at 14:00.
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Old 13-09-2004, 21:55   #2
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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oh wow me likes

hmmm... lena with a bad ass temper...

it's so good to have you back
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Old 14-09-2004, 03:30   #3
tatu_rocks tatu_rocks is offline
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excellent!! this is a very promising new story they're starting with the left foot but I hope that will change eventually, won't it?
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Old 14-09-2004, 13:36   #4
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Hi again, here is the second part of chapter one, enjoy and thanks veggie delite and tatu rocks, glad you like it so far

Chapter 1 part 2

“Do you need a hand with that darling?” Anna fussed as Yulia rinsed a cloth under the tap and used it to wipe the last of the pie off her jeans.

Yulia smiled gratefully at Anna as she tossed the cloth into the kitchen sink. “No, it’s ok Mum I’m done, I’ll go up and change now.”

“Do you think that’s a good idea with the mood she’s in?” Anna warned not liking the idea that Yulia would have to further face the wrath of Lena’s temper.

“She’ll calm down, you know what she’s like.” Yulia said nonchalantly. She wasn’t afraid of Lena, they had shared a room for thirteen years, she knew Lena better than anyone else and she knew her earlier outburst was not only about Yulia standing her up. It went deeper than that; it always did with Lena.

“I suppose so.” Anna said her eyes betraying her uncertainty.
When Yulia entered the bedroom she looked over to where Lena was lying on her bed her face obscured by a large broadsheet newspaper. She wasn’t going to acknowledge her presence that much was obvious.

Yulia pulled off her jeans and dug another clean pair of trousers out of her wardrobe and took off her splattered t-shirt replacing it with a clean pink sweater. As she looked back over at Lena she saw no signs of movement from behind the newspaper except for the occasional rustle as Lena turned the page. It was going to be up to Yulia to make the first move.

“What you reading?” Yulia asked softly standing next to Lena’s bed.

“What does it look like?” A muffled voice replied from behind the paper.

“Lena, I said I was sorry about before,” Yulia said now on the verge of exasperation, “I didn’t do it on purpose so will you please stop ignoring me?”

There was no answer just the infuriating rustle of the newspaper. “Lena?” Still there was no answer. Yulia acted swiftly straddling Lena and grabbing the newspaper off her, ripping it in half to reveal the redhead behind it.

“Hey! I was reading that!” Lena exclaimed in surprise.

“Well, you can’t now, so talk to me.” Yulia said hovering over Lena from her position on top of her.

Lena folded her arms across her chest refusing to look Yulia in the eyes. “There’s nothing to talk about.”

“Aww, please, you know I hate it when we fall out.” Yulia pouted as she tried another tact to make Lena soften towards her. “Please, Lena bear, please.” She said childishly.

“Stop calling me that, we’re not five anymore!”

“Yeah but I still love hugs.” Yulia grinned throwing herself forward and wrapping her arms around Lena’s neck.

Just get off me!” Lena cried out trying to push Yulia away from her.

“Ahhhh” Yulia hit the floor hard as Lena looked down the side of the bed in horror. What had she done now?

“Oh shit! Yulia, are you ok?” Lena panicked jumping off her bed and sitting beside Yulia on the floor pulling her upright.

Yulia looked stunned as she repeatedly rubbed her temple. “Mmm, I’m ok…”

“Let me see,” Lena said moving Yulia’s shaking hand away from her head to see what damage she had done. “You’re bleeding…I’m so sorry Yuls, I didn’t mean to…I’m sorry, I was just so mad at you…”
“I know, don’t worry about it.” Yulia said managing a faint smile for Lena despite the fact that her head was pounding as the blood seeped out of her forehead.

“But I could have really, really hurt you.” Lena gazed at her sadly, the anger stripped from her eyes.

“But you didn’t, I’m fine honestly.” Yulia continued to reassure her gently stroking her arm.

“I’d never forgive myself if I…” Lena trailed off, the torment taking a vice-like grip on her vocal chords. “But it’s in me isn’t it?”


