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Old 28-01-2004, 00:51   #81
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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ok, didn't post at so wanted u to know that i like this fic very much.
...i think i said this alredy a few times, lol

and it's getting *very* interesting

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Old 29-01-2004, 05:25   #82
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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$in---Aww thanks for telling me you still like the story. Here's the update for today.

Chapter 30

Later that night the girls were getting settled in for bed. Lena was adamant about having a blow-up mattress on the floor and some extra pillows just incase Yulia accidentally rolled off the top bunk during the night.

“That really isn’t necessary Lena. I’m a big girl now. I know how to sleep on a bed.” Yulia said as she watched Lena prepare her ‘safety net.’

“You never know. And better to be safe than sorry, right?” Lena answered. “Besides, I’m doing this more for Rebel anyway. He always likes a comfy place to sleep.”

“Rebel is going to sleep in here? Ewww remind me to get some doggie cologne for him.” Yulia said as she got up on her bed.

“You get used to the smell.” Lena said as she laughed. “Well, at least I do anyway. I think all my animals smell just fine.”

“You would. Freak.” Yulia joked.

“You be nice or else I’ll let Stevo out of his cage.” Lena teased.

“Lena! You promised not to let him out while I’m in the room!” Yulia whined.

“I still need to introduce you to him.” Lena replied.

“Let’s not and say we did, okay? Now let’s go to sleep, I’m tired.” Yulia said as she got comfortable.

“Alright. Goodnight.” Lena said as she let Rebel in her room and turned off the light.


Lena woke up during the night when she heard something fall on the ground. What was that? Her first reaction was to look on the floor to make sure Yulia didn’t fall. Nope. She’s still snoring away. She turned on her lamp and looked around the room, seeing what could have made the noise. Her eyes fell on Stevo’s cage, which now had the top off and was empty. I can’t believe it! He finally figured a way out of that thing!

Lena quickly got up and searched the room, desperately trying to find Stevo, hoping he did not slither underneath the door.

Lena turned around just in time to see Stevo’s tail disappear right under Yulia’s pajama pants. Ho_ly shit.

Lena went as fast as she could over to the stool and placed it by the bed, quickly climbing it to get level with Yulia. She could see Stevo’s body curl up on Yulia’s right thigh. Please don’t wake up. *Please* don’t wake up.

Lena gently lifted the waistband and slowly put her hand down Yulia’s pants. This is awkward.

At that moment, Yulia woke up and opened her eyes. Startled to see Lena and even more startled to feel rather than see where Lena’s hand was, she quickly screamed, “LENA!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!”

“Hold still!!!!!! Don’t move!!!!” Lena ordered.

Yulia felt something moving along her leg and assumed it was Lena’s arm. “Lena Katina! Get your hand out of my pants right now! Why I never would’ve guessed! So much for you being shy!” Feeling something scaly on her leg, Yulia spat, “And goodness girl! Ever hear of lotion?!”

“Got him!” Lena exclaimed as she ever so gently grabbed Stevo mid-body, not wanting to startle him for fear of him biting Yulia in fright.

“Him? What are you talk---” Yulia stopped mid-sentence as she saw the top of Stevo’s cage on the ground. It registered in her head exactly what Lena meant when she said “him.”

Seeing the color drain from Yulia’s face, Lena spurt out, “No don’t move!! Don’t move!!!”

Too late.

“OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!” Yulia screamed at the top of her lungs and she shot up off the bed, hitting her head on the ceiling and causing the snake to fly out of her pants, literally, which caused her to scream even more. Not thinking, she leapt towards Lena.

“AHHHH!!!!!!!!!” Both girls screamed as they became airborne.


Lena landed on the mattress first with Yulia right on top of her, causing Rebel to jump sky high. Not knowing what was going on, Rebel did the beagle yodel, thinking an intruder was in the room.


“Stevo!!!” Lena yelled as she saw Stevo slithering away, scared for his life. She practically threw Yulia off her and snatched up Stevo before he went behind her bookcase, returning him safely to his cage. Lena put a dictionary and the two heaviest encyclopedias she could find on the top of the cage.

Suddenly, Lena’s dad came bursting through the door, baseball bat in hand.

“What the hell is going on in here?!” Mr. Katina roared.

“Lena’s snake tried to molest me!” Yulia dramatically shouted.

“What?!” Mr. Katina said, confused. “Lena! Don’t you know when to stop with your tricks?! It’s midnight for heaven’s sake!”

“I didn’t do anything, Dad! Stevo found a way to escape his cage! It’s not my fault she’s so damn prissy and can’t handle a simple snake!” Lena spat.

“She did to! She told me she’d let Stevo out! All because I said her dog smelled! You’ve got serious issues!” Yulia retorted.

“I did not! I wouldn’t let my snake touch you with a ten foot pole! Poor thing probably has pubic lice from you now!” Lena snapped, forgetting her dad was in the room. Oops.

“Girls, enough! Lena, you know better than to talk like that! Now, go back to bed, NOW!” Mr. Katina ordered. “I better not hear one more word from either of you for the rest of the night!”

Lena looked down, admitting defeat. “Yes, sir.”

Once the door was shut, Yulia looked up at Lena. “Pubic lice?”

“Just go to bed.” Lena responded.

“Well in that case, if you’re so worried about your snake getting *pubic* lice from me, you ought to wash your *hand* while you’re sterilizing him.” Yulia remarked, causing Lena to blush.

“Yeah well sorry, but I had to get my snake.” Lena said, not able to look at Yulia since she felt so embarrassed.

“I’m sure you did.” Yulia said, knowing her teasing was making Lena nervous. Even though she was finding this very funny, Yulia decided to let it go and give Lena a break.

“Goodnight Lena.” Yulia said as she got back in her bed.

