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Lena Katina Solo Project - part 2

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Old 18-09-2010, 13:44   #81
AshMcAuliffe AshMcAuliffe is offline
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I like the look. A fashionably vintage and almost noir style.
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Old 18-09-2010, 15:23   #82
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Originally Posted by Argos View Post
It seems that the connection of Jesper to Sven and Troy is much closer than Steve's, who could be more interested in other projects.
Oh, definitely. That's also possible. True that they - Sven, Domen and Troy - have been friends with Jesper for much longer and Steve was always a bit away from them, doing his own thing because they actually did a casting at the beginning of 2006 and might have not known Steve before.
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Old 18-09-2010, 16:28   #83
MalchikGeiBrand MalchikGeiBrand is offline
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Lena looks adorabllle. Even though I'm sure that's the style we all always imagined her having. It really suits her.
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Manage your waste with a happy face!
I've just noticed the guy in my avatar (Eiji Wentz) kind of looks like a girl. But for your confirmation, it is a guy.
yaa glua taa ter ja bploi meu chan bpai

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Old 18-09-2010, 18:42   #84
regigigas1505 regigigas1505 is offline
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I agree, MalchikGeiBrand! It really does fit her... I like it a lot!
Can't wait for videos!!!
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Old 19-09-2010, 15:29   #85
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The first reports:
Originally Posted by Anneke
Finally the day of the concert came. In case you didn’t know yet, Odette and I are on holiday in the US. We were in LA and decided to fly over to San Francisco for the day of the concert. We got up early to make our way to the airport. It took us three metro rides and a shuttle bus to get there. We were supposed to fly out around 12, but the airplane ended up being delayed for 2 hours due to weather conditions. Boy were we getting nervous they’d keep delaying the plane and we’d be too late for the show. But once in the air all went fine. We took the train downtown San Francisco and easily found the venue. Weird building by the way, nothing shows that it’s a club. There was only the house number. Oh and a sticker of the event on a pole. We called Heather and she came to the venue with her brother. It was great meeting them! Heather made two new amazing dolls for the background singers. Impressive! It was around 5 PM then. We decided to wait at the venue as we thought we might get in for the sound check or see Lena and the band arrive. As time passed by Odette and I got really hungry so we went to get a sandwich. When we came back there was still no sign of Lena. The band was already at the venue though. First Troy and later Sven came to say hello. They told us that Steve wasn’t playing tonight. He is now touring with his own band. Jesper (I think he was a friend of one of the background singers) will probably replace him until December. After that they see with Steve if he’ll come back. It’s a pity Steve wasn’t there, he’s a great guy. I must say though that Jesper did a great job at the show. Definitely a good drummer! It was around 8 o’clock when I went to throw something in the bin and saw some people getting out of a car. And there was Lena Wide smile She waved to Odette and came over. And still after all those times I’ve met her, I was nervous haha. She asked how we were doing. Odette asked if she was ready for the show and she answered smiling that she is never ready hehe. She was dressed casually. I was curious about what outfit the stylist would have chosen for her. They all went inside and we continued waiting. I think it was around 9PM when the guy from merchandise invited us in. We happily followed him. Our feet were already hurting from all the waiting and it was cold outside.

When we walked in the club was still empty. Troy was on stage playing his guitar and everyone was still preparing for the show. We helped grouping the postcards at the merchandise boot in pairs of 10. After that we sat down in a back corner of the club. The whole band now started the sound check. Nadia and Nicole were dancing around. They seem to be great girls. We didn’t talk to them though. Lena then appeared still in her casual outfit and rollers in her hair haha. They rehearsed ATTSS, Running Blind, So not Cool, Lost in this dance and Stay. Odette filmed some bits. It was funny when she sang LITD at the piano she didn’t know where to put the mic and put it between her b**bs Wide smile Then Olga came to us and asked if we could help them out. They were gonna film the whole show with two camera’s and they needed someone to stay with the camera upstairs (VIP area) and make sure nobody’d bump into it. We then waited upstairs for the people to come in and the show to start. We met Jenya and her friend. She’s a very nice person. I enjoyed talking to her. It was already 11PM when the dance floor was filling with people.

