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Old 14-12-2004, 02:53   #121
Bitty2002 Bitty2002 is offline
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forre - I didn't leave because of Kate, lol. I'm not that simple. I stayed here for years with Kate being here, lol. She is just the epitome of Kateness. What I was trying to say was that, Kate's unique attitude had spread like a disease here. And I will reiterate that I do not think that all members are like that. But enough are to make it no longer enjoyable.

I always valued this place for its discussion and debating. I have always loved a good debate. But I also live by rules of debate. It is impossible to debate or discuss with someone who turns away and plug there ears, humming, and saying I can think whatever I want, I'm entitled to it!! Well, I'm not trying to change your opinion, but I would like a mature debate. All that maturity dissipated. It's like arguing with children...I no longer see the point. They are going to keep poking Jonnie no matter how many times I tell them that isn't nice. Even doing this is futile, but I guess part of me can't shut up because I do wish things were different.

staringelf - I cannot even begin to reply to that long post. There are way too many things packed in there that show how completely and totally impossible it is to communicate myself to you. The problem is that I am a moderate person. I think in shades of grey. I do not live in the extremes you seem to. THe problem is that because you think in black and white- for example, because I still like Tatu or defend them, I must be blindly devoted or fanatical or delusional or just plain stupid. You try to pigeon hole me into this view of what you think the remaining pro-tatu people are. I am not, and therefore nothing I say matters, because I can say something moderate and you will shove it into your preconcieved notion. I could go point by point, refuting and debating all you just said, but I have no desire to, because it's like beating a dead horse.

I said my reason and people will warp it into whatever they want and whatever suits them. I'm gonna go watch some tv.

Last edited by Bitty2002; 14-12-2004 at 03:13.
Old 14-12-2004, 03:02   #122
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Originally Posted by Bitty2002
I always valued this place for its discussion and debating. I have always loved a good debate. But I also live by rules of debate. It is impossible to debate or discuss with someone who turns away and plug there ears, humming, and saying I can think whatever I want, I'm entitled to it!! Well, I'm not trying to change your opinion, but I would like a mature debate. All that maturity dissipated. It's like arguing with children...I no longer see the point. They are going to keep poking Jonnie no matter how many times I tell them that isn't nice. Even doing this is futile, but I guess part of me can't shut up because I do wish things were different.
The debates are always welcome here. This little essay of yours above is about one person only. Maturity? All right, if you see a blunt remark you are welcome to ask the person to explain why he/she thinks so. That's about maturity too. It's always very easy to point the finger than to contribute with something. Then, if you are among people with different backgrounds, different ways of speaking, different ages and nationalities - I think you should expect some sort of confrontation from time to time. Why not to try to learn how to deal with it?

I said my reason and people will warp it into whatever they want and whatever suits them. I'm gonna go watch some tv.
That's exactly what you were complaining about a little earlier when speaking about ignorance on this forum. I could call it an ignorance from your side too if I wanted to but I won't.

It looks like many things are depending on us only.
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Last edited by forre; 14-12-2004 at 03:12.
Old 14-12-2004, 03:09   #123
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forre, I told u they I do understand what u mean by talking about gay people on this site. I didn't argue that some of those just found their 'home' in the very beginning of this site. What I meant is that many gay members are still here at the moment. This forum didn't turn to something discriminative when it comes to this aspect.. yet. So people that were important part of this forum, used to post in threads concerning all matters possible, must have had different reasons to leave no matter of their sexuality. Those who were here JUST in hope to find people of same sexuality and were discussing only those matters could leave for the reason u mentioned but I don't think that no oh-so-straight members would mention them in this thread.

And I wasn't twisting things. Gay problems discussions were as important for some people as any other. That's what I meant. That's all.

As for friends.. look at post above yours. It belongs to staringelf and I guess he made it quite clear that yes, he has fun hanging out with people he calls friends here. I don't see the reason to continue this argument. Do u wanna say that all people are here only for TATU at the moment? I don't think so or the forum would be quite empty by now. It's the good way to communicate with friends or many would leave the forum and just read news from time to time from pure curiosity.