“Goodnight.” Lena said as she turned off her lamp.

Not able to resist one last bit of teasing, Yulia said, “Oh and next time you want to put your hand down my pants, just let me know first, okay?”

Lena didn’t respond, too flushed and way too embarrassed to say anything. She will never let me live this down.
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Old 29-01-2004, 06:54   #83
haku haku is offline
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LOL, that was really funny d2d

Well, in the same situation i would have reacted exactly like Yulia LOL. (I'm talking about waking up with a snake on my leg, *not* about finding Lena with her hand down my pants LOL There's no way to tell how i would react to *that* )
I would jump and scream in horror LOL That's how manly i am.

Those girls are starting to have a lot of physical contacts.

And wow, Lena's dad seems strict, i don't really like the man. "Yes sir" What's that? A marines camp?
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]

Last edited by haku; 29-01-2004 at 07:03.
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Old 29-01-2004, 14:11   #84
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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i laughed my ass off reading this chapter...

but at the end, that 'yes sir'

*agrees with haku*
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Old 29-01-2004, 16:02   #85
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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I could just *see* all the action in this chapter!

There are *soooo* many great lines in here, but I think my favorites are "Lena's snake tried to molest me" and "Ever hear of lotion?" LOL!!!

Poor Yulia...poor Lena...poor Rebel....poor Stevo...hell, poor everybody! But in a funny way.

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Old 29-01-2004, 23:17   #86
angeljas01 angeljas01 is offline
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That was a really great update...funny as hell! Thanks d2d.
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Old 30-01-2004, 03:14   #87
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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Originally posted by haku
(I'm talking about waking up with a snake on my leg, *not* about finding Lena with her hand down my pants LOL There's no way to tell how i would react to *that* )

That would be *too* funny...too funny! It'd be like "Make a wish foundation for haku" coming true. LMAO

And wow, Lena's dad seems strict, i don't really like the man. "Yes sir" What's that? A marines camp?

Funny you should mention that. *whistles and walks away*

$in---Hmmm, another one that doesn't like Lena's dad...maybe you'll change your mind as the fic continues...or maybe not, depending on how you look at things.

Parrish---LOL @ Poor everybody! I'm not sure Stevo will ever recover from Yulia's freak reaction. Someone over at said he'll have to go to an animal psychologist now...I think maybe him and Yulia will have to have couple's therapy. LOL

angeljas01---I'm glad you liked it!! Thanks for posting!
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Old 30-01-2004, 03:21   #88
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Chapter 31

The next morning, Yulia woke up before Lena and decided to take advantage of this. She quietly got out of bed and went into the bathroom to get a cup of cold water. Yulia tip-toed over to Lena’s bed and got ready to wake Lena up, Yulia style.

“LENA OH MY GOD WAKE UP!!! REBEL IS ATTACKING STEVO!!” Yulia screamed as she threw the water in Lena’s face.

Lena jolted awake, sitting up so fast that she hit her head on the top of the bunk bed.

“Ouch! Damn it! Where’s Rebel?! Where’s Stevo?” Lena said as she scrambled out of her bed, forgetting about the mattress, causing her to trip and land flat on her face. “Shit!”

“Lena, Lena! It’s okay! I was just joking! I’m sorry, I didn’t know you’d hit your head again. Are you okay?” Yulia said, worried that Lena hit her black eye again.

“Don’t scare me like that! That isn’t funny!! You should know by now how much my animals mean to me!” Lena said, holding her head a little since it started to throb. “Damn, looks like I’m going to have another bump. I’m going to look like a rotten cucumber if I keep this up.”

“Aww Lena I’m sorry! Hold on a second, I’ll go get some ice.” Yulia said, regretting her little prank.

A few minutes later Yulia returned with ice wrapped in a cold, wet cloth.

“Here, let me see.” Yulia said as she tilted Lena’s head back and applied the ice.

“Thanks, but I can do it.” Lena said as she went to grab the ice from Yulia’s hands.

Yulia shoved Lena’s hand away and said, “No no. I’ll do it. I feel bad for doing that. I’m sorry, I was just trying to get you back for yesterday.”

“I really didn’t let Stevo out. I wouldn’t do that knowing you have a slight fear of snakes. It wouldn’t be good of me to make someone even more scared of snakes seeing I’m trying to get people to *like* them.” Lena responded.

“Okay. Truce then?” Yulia asked.

“Truce.” Lena answered. Yeah, like I’m going to let you off the hook that easy.

“Good. So what is there planned for today?” Yulia said as sat down by Lena, still holding the ice on Lena’s head.

“Well after I feed all the animals I figured I’d take you on a tour of the property today. Maybe show you some of my favorite spots.” Lena said.

“More woods? Ehhhhh…” Yulia started, but seeing a hint of disappointment on Lena’s face, changed what she was going to say. “But a little more time in the woods, wouldn’t hurt right? Just no more tricks.”

Lena smiled at what Yulia said. “Okay, I’ll behave. We’ll leave after we eat.”

When they went downstairs for breakfast, Lena was surprised to see her brother Chad at the table.

Chad was a little over 6 feet and had the build of a football player. His hair was the same color as Lena’s, but was styled as a buzz cut, or high and tight as they describe in the military.

“What happened to you nimrod?” Lena asked, looking at his broken arm.

“Bike accident, Red.” Chad said, knowing how much Lena hated to be called Red. His eyes soon traveled to Yulia, who was standing behind Lena. Wouldn’t I like you to nurse me back to health.

Seeing the object of Chad’s affection, Lena stepped in front of Yulia, blocking his view.

“Don’t even think about it.” Lena warned. She was not about to let Yulia become one of Chad’s one night stands.

“Think about what?” Yulia asked. My my isn’t he the looker.

