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Old 06-11-2003, 00:39   #121
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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Ugh Lena needs to defend Yulia!! And I'm about to bring out my baseball bat and clobber Roman with it!!!! Grrrrrr. Anyways, still loved the update Vicky. Can't wait for the next one!
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Old 06-11-2003, 00:45   #122
haku haku is offline
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Well, Yulia is not the only one to be disappointed. I can't believe how Lena just crawled back to Roman completely humiliating herself and betraying Yulia. There's a limit to how low you can go without losing your dignity and she has clearly passed that limit. She has completely lost all notion of self respect. Before when she was with Roman i was feeling sorry for her and was angry at Roman for using her but now... i don't know... she's so weak... i don't really feel anything for her at the moment... pity and disgust maybe. I'm starting to think she doesn't deserve Yulia.

Sorry, this post is harsh but i typed it as i was feeling it.
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Old 06-11-2003, 02:40   #123
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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Well written, but ARRRGGHHHH!

Ok, I feel a *little* better now. *sigh*

I agree with Haku, Lena's lost her dignity. If this character were a real person, I'd be shaking her and asking, "Have you lost your mind?"

Of course, the fact that we are getting upset with a fictional character just shows how well you are writing this.

Keep up the good work!

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Old 06-11-2003, 04:26   #124
guesshoo guesshoo is offline
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i think yuli needs to loose her temper on roman as she did w/ millian. he deserves it. truly.

when i was reading the part where lena called "the a$$hole" back i was like nooooooooo!
why lena, why????
but then again in real life there are lots of ppl that follow those same actions.
sad indeed!
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Old 06-11-2003, 19:16   #125
prostrel prostrel is offline
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Originally posted by guesshoo

when i was reading the part where lena called "the a$$hole" back i was like nooooooooo!
why lena, why????
but then again in real life there are lots of ppl that follow those same actions.
sad indeed!
Maybe this Lena thing has something to do with her father? If I remember right, Lena`s father is quite like Roman, and in real life many girls/women look for men, which are like her daddy is/was. Not nesessarily consciously and even if they say that they never want to have a man like their father is, these girls often end up with a guy like that.
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Old 08-11-2003, 14:52   #126
xena225 xena225 is offline
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Originally posted by vicky7
“That girl has such an attitude problem” she heard Roman say as she slammed the bedroom door as hard as she possibly could, she still didn’t hear Lena defending her and it hurt.
Ack, that was painful to read. But it would probably be unrealistic to make Lena change too quickly. Old habits die hard. Though I suspect it won't be long now before she is forced to really make choice between Roman and Yulia. I hope she makes the right one.

Thanks for the great story!!

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Old 09-11-2003, 00:03   #127
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Chapter 17 part 2

“Yulia?” Lena called out tapping on her bedroom door.

“WHAT?” Yulia replied abruptly wanting Lena to leave her alone.

“Can I talk to you?” Lena asked hopefully.

“If it’s about Roman no!” She had been thinking about how much she hated Roman for the past hour and a half and now her head ached, she really didn’t want to compound matters by talking about him especially after the last time where Lena had lashed out at her, she didn’t want a repeat performance.

“Yulia please just let me explain” Lena pleaded frantically wanting Yulia to listen.

“What’s to explain?” Yulia answered back through the door, not moving from her bed, she was unwilling to give in to Lena this time. She had betrayed her so why should Yulia just sit back and let Lena walk all over her?

“Please Yulia, please don’t be mad with me” The despair in Lena’s voice struck a raw nerve in Yulia to the point that she knew she should talk to her and sort things out. She contemplated her next move until she heard Lena walking away from her bedroom and decided to run out to confront her, catching Lena off guard.

“So…you want to explain?” Yulia’s face was set in a frown and her arms were folded across her chest, she didn’t look particularly open to explanations.

“Look Yul it’s nothing personal, I mean I love Roman and I love you, I just wish you’d both get along” Lena gestured wildly in an attempt to get her point across.