I wasn't speaking about religion here and I never had intention to draw any lines. All I said that there's no religeous discrimination here at least in extreme forms. Wasn't i right?
Old 14-12-2004, 03:16   #124
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sunny poison, Yeh, okay - virtual friends, not that he will miss teeny otherwise but having some chit-chat on here for the sake of fun. It has nothing to do with friendship.

*wiating for staringelf to claim that he will miss teeny*

As for that Fake Tatu pictures thread - some of us opposed the idea and found it tasteless but since Igor and haku thought it was okay, so it remained but as you see it's not a very popular thread after all. If you prohibit such things, people start to scream that we have censorship and discrimination.
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Old 14-12-2004, 03:30   #125
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Originally Posted by Bitty2002
I am a moderate person. I think in shades of grey. I do not live in the extremes you seem to. THe problem is that because you think in black and white- for example, because I still like Tatu or defend them, I must be blindly devoted or fanatical or delusional or just plain stupid. You try to pigeon hold me into this view of what you think the remaining pro-tatu people are. I am not, and therefore nothing I say matters, because I can say something moderate and you will shove it into your preconcieved notion. I could go point by point, refuting and debating all you just said, but I have no desire to, because it's like beating a dead horse.
1. I don't know you, you don't know me
2. I never mentioned you before
3. I am not as extreme as you think, and I don't think of tATu fans as either / or, therefore I used the term "most of them" when I referred to the people who comment on that other forum (in my opinion), and not to everyone who is "pro-tATu" as you say - and what exactly is "pro-tATu"? I like the band's music, I wish them to be successful, yet I complain about their several lies they gave us and messed up management - does that make me anti-tATu? Nope. I am as "pro-" as you are. I just don't devote my time to their 'adventures' with passion anymore, I became skeptical about their future. Nonetheless, can't wait for the new albm and I wish them to be very successful, because I see in them something different from the mainstream euro/american pop that dominates the show biz. Just because I changed my posture, does not mean I am against them.
4. Personally, from your speech, I think you are more interested in tATu than most people here at this moment, but I don't think you're gullable and delusional and "plain stupid", like you said. I had never even said a word to you before right now And no, I don't think that about what you, based obviously on what I've read from you, since I don't know you.
5. You just put words in my mouth, said how I am, what I will do, etc. If something has a pre-conceived notion of somebody here, then it's clearly you I hold nothing against you or anyone. I just don't like gullable, delusional, people who obsess too much about things and take everything very seriously. You're not gullable, delusional and whatnot, but you do seem to be taking this discussion pretty seriously. So, that would be the only one thing that I wouldn't enjoy about you. But I'm not picking on you or anyone. Just like when I say I don't like *most* of the sort of behaviour and posts and that other forum and explain why, I'm not picking on them, I'm just mentioning that. Just like everytime someone talks about Bush, I say the guy's an asshole etc. When people talk about, or something reminds of the average sort of topics and kinds of discussions there (I've only been there a few times, but it was pretty clear lol), I say I think most of them represent gullable minds and fanaticism in their message. If you like the place and the people there, the least you could do is accept my opinion, not take it so seriously and be mad about it, lol. But whatever, it's your choice Just don't be so grumpy, girl, it's not worth it, you can't change people. I don't want to change you either, the only thing I would change *if* I wanted to would be for you to take yourself and others less serious here, since this is just a normal conversation, not a daytime soap opera.
Old 14-12-2004, 03:42   #126
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now staringelf

I think the one that u said was on CRACK is me as it was me who was talking about people loosing identity here and others afraid to express their opinion.

No matter how frustrating it is but me got only sume cold sugafree tea here And it keeps me in quite sober mind reminding me how shitty life can be if u got only that damn tea instead of other cool things u could have *sigh* whatever

U mixed everything together.. tatu*us, missing members, identity.. I'll try to make it clear.

