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Fanfic - The Irish

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Old 16-07-2005, 20:58   #61
Crampaholic Crampaholic is offline
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I never ask her to swallow my spunk until I go down on her first. It's just common courtesy
Die Bug Die!!!!!
Its urs osita..
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Old 18-07-2005, 10:45   #62
Blue-Amy Blue-Amy is offline
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what's The Irish doing at the moment?...has she tought of a plan to help Yul's father? would really be nice of her to do so...if not for her feelings towards Yulia...then for gratitude..
me wants more more!!!!
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Old 18-07-2005, 18:47   #63
Uhaku Uhaku is offline
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Hostile flirting is dangerous as it borderlines between comical and cheesy I must be extra
careful! U all seem to think the Irish owes Volkova some, I'll see to that, ma'am!

************************************************** ***************


At the desk inside the hotel room Lena checked in under a false name, she flipped through
the newspaper, bored to tears. It had been a month since Dimitri was taken into custody.
But his case was slowed down with trivial procedures one knew why, easily falling out of the
first-page importance. The corrupted police were bribed to hold Dimitri hostage, threatening
Roland to turn Lena in to him. Only Roland had no choice but unable to. Everyone knew too
well that this murder could not just dissolve into thin air. It could not be settled unless the
Irish or Holden was dead.

Lena walked to the curtained window and looked down at the streets. She had returned to
almost a perfect state. The wound had healed nicely and she couldn’t wait to get out of
here. She wasn’t sure what stopped her from boarding the ship to Europe a month ago. All
she could think now was going home.

The only way to go back to her hometown was to assassinate Holden, but the man must be
extra careful nowadays since he wouldn’t want history to repeat itself. Lena couldn’t risk if
Holden would join some politicians and trapped her like he did with Dimitri. Lord knew what
dirty business Frederick used to have Dimitri did for him when Dimitri had just gotten into the
business of the underworld. Thirty years later, Dimitri was paying for it behind the bars.

Although Lena trusted Roland with all her heart, he might unknowingly let the secret of their
past slipped out. She was frustrated with herself, paranoid endlessly. The deeper she walked
into this dark world, the more she found trusting hard to believe in. Her heart was becoming
cold, and she could only see that little girl she once was running further away. How could
Yulia still believe in her?

At the thought of the blonde woman, Lena irritably threw herself down on the bed. She had
successfully put anything trivial out of her mind. But every time Angela showed up at the
door, she briefly wished it were just like the nights at the cheap motel instead.

The phone suddenly rang, sending Lena out of her thoughts. The operator transferred the
call and Lena listened attentively. No one knew she was here except Angela. Who could it be?

Pressing the receiver against her ear, Lena paused as soon as ‘Hello’ came through the line.
She had to wait a moment to find her voice and talk back.


“There’s no need to address me or speak my name. I need to see you in private. I trust
you’re available at six o’clock tonight?”

“What is this for?”

“The plan to save you.”

Lena paused again, thinking hard. “I suggest you keep your word—”

“See you at the alley behind the hotel. Be there.”

The line immediately cut. Lena just sighed. She only had about fifteen minutes to prepare.


The skies had darkened, but Lena wasn’t afraid. She dressed up warmly and put on a hat as if
she was about to have a leisure night after dinner. At six o’clock sharp, a limo came to park
right in front of the alley’s entrance. She watched it for a moment until the window rolled
down, revealing a dark set of shadows of a man inside. She walked to the limo and climbed in.

The car took off the curbside and rode quietly through the night.

With neatly cut, graying, short hair, Senator Iver was in a navy suit, looking proper as always.
A folder on his laps, he flipped through the pages. He handed a paper to Lena and looked up
at her for the first time.

“This is the proof of the Youngs’ trade with T.S. Cayman two years ago. Cargo 2WO. Use it
to settle your case with him. He won’t try to charge you with any murder or bother you
anymore when he sees this. He will most likely drop it, if he’s smart enough.”

Lena took the paper and read it. When she’s finished, she folded it and put into the inside
pocket of her coat. Looking straight ahead, she just sat there, unmoving.

“You look beautiful tonight,” Senator Iver said.

“Thank you. For the help. Will you please drop me back at the hotel?”