“Nothing. Yulia, this is my brother, Chad. You know, the careless, no good, doesn’t-have-a-future member of the family.” Lena said with a forced smile.

“Don’t listen to her. She’s just jealous because I got the good-looking genes in the family.” Chad said, dissing his sister as he moved closer to Yulia. He went to put his uninjured arm around her when suddenly Lena pulled Yulia out of his reach.

“Let’s go Yulia. We’ll skip breakfast and have an early lunch.” Lena said she dragged Yulia out of the kitchen by her hand.

“Nice meeting you Chad.” Yulia said, smiling back at him.

“Same here.” Chad said with a wink. Hopefully I can give her a ‘proper’ welcome soon.

Once they were outside, Yulia said, “I take it you two don’t get along that well.”

Lena grunted and said, “That’s an understatement. He’s just so..ugh! He’s so selfish and irresponsible at times!”

“Why? What is he like? He looks like a nice enough guy. Cute too.” Yulia said.

“Ha. Looks can be deceiving, Yulia. He’s one of those frogs I talked about that would poison you. Trust me, you don’t want anything to do with him.” Lena stopped and turned around to Yulia, looking her in the eye. “Do me one thing. Promise me you’ll never be alone with him, okay?”

“What’s the huge deal, Lena? I’m a big girl, I can handle myself.” Yulia responded.

“No, trust me. I’ve seen him. He is the master of charm. He can and will say *anything* he knows you want to hear. Just promise me, okay? I…look, I just don’t want you getting hurt. He’s broken many a girl’s heart and there’s no need for you to be on that list.” Lena said with sincerity in her voice. She really didn’t want to lose another friend to her brother’s antics.

“Alright, alright. I’ll keep my guard up around him. But it’s not like he’ll come near me with you around, right? And I don’t exactly plan on being in the house if you’re not there, so no worries.” Yulia said.

“Good. I’m glad to hear that.” Lena said. Perking up a little, she said, “Now, let me take you on a little adventure!”
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Old 30-01-2004, 04:54   #89
angeljas01 angeljas01 is offline
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Poor Lena it's not a good omen when she keeps getting hurt while being around Yulia. hehe
Thanks for the update d2d.
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Old 30-01-2004, 04:57   #90
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Originally posted by dare2dream28
It'd be like "Make a wish foundation for haku" coming true. LMAO
LOL, well, dreams are all i have...

Awww, poor Lena, what a way to wake up LOL! But she did so many pranks to Yulia in the woods, it's only normal that Yulia gets back to her. They *do* have a thing for getting each other wet LOL!

d2d, not only you are a funny writer, but you are bold! LOL Did you just put a hint in there that Yulia may be attracted to... *gasp* men?! *waits for the riot*
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]

Last edited by haku; 31-01-2004 at 03:04.
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Old 31-01-2004, 04:19   #91
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angeljas01---LOL I didn't even think of that way, but that is so true. They keep getting hurt whenever they're together. LOL

Originally posted by haku
LOL, well, dreams are all i have...

And what a fine dream it is.

They *do* have a thing for getting each other wet LOL!

LOL!! I didn't realize that when I wrote that chapter. It's funny now that I look back it. Hmmm...subconscious is taking over.


d2d, not only you are a funny writer, but you are bold! LOL Did you just put a hint in there that Yulia may be attracted to... *gasp* men?! *waits for the riot*

Why thank you for the compliment! Yeah, Parrish told me that once I posted that chapter everyone would want to beat the holy hell out of Chad. LOL The funny thing is he hasn't even done anything yet and people already don't like him! LOL I think I shall give them a *real* reason to not like him. *evil grin*
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Old 31-01-2004, 04:21   #92
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Chapter 32

“So where are we off too?” Yulia questioned as they walked around the property.

“Well, for starters I thought I’d take you to the waterfall. I love it there. It’s so nice to just sit and listen.” Lena answered as she turned onto a trail going up the hill behind her cabin.

“Ooo a waterfall? Now that’s one thing in nature I *do* like! How big is it?”

“It’s nothing huge, only about a six foot drop, but there are lots of rocks and a flowing stream so it is a pretty site.” Lena said. “But we do have to go up and over this hill to get to it and it is kinda slippery, so be careful.”

“So what does your brother do? Does he have a job?” Yulia asked as they walked towards the top of the hill.

“Frankly, I don’t know and don’t really care what he’s doing for a job right now. All I know is that he’s home for the summer and then it’s off to college, thank goodness! I can’t wait til that day comes.” Lena answered. “I just hope his arm will be okay.”

“Aww well that’s sweet of you.” Yulia commented.

“Not really. If there’s something wrong with his arm, then he can’t play football. If he can’t play football, then he can’t go to college. And if he doesn’t go to college, then I’ll be forced to take him in the woods, tie him to a tree, spread honey all over him and leave him for the bears and ants.” Lena said.

“Well aren’t you the perfect little sister.” Yulia said sarcastically.

“Yeah well, *you* try putting up with all his antics for seventeen years and then tell me how you feel about it. Anyway, we’re at the top. Do you need to rest a little? I brought some water if you need any.”

“Actually yeah, would you mind? I’m not used to going up hills like this. It’s more like a mini-mountain!” Yulia remarked as she took a sip of water.

Once Yulia was done resting, they headed down the side of the hill towards the waterfall.

“Now remember, it is a little slippery so be sure to hang on to the trees on the side of the trail, okay?” Lena said. “I’ll go down first and you follow me.”

“Alright. Ooo I can hear it already!” Yulia said, a little excited.

As they made their way towards the waterfall, the girls started to gain a little speed. They started to almost jog down the hill, hanging on to trees along the way just to make sure they didn’t go too fast.