1. I'm not the hurt tatu*us forumer who came here to defend my forum. I don't give a damn about that forum, honestly. I care only for this one and when I see ugly childish behavior coming out of here, it's no fun

2. I'm not blind tatu-fan who feels offended by tatu-bashing here. I'll tell u more - I never was. I didn't come here back there in December 2002 to find fellow tatu-fans. It was absolutely different reason for me - curiosity. I was interested in TATU as in project, russian one, that broke-through internationaly. I was interested in how people from 'there' see it and whole media mechanism. I ALWAYS knew girls had bfs as I kinda live in Moscow and some of my close friends know or knew some of those bfs personally (bfs were changing as u can guess). Being a student specialized in journalistics I wouldn't have a problem finding girls' phone numbers or adresses as too many ppl know it anyway. I never cared. Coz those weren't girls that were keeping my interest. It was project itself, media politics, concept and people I've met here, ppl i enjoyed helping with russian and it was also a good way to learn english for me. Yeah, I did like the songs of course or who would I mention them at all. Even I'd say the vid, I liked the vid.
Do u really believe I say this all because I have problems with people who doesn't believe girls are together?
I just knew it all the time and still always respected other peoples' feelings, opinions and believes. And I don't think you are cool coz u don't. Sometimes it's much better to keep something for urself. But it's a hard way, coz u care about being cool, so-well-informed and realistic, so who cares about what others think and feel, right?

3. It's not my first day here. I came to when 20 people online were kind of record there, where KillaQueen was writing her books and so on. Kate was some good fan and providing her news made sure best people from there found themselves at tatysite soon. I wasn't posting here for few months wich doesn't mean I wasn't checking this forum. And when I say something, it's not just an impression of someone running buy. It's something I actually see. All is IMHO of course. I never claimed it being an absolute truth.

People did change here and as i said already it's hard to notice if u are a part of it urself. They were different. Some naive, some shy, some depressed. Now the only diversity of opinions is wether one prefers red or blue thongs. It's cool that u have so much fun and I don't have a problem with it at all. Whatever makes people happy can be. I just say what I see. Yes, it became much harder to differ one post from another when they are all filled with bitterness and humor (wich is often rude)

What I think is wrong is that diversity of opinions (even if it's about tatu only) is not welcomed here. If the person comes here and says he loves TATU and believes they are actually together, it's his opinion and it should be respected. But in fact u'd just eat such person alive. That's why they are all gone

well enough for now i guess.. u can add a list of other things i'm ON now =))))))
Old 14-12-2004, 03:54   #127
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forre, of course we were talking abut virtual friends. But same goes for MSN, AOL and e-mail as well as for this forum =) virtual relationships of all kinds. Some grow into something more (like it did happen on this forum) some just vanish

damn, I don't even se any point for arguing with u anymore lol And it's only 6 am I got 1 more hour to argue.. maybe staringelf helps me in this *keeps fingers crossed*
Old 14-12-2004, 04:08   #128
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Originally Posted by forre
That's exactly what you were complaining about a little earlier when speaking about ignorance on this forum. I could call it an ignorance from your side too if I wanted to but I won't.

It looks like many things are depending on us only.
First of all, I will be the first to admit I am not perfect. In this case I chose to leave for numerous reasons. I am sure some of those were rooted in personal reasons. My point was that the majority of the reason for my leaving was the change in atmosphere on the forum. And why do you say "us"? I never said you were one of the people I was talking about. And when I talk about the "forum" I mean the general atmosphere here, that does not mean you contributed to it. Maybe you feel protective of the forum, because it is your community, and I respect that. But I hope that you are not defending the above mentioned behavior. You can defend the forum without defending its negative aspects. It is not like I hate tatysite. I loved this place (I wish I could say love, but in current state, I don’t).

How was what I said ignorant? Can you explain why? (I wasn't saying that in a snide way, but sincerely.) I found what I said frustrated and realizing that I can keep on talking, but it typically gets no where, so why bother? It was more a nihilist, defeatist attitude than ignorance...or I thought so anyway...

ANd i wasn't just about one person. In that case it was directed mostly towards staringelf, but he is not the only member who has the qualities I listed above.

And believe me, I have always been very much the type to learn how to deal with people. THat is life. But I also have the right to frequently associate myself with people I know for a fact I do not mesh well with. I have dealt with it by learning that myself and some members are very different people that time and again I attempted to find common ground with and never could.

But because you feel it is ignorant I will try not to be lazy and go through and hit each point of staringelf's post...