“To hurt people.”

“No, of course it isn’t,” Yulia engulfed Lena in her arms whispering in her ear. “You’re a good person Lena, you have to start believing that.”

“I can’t because I know what’s going to happen, I’m going to be just like…”

Yulia cut her off knowing exactly what she was about to say, they had been here before. “You’re going to be just like you, nobody else.”

Lena only wished it was true, for all the inner hurt and anger manifested into something she had little control of, she longed to be the person she felt when she was with Yulia like this. She smiled contentedly into the top of Yulia’s hair relaxing as she felt her breathing against her. The depths of her feelings for the small girl overwhelmed her at times, taking on an intensity that frightened her to the extent she wanted to hide herself away from the world, perhaps then she couldn’t do any harm. Se had to stop caring so much, to feel this way about anyone was too much of a risk for someone like her. If she snapped, she wouldn’t be able to take back the consequences of what she was capable of doing…it couldn’t happen…she wouldn’t let it…
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Old 14-09-2004, 15:18   #5
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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awww.... lena bear

“You’re going to be just like you, nobody else.”
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Old 14-09-2004, 16:28   #6
teeny teeny is offline
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sorry for arriving late for this one, vicky
but it's a good thing for me since I now had 2 updates to read

Sounds like Lena has some big issues to work out in this one. Having bad foster parents isn't exactly something to help with that I guess.. we'll see
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Old 15-09-2004, 12:09   #7
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Hey guys! Another update, enjoy x

Chapter 2 – What You Understand And No Other (part 1)

Yulia stood naked with her back to Lena with her foot up on the small drawer under her full-length mirror. As much as Lena tried to concentrate on the essay she was writing she couldn’t help but focus on Yulia’s pert buttocks. “Can you get your skinny arse out of my face?” she finally said needing to remove the distraction from her line of vision, knowing it would only fuel her sordid fantasies. She knew she was truly sick to think of Yulia this way, especially when they had been brought up as sisters but she couldn’t help herself.

Yulia laughed and extended her middle finger which made Lena chuckle. “What you doing anyway?”

“Mowing the lawn.” Yulia said just about managing to keep a straight face.

“Excuse me!”

Yulia laughed at Lena’s quizzical expression. ‘If you don’t mow the lawn you can’t expect anyone to visit!” she said matter-of-factly.

Lena sniggered and shook her head, no matter how well she thought she knew Yulia she never ceased to amaze her with the things that came out of her mouth. “So are you expecting a visit from Michael?”

“Tonight’s the night.” Yulia said moving from the mirror and grabbing her dressing gown, shampoo and condition off her dresser. She didn’t dare leave them in the bathroom, not with Thomas around. The last time she had left them unattended he had emptied the contents and replaced them with a mixture of tomato ketchup, soy sauce and literary anything else he was able to find in the kitchen cupboards. She hadn’t been able to get rid of the smell for days afterwards.

“Poor guy, he really doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into.” Lena teased her, in fact thinking how lucky Michael was to have Yulia when in her opinion he wasn’t at all worthy. If you took away his pretty boy looks, there wasn’t anything else Lena could see that would be of any interest but then she wasn’t perhaps the best judge, boys had never really been her ‘thing’.

“Hey!” Yulia swatted Lena with her hand. “It’s his lucky night, a once in a lifetime opportunity.”

“And then you’ll move on to the next idiot.”

Yulia looked at her wide-eyed. Was Lena inferring what she thought she was? “You calling me a slut?”

“No, just that you’re very generous…er, with your body.” Lena smirked.

“Katina, one of these days I’m gonna wop your arse, but you’ll keep! I’ve got to go and shower.” The door clicked shut behind Yulia and Lena went back to her essay smiling to herself as she tried to remember where she was up to.

Two minutes later Thomas burst in through the door. “Lena, is Yulia in the shower?”
“Yeah, why?” Lena asked sensing Thomas was up to mischief yet again. She knew she shouldn’t indulge him but she loved to see the devilment in his eyes and to hear him laughing with glee as he set about playing tricks on his unwitting victims, unfortunately for Yulia she was predominantly the recipient of his mirth.