“You might not want to. Holden has just found out about our meeting. I will have someone
accompany you at the train station, and let’s pray that the Lord is with you, taking you safely
back to Roland Myer.”

“I don’t need your help. Holden found out where my hotel was because you rang me,” Lena
stated as a matter of fact. She believed wholeheartedly that she had always been careful, not
to let anyone notice her in the streets. She had checked in under a false name. She had
made it for over a month, and it could only be her father’s sudden call that botched her
hiding place.

“Take my offer or you can die tonight, Irish.”

Lena glared at him. He had no right to call her that. The name sounded disgusting when
uttered through his lips.

“You have your mother’s eyes. She used to look at me like that.” His voice softened.

“I don’t want to hear it.”

He watched her for a long moment in the dark. “I’m so sorry I hadn’t been there sooner—”

“Take me to the station now, and not another word from you, or I will shoot you,” Lena
interrupted coldly. She sat back in her seat and looked out the window.

Senator Iver glanced at the thick coat Lena was wearing. Surely she must have brought a
gun with her, and for some reason, he did not utter another word until they reached their

************************************************** ***************

It was almost seven o’clock in the evening, and the streets were covered in inches of white
flakes. Roland and Yulia were riding in their black Cadillac, the bodyguards following in another
two cars.

Roland stopped at the curbside and got out to open the door for Yulia. Arm in arm, they
entered the hotel. He was in a gray suit, while she was in a white blouse and skirt, wrapped
in a white mink coat.

When they were seated in a corner of the restaurant, Roland proceeded to order for her.

“Thank you for taking me here,” Yulia said, grinning. She loved the jazz band that was playing.
She was just happy that she could finally come out and lived like a normal person. She missed
the old days she feared they were long gone without a way to take them back.

“I heard from Tonya’s it’s your favorite place.” Roland sipped his chardonnay. He had been
doing homework.

Yulia laughed. “Oh, Tonya knows everything about me!”

Roland stopped, staring at Yulia’s smile. He cleared his throat and looked away when he
caught Yulia’s puzzled stare.

“When are your mother and Alexei coming back?” Roland asked.

Yulia looked grim at once. “They’ll probably stay in London until my father’s case is closed.”

Mrs. Volkova sent a telegram to Yulia just yesterday. Holden Young and the corrupted cops
were still arguing of what sum would be appropriate for Dimitri’s case. They wanted more.
Since there was still no sign of Mr. Volkov released anytime soon, Mrs. Volkova told Yulia to sell
the ranch, using the money to buy Dimitri out and all the documents concerning his misdeeds
in the past. Those were extra expensive.

Roland helped Yulia arranging all the documents to see if there was anything missing. He
helped putting the ranch on auction, and a businessman named Wayne Ellison won it just two
days ago. When it seemed that Holden and the cops were satisfied with the handsome bribe,
Roland finally took Yulia out for a dinner she had long asked for.

“Are you going to leave for London afterwards?” Roland asked.

“No, I’m not going anywhere! I can’t imagine living in that gray, rainy and gloomy city! It is
depressing, isn’t it?” Yulia chortled again, brightening Roland’s face as well.

“How’s Berlin to you? Would you consider going to Berlin sometimes?”

“Berlin sounds fine. Tonya said it’s a rather refreshing and lively place to be in.”

“I might be going to Berlin sometimes in the future. Would you come with me…? I mean only
as a—a vacation.”

Yulia paused, but kept the smile on her face. She wasn’t sure how serious the offer was. She
was getting a really good sense of Roland’s feelings for her, and he had always been so sweet to her.

“Yes, I’d love to go to Berlin,” Yulia said.

“It’ll be a place like none you’ve ever been!” Roland said, grinning.

Roland took Yulia’s hand. Yulia was startled but tried not to show it, although she could feel
her body stiffened involuntarily. She had always thought this was what she wanted, but she
couldn’t understand why she reacted so. She could always hold hands and smiled with ease
even with the men she didn’t particularly fancy. Something was seriously wrong with her these days.


After the dinner, Yulia and Roland were waiting for the car in front of the hotel. There were
several people in line before them, waiting for their cars.

Yulia nudged Roland playfully. “It’s snowing. Let’s take a walk home!”