Originally Posted by staringelf
but me and mostly everyone here got fed up with all their lies (although we still have hope for them, me included) - they made so many false statements about how they were recording an album, how everything was fine, how they didn't know why their concerts got cancelled in so many countries, not to speak of the "yes we are lesbians, no we're not"-thing, which got so ridiculous at some point, like it …now only care about the music that they listen / listened to and the music they will listen from tATu in the future.
I get that, and respect that people were fed up or tired and only like the music now. However, I feel that in your case it is not just the music you care about, you also care about dwelling on all that is negative about Tatu. Which is your right, but I don’t enjoy being around it, therefore, left. Simple as that. If your posts were just about the positives of Tatu, however few they’ve become, I’d have no problems.

Originally Posted by staringelf
I and most of us stayed here out of a little bit for curiosity about the future of tATu, since it was such an interesting project, and also -mainly- because we developped bonds here and have fun here.
Exactly. I never was apart of those specific bonds formed. The majority of the bonds I formed here were broken when my friends were banned or left for the same reasons as I.

Originally Posted by staringelf
And we have about the same right to stay here because there are people here we respect and who respect us and with whom we can talk without taking everything seriously and just hang out and chill, just like the others have their right to go to other sites to keep worshiping tATu blindly and make up theories and discuss what there is and what there is not to discuss based on little to no credibility - if they're fine like that, why not?
Never said you didn’t have that right. And, once again, you make a pot shot. Do you just not consciously realize you are doing it and that its rude? You can have your opinion, but you don’t have to be an ass about it. That’s the key. Maybe you just don’t care about respecting other people’s feelings or being polite, but I do and do not enjoy being around people that aren’t. And, as ridiculous as you think it is, I think there is credibility in many of my “debates” or “theories.” I am not an un-educated, foolish person. Before telling me that I am foolish or that my theories have no credibility flat out, please provide me with all conclusive information. Are you going to provide me with scenes from anatomy? Because I had as much respect for the validity of that “documentary” as I did for any tabloid or newspaper article.

Originally Posted by staringelf
if somebody doesn't like those choices, they can either get over it and act normally or go to some other place to complain about how A or B don't worship tATu blindly like they were supposed to (?) or discuss what has been discussed a million times, because that's the right thing to do, that's the positive spirit!
See this is where you are greatly mistaken. I didn’t leave here so I could go talk about how negative you all are. I left here to talk about something positive. I love how you slant that. I could just as easily say- People can either get over the lies Tatu had and act normal or go somewhere and wallow in bitter negativity and complain about how people actually still like Tatu or mock everything Tatu does. Because that’s the right thing to do, that’s the positive spirit!! That’s funny…heh.

Originally Posted by staringelf
Now, if I think somebody is an idiot for still believing tATu have something going on other than friendship? Yes. If I think somebody who still overanalyzes the whole gossip surrounding tATu is wasting their time? Yes, most likely. If I think somebody who obsesses with the members of the group to an extent of speaking out directly to them in their messages, demanding them for take this or that attitude regarding their personal lives, throw virtual baby showers for Yulia's baby, etc? Yes I do. And I will never say that I don't.
Nonetheless, other people here prefer not to say that even if they think it is so, and other people simply do not agree with me and have expressed it and shall express it further if they have that strong belief.
Why are they idiots exactly? Because there is so much evidence against it? I think there’s a lot of evidence for it as well. It is called I do not ignore any evidence. It isn’t like anyone who still believes there was/is something (to what degree…who knows) thinks they have always been together and are currently f*cking each other and never had a boyfriend. Why is it so hard to see that? How does it make me an idiot? Seriously, please explain. What all conclusive evidence do you have that I do not?? Are you going to call me blind? As if that gets you out of having to provide proof? I can provide proof that I am not blind, and in fact am extremely insightful (beyond my age and beyond the norm, as cocky as it sounds, we are being honest here right?) DO I think members who obsess about tatu to the extent you have described are…a tad strange…yes, I do. That doesn’t make everyone that way. Just like not everyone on here is as negative as you are. The fact that you say you will never stop saying those comments shows that talking with you is futile and pointless. Forre may call it ignorance, but I see it as picking my battles, and one with you is impossible (and not because you are a master debater).