“Can I borrow your camera please?” Thomas asked doe-eyed and innocent.

“Ok, as long as you don’t tell on me to Anna and Alex.” She was already in enough trouble with them after the incident at dinner the previous evening and had yet to make her peace with them. Yulia had made her promise she would apologise to them but she would do it later, much later.

“I won’t.”

“Here then.” Lena said passing him her digital camera and fondly ruffling his dark locks. “How much you going to charge her this time?”

“I dunno yet,” he grinned as he left to terrorise Yulia. As far as he was concerned, it was her own fault. If she didn’t lock the bathroom door how was he supposed to know she was in there having a shower?

Lena cast her essay aside preparing to witness the outcome of Thomas’ reign of terror. She didn’t have to wait long before she heard a shrill scream and Thomas’ manic laughter as he ran down the stairs and outside into the garden. Then came the thunderous footsteps heading in the direction of the bedroom and a soaking wet, foamed up Yulia stood in the doorway. “Where is that little creep?”

“I’m not sure, what’s he done now?”

“Taking bloody photos of me in the shower again!” Yulia fumed. “Lena, it’s not funny!”

Lena bit her lip to halt her giggles but she couldn’t hold it back, tears of laughter forming in the corner of her eyes. “I’m sorry but have you seen yourself?”

“What do you mean?” Yulia asked concerned turning to look at herself in the mirror. “Oh God! I think I better get back in the shower!” she said brushing at her foam afro off with her hand.

“Yeah, I think you should.”

“And if he comes back I’ll…grrr” Yulia remembered Thomas. “He never picks on you, it’s not fair, you’ve got bigger boobs than me so why doesn’t he take pictures of you?”

“I think he values his life too much plus I always lock the door!”

“I always forget!”

“That’s pretty obvious!” Lena laughed again moving out of the way as Yulia flicked some foam at her.
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Old 15-09-2004, 12:32   #8
teeny teeny is offline
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one better lock the door from now on

And lmao with putting the lawn comments in there. I should go read that thread again

Poor Lena having to share room with Yulia.. I know how hard work it can be just trying to read a book infront of hot girls in bikinis
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Old 16-09-2004, 01:33   #9
tatu_rocks tatu_rocks is offline
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thanks for the update!! this is getting very funny, and hey, how does Lena control herself with naked Yulia there?? I would have to get out of the room hehe
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Old 16-09-2004, 01:55   #10
tatu_rocs tatu_rocs is offline
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hahaha too cute i love that lil kid hahaahha hey hey LENAS HOT!!
That's it right now about a a million copies going back, Amy a nerd!-Amy Lee
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Old 16-09-2004, 10:45   #11
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Hi guys! Thanks for your comments. Here's the next installment for you xxx

Chapter 2 part 2

“What time is it?” Lena asked groggily as Yulia flicked on her bedside lamp.

“About two.” Yulia whispered back as she released her long hair from its ponytail and began to undress.

Lena propped herself up on her side eager to find out about Yulia’s evening. “How did it go tonight?”

Yulia rolled her eyes skywards. “Don’t ask!”

Lena refused to change the subject, something had clearly gone wrong. “I’m asking.”

Yulia knew Lena wouldn’t let up until she told her what had happened between her and Michael but she wasn’t sure where to start, Lena always disapproved of the way she conducted her love life, this wouldn’t be any exception. “Ok, but just give me a minute to get ready for bed.”

“Ok,” Lena nodded, “Would you like a drink of anything?”

“A cup of tea would be great!”

Upon Lena’s return she placed Yulia’s drink on her bedside table and perched on the edge of her bed. Yulia smiled in thanks and moved closer to Lena on the bed. “How was your evening anyway? Did you go round to Bo’s?” she asked taking a small sip of her tea.

Lena’s eyes sparkled as she thought of her night. “I sure did!”