However, Yulia’s frown remained. “It’s never gonna happen Lena” she said resolutely.

“I know” Lena nodded sadly, her face a picture of unhappiness.

“So what did you do? You begged him back right? Apologised for my behaviour?” Yulia reeled off the questions.

“I phoned yes, begged no” she lied. Lena knew she had lost some of her dignity especially after that last sex session. Lena had felt violated especially when Roman had put his penis up her…it hurt to think about it, her bottom was stinging and some bleeding was evident when she had examined herself in the bathroom. Why she had let him plunge into her like that she didn’t really know, she had wanted to please him, to show him how desperate she was to make amends and he had made her so sorry for what she had done and now her backside was burning and it hurt to walk.

“I apologised for my behaviour, not yours at least you were discreet and didn’t show him up in front of the whole restaurant” After hours of brainwashing Lena now felt completely ashamed.

“Maybe not” Yulia agreed.

“So can we please just forget about it and look forward to a good night out” Lena asked looking so deeply into Yulia’s eyes that she couldn’t fight with her any longer.

“Yeah I guess” Yulia shrugged half heartedly, she had been really looking forward to going out that evening but it had already been ruined by Roman’s reappearance, she hated him so much.

“Good” Lena smiled happily engulfing Yulia in a hug. Yulia didn’t feel anything, she was numb, no amount of hugs in the world would ever compensate for her losing Lena to Roman. In her heart she knew it was time to give up on Lena, that she should be with someone who wanted her, even if it was just physically she would settle for that right now.
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Old 09-11-2003, 01:05   #128
samegirl samegirl is offline
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God! so heart aching this chapter! why lenas has to be that way? so...silly ( i don't know the word in english) I mean...she's been stupid letting roman abuses her...And yulia giving up? hard chapter, now i feel sad...i want them together like they belong
You are torturing us vicky, but what a good chap
[COLOR= "blue"]Hope is for those who still believe in dreams...[/color]

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Old 09-11-2003, 01:07   #129
guesshoo guesshoo is offline
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her backside?
ummmmm, my mom always tells me that if a man preferrs the back route than the front road, then all is not well.
in other words, he's gay!

anyways, is it time for roman to die yet???
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Old 09-11-2003, 01:34   #130
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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Gut-wrenching to read, but well done.

Keep up the good work, Vicky. I love reading your story.

In edit--I had a few thoughts later.
I seriously doubt that what happened in the last chapter has anything to do with Roman's sexuality.

With him, it's all about control and humiliation. But control most of all. What he wants to know is how far Lena will go to keep him....what will she do *and* what will she let him do.

And yeah, it's easy for us to be frustrated with Lena's character....but she's been told she's nothing from the very start. Her relationship with her mother is proof of that. *We* know that Yulia really cares about her....but how can she? How can she believe that, when she's never been treated like she was worthy of love and respect? Even if Yulia convinces her of that with how she treats her, a big part of Lena is going to be convinced that Yulia just doesn't know the *real* Lena...that if she did, she'd treat her like everyone else does.

Ok, I had a *lot* of thoughts later. LOL. And Vicky? If I'm way off base, just let me know.


Last edited by parrish122; 09-11-2003 at 07:26.
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Old 09-11-2003, 05:49   #131
amikana amikana is offline
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oh no! all i have is this gut-wrenching instinct about what is going to happen when they go to the club.....when they go out with tonya. lena's gonna be sorry......

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Old 09-11-2003, 13:29   #132
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Originally posted by parrish122
Gut-wrenching to read, but well done.

Keep up the good work, Vicky. I love reading your story.

In edit--I had a few thoughts later.
I seriously doubt that what happened in the last chapter has anything to do with Roman's sexuality.

With him, it's all about control and humiliation. But control most of all. What he wants to know is how far Lena will go to keep him....what will she do *and* what will she let him do.