Originally Posted by staringelf
Nobody here lacks of individuality,
Never thought differently. But in life, individuals will tend to mimic those that look up to or befriend. I have found that some of you have changed to a certain extent. I am not saying you are not being yourselves, but I feel you are expressing a part of yourself that is more like others- and that part tends to be caustic and negative.

Originally Posted by staringelf
This forum is not an overly-dramatic gathering of obsessed tATu fans, it's a place where people who have / had some sort of connection with the band just hang out and don't take things or themselves too seriously. And nobody who just drops by once in a while, and thinks it should be some other way, will change that.
I try not to take things too seriously. But I also have very little tolerance for blatant rudeness when I find it unwarranted. At the same time, I also feel that I cannot sit back and watch people skirt around a topic or speak in ignorance. I feel the need, for whatever reason (I wish were not the case, it would save me countless hours), to post and explain to try and refute some misunderstood issue. In this case, I felt a certain way about why I personally left tatysite and felt like expressing it.

As for just dropping in once in awhile…I used to spend hours on this forum. This was my community. Sure, I rarely post now, and do not frequent it nearly as often, but all of what I said above are things I have experienced as I struggled on whether to leave or not. Maybe it has changed since I left, but I still read posts and still see the things I saw before.

And I will say for the nth time…I’m not asking you to change. I telling you why I do not post or frequent the forum or consider it my community as I did before.

EDIT: I know you never mentioned me specifically, but I am still going to defend fans like me, because I think, whether you intended it or not, I am included in that group of dellusionals. Maybe I am mistaken, and if I am, maybe you shouldn't speak so generally or if you do add a disclaimer that you are not talking about the more moderate fans who still support tatu.

Anyway, I am going to bow out now, not for petty reasons, but simply because I think I have said a lot, and am lazy, lol, and would rather not get into it anymore. Not meant to offend anyone.

Last edited by Bitty2002; 14-12-2004 at 05:33.
Old 14-12-2004, 04:11   #129
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Originally Posted by sunny poison
think the one that u said was on CRACK is me
I was speaking in general.

Originally Posted by sunny poison
as it was me who was talking about people loosing identity here and others afraid to express their opinion.
That, yes

Originally Posted by sunny poison
I'm not blind tatu-fan who feels offended by tatu-bashing here. I'll tell u more - I never was.
Val, I know your point of view, we've talked before, remember? LOL You don't need to explain that to me I know you're not a blind fan.

Originally Posted by sunny poison
And I don't think you are cool coz u don't. Sometimes it's much better to keep something for urself. But it's a hard way, coz u care about being cool, so-well-informed and realistic, so who cares about what others think and feel, right?
I don't care about being anything except truthful. If I feel something, I say it, unless it's really horrible to a point of making someone's life a living hell. If someone might feel offended... it's because their inside already has problems and many insecurities and thus they are receptive to taking things personally and being offended. So, it's not really my responsability there. I talk here as I talk when I'm with a group of friends, I will not talk here like I'm defending my thesis in a classroom in college, lol. Sorry. What I say here is not meant to be taken personal. What everybody says here is not meant to be taken personal, unless in the threads of the personal forum, of course. Besides that, if people take things personal, it's because they want to.

Originally Posted by sunny poison
And when I say something, it's not just an impression of someone running buy. It's something I actually see. All is IMHO of course. I never claimed it being an absolute truth.
Neither have I. It's all opinions, no absolute truths. On your side and my side. And when I say "if someone thinks that, they're on crack" I OBVIOUSLY don't mean it literally, it's a form of expression to say "I don't agree" Once again, I am not gonna stop myself from speaking like that just because someone might misinterpret it, and start talking in a formal manner. If someone misinterprets anything I say, I am glad to clarify it.

Originally Posted by sunny poison
Yes, it became much harder to differ one post from another when they are all filled with bitterness and humor (wich is often rude)
I can only think you're talking about the tATu section, right? Because when you read some of those news, you have to take it with a grain of salt and be humorous/sarcastic about it, because there are so many contradictions. Bitterness? That comes off as people being angry or frustated with something. I never noticed that here, except in one or two situations. If you think it's like that all the time, it's your way of analyzing it!