“How were the Brights?”

“Still hippies, Bo was particularly unimpressed when her ‘rents offered me a joint!”

Yulia looked at her incredulously. “You’re kidding! Did you have one?”

“Nah, Bo would have killed me as well as them, she went so red I thought she was going to explode!” Lena laughed thinking of the surrealism of the situation, it could only happen at the Brights household, which made it one of her favourite places to go.

“She still calling herself Katie?” Yulia said referring to Bo, she had been friends with both Yulia and Lena since infants school.

“Yeah, she changed it by depoll.”

“Bet Silas and Esme love that, after all Rainbow Bright is such a bootiful name!” Yulia cracked up.

“Ha ha, aww, I love that family!” Lena giggled. “So what about your night?”

“It wasn’t the best.” Yulia conceded, the smile vanishing from her face. “If I’d have given him a map and a torch he still wouldn’t have found the spot!”

“Oh dear! You dump him?”


“Oh, harsh!’ Lena said trying to hide the delight in her voice. “How did he take it?”

“Not too well, he called me a cold hearted bitch and a riddled whore…” Yulia sighed unhappily. “But I just didn’t feel anything, it was kinda soulless.”

“Poor guy! He probably thought you two would end up being some kind of modern day Romeo and Juliet.” Lena said not without irony.

Yulia’s face reclaimed its smile at that. “They died!”

“Well, you know what I mean.” Lena shrugged. “But anyway, it’s probably for the best that you dumped him.”

Yulia bit her lip thoughtfully. “I know but is it wrong to dump someone for being crap in bed or should you give them the benefit of the doubt?”

“I’m not exactly the best one to ask that not when you know…” The look in Yulia’s eyes stopped her from completing her sentence, yes Yulia knew she was gay but no, she didn’t want to acknowledge it, she never had, not even last year when she had found her kissing Natalie Fischer.

“But it does seem heartless what I’ve done doesn’t it?” Yulia always wrestled with her conscience when she had broken up with someone, even though she never hesitated to cut them out of her life with a brutal finality, she didn’t believe in second chances, she demanded perfection.

“Maybe a little.” Lena said performing her part of the routine.

“I can’t help it Lena, I just want to find the one.”

“You’re eighteen not eighty,” Lena said moving closer to Yulia and throwing an arm around her shoulders. “That person’s out there somewhere, probably waiting for you too.”

Yulia’s face crumbled as a wave of self-pity descended upon her. “I hope so…”

“Oh Yuls, there’s nothing to be upset about, please don’t.” Lena said tenderly taking her in her arms; she couldn’t bear to see Yulia cry. It was an alien concept to her, one that she didn’t like to see Yulia do as often as she did. She had nothing to cry about, she was preciously magnificent, an innocent heart wrapped in the most desirable package. Everyone loved her, worshiped her, were besotted with her, everyone…

Yulia’s watery eyes took on a hauntingly sad beauty. “I’m just so disappointed…the way he reacted when I told him I didn’t enjoy it….”
Lena’s inner fire sparked, her rationality dying away. “What did he do? I swear to God if he hurt you…”

“Lena, no! Calm down!” Yulia protested against her, feeling the tension gripping Lena’s body, why could she never keep her problems to herself? “You’re not helping.”

Lena hung her head in shame, she was doing it again; she couldn’t seem to stop herself. “I know, I’m sorry.”

“He was a little rough, it took me a bit by surprise, I guess but I’m alright, why wouldn’t I be? I’m here with you.” Yulia kissed Lena’s cheek in an act of reassurance. Lena, in turn hugged her extra hard, if she ever found out that Michael had in fact hurt Yulia she would personally see that he paid…no one hurt her Yulia…
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Old 16-09-2004, 10:57   #12
teeny teeny is offline
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I dunno what to say even, other than: awwww

And @ Rainbow Bright

Sorry I gotta cut the comment short today.. divorce in danish royal family - tv is calling
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Old 17-09-2004, 13:27   #13
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Hi! Here's a quick update. Enjoy!