Roland frowned lightly. “It’s too dangerous. It’s also several blocks to walk.”

“All right…” Rolling her eyes, Yulia just stood and crossed her arms in the cold wind. She
looked out to the vast lake just across the two-lane streets, her mind drifting away. Lena
would be somewhere much further away than the other side of the lake, possibly across the Atlantic now.

Almost every night while she still stayed at the small motel, she would follow Lena out for a
short night walk. Lena was just as stubborn as Yulia was; she wouldn’t let anything stop her
from getting out. It seemed Lena loved to risk even when it was unnecessary. Maybe it was
just her need to run away for a while, her desperation to live even just a little bit. Life was
always too short to hide away from it.

Unconsciously, Yulia strode away and, before long, she increased her speed. She heard
Roland’s calling for her in the back, but didn’t have time to stop right now. A red-haired
woman in black had just disappeared at the corner of the street.

“Where are you going!?” Roland grabbed Yulia’s arm, stopping her.

Panting, Yulia tiptoed, trying to see over the shoulders of the passersby where the stranger had gone.


Yulia eventually gave up and turned to Roland. The sight of the stranger was probably just a wishful thinking.

“If you really wish to walk home, I will walk with you. You should know that I won’t let you
go alone,” Roland said, bewildered at her action.

“You should know that I always have my way,” Yulia said, a mischievous grin on her face.

Roland raised his brows and smirked. He waved at his guards, who were standing about ten
feet away to follow. He then offered Yulia his arm to hold on, and they began to walk along
the street.

“I’m going to visit my ranch tomorrow,” Yulia said.

“I will arrange the chauffer for you.”

“No, I’m going alone.”


“I thank you for everything, Roland, but everything seems to be fine now. Please understand
that I need to do this alone.”

Yulia stared at him, begging and demanding him at the same time. She was going to say
goodbye to the place she grew up in, and she didn’t want to cry in front of him. In fact, she
didn’t want him to see the place as it was now. She didn’t want anyone to see her father’s
falling legacy.

Roland watched her, and then leaned in. Taken off-guard, Yulia swiftly backed away and
turned her face to the side. His kiss clumsily landed on her cheek.

Roland paused. “Umm, I…” He promptly straightened himself up. “I apologize for—”

“My father is still in trouble, I cannot think of anything else right now. You do understand…?”
Yulia whispered.

“Of course, Yulia,” Roland said.

Yulia grinned, taking his arm again and pulling him to walk with her. Chuckling, Roland followed.
Irina Slutskaya
the champion of my heart
I salute you!

I know it's not the correct order of the colors of the Russian flag, but I want Irina in blue anyway. Yeehaw!
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Old 19-07-2005, 12:45   #64
showMElove2 showMElove2 is offline
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yeah, I think that the Irish indeeds owes Volkova "some" and are you really gonna deliver It does seem they unknowingly have a triangle going on...Roland, Yulia, and the Irish. Angela who???? What will yulia find when she goes home alone?
Thanks for the updates!
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Old 19-07-2005, 14:34   #65
Volkster Volkster is offline
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Originally Posted by showMElove2
It does seem they unknowingly have a triangle going on...Roland, Yulia, and the Irish.
I agree. But I'm not so sure it's unknowing! Yulia should be very aware of it since she is flirting with Roland and wants the Irish, Lena must suspect something too since she knows about Y& Rolands dates in the past and she knows that Y has been staying with Roland and I think she is pretty aware of the fact that she and Yulia kissed! From my POV the only one who doesn't have all the pieces is Roland! Even Yulia's father knows his daughter interested in the Irish! Oi! I got a headache!!!!
The Irish should come back fast cause if things go on like this Yulia might end up in a relationship with Roland!

Thanks for the update!!!
Dreams aren't perfect;
they come true;
not free!
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Old 19-07-2005, 23:26   #66
Crampaholic Crampaholic is offline
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No, I’m not going anywhere! I can’t imagine living in that gray, rainy and gloomy city! It is
depressing, isn’t it?