Originally Posted by sunny poison
What I think is wrong is that diversity of opinions (even if it's about tatu only) is not welcomed here. If the person comes here and says he loves TATU and believes they are actually together, it's his opinion and it should be respected. But in fact u'd just eat such person alive. That's why they are all gone
I would laugh at it, yeah But I would get used to it and also show them my opinion, just like I did with Rob, Xena, etc etc. They were banned by the administrator, because they started to be too fundamentalist about their opinions and lead to chaos in discussions, not because they just had one different opinion. That's a very harsh and partial way to look at it. Now, if I care they're gone? Nope - and not because their opinions were different from mine, but because they took everything too seriously and personal. But people who are gone in other ways left because they wanted to find people with similar views, not because people here forced them to have a specific view or not allow them to have a different opinion. It was their choice. And I don't care about other people choice's, unless I love them, I am not responsible for them. If I go to a club and get introduced to a certain number of people by a friend, and I don't like them, and choose not to join them next friday night, it's my choice, my taste, it's not their fault.

Originally Posted by sunny poison
u can add a list of other things i'm ON now =))))))
I was speaking in general, silly
Old 14-12-2004, 05:00   #130
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Originally Posted by staringelf
Val, I know your point of view, we've talked before, remember? LOL
Erm.. did we? Damn.. once again I missed the place. I was meant to post at some forum I never visited before but sound all cool and confident so everyone suspects everyone around knowing me and like respecting me hella much

Originally Posted by staringelf
I don't care about being anything except truthful.
It's easy to be truthfull in situations like this. If u were the only blind tatu-fan here and dared to express ur opinion openly here, I'd applause u *cracks up imagining u posting 'they love each other threads* But seriously, there are situations when saying all u have to say is somewhat brave. But there are some where at least trying not to hurt someone's feelings takes much more courage. Try being cool in all ways possible, not only this one eh =)

Originally Posted by staringelf
when I say "if someone thinks that, they're on crack" I OBVIOUSLY don't mean it literally, it's a form of expression to say "I don't agree" Once again, I am not gonna stop myself from speaking like that just because someone might misinterpret it, and start talking in a formal manner. If someone misinterprets anything I say, I am glad to clarify it.
If u were said that u are on 'something' as often as me, I'd definitely get this habit of misinterpreting things lol Not like I don't enjoy doing it tho

Originally Posted by staringelf
I can only think you're talking about the tATu section, right?
Mostly yes, still a person must stay himself wherever he does post. Wasn't it something u said before? About phone, i-net.. whatever

Originally Posted by staringelf
I would laugh at it, yeah
well I guess u got what i mean already but still. If u don't agree, proove ur opinion instead of pointing a finger and laughing. It's not the way to proove u are right. I wasn't doing this to u when u had different attitude towards TATU, would u enjoy it? Feel free to express ur opinion but do it in civilized way. So far it looks like a group of bullies indeed.

Originally Posted by staringelf
I was speaking in general, silly
U just called me silly???? Or am I misiter.. damn.. this word is waaay to hard for 7 am.. I go sleep better
Old 14-12-2004, 05:06   #131
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Excuse me bitty ...I absolutely don't write here to "defend" forre.
I absolutely agree with what Sunny Poison and Yourself wrote...but it's just for the veracity of the facts....and to corret a little mistake...hihi:

Don't think it's forre who wrote some of your quotes but staringelf...
Originally Posted by Bitty2002
Originally Posted by forre
Now, if I think somebody is an idiot for still believing tATu have something going on other than friendship? Yes. If I think somebody who still overanalyzes the whole gossip surrounding tATu is wasting their time? Yes, most likely. If I think somebody who obsesses with the members of the group to an extent of speaking out directly to them in their messages, demanding them for take this or that attitude regarding their personal lives, throw virtual baby showers for Yulia's baby, etc? Yes I do. And I will never say that I don't.
Nonetheless, other people here prefer not to say that even if they think it is so, and other people simply do not agree with me and have expressed it and shall express it further if they have that strong belief
Originally Posted by Bitty2002
Originally Posted by forre
This forum is not an overly-dramatic gathering of obsessed tATu fans, it's a place where people who have / had some sort of connection with the band just hang out and don't take things or themselves too seriously. And nobody who just drops by once in a while, and thinks it should be some other way, will change that.
-->indeed staringeld wrote that.
Old 14-12-2004, 05:14   #132
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Originally Posted by sunny poison
when u had different attitude towards TATU, would u enjoy it? Feel free to express ur opinion but do it in civilized way. So far it looks like a group of bullies indeed.
People have laughed at me for my opinions too... And? It happens, people disagree and laugh at each other, so what? Should I make a drama out of it? I won't
Group of bullies? OK... Don't you think you're going a little bit too far? *scratches balls and spits on the floor*