And yeah, it's easy for us to be frustrated with Lena's character....but she's been told she's nothing from the very start. Her relationship with her mother is proof of that. *We* know that Yulia really cares about her....but how can she? How can she believe that, when she's never been treated like she was worthy of love and respect? Even if Yulia convinces her of that with how she treats her, a big part of Lena is going to be convinced that Yulia just doesn't know the *real* Lena...that if she did, she'd treat her like everyone else does.

Ok, I had a *lot* of thoughts later. LOL. And Vicky? If I'm way off base, just let me know.

Thanks for your analysis Parrish, you are completely right about the Roman and Lena relationship. Lena doesn't really expect anything better from anyone and Roman wanted to humiliate Lena to reaffirm that he is the one who calls the shots in the relationship.

Thanks again for your analysis it's lovely to read as it's nice to know that people think in depth with regards to the characters and their emotional make ups which I have tried hard to portray from the start.
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Old 09-11-2003, 15:03   #133
haku haku is offline
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if a man preferrs the back route than the front road [...] he's gay!
That's an interesting concept... What about a guy who likes to do that once in a while, is he bi?

Edited to add: anal sex is not humiliating in itself, it's the way Lena let him impose it on her that was. She would have been as violated with any kind of sex, hell, he's been violating her from the very beginning, not just in the last chapter.

[Rest of the post deleted because compared to what Parrish said it was, well, pretty lame.]

EDIT (AGAIN): Well, since Parrish and Vicky7 think that what i deleted was not that lame, i'm putting it back. (To the best of my recollection) And yes Parrish, i typed it just after reading the chapter, i was pretty upset. From now on i'll wait a bit before posting.

Lena knew she had lost some of her dignity especially after that last sex session.
My poor Lena you had already lost all of it even before that, which partially explains why you don't have any respect left for your own body and let him treat you like a whore.

After hours of brainwashing Lena now felt completely ashamed.
I don't think Roman even *has* to brainwash her, she does a pretty good job all by herself.

I just feel sick... I don't know... Maybe it's time for Yulia to move on...

Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]

Last edited by haku; 10-11-2003 at 00:05.
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Old 09-11-2003, 18:24   #134
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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Good point Haku....I should have made it clear that it was how Roman imposed it on Lena that made it humiliating. I *meant* that, but didn't express that. A bit embarassing, since I concider myself a writer.

And don't think that what you said before was lame (I did see it, you posted it as I was editing my post.). I imagine that you were writing during the heat of the moment, where I had been thinking about the story off and on since I'd read the last chapter. Suddenly it clicked and I knew what I wanted to say. It's hardly fair to compare what someone wrote after spending time thinking about what they wanted to write for quite a bit of time, to what someone wrote off the top of their head.

What you wrote was honestly felt, and showed that you care about this character....and wished that she cared enough about herself to demand that she be treated better.

There's certainly nothing wrong with that.

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Old 09-11-2003, 22:21   #135
vicky7 vicky7 is offline
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Hiya guys! Thanks a lot for all your comments would just like to say Haku I saw your original post before you edited it and liked it, I don't know why you changed it. I love the way you all take the time to give me such good analysis of the dtory as you see it it makes me feel really appreciated. Thank you very much. Now here's an update for ya.

Chapter 17 part 3

A wave of silence washed over the apartment while Lena and Yulia got ready to go out with Tanya. Lena having spent an hour in the bath still felt very uncomfortable, the pain if anything becoming more unbearable, her mobility slightly restricted. At least she didn’t need to spend time choosing what to wear as Roman had decided to pick out her outfit for the evening.

Once Lena was ready and looked at herself in the mirror she couldn’t help but think she couldn’t look anymore prim and proper in the plain black trousers and white blouse if she had tried. She felt awful looking at herself she was so unattractive. If this was to set the tone for the night out she knew she was going to have a horrendous time.

She continued to stare at herself in the mirror scowling at her reflection until she heard the sound of the doorbell and slowly made to leave her room to answer the door. However, Yulia had already beaten her to it and she could see her stood in the hallway with Tanya chattering and laughing. They both looked absolutely drop dead gorgeous in their tight fitting tops, short skirts and knee length leather boots. It was enough to make Lena want to go back to her room and hide but it was too late they had both already seen her.