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Uhaku respect here for us the dreamers who love that city!
I never ask her to swallow my spunk until I go down on her first. It's just common courtesy
Die Bug Die!!!!!
Its urs osita..
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Old 20-07-2005, 16:32   #67
Uhaku Uhaku is offline
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I'll be gone for the weekend since it is a long weekend in my country.
Can't wait till friday now! Off to some island for the first time in a year!
Woooohooo! Now, lemme reply first. Promise a long update tomorrow night.

Originally Posted by showMElove2
yeah, I think that the Irish indeeds owes Volkova "some" and are you really gonna deliver ... What will yulia find when she goes home alone?
Oooh, the pressure on me to make the Irish a good girl! We'll see!

Originally Posted by Volkster
I'm not so sure it's unknowing! ... From my POV the only one who doesn't have all the pieces is Roland! Even Yulia's father knows his daughter interested in the Irish! Oi! I got a headache!!!!
*Rubs Volkster's head* I intentionally want only a triangle. Why did I put Angela in? Cus u r trouble-seeking person, uhaku. Gaaaah.

Originally Posted by Crampaholic
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Uhaku respect here for us the dreamers who love that city!
Hurt, didn't it? Heeee heeeeee. Believe me u will hate me when i become nice and trite.
Irina Slutskaya
the champion of my heart
I salute you!

I know it's not the correct order of the colors of the Russian flag, but I want Irina in blue anyway. Yeehaw!
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Old 21-07-2005, 00:19   #68
Ningyo Ningyo is offline
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Originally Posted by uhaku
Believe me u will hate me when i become nice and trite.
That sounds awfully scary...
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Old 21-07-2005, 15:45   #69
Uhaku Uhaku is offline
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Mel - lmao! Does nice scare you this much?

Anyway, I’m doubting ‘the Irish’ at the moment. Is it going fine or going down hill?
I feel like I need a kick in my butt for some reason. I feel like screaming.
I don’t even know what I’m doing. Eh?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>


The February snow had been falling for three days straight, covering every street in
white. A black Cadillac slowly rode past the main gates of the ranch and zoomed in to
park in front of the mansion. In a black, mink coat and a furry hat, Yulia got out of the
car and had to remind herself that there was no one to come and parked the car in the
back lawn for her now.

Tucking her blonde hair behind her ear, she approached the doors and pushed in.
Thank God that Mr. Ellison hadn’t so quickly changed the keys. She just wanted to
have the last look at the place.

Most of the furniture was cleared out before the auction, except some curtains and
little things in the kitchen nobody bothered to look at yet. Mr. Ellison’s representative
would like to keep the broken Hellenistic statuette, and Yulia let him. She had sold
almost everything except a car and some of personal belongings.

Gliding up the spiral stairs to the second floor, Yulia pushed the door to her bedroom
opened. Without furniture, the room had never looked this large before. The curtains
were still there, and the soft carpet would be pulled out later on.

Drawing the curtains aside, Yulia walked to the balcony and looked out at the vast,
white land before her. The forest faraway used to be her brother’s favorite spot to ride
and hunt, although he was a rather armature hunter after years of practicing. Yulia
sighed, watching the whiteness that blended almost everything into nothingness.

Yulia looked around as she heard a neighing sound somewhere near. “Oh!” she
gasped, hands over her mouth. In disbelief, she looked down at the hooded figure
riding on a black horse. The horse turned at Yulia’s gasp and galloped around a bit as
Yulia watched the flow of red hair and the pale skin under the hood. The sight was
strangely surreal she thought it was a dream.

“Isn’t he beautiful? I had just bought him from a ranch about twelve miles south from
here.” Lena softly patted the horse’s neck. Chuckling, fumes of white breaths escaped
her parted, cherry lips. She looked amazingly relaxed and calm, unlike the Irish Yulia
had known

“I expected you’d be here an hour ago,” Lena said, and looked up again. But Yulia
had disappeared. Baffled, she looked around. Yulia sprinted from the back door to
stand right beside the horse.

“That was rather fast,” Lena commented, staring down at the blonde.

“Mm-mm.” Yulia tried to suppress her ragged breathing. She had run down the stairs
in one single breath, fearing that it all was just a fantasy her mind creating.

One hand on her hip, Yulia just shrugged, chin up a little. The other hand clutching
the robe, she tilted her head to the side slightly, letting the curly tips of her blonde hair
fall to one shoulder. It was the sexiest post available at the moment, imitating right
from Greta Garbo’s.