Originally Posted by sunny poison
If u don't agree, proove ur opinion instead of pointing a finger and laughing.
I have said my opinion on that subject [the contradictions behind tatu] many, many times! I don't just "point the finger and laugh"... And when I "point the finger and laugh" it's when people say the most unbelieveable things, like Pasha being a sperm donor and Lena and Yulia having the baby for themselves Come on! How can you not laugh at this?

Originally Posted by sunny poison
U just called me silly???? Or am I misiter
Yes, "silly" in a nice way As in "don't be silly, you know I don't have anything against you"
Old 14-12-2004, 05:32   #133
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Sunwalk That was purely unintentional. That is strange, I highlighted those quotes in staringelf's post and hit quick quote...weird. Sorry about that. Runs off to edit. Sorry Forre.
Old 14-12-2004, 05:42   #134
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no problem at all bitty, I believe you
Old 14-12-2004, 05:45   #135
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I had a feeling I'd be mentioned.

I'm still around. I visit a few times each week to read threads
and see what's going on. I just don't post that much 'cos I
sort of fell out of sync with the ongoing news here a while ago.

But, as for updates... I moved into a different apartment about
a week ago. It's actually fairly nice. And cozy. And I'm still at
the same job, in the same city. Single, but okay. Things change.

So, hi to everybody.
Except QueenBee, who thinks that mah smarts be smartassd.

Old 14-12-2004, 05:55   #136
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Originally Posted by cniaju
But, as for updates... I moved into a different apartment about
a week ago. It's actually fairly nice. And cozy. And I'm still at
the same job, in the same city. Single, but okay. Things change.
Single? But you looked so perfect Well, things change, you're right. I just hope you didn't get hurt

Originally Posted by cniaju
So, hi to everybody.
You're missed.
Old 14-12-2004, 07:56   #137
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when was the last time a thread elicited serious discussion without mocking or laughing at the information, or the opinions of members' posts?
it seems to me, most threads and posts end up in jest. i do not mean it is all laughter and finger pointing, but much of it is. i can only attribute this to how changes in tatu have effected individual members, although there is no gauge on what exactly happened with each.
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Old 14-12-2004, 07:56   #138
shizzo shizzo is offline
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But you looked so perfect
Yeah. But things just don't work sometimes.

You're missed
Aww. I'll try to post a little more often so that I don't
seem so estranged.
Old 14-12-2004, 08:49   #139
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cniaju, it's really nice to see you back here!

staringelf, I totally agree with everything you've said.
Old 14-12-2004, 10:40   #140
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Originally Posted by Bitty2002
How was what I said ignorant? Can you explain why? (I wasn't saying that in a snide way, but sincerely.) I found what I said frustrated and realizing that I can keep on talking, but it typically gets no where, so why bother? It was more a nihilist, defeatist attitude than ignorance...or I thought so anyway...
This one for instance:
Well, I'm not trying to change your opinion, but I would like a mature debate. All that maturity dissipated. It's like arguing with children...I no longer see the point. They are going to keep poking Jonnie no matter how many times I tell them that isn't nice. Even doing this is futile, but I guess part of me can't shut up because I do wish things were different.
Thanks for that. Even mature debates fail to change some people's opinion and if you are not pleased with the situation the general athmosphere of the forum can hardly be blamed for that failure.

This situation reminds me of a divorced couple where a one is trying to explain that he/she left the other one because the other one changed. Maybe people just grew apart and there's nothing to do about it? Tatysite served its purpose once for you and many other people and it serves its purpose for new ones now. Search for the reasons in yourself, always. That's what I tried to say.
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