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Old 06-04-2004, 01:14   #61
denial denial is offline
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I am not pro .. I don't really read all the fanfics .. so I am The Specialist.
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 09-04-2004, 21:14   #62
prostrel prostrel is offline
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Originally Posted by denial
$in, prostrel .. I was here first ..beat the pros... booo!
i`m half-retired pro so i can`t be everywhere at the same time anymore So, pros read everything and specialists only pick the best fics?

Thank you Aeon for last update. It made me worried tho...
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Old 10-04-2004, 02:42   #63
denial denial is offline
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Originally Posted by prostrel
So, pros read everything and specialists only pick the best fics?
...umm..not really ... but when you say this I found something common about them .. they writing fanfic for first time ... want lolipop..?
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Old 01-05-2004, 08:27   #64
Aeon Aeon is offline
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Holding fiercely onto the smaller girl she could feel violent hands grabbing her from all sides. Crying out in anger and desperation she screamed, "No! Yulia is my love, you musn't take her from me!"
A waterfall of tears run down her freckled face. Soon she felt water starting to rise swiftly from below. Rising up to their knees, then up to their waists. As she struggle to hold onto Yulia, rough hands pulled her away as she screamed watching Yulia drowning in her pool of tears.
Lena woke screaming from the same dream she endured nearly every night since she was forced to part from Yulia. She flopped back down on her sweat soaked pillow, covering her face with both arms.
"Oh Yulia..I miss you so much!"
She thought again about the moment of departure two weeks ago..
"I must go now." Lena spoke thru tears trying to be strong for the both of them. Yulia's face nestled deep between her neck and shoulder crying harder than she ever had her whole life. "Its only for a few months, we'll be together again before you know it." Lena didnt know who she was trying to convince, herself or Yulia. Yulia was barely able to speak, but managed to strangle out a "yeah". Finally pulling herself away both girls looked into each others eyes holding each others hands. Remember to write every day, and I'll call whenever possible." Yulia had arranged with her estranged parents to move back in with them after Lena gave into the pressure from her parents into consenting to leave with them, telling her that she had no option other than to live with them, at least until she was finished with school, then she could do as she wished. Lena resisted for as long as she could, but when her mother started crying, saying she needed to be with her daughter through this difficult time, even if only for a few, very short months, she reluctently gave in. She felt as though she was leaving a part of herself, a part she was so used to being essential, like breathing. She wanted to think of the time they could be together again, not worry about the time apart.
Yulia had a difficult time coming to terms with the separation, and wasn't sure how she was going to manage being without her. to her it may as well be 6 years, not months.

"'ve been playing with your food long enough! Now please eat, you're getting too thin."
Yulia's mother worried about her daughter. She didn't have to resort to force feeding her, but her daughter was looking thinner than she had ever seen her. Feeling of guilt over the separation from her daughter with her while she was living with Lena, and a feeling of helplessness at the situation filled her with so much anxiety she started drinking again. Yulia's father barely spoke to her or even looked at her, and it was only to ease his wife's drinking that he even consented to allow Yulia to return home.
Yulia forced herself to eat so she wouldn't have to hear her mother's nagging and quickly excused herself from the table to go to her room. She spent most of her time in her bedroom, laying in bed thinking about Lena and reading the few letters she received.

My Dearest Yulia,
I think of you all the time. I keep a picture of you under my pillow and look at it often. Things are going okay under the circumstances. I try to devote my attention to school and taking things one day at a time. The only thing that keeps me going is thinking of holding you in my arms again one day. That day will come my love, and I hope that it helps you to remember that as well. So please take good care of yourself and keep me in your heart. You are in mine, always. I love you, I love you... My Yulia, I can never say it too often, I can never express it as much as I feel it. I see you in all the beauty that surrounds me; in shape, color, perfume and in harmonious sounds. You are everything to me.
Please write soon and let me know you're all right.
Yours Always,

Sliding the letter under her pillow, Yulia wept silently until she fell asleep...

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Old 02-05-2004, 05:43   #65
denial denial is offline
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awww.... ...