“Hi Lena!” Tanya said warmly “You ready to go? I asked the guy in the taxi to wait”

“Sure I just need to get my bag and coat and then I’m be ready.” Lena faked a smile and hobbled back to her bedroom to grab her things, this was going to be a very very long night.


They arrived at the nightclub about fifteen minutes later and clambered quickly out of the taxi into the long queue to get inside, the club seemed very busy even for a Saturday night. Eventually they got to the front of the queue and managed to get in heading straight for the bar where it was vodkas all round.

At first Lena felt a slight trepidation about drinking the way both Tanya and Yulia were so adept. However, Lena felt she needed a few stiff drinks to improve her mood so that she could join in with Tanya and Yulia’s frivolity so she hastily knocked back three double vodkas in a row and ordered some shooters for them.

Her mood if anything deteriorated, she was the odd one out as Tanya and Yulia chortled loudly, sharing what seemed to be a series of private jokes. Lena could feel paranoia taking hold of her as she studied their faces, were they laughing at her? She knew now that she should have pulled out of coming here and that she should have just left them to it.

It was obvious Tanya was more Yulia’s type of person than Lena was. It depressed Lena but she knew she was a nerd and that Yulia would not normally be friends with someone like her. The only reason they were friends was because Yulia was grateful to her for helping her get her life back together. Now Tanya had come along she wouldn’t get a look in. Watching them she could see how they complimented each other so well, they both were so lively and outgoing that they didn’t need Lena now that they had each other. What did she have to offer them that they couldn’t get from each other?

The steady stream of vodka decelerated and they looked around for a booth fortunate enough to find one just a few yards away from the dance floor. They sat themselves down and watched everyone enjoying their selves. “This is such a cool place don’t you think Lena?” Tanya addressed Lena who just smiled and nodded, she really wanted to go home.

Lena felt so lonely, they didn’t need her to be there but when she looked at her watch it wasn’t even midnight so she couldn’t excuse herself to leave just yet so she decided to give it an hour. She could see Tanya leaning over and whispering something in Yulia’s ear to which Yulia just smiled and laughed another wave of paranoia hitting her hard as she took a large slug of vodka in an attempt to distract her attention away from the two girls.

“Lena you gonna come and dance?” Yulia invited her.

Lena shook her head. “No, I’ll stay here if you don’t mind, I really don’t feel like dancing.”

“Oh ok, do you mind if we go and dance for a bit?” Yulia said asking for permission, she really didn’t want to leave Lena on her own especially when she looked so miserable.

“Course she doesn’t mind, do you Lena?” Tanya interrupted.

Lena did mind actually, she minded Tanya taking Yulia away from her but she couldn’t say that. “No, why would I mind? You guys have a good dance and I’ll see you in a while” Lena said straining a smile.

“You sure?” Yulia asked concerned.

“Sure, I’m sure! Now go!” Lena waved them away.

“Cool!” Tanya enthused. “Will you mind our bags Lena? They’re a bit of a pain to take on the dance floor”

“Yeah, course I will” Lena responded, although Tanya hadn’t waited for her to reply before thrusting her bag into Lena’s lap.

“See you in a bit then” Tanya said cheerily pulling Yulia by the hand onto the dance floor until they were right in the very middle of it and Lena and their booth were out of sight.

“Do you think Lena’s alright?” Yulia asked Tanya still preoccupied by Lena’s unhappy state, she looked utterly depressed and it pained her.

“Probably just missing Roman, bet she wants to leave and go round to his place for a shag” Tanya knew she was manipulating Yulia’s feelings by saying that but she couldn’t help it. She wanted Yulia to forget about Lena and concentrate on her, she was the one that fancied Yulia not Lena, that was the difference and she wanted Yulia to know it.

“You’re right I know you are” Yulia said spacing out for a second.

Tanya whispered in Yulia’s ear placing a hand on her hip. “Come on Yulia, forget about Lena and dance with me.”