Chapter 3 - A Rush of Blood to the Head (part 1)

On Monday morning when Yulia arrived at her locker she was stunned to see ‘WHORE’ emblazoned on the sheet metal in bright red spray paint. She removed a tissue from her pocket, spitting on it to dampen it, rubbing vigorously at the paint but it wasn’t coming off.

She heard sniggers behind her and turned around to glare at the whispering girls from the lower six form who feigned their innocence when they saw Yulia’s livid expression was directed their way.
She kicked the locker in frustration and turned on her heel to get to her first class of the day. She would deal with Michael later...


“She’s so fuckin’ easy it’s untrue.” Yulia could hear a male voice say as she rounded the corner to see Michael stood in the middle of his group of friends, who were lapping up everything he had to say.

She didn’t wait for him to notice her, she wanted to have this out, she had worked hard to be popular; he wasn’t going to take it away from her. “Michael.”

Michael eyed her coldly leaning lazily against the wall, his cronies watching closely to see his reaction to Yulia’s presence. “What?”

Yulia folded her arms refusing to be intimidated by the looming figures of the smirking boys. “My locker, did you do that?”

Michael’s eyes sparkled with amusement, he had gotten under her skin, just as he had intended. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Like hell you do!”

“No, I don’t but you can’t argue with the truth can you?”

“The truth is something you can’t handle Michael. You think you’re so hard don’t you? I was sorry I had to dump you but now I’m surprised I didn’t do it sooner!”

“Suck my dick!” Michael said through gritted teeth his bravado falling away.

“Stick it up your arse!” Yulia said pushing her way through the masses gathered outside to witness the scene. Hopefully their confrontation would bring an end to the campaign of vehement hate he was pitting against her.

She couldn’t put up with much more. She wanted to go home and hide in her bedroom and pray for the taunts to go unsaid and the graffiti to clean itself until it was gone. She didn’t want to believe what was being said or the cruel words she had seen but at the brink of her mind there were doubts that refused to fall away, clinging on for her to listen to them. In her quest to be popular had she really lost her sense of morality, was sex more important than love? Did she even know what love is?
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Old 17-09-2004, 14:06   #14
teeny teeny is offline
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think Lena should pass by Yulias locker.. that should learn Michael a think or two about what one shouldn't do.
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Old 18-09-2004, 21:13   #15
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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michael's gonna get some

i'll pay the hospital bills, just make him ugly
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Old 18-09-2004, 22:26   #16
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Hi guys, an update!

Chapter 3 part 2

Lena sat at the back of the cafeteria playing with the rubbery pasta on her plate as she observed the scene in front of her. She had heard the jeers as Yulia sat down with her friends for lunch, a few boys off the football team heckling her about Michael. Yulia had answered them back defiantly which had silenced them for a few minutes until they launched some condoms like missiles over onto her table, one of them landing in the middle of her dinner plate.

Lena’s fist tightened round her fork as she watched Yulia visibly anger, pushing her chair back and flouncing out of the room to a chorus of caterwauling. Lena decided to follow her knowing that she would be deeply upset having seen her reputation decimated by Michael’s bad mouthing, her popularity being something she took great pride in.

If she saw the little prick right now, Lena would cheerfully strangle him. She had heard the malicious rumours he had been spreading Claire recalling them all to her with glee until Lena threatened to wipe the supercilious smile from her face.

Out in the hallway she scurried after Yulia who she could see in the distance, weaving her way through the students loitering by their lockers and diving into the safety of the girls toilets. When Lena burst in all she could see were two girls preening themselves in the mirror and another trio standing chattering by the hand dryers. Only one of the cubicles was occupied, Yulia…

If she was going to be able to talk to Yulia she didn’t need an audience, she would have to wait for their girls to go or maybe not. She wasn’t the patient type; they would be leaving now.

“Right girls, it’s time for you to go.” Lena said clapping her hands together to attract their attention.

“What?” One of the girls at the hand dryer responded, her expression blank.