Lena bit her knuckle a bit as not to laugh aloud.

Yulia narrowed her eyes and stared at the gun in Lena’s hand, partially hidden
beneath the coat’s long sleeve but was pointing right at her face. Lena must have
drawn the gun as soon as she disappeared from the balcony. As much as she was in
awe of all that was the Irish, subtle or blatant, she didn’t know how a person could
constantly live in fear like this. Her father hadn’t come close; Dimitri would let his
men take care of everything. But it seemed that Lena just couldn’t trust anybody.

“I thought you were in New York… or somewhere faraway.” Yulia spoke,
unconsciously tightened her grip on the robe, afraid to let go.

“I came back just a day too late for the auction, and the price went up to 50 millions
overnight. But I wasn’t going to be ripped off by some businessman I don’t even
know his name. I purchased it three millions cheaper than the auction price.”

Yulia’s jaws dropped at the proud look on Lena’s face. “You bought it at thirty-two
millions!? How did you do it!?”

Lena bent down to whisper into Yulia’s ear. “I put a gun to his head and asked nicely
for a discount.” Lena extended one hand to pull Yulia up.

Giggling, Yulia climbed onto the horse and wrapped her arms around Lena’s waist. “I
take you have saved up enough to buy this horse. What’s his name?”

Lena raised her brows as Yulia helped brushing the snow off her shoulders. “Celia
once told me a story, and its main character had her horse named, ‘Trojan’.”

“I don’t recall Helen owning the horse!”

Lena shrugged. “It was some strange fantasy story Celia read to kill time. Any other

Yulia grinned. “Call him ‘Trojan’ if you were to send him as a gift to Holden. Put a
grenade in his stomach! Oh, no, that is sickening!”

Lena chortled without the sound. The smile caught Yulia’s off-guard, and she
couldn’t help but staring.

The snow started to fall heavier. The horse galloped towards the fence, heading out to
the forest.

“We’ll hunt for a deer today.”

“With your revolver?” Yulia darkly chuckled.

“You run faster than they do. Why don’t you catch them?”

Blushing, Yulia nudged Lena’s shoulder. After a while, Yulia’s gaze followed where
Lena’s was. The orange halo in the gray skies looked pale behind the fog and thick
clouds. The land was so white it reflected light all around, making it hard to believe
that it was already near dusk.

Yulia watched the sun slowly set, but her mind was somewhere much nearer. Lena
must have been spying on her to know that she was coming here. She couldn’t care
less though. She was ecstatic just to know that the Irish chose to show up to her before
she did anyone else.

Tightened the hold around Lena’s waist, Yulia rested her cheek against the shoulder
before her. Everything oddly seemed all right again.

“One ride, and take me home, will you?”

Without another word, Lena rode off on the white plane towards the sunset. Along
with everything else, they eventually faded into the light grayness of memories,
imprinted in a tired mind that desperately yearned to be put to rest.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>


Resting my head on my palm, I was lying sideway on the couch, a blanket over me. I
watched the old woman in her seat, relaxed as she sipped her hot milk. The others
were crawling on the carpeted floor and other couches, blatant eagerness in their eyes.

“Did she give the ranch back to you?” Kate asked.

“This is the ranch, right?” I said.

Volkova nodded. “Mm-mm, yes… She brought back my childhood, my pride… my

I sat up and looked out the window to the darkness outside. Volkova’s ranch was still
vast by today’s standard. There was a vast garden in the backyard. But beyond the
long trail of fences, the woods mentioned were now replaced by townhouses and
streets. The sight slapped me back to reality.

“But time has taken them all away,” Volkova said.

I turned to see the fresh wound in Volkova’s blue eyes as the old woman was staring
out the same window I just did. So many things had changed in her lifetime, and I
didn’t think I could ever fathom how much memories haunted her.

“Where is the Irish?” I asked out of the blue. I wanted to kick myself as soon as I saw
the stunned look in Volkova’s face. Was that the look of pain, or a look of

“Let me guess! She’s dead, right? A gal like her couldn’t have lived so long!”

Everyone shot their gazes at Kate, wanting to shut the girl up so fast.