When Yulia went to grab a tree beside her to slow down a bit, she didn’t realize that it was a dead, rotting tree. As soon as she put weight on it, it snapped, making her lose her footing, sending her tumbling down the hill.

“LE-ee-ee-nn-aa!” Yulia yelled as she rolled down the hill, hitting a few sticks along the way. “He-elp me-eee!”

Lena, hearing the rustling, turned around just in time to see Yulia roll right into her, knocking her over like a bowling pin.

Hehee! I didn’t know this could be so much fun! Lena thought as they tumbled down the hill, rolling right over the saplings.

“Lee-na-aaaa!!” Yulia yelled again, desperate to stop, but having no idea how since it was like she was the Energizer Bunny. She just kept rolling and rolling and rolling…

Damn. Looks like I gotta get her out of this. Lena quickly reached out, trying to grasp anything that could make her stop. After going upside-down a few times, she was finally able to get her hands around a tree, bringing her to a sudden halt.

As soon as Lena saw Yulia, she grabbed her by the legs, hanging on as tight as she could to stop her.

“WOOO!!!!” Lena exclaimed, clearly excited about their new way of getting down the hill. “Who’s up for round two?!”

“I think I’m going to be sick!” Yulia said as she lurched to the side, the motion sickness kicking in.

“Woah woah. Take it easy there. Just sit back for a little bit to get your bearings again.” Lena said as she sat down next to Yulia.

“My head is spinning so bad! I don’t like homemade rollercoasters.” Yulia complained as she put her head in her hands.

“Do you really feel that bad?” Lena asked, concerned.

“Yeah. I have bad motion sickness. I can’t handle things like that little romp too well.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Actually, could you just rub my back a little? That seems to calm my body down.”

“Umm, okay.” Lena said as she began to rub circles along Yulia’s back.

“Thanks.” Yulia said as she scooted closer to Lena, laying her head on her shoulder. “Do you mind if we just sit here for a few minutes?”

“No no, we can take as long as you need.” Lena responded, continuing to rub Yulia’s back.

After a few minutes of this, Lena almost thought that Yulia was falling asleep until she heard Yulia whisper her name.

“Lena?” Yulia said softly.


“How come in the car ride back from our camping trip you wouldn’t let me lean on you like this?” Yulia asked.

Lena immediately tensed and ceased her rubbing. She hesitated a minute before she responded. “Well, it’s just that in my house, there is no physical contact between anyone. I’ve only seen my mom and dad kiss twice and I don’t even remember the last time I hugged my dad. We’re just not a touchy-feely family. Let’s just say my parents are *very* conservative.”

“You guys don’t even hug? I hugged my parents every day before I went to school.” Yulia said. Then thinking of something, she asked, “Well do I make you uncomfortable…like this?”

“Ummm, it just takes me a little to get used to at first.” Lena laughed bitterly and added, “Ironically, it was Kristin that made me not so uptight about it. I’d never do something like this in front of my parents or friends, but she taught me not to be so…I guess, well, she made me realize that my skin wouldn’t burn if someone wanted to give me a hug or something. But still, that doesn’t mean I go around hugging everyone in sight. Shoot, I’d give my mom a heart attack if I just went up to her one day and gave her a big bear hug.” Lena smiled at her last comment, thinking of how her mom would probably think she was getting attacked from behind if she felt two arms around her.

“How’d” Yulia stopped, censoring herself from calling Kristin a bitch. “…she do that?” Yulia asked.

Lena shifted a little, not really comfortable talking about this topic. “Well, she’d start out with a pat on the shoulder here, a touch of the hand there, you know things normal best-friends do.” Lena sighed. “Although I guess her intentions weren’t exactly that of a best-friend, but oh well. You learn from life’s mistakes I guess.”

Lena dusted her hands, a signal that she was finished with this conversation. “You ready to go?”

Yulia nodded her head so Lena started to help her up. Once Yulia was on her feet, she leaned in and gave Lena a big hug.

Lena quickly leaned back, but Yulia pulled her back in.

“What are you doing?” Lena asked, puzzled at Yulia’s action.

“I’m showing you that hugs *can* be a good thing. And just because someone hugs you, it *doesn’t* mean they have a motive. Sometimes it’s good to give a hug just for the sake of hugging.”

“Okay, Yulia. Whatever you say.” Lena said as she pulled herself out of Yulia’s grasp. “Now let’s go see that waterfall.”
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Old 31-01-2004, 05:31   #93
angeljas01 angeljas01 is offline
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awww lena's gonna be a tough cookie to crack, but already Yulia's made some progress. Thanks for the update d2d.
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Old 01-02-2004, 02:22   #94
haku haku is offline
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Wow, that last line from Lena was a bit harsh!

So once again they end up with bruises and cuts, it's like they're having an S&M thing going on there.

That being said, 1 waterfall + 2 girls = dirty thoughts in my mind...
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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Old 02-02-2004, 02:34   #95
Veggie Delite Veggie Delite is offline
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Originally posted by haku
Wow, that last line from Lena was a bit harsh!

So once again they end up with bruises and cuts, it's like they're having an S&M thing going on there.

That being said, 1 waterfall + 2 girls = dirty thoughts in my mind...
maybe fishing?

ok, ok... just keep this going d2d
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Old 05-02-2004, 03:01   #96
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Thank you angeljas01, haku, and $in for replying.

Chapter 33

“This is beautiful!” Yulia exclaimed about the waterfall. “It looks like it could be on a postcard!”

“Yeah, that’s why I like it so much. I could just sit here and listen for hours.” Lena commented. “Sometimes I actually like to sit at the top of the hill and watch the animals that come by here and drink from the stream. It’s great.” Lena said with a smile.

“Sounds wonderful.” Yulia said as she took in the beautiful view.