At 12AM a remix version of the Russian song Katinka was playing and old videos of t.A.T.u. were shown on the screen. The audience got excited. The place wasn’t packed with people, but those that were there made a great audience. When the song ended the musicians and background singers appeared on stage and played an intro. Odette and I got our camera’s ready. I couldn’t wait for Lena to step on stage. When she finally did I was very pleasantly surprised. She looked gorgeous!!! Red looks so good on her and her dress was very classy and sexy. They started by playing Running Blind. They all looked great on stage and played magnificently. Lena really sings well and as far as I could hear she hit every high note perfectly! It’s such a joy to listen to her. She also danced a lot. I think it was before HSIN that she ran off stage and came back barefoot and without the hat, so that she could jump around Smile They clearly enjoyed themselves on stage. Lena interacted with the audience quite often. I loooved So Not Cool, it’s souch a great song and I was so glad to finally hear it live. The downside of it was though that they left out Steve’s part and I love that bit so much Sad I hope they only left it out because Steve wasn’t there. I want that part to be in the song on the album. Before she sang 30 minutes she asked how many Russians were in the room. There were quite a lot. She asked in Russian if she should sing the song in Russian and then said she’d sing part of it in Russian and part in English because the background singers don’t know Russian.

We really had a great spot to film the concert and Odette was able to zoom far enough. I only missed the interaction with Lena that we would’ve had if we had been standing in first row. After the concert we hung around in the VIP area. The band was there talking to the fans. After a short while Lena also appeared. There was a wall with advertisement of Novoe Radio. Fans could have their picture taken with her in front of the wall and have something signed. A professional photographer took the pictures, but Odette managed to take some too. We’ve already posted those on the forum. Lena was wearing different clothes. She had a sexy leather black dress on and she looked amazing. When it was our time to get our picture she was so sweet to us. She told us that she was very happy to see us and that we came all the way to see her and that we are always so friendly. She also asked how we liked the show. She held my hand while she was talking to me and smiled the whole time. She really impressed me with her kindness once again. Then we got our picture taken. I can’t wait to see it. I hope the pics are uploaded soon. Luckily Odette took one of me and Lena too Smile Then we remembered we didn’t ask for a signature. We got back in line and now went to her together and asked her to sign the postcard. She gladly singed them for us. Guys I had your requests for signatures with me, but there was no chance to talk to her long as there was a line. So I’m so sorry but we couldn’t get you guys a signature. I hope you understand! If we get another chance to see her we’ll try again. Oh yeah and the photographer took another picture of us with Lena. The three of us together this time. Shortly after Lena left the VIP area and we talked with the guys from the band and got some pictures taken with them. We asked Troy if he knew when the album would be ready, but he couldn’t name a time. He also said that they recorded the show for promotional purposes and maybe get Lena to perform in Europe. I really hope that’ll work out!

The club was getting empty quickly, so I don’t think many stayed for the DJ’s. There was also another club with people though. We hung around the VIP area until it was almost time for us to leave. We went outside to get a cab. Just when we were about to step into one, Lena came outside and walked to the car. She saw us and gave us a kiss and a hug. She thanked us again for coming. She asked if we were on holiday and we said that we were actually gonna fly back to LA. She said that she hoped we had a great time. Just our luck to catch her right before we left Wide smile All I can say is that we did have a great time for sure! It was an amazing night!

We took the cab to the airport. While waiting for the plane my eyes already kept dropping haha. I was insanely tired. I slept through the whole 1-hour flight. We were so tired that we just took the cab to the hotel in LA instead of the metro. We told you guys briefly how the show had been and then dropped into bed and didn’t wake up until 7 hours later haha.

Now we are busy trying to upload everything. The pics are taking forever though. Damn sendspace. We had to start over 3 times already. If it doesn’t work we’ll try again tomorrow. And hopefully we can find a firewire so that we can upload the video to Amanda’s server. Hang on just a little longer guys…
Originally Posted by Kouketsuno Rei
My brother (Travis) and I drove down to San Francisco from Tacoma, WA. 15 hours later, we arrived tired, but enthusiastic! The next day, I got up well rested and spent the afternoon working on finishing Nadia's doll. I was informed that Travis and I could wander down and possibly sit in during the sound check at 5pm. I asked if An and Odette could come in, too. Long story short for that, they could. Yay! I finished up the doll and about that time and I got a call from Odette saying that they were outside the venue. It worked out well since we were about to head there, anyway! We hung around outside the venue awhile. Troy came by with Bruce (Lena's merch manager) and got hugs and we talked a little while. He mentioned Steve's absence and would later tweet that Steve had gone mad and that they had to shoot him, so Jesper would be replacing him for the show, lol (he was actually busy touring with Against All Will). He asked where everyone was staying and that if we had no where to go, he'd gladly give us a key to Sven's place, LOL! Joking, joking! They'd all come and go now and then while we waited. I kinda felt bad cause I wasn't sure if An and Odette really wanted to just stand around since I wasn't actually sure when we could go in. They went to get some food and came back. We were still waiting, but it's cool. Anywho, Sven came out a little later and got hugs, too, and we talked with him a bit.