“I wouldn’t know…” Volkova muttered, raising her brows. Her gaze fixed at the high
ceiling, she leaned back in her chair. “All I know is that she will return one day. She
has my promise…”

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>


The night had crept in at last. Lena rode to stop at the small cottage beside the
lighthouse, and climbed down the horse. She extended a hand to help Yulia.

“You could put him in the barn,” Yulia said.

“Where is the barn?” Lena looked around.

“I cannot believe that you bought this place without knowing that there is a small barn
behind the cottage. Does Roland approve of your way of spending?”

Lena paused at the mention of Roland’s first name. Things had changed in the month
she had been absent. “I do as I please,” Lena said almost curtly, looking away. “I
didn’t mean to keep it anyway.”

Yulia paused.

“It is yours.”

Yulia stood still, watching Lena for a long time. She then perked her chin up and led
the way, pulling the robe behind her. After they finished putting Trojan in the barn,
they headed back to the mansion.

Yulia leapt to open the doors for Lena and bowed. “Master, please.”

Lena pretended to nod and cleared her throat as she walked in. Yulia giggled and
followed suit to take Lena’s coat off for her.

“Are you expecting some tips? I only got two dollars in my pocket.”

Yulia playfully threw the coat over Lena’s head. “This was all I’d do for you then!
Will you cook tonight?”

“How do you cook without a stove? I can’t even have tea.”

“You can have me instead.” Yulia’s whisper came with an echoing laugh. She ran her
hand through Lena’s locks as she glided ahead.

At the invitation, Lena paused and looked down. The way Yulia said it was more like
a tease. It wasn’t such a wise idea to spend the night here. The place was unguarded,
not to mention that there was not a single bed or a blanket left now.

Lena looked up again to find that Yulia had disappeared. She heard footsteps echoing
from the main, spiral staircase. She walked from the back doors to the lobby in the


She now heard nothing but faint giggles. She didn’t like this. She tried to catch the
sound of footsteps above. There were twenty-two rooms in this mansion, and she
didn’t want to think if Yulia wanted to play hide and seek.

She stood at the bottom step of the spiral stairway and looked up. It was dark in the
hallway up there, and suddenly, the guests from the bloody Christmas party
stampeding down the stairs towards her. She could hear their hysterical screams,
Yulia’s giggles in the background. She kept walking up, trying not to pay attention to
anything but the marble steps before her.

As she reached the top of the stairs, she saw patches of blood around on the flawless,
smooth floor of the second floor. She had her gun drawn again, but she didn’t know
how to kill the ghosts of fear.

“Yulia…” She turned around. “YULIA!”

A moment of silence. Lena looked ahead into the hallway and caught a glimpse of the
blonde-haired woman in front of one of the many doors. Gripping the gun so hard, she
marched towards the only reality in this place.

Yulia froze. Lena’s fierce roar and heavy footsteps seemed to chain her to the spot.

As soon as Lena approached Yulia, she pushed the woman back into the room with
the gun glued in her hand. Sweats in her cold palms.

Yulia swirled around by the force. She did nothing to resist it. It could break her if she
fought it. The spinning stopped as she hit the window. It was her mother’s dressing
room, three huge, empty closets at her right. A lantern fixed on the ceiling.

“What happened?” Yulia asked, breathing heavily.

Lena could see fear in the blue eyes. She didn’t know what was going on. She had
been dreaming of the murderous nights ever since she was shot. She saw Mason’s son
killed multiple times, and each time, she screamed louder at the blood splattered back
at her own face. Mason endlessly begged for his family’s life, his bloodied face and
hands clinging at her feet. Frederick rose from where he had fallen in the ballroom
and began to chase her down the dark hallway.

Lena…! Lena, help…!

Lena spun around at the little girl’s voice calling in her head.

“Lena! What is it!?”

At Yulia’s shout, Lena was pulled out of her thoughts. Her hand started to hurt as a
result from gripping the gun so hard. She fiercely turned away, but Yulia grabbed her

“What is it…?” Yulia asked, eyes-widened. She rushed to turn the switch on, but
electricity was cut off ever since the auction.

Lena stopped to glance around.

“I’ll find some candles in the kitchen,” Yulia said softly and walked towards the door,
meaning to get out to the hallway.