Lena was about to say something, when she heard an odd noise. She immediately turned her head sideways, trying to get a better feel of where the noise came from. There it is again! Lena followed the sound with her ears, trying her best to pinpoint it. Right there!! It’s right he…ohhhhh. Lena thought as she bumped into Yulia’s stomach, causing Yulia to giggle.

“Looks like that monster of yours is trying to come out. We better go feed it before it decides to show itself.” Lena said as she snickered at Yulia’s stomach.

“It has a mind of its own, I tell you. There’s no controlling it. Believe me, I’ve tried.” Yulia said with a little laughter.

“Well let’s go back and get some lunch so you don’t scare the rest of the animals away. I’ll show you the rest of the property another day.” Lena said as she started to head back through the trail.


As soon as Chad heard the girls come in the cabin, he walked over to talk to Yulia before Lena could protest.

“So, Yulia. How would you like it if I took you out and showed you the town tonight?” Chad said, flashing his toothy white smile.

Before Yulia could respond, Lena butted in.

“Sorry. She can’t. We already have plans.” Lena said, glaring at Chad.

“We do?” Yulia said, surprised.

“Umm….yes. Yes, we do.” Lena responded.

“Ooo what are we going to do?” Yulia inquired, excited about going out.

Think, Katina, think! “Umm…we’re…we’re….I can’t tell you. It’s a surprise.” Lena said a little nervously. Shit. Now I have to think of something to do!

“Yeah right. Some surprise that will be. How much you wanna bet your ‘surprise’ will be a movie and showing her around the town park looking at all the stupid animals.” Chad said sarcastically.

Okay, plan B then. “Mind your own business Chad. Why don’t you go play with your blow-up doll and leave us alone.” Lena angrily responded.

Chad’s face grew red with the blow-up doll comment and he proceeded to get right up in Lena’s face.

“Listen, Red, you can’t make Yulia avoid me the entire year. I *will* get her alone one of these days so why don’t you go out with your damn little animal buddies, go have your little fuck fest, and back the fuck off.” Chad said through clenched teeth.

Yulia didn’t hear what Chad said, but from the look on Lena’s face, it wasn’t exactly good.

Lena’s eyes narrowed and without even really thinking, she punched him hard right in his ribs.

Nope, not good at all. Yulia thought as she saw Lena kick Chad’s legs out from underneath him, causing him to fall on his back.

Lena bent down to whisper in Chad’s ear. “No, *you* back the fuck off, Chad. I swear if I catch you or find out you did *anything* to her, I will personally knock you out, hang you from a tree by your dick, and twirl you around til you scream like a little girl. And don’t think I won’t do it because you damn well know I will. And there *will* be pictures.” Lena warned.

Chad was flat out pissed with Lena right now, but didn’t dare fight back since he didn’t want to look like a jerk in front of Yulia. Bitch. Yulia *will* be mine.

“C’mon Yulia, let’s go upstairs and get cleaned up before we eat.” Lena said.


Once they were up in Lena’s room, curiosity got the best of Yulia.

“Lena, what did Chad say to make you so mad?”

“Don’t worry about it. I took care of it. So, did you have anything in particular you wanted to do tonight?” Lena said.

“I thought you were going to surprise me.” Yulia said with a smile.

“Right. Just seeing if you were paying attention.” Great. Way to open your mouth Katina.


Right after lunch, Lena decided to go ahead and take Yulia on a little tour of one of her favorite places the town had to offer while it was still bright out.

“Yulia, make sure to wear something comfortable. With old shoes. Oh, and wear something that you can get wet…and won’t mind if it gets torn.” Or eaten. Lena said as she put on her boots. As Yulia got ready, Lena snuck the video camera into her bag. This will definitely be something to remember.

When they got in Lena’s jeep, Yulia’s curiosity got the better of her again.

“So where are we going?”

“You’ll see.” Lena said with a twinkle in her eye. This is going to be great!

Why am I not surprised? Yulia thought as they pulled in the parking lot of ‘Reptile Haven.’

“Hey Lena!” the owner said when he saw her walk through the door. “Good to see you again!”

“Hey Ron! Yep, just got back from my camping trip.” Lena said.

Ron noticed Yulia standing behind Lena. “So who’s this pretty little lady?”

“This is my friend, Yulia. She’s visiting from Russia with us for a year. Never seen a real crocodile before. Mind if I show her around. I mean, *really* give her a tour?” Lena said with a wink.

Ron, knowing exactly what Lena meant, didn’t hesitate in answering. “I couldn’t say no to my favorite and most frequent visitor! And while you’re at it, the males in pond two would like to be moved to pond three.” Ron said as he handed Lena the keys.

“No problem. Will do.” Lena said as she began to lead Yulia through the door of the main entrance. “Oh and Ron, there’s something in my bag for you. You’ll know what to do with it.”

Lena led Yulia through the first room where all the snakes were and enthusiastically explained where all of them were from and how wild they were when handled. Yulia tried her best to seem interested, but after Stevo’s little infatuation with her legs, she really was losing her fondness of the snake species.

“Now we get to my favorite part.” Lena said with a huge smile. She took out the keys Ron gave her and went behind the gate to the adolescent crocodile enclosure.

Before she let Yulia in, Lena stopped her and gave her some rules.

“Okay, there are some rules that you need to follow while in here. First, no matter what, listen to me. I mean it this time. Always stay behind me unless I say otherwise. And don’t, whatever you do, don’t fall. If for some reason you do fall, get up as fast as you can or scoot back as fast as possible. Got it?”

“Sure. Listen to you, I got it.” Yulia said, a littler nervous since she had no clue what Lena was intending to do.

“Alright! Well here is my surprise for you. Today we are going to transfer four teenage male crocodiles to a bigger pond!” Lena said excitedly.