Awhile later, An went to throw something in the trash across the street. As she was coming back, she started walking across the street and began running. I was confused cause it looked like she was running from a turning car or something! Turns out she saw Lena. We hadn't seen her since we were around the corner of the building. Lena saw Odette, came over, and talked briefly. I don't know why, but I felt really casual. Not like "OMG IT'S LENA KATINA" or something. It was just like meeting up with a friend on the street. Lena just has that air about her. Just the kind of person you can feel comfortable around. Her hair was in braided pigtails and she had her orange track jacket on with a scarf bundled around her neck. It was a bit cold out and of course, we all know Lena is always cold. She went inside and we waited around a little longer. I got a twitter update from Troy saying that Jesper got hit by a homeless person with a cane and he laughed his ass off! Too funny! We had an experience or 2 with some particularly odd homeless people. I mean, I feel bad that they are homeless, but sometimes, it's just incredibly awkward. You don't want to be mean to them, but you just want to be left alone because it's a little uncomfortable. What can ya do. Troy tweeted a pic of the inside of the venue, so as a joke, I tweeted him back and said " looks nice and WARM in there!"

Around 8:30 or 9, we were allowed in. The sound check was beginning. Bruce asked if I'd like to help bundle postcards, so I did and Travis, An, and Odette came and did, too. After that, we sat out of the way in the back of the venue and watched the sound check. When Domen was up, they had the bass sound WAY up and it vibrated the place HARDCORE. It was AWESOME! The band rehearsed ATTSS and Lena came out about that time and watched them, her hair in rollers and, I'm assuming, a warm beverage in a tumbler. When the mic checks came up, Lena spoke into them before Nadia and Nicole came out. When everyone was together, they rehearsed a handful of songs. Like An said, Lena placed the mic in her shirt during "Lost in this Dance" since it looked like the stand wasn't there, yet. Nadia and Nicole danced during it. They're actually quite good! Olga came by and asked An and Odette to help upstairs in the VIP area. Travis and I wandered back to the merch booth and helped roll posters.

Soon, the doors opened and the event began. It started off with some of the DJs. Mostly people dancing and raving. It's not really my scene, personally, so I just stood around by the booth. It was funny cause I kept getting asked questions since it seemed people thought I was working at the booth. I did what I could! I made change, answered some questions when I could, and watched the booth if Bruce needed to go somewhere. It was fun, actually! At some point, Sven came by and asked me and Bruce if we wanted anything to eat or drink. He brought us each down a sandwich and a Red Bull. Svenny gave me wiiiiings! LOL! I needed it, too! The big question was obviously when Lena's set would begin. We weren't actually sure, but it would be between 11 and 12. At about 12am, the opening to Running Blind started and the show began. I didn't get center, but I was in the front row by Lena's keyboard. She walked out on stage and looked phenomenal! Her ensemble was classy, yet sexy. She sang beautifully (as did Nadia and Nicole). The set list was the same as the Troubadour's. Lena, Nadia, and Nicole interacted a lot with the crowd! It was awesome! When they played "IRS", during the instrumental portion, Nicole and Nadia got freaky with Lena! After she sang "Craving", she went to remove her hat and shoes so she could move more freely and dance and began singing "Cosmos". When she went to sing "Lost in this Dance", I had to smile ironically. Before the show began, Travis and I were standing in front of the stage. It was almost 5 feet off the ground, so I joked that I hoped Lena wasn't going to wear a skirt since the stage was so high up. When she came over to sing "LitD", she sat down on a box since the piano seat was forgotten and well, from where I was standing and at my height, um...well...yeah. I felt bad! Sure, she has beautiful legs, but when they're literally a foot and a half away from face, it's hard not to want to admire them, but you don't want to feel like some kind of weirdo, so exercising restraint is essential! So, when I recorded her singing, I kept the camera level with the top of the keyboard and concentrated on her face. I SUCCEEDED! I was a good girl! When the first part of the set list ended, the lights dimmed only to come back on as Nicole and Nadia were pulling Lena back on to the stage for the encore. Lena asked how many Russians were in the crowd and spoke to them in Russian. She sang "30 минут" for the lyrics and "30 Minutes" for the chorus. Before the second verse, Lena asked the crowd "Russian or English?? Russian or English??" They ended the encore with NGGU. At the end of the song, I laughed when Lena kind of bowed with her back to Nicole and Nadia and both reached out and pretended to grab her butt! It was a great concert! It almost went without fan drama, too! I can't remember which song was about to begin, but before it did, a guy close the front yelled "F**K YULIA" really loud. The crowd reaction was a mixture of shock and awkwardness. If Lena heard it, she didn't show it. Be mad at Volk if you want, but don't bring that to Lena's show. It mostly pissed me off primarily because's still Lena's friend. Why would you practically say that her face? It was uncalled for, that's for sure.