“Get down,” Lena said quietly.

At the whisper, Yulia froze for a second and threw herself on the floor. She quickly
crawled into one of the closets.

Holding the gun up, Lena carefully moved out into the hallway. She swore she heard
something coming from downstairs. It was already night time and whoever it was
could be an unwelcome guest. She was practically the owner of the ranch now and
had the right to shoot any intruder without hesitation. For once, she could befriend
with laws.

Lena caught a set of shadows coming up the spiral stairs. She immediately moved into
a room, pressing her back against the wall and listening to the footsteps entering the
hallway. The intruder was oddly daring, not caring that he had caused noises.

In the dark, Lena could see the shadow of a huge man walking deeper into the
hallway, approaching the room where Yulia was hiding in. Lena swiftly moved out
into the hallway, pressing the gun behind the intruder’s back.

The man swiftly turned. Lena had only a fraction of a second, deciding not to shoot
him. She smacked the gun at his face instead, knocking him out cold. At the heavy
sound of thudding, Yulia scurried out of the room, running towards Lena.

“Are you all right!?” Yulia asked.

Lena waved Yulia to stay put, but it seemed pointless since Yulia rushed to stand next
to her, clinging to her arm.

“Oh, my God, it’s Mitch! What is he doing here!?”

Lena looked around for a few moments, making sure there was no one else. “That’s a
good question. Let’s move him into the room.”


The main stairway was lighted up with a few candles the maids had stored up in the
kitchen. With a gun in one hand, Lena made her way to the mahogany, front doors
and locked them up. Yulia followed Lena every step, a candle in her hands.

“I told you to stay with Mitch,” Lena said.

“Why should I be with him? He’s still unconscious. Besides, there aren’t enough
candles around. I’m afraid you might shoot the wrong person.”

Lena opened her mouth, but stopped short and chuckled instead.

“What do you find funny, Ms. Cohen?” Yulia perked her chin up, holding the candle
up to see Lena’s face clearer.

Lena carefully picked a strand of hair around Yulia’s shoulder and pulled it.

“Ouch! What’s the meaning of this!?” Yulia yelped.

Shaking her head, Lena walked back up the stairs.

Yulia picked up the strand of frizzled hair on the floor, eyes-widened. “I burnt my
own hair!?”


In the master bedroom, which was used to be Mr. Volkov and his wife’s, Lena sat
herself in a corner, where she could see the entrance very well, but not in the position
that an intruder could first see. Playing with the gun in her hands, Lena watched
Mitch sitting up on the carpeted floor, grumbling about his broken nose.

Standing up a candle on a piece of broken glass, Yulia put the small source of light in
the middle of the large room.

“If I could get some more candles, wouldn’t that be nice?” Yulia said, grinning.

“Are you trying to conjure some voodoo curse on Holden?”

Yulia turned, glaring at the red-haired woman in the corner. “Would it be too much to
put that gun away for a minute?”




Yulia’s scream mixed horribly with Mitch’s. The bullet had flown right into the small
flame, putting the light out. Lena laughed aloud and tossed a matchbox to the
bewildered Yulia.

Yulia grabbed it and threw it back at Lena’s face. “That wasn’t funny!”

“Were you trying to scare us, Ma’am!?” Mitch added.

Lena crawled to Yulia and lit up the candle again. The soft yellow light glowing upon
their faces somehow toned down Yulia’s glare. Lena’s gaze eventually left the blonde
woman and stopped at the injured man. Everything became quiet.

“You could have shot me dead, ain’t that right?” Mitch finally said, scoffing.

“I could have,” Lena said quietly, her gaze empty. Mitch should know that the Irish
had intentionally spared him at the dual on that Christmas night.

“I had a job to do,” Mitch said.

Lena caught the slight tremble in his voice. “So did I.”

Yulia gently put her hand on Lena’s arm. “He didn’t know it was you.”

“He would have shot me even if he did.” Lena felt anger burning inside her but was
able to suppress it. It wasn’t Mitch’s fault. She was mad at herself for sparing him and
endangering herself in return.

“It was Frederick. It was because he tried to kill you,” Yulia said, sternly looking down.