For a second Lena thought Yulia was going to faint because all the color drained from her face and she stumbled a bit.

“WHAT?! You’re kidding, right? You mean YOU are going to transfer them, right? You? Just you? You as in not me?” Yulia squeaked.

“Noo, *we* as in me and you! This is going to be *so* much fun! Let’s get to it!” Lena exclaimed as she grabbed Yulia’s hand and led her into the enclosure.

“Okay, you see the four biggest crocs in this pond? Those are the ones we’re going to move. Now this is what we’re going to do. I need you to get that food bucket and slam it on the grass while you dangle that chicken leg. Once they’re up on land, I’ll get a rope around their top jaw, pull them up a little bit, give you the rope to hold *tight* and then jump on him! Then you come in behind me for a little back up once I give the word.”

“You are insane, you know that? You’re going to end up getting me killed.” Yulia said as she gulped. Oh ewww I have to touch a dead chicken!!!

“Alright, get the bucket! WOOOO let’s do this!” Lena said as she got her top jaw rope ready.

Once the crocs saw the food bucket, they immediately started to come towards the shore. Just as Lena expected, the biggest ones made their way to the front, enforcing their dominance.

“Good job, Yulia! Just dangle it a little further!” Lena said as she readied herself.

Easy for you to say! You don’t have a crocodile trying to bite your arm off! Yulia thought as the crocs made their way closer to the chicken.

“Okay back away now!” Lena yelled as she slipped the top jaw rope on one of the crocs with a stick. She pulled the rope taught and pulled the crocodile further up on shore so she could get it away from the other crocodiles plus have better footing.

“Grab the rope!” Lena ordered as she jumped on the back of the croc. The croc thrashed around, feeling the weight of Lena, thinking she was a predator. Since it was only about 4 Ѕ feet long, it was not that difficult for Lena to handle. She was used to handling crocodiles bigger than this.

After Lena clamped the crocodile’s mouth shut with one hand, wrapped the rope around the mouth with her other hand, and got the croc’s tail between her legs, she called Yulia over.

“You grab the tail and lift on three, okay?” Lena said as she tightened her hold on the feisty male.

“Three!” Lena said as she lifted up the adolescent with her forearm acting as a blindfold over his eyes. “You got his tail?”

Yulia, scared out of her mind, sounded like a mouse when she answered. “Yeah!” Oh my God. I’m holding a crocodile. I’m holding a crocodile. I’m going to die. It’s going to turn around because Lena pissed it off and it’s going to eat me. It’s going to bite off my arm as payback and then spit it back out in my face as a punishment. I’m going to die!

The whole time Ron was keeping a watchful eye on the two girls, ready to jump in and help if anything happened to go wrong. In the meanwhile, he was also recording this whole thing, panning in on the hilarious expressions crossing Yulia’s face.

Once they got into the next pond, Lena carefully set the crocodile down and straddled it again. “Okay get off and back away!” Lena ordered. As soon as she cut the jaw ropes, the crocodile practically flew into the water, glad to be out of a human’s grasp.

“WOOO!!” Lena yelled as she grinned ear to ear. She walked over to Yulia and patted her back. “Your first crocodile experience! Not bad, Yulia! Not bad at all! Now let’s go get male number two!”

Yulia smiled at Lena’s compliments, but the smile quickly faded when Lena mentioned going back for another croc. Please God, if I live, I swear I will never say another cuss word in my life. Wellll…I’ll um, I’ll…look, I’ll just try my best and be really good okay? Just do me this one favor. Yulia thought as they went back into the adolescent enclosure.

They did the same procedure, but this time when Yulia went for the croc’s tail, he got the upper hand and gave her a good tail whip right in the leg, causing her to fall. Lena, seeing this, started to shoot out orders, not able to move because then the crocodile would get loose and there’s no way she could let it go back in the water with its mouth tied shut.

“Yulia! Get up now! Get up!! Stand up! Do something now!” Lena shouted.

Stupid fuc…stupid reptile! Yulia thought as she scrambled to get back up on two feet. Once she was in place, they brought the male to the next enclosure.

“Whew! That was a little close, eh? Nothing we can’t handle! Does it sting?” Lena asked, looking at the red mark on Yulia’s leg.

“A little bit. Do you think I’ll bruise?”

“You’ll have a little black-and-blue. Just think of it as a souvenir.” Lena said as she smiled at Yulia. “Let’s go get the other two.”

The third crocodile had gone great, no problems at all. The only one left now was a croc that was a little bigger than the previous three, named Agro. And he was named Agro for a reason. He was aggressive as anything, by crikey!

When Lena put the top jaw rope on, Agro did *not* like it one bit. He did a death roll, tucking his legs in towards his body and spinning round and round so hard that he gave Lena a rope burn. Agro death rolled a couple more times and Lena decided that enough was enough. She jumped on the croc, hard enough to pin him down, but not hard enough to hurt him and just hung on. He was stronger than she thought!

Yulia watched Lena struggle with Agro and really became scared. She didn’t know what the capabilities of this crocodile were so she called out to Lena, worried that she might get hurt. “Lena! Do you need some help?”

“Yeah! Come and jump on the back of him right behind me!” Lena said, attempting to put Agro’s tail between her legs to hold him down.

Lena had better be glad I think of her as a good friend for me to do this sh..stuff! Yulia thought as she fearfully took a breath and approached the odd pair.

Yulia saw Agro’s tail coming towards her and jumped right over it. Ha. I’m not going to get hit again by one of those! Outsmarted the cro…SHIT! Yulia was knocked clear off her feet when Agro swiped his tail right behind Yulia.

Not wasting any time, Yulia quickly stood up and dived onto Agro, grabbing Agro right in front of his back legs, putting his tail in between her legs.