Lena went over to the girl, fronting up to her. “You’re leaving.”


“I asked nicely…” Lena said with an undertone of menace. “Do I need to repeat myself?” she asked the girl who appeared to have gone mute while her friends looked at each other uncomfortably and the girls by the mirror slipped out the toilets unprepared to challenge the fiercest girl at college. “I said move!” Lena barked pointing to the door.

“Oh, er…ok.” The girls squeaked falling over each other to leave the toilets before Lena got violent.

Lena smiled to herself satisfied she had got her own way dragging the heavy metal bin next to the hand dryer and propping it under the door so that she could speak to Yulia alone. Then she went to the cubicle Yulia was in and listened to the quiet sobbing. “Yuls, open the door.”


“Yulia, I’m warning you, I’ll kick the door in if I have to.” Lena threatened. “One, two…” she counted prepared to kick the door in on three. However, she heard the lock turn and the door’s status changed from occupied to vacant. She pushed the door back and saw a forlorn Yulia perched on the toilet with mascara streaking her face.

“What’s been going on?” she asked softly kneeling down in front of Yulia

“He’s been telling everyone I’m a whore, it was painted on my locker and someone wrote loads of horrible things about me on the blackboard in Mrs Heaton’s class…” She finished with a loud sob, as she thought of how the day had snowballed into a nightmare.

“Shhhh, it will be alright, I promise.” Lena comforted her pulling her up off the toilet into her arms.

“I don’t know what to do Lena.”

“You can’t do anything, just sit tight, they’ll tire of it.” Lena said to Yulia’s obvious surprise. “What?” Lena asked as Yulia continued to look at her strangely with the vaguest hint of a smile touching her mouth.

“I never thought I’d hear my furious puppy being the voice of reason.” Yulia said fondly.

Lena laughed; it had been a while since Yulia had used that nickname. “Me either, those anger management classes must have actually done some good!”

“You’re such a goof!” Yulia said forgetting her problems for a minute. Lena could always make her laugh when she was upset, she was the only who understood her completely and that was why she was more than willing to put up with her mood swings. Lena if anything was always honest about her emotions, loyal and kind, protective and loving. But not everyone was allowed to see that, she wanted to outside world to see her as being untouchable, that no one could hurt her no matter how hard they tried. However, it couldn’t be further from the truth, Lena was hurt more than anyone she had ever known. Yulia only hoped that it would get better over time, to live with that pain was too much for anyone, even Lena.

“Shhh, don’t tell on me, those rumours were pretty good for my rep.” Lena said putting a finger to her lips. “Now, do I have to escort you out of here?” she said holding her arm out to Yulia.

“No, I’m fine, just need to do some repair work.” She said pointing at the mascara streaks with a smile.

“Cool, I’ll see you at the car later.” Lena said kissing Yulia’s cheek affectionately, hopeful that the abuse wouldn’t get any worse, she really didn’t want to lose her temper today, not over a shit like Michael.
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Old 18-09-2004, 23:20   #17
teeny teeny is offline
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awww such a cute update.. well given the situation of course.

Cutting comment short since I'm tired.. thank you for the update, vicky
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Old 19-09-2004, 16:24   #18
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Update xxx

Chapter 3 part 3

There was a buzz amongst the students as they made their way across the car park at the end of another school day. Lena could see people stood by their cars laughing as they studied flyers that had been placed under their windscreen wipers.

Out of the corner of her eye, Lena spotted Michael and his group of friends handing out other flyers to those waiting at the crowded bus stop. It aroused her suspicions and she dashed to her car to pull off the same flyer Michael seemed to be giving out to everyone in sight.

She did a double take when she saw the picture on it. Yulia naked in the shower, their home telephone number quoted. Call within for prices, it instructed, if you want to ‘do’ The Vixen Volkova, any position on demand, group discounts available. She ripped the flyer to shreds, looking back over at the bus stop but Michael was no longer there. He would be dealt with but first she had to try and get rid of as many of the flyers as she could before Yulia got to see them, this would shatter her and she had at least soften the blow.