Yulia suddenly felt turned on by Tanya, she wanted her more and more as they got pushed closer together by the crowd of people, their bodies brushing as they swayed to the music, Tanya’s eyes never leaving hers.

'Do I know you from somewhere?*
Why do you leave me wanting more?
Why do all the things I say
Sound like the stupid things I've said before?'

The music seemed to be pumping louder and louder as their mutual longing grew as the minutes passed, Tanya grinding herself against Yulia harder grabbing her hand and placing it on her bare midriff.

'Put your hand on my skin
Put your hand on my skin
Put your hand on my skin'

Yulia could feel her pulse racing as Tanya moved a hand under her top caressing her lower back, looking down into Yulia’s face the desire in her eyes plain to see.

'Kiss me, I'm dying
Put your hand on my skin
I close my eyes
I need to make a connection
I'm walking on a thin line
I close my eyes
I close my eyes'

Yulia could feel her nipples harden as Tanya moved her left hand over her chest testing her boundaries and was pleasantly surprised that Yulia wanted her too returning the compliment by placing a hand on Tanya’s pert bottom and squeezing it gently.

'Touch me, I'm trying
To see inside of your soul
I've got this thing
I want to make a correction
I'm not like this all the time
You've got this thing
You've got this thing'

Yulia was beginning to lose control of her senses she needed Tanya to kiss her now so badly, to kiss her all over and to make her forget Lena, Roman, even her own name.

'Kiss, kiss, kiss me'

“Yulia, come with me, I need to have” Tanya purred in her ear. Yulia gulped nervously, she wanted it so much she was prepared to do anything Tanya asked of her.

*Skin by Madonna
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Old 09-11-2003, 23:06   #136
prostrel prostrel is offline
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Hot chapter vicky7! Thanks! I just hope that everything goes fine...
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Old 09-11-2003, 23:36   #137
amikana amikana is offline
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argh! [scowl]

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Old 10-11-2003, 03:27   #138
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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Yikes. I have mixed feelings about the whole Tanya & Yulia idea. A part of me does *not* want that to happen because...well, I just don't want that. But another part of me thinks it's necessary that Lena see them in some sort of situation, whether it's just something little as kissing or what, just to realize what she feels about Yulia.

I agree with Parrish and Haku--Lena has already lost her dignity with how she lets Roman treat her. Parrish brought up a good issue--the power issue with Roman. He's all about dominance and ugh I just can't stand people like that!! Anyway, I have been hooked on this story since the beginning and I am *really* looking forward to seeing how this unfolds. Great job Vicky.
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Old 10-11-2003, 05:35   #139
amikana amikana is offline
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Originally posted by dare2dream28
Yikes. I have mixed feelings about the whole Tanya & Yulia idea. A part of me does *not* want that to happen because...well, I just don't want that. But another part of me thinks it's necessary that Lena see them in some sort of situation, whether it's just something little as kissing or what, just to realize what she feels about Yulia.

I agree with Parrish and Haku--Lena has already lost her dignity with how she lets Roman treat her. Parrish brought up a good issue--the power issue with Roman. He's all about dominance and ugh I just can't stand people like that!! Anyway, I have been hooked on this story since the beginning and I am *really* looking forward to seeing how this unfolds. Great job Vicky.
i *completely* agree. and while i do think it somewhat "necessary" that lena see yulia and tanya and realize JUST WHAT THE HELL SHE IS MISSING OUT ON ([lol]....that doesn't mean i have to like it. hehe.

so yeah - this post just goes to show you how hooked i am on this story.

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Old 10-11-2003, 19:02   #140
samegirl samegirl is offline
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I just don't want to know what's going to happen (i'm soooo lying... )
But if yulia sleeps with tanya i will feel so betrayed (in lena's name of course) because...she said two chapter ago that her heart wouldn’t settle for anyone but Lena and i know i know it's just sex...but at the end is the same heart wrenching thing.
Althought...this is a very different story right? and we need something to make lena understand what she feels about yulia but does it have to be this painful?
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