Afterward, the VIP meet and greet began upstairs. I couldn't afford VIP for this show. I scrounged just to get there at all, so I was content just to be there even if I couldn't go the VIP part. Besides, I went in Milwaukee, so it's all good! Anyway, I went back to the merch booth and hung out, again. A short time later, Sven came down with Nicole and Nadia and I was able to give them their dolls. They said they remembered me from Milwaukee. I gave Nadia hers first. She was really surprised. I was about to give Nicole hers, but I'd noticed the tag holder came untied, so I had to put the tag back on first. It was kind of embarrassing and it didn't help that my hands were shaking a little, so putting it back on the string was difficult. Anyway, I eventually got it and gave it to her. Their reactions were priceless! It was really rewarding! They screamed and jumped about, excitedly! They asked me a little about them and then thanked me profusely before we got a pic together and then they danced around with them! Too great! I'm glad they liked them so much! Their dolls actually took the most effort because I had to dye the fabric for the skin tone!! I would have liked the dye to come out a little darker, but no matter what I did, the fabric just wouldn't take it like I wanted it to. It's the BEST fabric, but it only comes in one color. Ah, well. What can you do?

Around 4am, the event was winding down. Bruce began taking the booth down and I sat around watching it while he took stuff out to the car...van...whatever they were driving. An and Odette came down and said they were going to head out and that they were hopefully going to see Lena outside at some point because they had forgotten to give her the gift they brought to her from Holland. It was really cute! We said bye and parted. While sitting there, a small group of over-excited and/or mildly intoxicated fans came down and started "talking" to me. Random stuff, really. Bruce had taken all the merchandise down except the display copy of the Troubadour poster. It was taped to the table, so I'm guessing he didn't take it because it had tape on it. Anyway, one of them kept asking if it was mine. I said no, it was the display. They kept hinting they wanted it and that I should hook them up. I asked why they thought I could hook them up and one was like "don't you work here?" and I said no, I was just a fan that was helping out and watching the booth. He didn't seem convinced. Then he asked if I was the band's security. I bit back a laugh and said no and repeated I was just a fan. He said "oh, so you're waiting for Lena, then?" and I said no and that I had no idea where she was. He said "bullsh*t, you know where she is because you're security" and I insisted that I was just a fan. So, he went to the poster and basically removed it from where it was taped. 3 attempts later and he took it. I was polite, but I really just wanted to be left alone. Bruce came back a short time later and handed me a paper. I looked at it and saw it was a copy of the set list. On the bottom was written:

"Hey, you thief!
Bring the set list back to where it came from!!!
'Kidding' - Keep it!"

I wasn't sure at first who wrote it, but the way I figured it out was the way the letter "H" was written. It was written the same way the "H" in my name was...when Lena signed my tour book in Milwaukee!! I later asked Bruce just to be sure. He came back and said "you got quite the little collector's item there. Lena wrote that!" I laughed and told him to thank her for me. The guy from earlier came over and saw it and freaked out because he also recognized Lena's handwriting. He joked that he hated me and practically begged me to give it to him. I put it in my folder and into my bag. At that point, he was again convinced I had the hook up and wanted me to get him of course, I had to insist I was just a fan, again. Anyway, Bruce thanked me for helping him out and we said our see-you-laters. Lena came down the stairs about that time, but I didn't want to bother her since I'm sure she was exhausted, so I let it go and Travis and I walked out of the venue. I saw Troy, shook his hand and thanked him for everything and then went back to the motel.

It was an awesomely memorable night and I'm looking forward to finding out where the next gig will be! Hopefully, I can make it for that one, too!
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Old 19-09-2010, 20:58   #86
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Originally Posted by crazy malchik View Post
WHYY the fuck is she performing wasnt good live when it was the both of them, it's even worse with her alone...
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Old 20-09-2010, 00:02   #87
regigigas1505 regigigas1505 is offline
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I LOVE it! Thanks very much.

And, by the way, the Jesper guy really is good! I'm relieved.
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Old 20-09-2010, 00:39   #88
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Originally Posted by regigigas1505 View Post
I LOVE it! Thanks very much.