Lena felt Agro tense, a signal that lactic acid was building up in his body from the stress of the situation and knew he would release it soon.

“Yulia!! Put all your strength into holding him down now! He’s building!” Lena yelled as she crouched down as much as possible to steady Agro for his energy release, practically pushing her butt into Yulia’s face during the process.

Hell-loh!! Yulia thought at her view of Lena’s behind. She turned her head to the side, waiting for Lena’s cue to move. Please don’t fart, please don’t fart, please don’t fart.

“Alright Yulia, we’ve got to hurry! Let’s lift this guy up and take him over to his new home!” Lena said as they stood on their feet. The girls practically ran to the next enclosure with Agro in their hands, wanting to let the croc go free as soon as possible so he wouldn’t be under any more stress.

When Lena cut the jaw ropes and let Agro free, he whipped around and took a sudden snap at Lena, causing her to jump back a little, which scared the living daylights out of Yulia since she thought Agro was attacking Lena.

“LENA!!!” Yulia screamed as she sprinted across the grass. Unfortunately, the grass was slick because of the water that came off the crocs while being moved so Yulia slipped and went skidding, stopping only a foot away from Agro.

“AHHH!!!!” Yulia screamed as she saw Agro, up close and personal. Agro, thinking Yulia was a threat to his territory and to him, went on the defense and immediately lunged for Yulia.

Lena didn’t think, she just reacted. As soon as she saw Yulia by Agro she grabbed Agro by the tail and with all her might pulled him back far enough for him to be just out of reach of Yulia. He missed Yulia’s foot only by inches as Lena yanked on his tail. He soon forgot about the scrambling Yulia and swung around at Lena, jaws open wide, ready to defend himself.

“MOVE YULIA! MOVE!” Lena yelled as she dropped Agro’s tail and avoided his strike.

“Woah Agro! I get it, I get it! It’s your territory, not mine. I’m leaving, I’m leaving. Take it easy!” Lena said as she backed away from the croc to join the frightened Yulia at the gate.

Yulia was shaking from all the adrenaline pumping through her body and literally leaped into Lena’s arms once she was in reach.

“OH MY GOD. Don’t you *ever* do that again!!!! NEVER!!! NEVER!! You hear me?! You could’ve gotten killed!!!!!” Yulia rambled, squeezing Lena so tight that Lena could barely breathe.

“Can’t…breathe.” Lena gasped.

Yulia immediately loosened her grip on Lena, but still held on to her. She lightly hit Lena on the arm and said, “You know how worried I was?! I thought you were really hurt!”

Lena smiled, almost laughing at Yulia’s state. “Yulia, he’s only an adolescent. He does not see us a food source. He was just trying to protect his territory and make us leave. He did his job, didn’t he? Yes, he could inflict damage, but he’s not going to kill me. Agro was only doing what comes natural.”

“He almost bit my foot off!!” Yulia exclaimed, wildly pointing at her foot for emphasis.

“Well if you thought that someone was trying to kick you, wouldn’t you defend yourself? He was only trying to protect himself.” Lena explained.

“Yeah, but…” Yulia started to say.

“No butts. All animals defend themselves and that’s okay. Don’t think I’m not appreciative of what you were doing, believe me, I am, but I’m just saying the animal isn’t at fault here.” Lena said gently, not wanting to make Yulia think she was arguing with her.

“Okay, I get it. But still, if he would’ve bitten you I would’ve kicked his ass and turned him into a pair of boots.” Yulia said as they walked out of the enclosure.

Lena laughed a little at Yulia’s feistiness and gave her a one-armed hug. “You were really good Yulia. You done me proud.” Lena said as she chuckled.

When they got back to the main entrance, Ron was waiting there with Lena’s bag on the counter.

“You go ahead and start the car Yulia, I’ll be out in a minute.” Lena said as she handed Yulia the keys.

Once Yulia was out the door, Lena leaned over to Ron. “You get everything on tape?”

“Yep. I cut it off when I saw you back away from Agro. You had me worried for a minute there, Lena. I thought I was going to have to jump in and save you.” Ron said in a slightly serious tone. “But then I saw that look in your eyes and I knew everything was going to be fine. Looks like you wouldn’t let anything hurt that Yulia girl.”

“Yeah, I think I’ll keep her around for a little. She’s cool to hang out with. You know, that and I don’t think her parents would like it if I sent Yulia home in pieces and made her into a real life puzzle.” Lena said jokingly. “Thanks Ron for letting me come here and show Yulia around.”

“No problem Lena. Anything for my favorite and most trusted visitor. You two have a good day and try and stay out of trouble, although I know how hard that is considering it’s you.” Ron said with a smile.

“Bye Ron. I’ll see you later.” Lena said as she walked out the door and got into her jeep.

“So, you hungry?” Lena said as she pulled out of the parking lot.

“You can say that I’ve worked up an appetite.” Yulia answered. “But can we get something to go? I’m a mess!”

“Sure. Anything for my croc hunter in training.” Lena said with a huge smile on her face.