Thanks for update Aeon. Update again soon .. okay.
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means
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Old 06-06-2004, 21:15   #66
tatu_rocs tatu_rocs is offline
я хочу Лину столь плохо
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come on we need more im dieing here!!lets go!!
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Old 25-09-2004, 02:33   #67
Aeon Aeon is offline
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Sorry for the looong delay in finishing my story. I haven't felt much inspired lately, but I hope to have this story wrapped up soon.

Time passed slowly, as it tends to when laden with a heavy heart. Yulia went thru the routine of school but the light faded from her eyes. Her life, it seemed, had become nothing more than going through the motions of waking, walking from class to class, home again to an uneasy environment and the same again the next day. Food was tasteless, and she ate only enough to keep her mother from nagging, she was looking pale and thin.

"Hey Yulia! Wait up!" Her thoughts on Lena she didn't hear Cecilia calling her. Her friend's touch on her arm brought her back to reality. Even Cecilia's overpowering perfume hadn't yet registered with her olfactory senses, which were usually pretty sensitive. "Hello, earth to Yulia! Come in Yulia!" "Huh? Oh.... hi Cecilia."
"What's going on with you Yuli? you've been acting like a zombie ever since that girl left with her parents. You'd think someone died or something!"
"Her name's Lena. Yeah..I guess I really miss her." Yuli tryed to keep the irritation from showing in her voice. After all its not like she or anyone really understood the relationship she had with Lena.
"Yeah...Lena", she said as she rolled her eyes.
"Well, its not like you're never gonna see her again. Anyway, I'm still here you know, not that you seem to notice anymore." Cecilia pouted and then came up with an idea.
"Hey.. since it's the weekend, why not come over to my place? We'll have a sleepover like we used to do and make lots of popcorn, watch some movies and stay up talking all night?"
Not really feeling like spending time with anybody Yulia hesitated. On the other hand another weekend cooped up in her room avoiding her parents didn't seem any more appealing.
"Um..ok. Let me check with my parents, it should be okay tho."
Cecilia burst into a smile.
"Great! It'll be just like old times, I've missed spending time with my best friend you know". She enthusiastically thru her arms around Yulia's neck and gripped her in a quick hug.
"Okay, I'll see you later tonight", she squealed as she turned the corner to her street where she lived.

Lena wrote every day to Yulia. Yet she only received one letter from Yulia, and it worried her that she hadn't heard more from her.

Dear Lena
I think of you every day and miss you more than words can say. I'm sorry I haven't written before now, every time I started to write I felt so many overwelming feelings and couldn't put them down on paper. I understand that you felt you had to go with your parents, yet I'm still very hurt that you left me. How could you leave when you mean more to me than i could ever say?

As tears started to fall on the paper she was writing, she crumpled up the paper and tossed it into the basket. "Damn, I can't make her fell bad by sending her something like that."
She started again.
Dearest Lena,
Of course you're in my thoughts always. I took a walk through the park where we picnicked that one time and sat under the same tree for a while. It made me feel a little closer to you somehow. Maybe that sounds a bit mushy, but it's true. I hope all is well with you and the time we're apart will go by fast. It seems so agonizingly slow for me, but I am doing the best I can. I haven't done much outside of going to school. But Cecilia invited me to spend time with her at her place this weekend. Although I don't feel much like going, I will go just to get out of my parents house for a while. I'm sure I'll be thinking of you the whole time. Please take good care of yourself Lenochka.
Love Always,