And, by the way, the Jesper guy really is good! I'm relieved.
Ditto. He rocked that drum kit. What a lovely performance by Lena.
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Old 20-09-2010, 07:23   #89
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Fly on The Wall
All The Things She Said

Click and download! Thanks goes to Jenya.
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Old 20-09-2010, 15:39   #90
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Originally Posted by regigigas1505 View Post
The requested URL /video/lena/performance/San Francisco Sep 17th 2010/LenaKatina.byJenya.avi was not found on this server.

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Old 20-09-2010, 16:06   #91
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Sorry, it was available when I posted... I donwnloaded it, mind you.

I'll try and upload it for you guys.

Edit: Sorry it took so long. Here's the download link.

Last edited by regigigas1505; 20-09-2010 at 17:40.
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Old 20-09-2010, 19:25   #92
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Originally Posted by regigigas1505 View Post
Sorry, it was available when I posted... I donwnloaded it, mind you.
Of course it was! My 'Bravo' was for the one who removed the file. Funny, but a brandnew Madonna-album on an illegal site has the files longer than some tatu and Katina files. Proves who's really i-m-p-o-r-t-a-n-t!

Thanks for your efforts anyway. Had a listen and view for some songs now, and I must say that she does a good job, not perfect, but perfectly watchable. The singing could be better, but she can work on it. While the tatu songs sound very good, some of her new repertoire is simply awful (So Not Cool, Just A Day, Stay), others are quite ok (IRS, World). I guess she needs more good own material to prove the whole thing as a serious project, but at least she did good work on her performance. Jesper was ok for his first time in the band, but he plays a bit too 'stiff', I prefer Steve's style. The backsingers are cute. You can see how 'dedicated' they are. Must be an honour to be in that band.
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Old 20-09-2010, 20:32   #93
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Originally Posted by Argos View Post
others are quite ok (IRS, World).
To be bonus tracks? Well I hope that Just A Day and Stay won't be on the album And I also hope that IRS and World will be bonus tracks because There're not hits or Good Songs to me. But She had 7-8 tracks right now?
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Old 20-09-2010, 20:48   #94
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Originally Posted by Edgar View Post
To be bonus tracks? Well I hope that Just A Day and Stay won't be on the album ...There're not hits or Good Songs to me.
I wouldn't buy an album because of those songs, but they are not so bad. Little banal album songs...
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Old 21-09-2010, 03:57   #95
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Ah, I see, Argos! It's fine.

Just a Day is really cute, but silly... I like it, though. World is boring and Stay's blant, but the last one I can give a listen here and there. The rest of the songs are pretty addictive, though! I'm happy with the results of Lena's efforts and it's good to see she can sing... Yeah, she can get better, but at this rate it seems like it's coming!

Now I wanna see the rest of the videos. The ones recorded by Anneke were not leaked just yet, right?
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Old 21-09-2010, 06:58   #96
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Holy shit, I keep watching the part where Lena yells SOMEBODY HELP ME! So fucking cute!
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Old 23-09-2010, 10:10   #97
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Originally Posted by Edgar View Post
To be bonus tracks? Well I hope that Just A Day and Stay won't be on the album And I also hope that IRS and World will be bonus tracks because There're not hits or Good Songs to me. But She had 7-8 tracks right now?
In fact, all Lena's new songs will be on bonus tracks, they will remove Just a Day and Stay for you because they will think that you're right. And t.A.T.u. songs will be her main songs. Just to make people angry.

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Old 23-09-2010, 14:46   #98
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Originally Posted by Arnaudfrenchy View Post
In fact, all Lena's new songs will be on bonus tracks, they will remove Just a Day and Stay for you because they will think that you're right. And t.A.T.u. songs will be her main songs. Just to make people angry.
Finally a good move
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Old 23-09-2010, 16:32   #99
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Originally Posted by regigigas1505 View Post
Sorry, it was available when I posted... I donwnloaded it, mind you.

I'll try and upload it for you guys.

Edit: Sorry it took so long. Here's the download link.
I didn't delete any file. Zhenya (Jenya) just edited the file name.
Well, You can download all parts of vid as .avi , .vob by Zhenya and photos by anneke:

and vids by Odette:
Part 1

Last edited by Bahman; 23-09-2010 at 18:22. Reason: Adding links
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Old 23-09-2010, 17:41   #100
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Originally Posted by Bahman View Post
Sometimes you don't have luck with your links. They are invalid.
Didn't test them, but I think the correct ones are for part 2 for part 3
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My fanfic based on Katie, and deticated to Katie yuliasgirl The Island of Arts 26 27-04-2004 21:17

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