Yulia saw how Lena’s face shined with pride and thought, I guess I did good today. She looked over at Lena’s smiling face again and thought, Yep, I did good.
~~~~~~~~~~~ I DARE you to click it. ;)

Thanks to room4602 at the Spashley forum for my avatar. :)
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Old 05-02-2004, 07:21   #97
angeljas01 angeljas01 is offline
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That was damn exciting Thanks for the update d2d!
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Old 05-02-2004, 17:29   #98
parrish122 parrish122 is offline
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Isn't Dare the *best* at writing action scenes?!

And *Lena* actually gave Yulia a hug. Yeah, it was a one-armed hug, but that's major for this character!

Full of action, with some "awww" moments. Just wonderful!

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Old 10-02-2004, 05:03   #99
dare2dream28 dare2dream28 is offline
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Thanks angeljas01 and Parrish for the comments! Here's an update for you!

Chapter 34

“You have got to taste these curly fries! They are *so* good!” Lena said as they pulled into Arby’s.

When they got out of the jeep, Yulia noticed Lena’s license plate for the first time. “You are a freak, you know that? A real freak.” Yulia said with a laugh.

“What?” Lena said, but when she saw Yulia looking at her SHNIA FN license plate she knew what she was talking about. “Hey, I’m a Shania fan and proud of it!” Lena said with a smile.

Just as Lena was about to walk into the building, she suddenly stopped. Shit!

“Lena, why’d you stop?” Yulia asked.

“Kristin’s in there.” Lena stated flatly.

“She is?! Where’s the bitch?! What one is she? Where is she???” Yulia angrily blurted, her face already turning red.

“See that tall blonde wearing all white? That’s her.” Lena said.

“Oh, you mean the bitch that looks like she’s been hit with the ugly stick one too many times and could pass for a hooker?” Yulia said bitterly.

“That’s the one.” Lena responded.

On their way to the line, Yulia grabbed some ketchup packets and put them behind her back, opening them slightly in the process.

At that moment Kristin turned around and spotted the pair. “Lena! So you are still here for the summer. How come you haven’t returned any of my calls?”

Yulia made a point to stand really close to Lena, giving Kirstin a death glare.

Kristin noticed Yulia and stared her up and down. “Who is this?” she said with a sound of hatred in her voice.

“This is Yulia. She’ll be staying with me this year as a foreign exchange student.” Lena answered.

Yulia put on an evil smile and went over to Kristin. As she put her arms around Kristin to hug her, she squeezed the ketchup packets up and down the back of Kristin’s white shorts. For added affect she slightly squeezed Kristin’s butt, smearing the ketchup around.

“It’s Russian custom to squeeze when saying hello, da Lena?” Yulia said when Kristin shrieked at her grab. Yulia gave Lena a smile and a wink when she turned around so Kristin couldn’t see her.

Lena, not knowing what Yulia was up to but deciding to play along, gave her a suspicious look and said, “Umm, yeah…it’s like our handshake.”

Kristin’s eyes narrowed and she said, “Oh so you’ve squeezed Lena and Chad’s butt then?”

Oh she just set herself up for this comment. “Why yes. Every morning that’s how I say hello. Isn’t that right, Lena?” Yulia said, glaring at Kristin again.

“Is that so?” Kristin said through clenched teeth.

“Yeah well can’t argue with customs. Anyway I’d love to sit and chat, but we gotta get going.” Lena said. Sit and chat my ass. I’d rather get stuck with porcupine needles then have them slowly pulled out than chat with you.

“Lena, don’t you think it’d be nice to catch up a little with Kristin?” Yulia asked.Lena might kill me for this, but it’ll be worth it.

Lena’s eyes about popped out of her head as she gave Yulia a frustrated look. Before she could say anything Kristin began to talk.

“Yes, Lena. Let’s catch up.” Kristin said flatly, not pleased that this Yulia girl was here.

After they placed their order and were on the way to their seats, Yulia walked ahead a little.

“Here Kristin, let me get the chair for you.” Yulia said as she pulled out the chair for Kristin.

“Thank you Mulia.” Kristin said as she went to sit down.

Yulia pulled the chair just out of Kristin’s reach and said, “It’s YULIA!” as Kristin fell flat on her butt, causing her tray of food to smack her right in the face. The food and soda went all over her top and got in her hair, making her look like a walking trash can.

“You BITCH!” Kristin yelled as she tried to get up, but since she was wearing hooker shoes she slipped on the soda and fell on her butt again, further smearing the ketchup around.

Witnessing all of this, Lena was bent over laughing in hysterics. She couldn’t believe what Yulia just did!

“No, *you* are the bitch and don’t even *think* about coming over to *our* house this summer!” Yulia spat out at Kristin.

Just as she said this, a little old lady came over to Kristin and handed her a pad.

“Hear youngin’. I think you might need one of these. It seems that when you fell, a little something of yours leaked through. May I suggest not wearing white at that time of the month darlin’?” the kind lady said.

This caused both Lena and Yulia to laugh to point of tears, never expecting this to happen.

“WHAT?! Can’t you see hag that I’m not on my period?!” Kristin spat out.

“Well you sure as hell are acting like it! Now why don’t you show your elder some respect, pick your trashy ass up and get the hell out of here you little snotty stuck up bitch!” the old lady spat back as she poked Kristin with her cane.

All three girls shut their mouths and were silent, stunned to hear such language come out of such an old, seemingly nice woman.

“That’s right! I’m tired of taking crap from youngins like yourself. Maybe now you’ll have some respect!” the lady said as she stormed out the door as fast as her cane allowed.

“On that note, let’s take our food and leave.” Yulia said as she went and got a take-out bag with Lena quick on her heels.

As soon as they got in the car, Lena busted out laughing again.

“Oh my God I can’t believe you did that!! Did you see the look on her face?!” Lena said in between laughs. “You were awesome Yulia! That was just great!” Lena said as she gave Yulia a pat on her arm. “I’ve waited *so* long for someone to do something to her!”

“There’s plenty more where that came from.” Yulia said with a huge smile. “Kristin will be sorry she met me and more importantly that she ever messed with you.”

“You are one hell of a friend, Yulia. I can already see I’m going to have a lot of laughs with you around.” Lena said with a smile. “I can’t wait to see what you come up with next!”
~~~~~~~~~~~ I DARE you to click it. ;)

Thanks to room4602 at the Spashley forum for my avatar. :)
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Old 10-02-2004, 20:32   #100
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and neither can i!!

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