Yulia's mother was more than happy to see that her daughter had made some plans to spend time with one of her friends, so Yulia had no trouble getting permission to go stay over at Cecilia's. Her friend was thrilled to see Yulia at the door. She couldn't stop chattering away but most of the words didn't settle on Yulia's ears but she did her best to nod every once in a while and seem interested in the girl's never ending gossip. Staying up late watching movies in her friends bedroom, they finally turned off the television set and settled under the covers to doze off. Yulia found Cecilia's hand in her own and heard her say, "Yulia..I've really missed these stay overs with you, it's really nice spending time together again, isn't it?"
"Uh huh...yeah", Yulia managed though she mostly was thinking how she wanted her chattering friend to finally be quiet so she could get some sleep. Before she knew it the other girl was on top of her suffocating her mouth with kisses. Pushing the girl off she struggled to sit up. "Wait, wait, wait!..what is this Cecilia? I thought you didn't even like girls like that!"
"Well I don't...not usually anyway. But I like you that way...don't you like me Yuli...?"
"As a friend yes...anyway I'm already involved with someone.."
"Oh you mean that redhead that broke your heart and left town with mommie and daddy?" As soon as the words spilled out and the hard look she received from Yulia, the rejected girl knew she should probably have kept her mouth shut.
"I think I should go home", Yulia started to rise, but the blonde girl grabbed her in a tight embrace.
"Oh I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that! Please Yuli..please don't go. We don't have to do anything, let's just sleep. Okay?"
"Yulia too tired to argue only said, "yeah, okay. I just want to sleep all right?"
"Yes, all right Yuli."
Quietly both girls settled back down under the covers. After a long uneasy silence they eventually drifted into sleep.

While Yulia was away staying with her friend, her mother finally came to a decision. With trembling fingers Larissa dials the phone, "Hello's your sister Larissa..Yes..I know it's been a long time sis, but I've been thinking about you and hoped we could start talking with one another again. We have so much to catch up on and discuss.."

Coming through the door after another long day of school Yulia was surprised to see her mother laughing over a family photo album with a woman she didn't recognize, yet looked strangely familiar. She looked much like her mother, but with a brighter, healthier glow about her, as if she hadn't been wieghed down by the alcohol and worry that had plagued her mother all the recent months.
"Yuli honey..this is my sister..your aunt Stacia." The slightly older woman smiled in a friendly manner, "oh my, you look even prettier than your pictures." Standing up she went over to her niece and gave her a warm, gentle hug.
"Oh..thank you. Nice to meet" Yulia blinked at her aunt as they pulled out of the embrace.
"I haven't seen you since you were a little baby. Now look how you've grown! It seems like only yesterday.."

"Yuli, your aunt and I haven't spoken since you were a baby. It's a long story, but we've started talking again and I wanted you to know your aunt. Come, let's go into the kitchen and we can all talk while we get dinner ready."

Yulia listened as both the older women talked about old times and filling each other in on some of the more recent events. She learned the reason why they hadn't spoken in so long was that Stacia had been ostracized by the family for her "sinful" ways, mainly referring to her relationships with other women.
"I was usually referred to as the "daughter of shame" by our parents", said Stacia as she smiled at her niece.
"At least when they acknowledged my presence", she sighed.
Yulia looked over at her mother, who merely nodded with a sad look on her face.
"Yes, and I'm afraid that I followed in their footsteps for so long. I'm very sorry for that sis."
Larissa reached across the table and took her younger sister's hand in hers.
"Its all in the past. Let's mend our relationship. I'm just glad we're speaking again and I now have a chance to get to know my beautiful neice."
Yulia decided she really liked her long lost aunt, and maybe there was at least one person who might understand what she's been going through. For the first time since Lena left she felt a glimmer of hope.
Dinner was ready by the time her father arrived. As usual he didn't speak much, mostly chewed and slurped his food, but her mother and aunt kept the dinner conversation flowing. Of course there was no more mention of Stacia's more personal life, mostly just small talk. Before her aunt left after dinner she turned to Yulia and told her, "I'd really love to have you visit me at my house sometime. It's time we spend some time together and for us to get to know one another. We are family and we shouldn't be stranger's any longer."
"I'd really like that auntie", smiled Yulia.
She sincerely did hope she'd get to visit her aunt soon. Like an oasis in the desert, she saw a glimmer of life preserving understanding and empathy, she only realized for the first time how she'd been so lacking in her life!

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Old 25-09-2004, 02:58   #68
nikki nikki is offline
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Worth waiting for ...
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