She ran around the car park, swiftly snatching the flyers off the windscreens, stuffing them into her large record bag. Then she swooped on a gaggle of girls stood at the bus stop, all relishing the fact that one of the most popular girls in college was being humiliated.

“Hey, what you doing?” One of them exclaimed as Lena wrestled a flyer out of her hand.

“Getting rid of your rubbish!” Lena snarled, the girl stepping back, terrified to have Lena within spitting distance of her.

“Lena, what you doing?” Yulia asked catching Lena by surprise as she was in the midst of prising some flyers off a group of lower six form boys.

“Um, hi Yuls.” Lena said uncomfortably, not sure how she was going to break it to Yulia what Michael had done.

“What is this?” Yulia asked grabbing one of the flyers that Lena had hastily tried to stash in her bag. The colour drained from her face when the realisation hit her what she was looking at, what the whole college was gloating at, the betrayal she felt showing as her chin quivered. “How…I don’t understand…did you give him this?”

“No, no, of course I didn’t,” Lena tried to explain as Yulia took one look at her guilty expression and ran away from her. “Yulia come back! Yulia!” she shouted as Yulia sprinted towards the sports hall.

“Get out of my fucking way!” Lena cursed as people obstructed her path as she continued to call after Yulia in vain. “Yulia!” she shouted until her lungs burned and she wheezed heavily as she tried to catch her breath, as she ran aimlessly around the grounds of the college.

She propped herself up against the main entrance, digging out her mobile to dial Yulia’s phone but typically the answer phone picked up. “Yulia, please call me back. I had nothing to do with this I swear. Please Yuls, I need to know that you’re ok.” She then telephoned home to see if Anna had heard from Yulia but no one picked up.

She wandered around for another twenty minutes hoping that by some kind of miracle Yulia was still around somewhere but after circling the corridors for a third time she decided to go home and face the music. Anna would no doubt blame her for the situation but she didn’t care as long Yulia was alright and at home where she could protect her.
As she turned to leave she noticed a piece of paper clinging to her boot, another one of those flyers. She picked it up and stared at it again, a sharp ache emancipating in her chest at the sight of her beautiful baby, her sweet nakedness sullied by the cheap reproduction and the depravity of the text. Those randy boys with their inexperienced cocks all being able to leer and fantasise about someone they could never have and could only defile in their lust drenched dreams. Was she any better than they were? Was she not as guilty?
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Old 19-09-2004, 21:16   #19
haku haku is offline
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Thanks for the story vicky7.

Well, i'm not really sorry for Yulia, she's one of those prissy girls obsessed with popularity... They've always been bitches to me, lol. And like Yulia, you can often hear those girls complaining about how lame boys are and how they don't treat girls right, blah, blah, but those girls only dates alpha males, and they are surprised that they act like primates? They get what they're looking for. Yulia is like that, she's probably been dating school athletes and local bullies. There are probably quieter boys that would have been much nicer to her, but she probably never even looked at them, they're not popular and manly enough for her, they are unworthy weaklings.
So ok, Michael is an asshole (again, not a surprise when you only date alpha males), but what Yulia did is hardly nice either. She dumped him because he wasn't good enough during the first time they had sex? Wow. How many boys has she dumped like that before? So i guess when she says she's looking for the "one", she's not talking about love, she means the ultimate stud.

Those randy boys with their inexperienced cocks all being able to leer and fantasise about someone they could never have and could only defile in their lust drenched dreams.
Wow, that's harsh. Calm down Lena, i realize you despise men but women are not sacred goddesses that have to be protected from the filth of the male gender.

After the Michael incident though, Lena might have a better chance to convince Yulia that boys are just brainless horny dogs and that she should try girls who are so much better.

I'll have to agree with Lena though that having dirty thoughts about your foster sister is borderline disturbing.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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Old 19-09-2004, 21:21   #20
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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i hope lena cuts his balls of. not like he knows to use them...but still...
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