Lena softened when she heard Yulia’s troubled tone. The thought of Frederick must
have triggered Yulia’s worry for her father again. Lena felt Mitch’s stare right where
Yulia’s hand on her arm, so she pulled away, not wanting the attention.

“What are you here for?” Lena stared at Mitch.

In the dimmed light, Mitch glanced at his boss’ daughter. “I heard Yulia was going to
visit the ranch without Mr. Myer. I was worried about her safety.”

“Oh, Mitch! I am a grown up now, and I have no business with Holden Young! I
don’t need twenty-four-hours protection!”

“I’m worried even more now that you still plan on meeting up with Ms. Cohen!”
Mitch was now fully taking the vacant role of Yulia’s guardian.

“We didn’t plan to meet! She—stalked me!”

“May I remind you that you were the one broken into my ranch?” Lena deadpanned.

Yulia inhaled deeply before she spat. “Oh, right! You dirty mafia bought your way
around, threatening and taking advantage from poor little citizens! Your ranch!”

Lena just raised her brows. Yulia had spoken as if her father was nothing but an
ordinary businessman.

“What am I missing here? Is this your ranch now, Ma’am!?” Mitch looked utterly baffled.

Lena lazily rubbed her neck. “Do you have sources at all, or Russian mafias prefer to
learn the bad news from daily newspaper?”

“Well, Ms. Cohen, we’re busy covering up somebody’s mess. We’re lacking the
luxury of time to spy on someone’s property.”

“There will be no more mess. I’ll arrange a meeting with Holden Young as soon as
possible. I’m not going to risk anyone else’s life by coming back here.”

“A meeting with Holden! Please save your one-man show I don’t think I can take it
again so soon!”

“I know what I’m doing,” Lena said in annoyance.

Grumbling, Yulia crossly looked away.

In the few moments of silence among them, Lena noticed the way Mitch was
watching them. “Let’s get you patch up, Mitch.” She then turned to Yulia. “It’s the
time we’re heading back?”

In her knee-length skirt, Yulia carefully stood up, and to her surprise, Lena gave her a
hand, pulling her up. Looking down, Yulia tucked her blonde hair behind her ears.
“Roland will be so please to see you again.”

Buttoning up her coat, Lena stood, Roland’s name echoing in her ears. She couldn’t
seem to push away the thought of how close Roland and Yulia had become.

“Wait. Wait.” Yulia took liberty to turn the collar of Lena’s coat up. Frowning, Lena
stuffed her hands into her pocket, the gun still firmly in one hand. Yulia couldn’t help
but smiled at the gentleness only she could see beneath that tough exterior. “I might
get tired over saying this one day, but… Welcome back, Lena.”

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

sorry for the typos and all. too lazy to check.
Irina Slutskaya
the champion of my heart
I salute you!

I know it's not the correct order of the colors of the Russian flag, but I want Irina in blue anyway. Yeehaw!
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Old 21-07-2005, 17:15   #70
Volkster Volkster is offline
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Brilliant brilliant brilliant!!!!

I have no idea why you are kind of thinking negative about this story! It's one of THE most original I have read and the characters are great!

At the end of Chapter 27 did you mean to say that Lena made a promise to Yulia that she will return one day? I think there is a typo there somewhere!!!

I really really want to know what happens and now that we don't know if Lena is still alive or not I can't help but be excited!!!!

Thanks for the update!!!
Dreams aren't perfect;
they come true;
not free!
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Old 22-07-2005, 00:44   #71
Ningyo Ningyo is offline
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Originally Posted by uhaku
Mel - lmao! Does nice scare you this much?
No, only the idea of YOU being nice.

Anyway, I’m doubting ‘the Irish’ at the moment. Is it going fine or going down hill?
I feel like I need a kick in my butt for some reason. I feel like screaming.
I don’t even know what I’m doing. Eh?
Uhm... does that mean you've always known what to do with your other stories?

Plot seems fine to me, as well as character development. Besides, not knowing what to do next is part of your style. Face it. Accept it. Live with it.
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Old 22-07-2005, 05:47   #72
showMElove2 showMElove2 is offline
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Oh the Irish is just fine, only you always leave me with more questions that can only be answered when you update...which has me always wanting an update...okay enough rambling.. Seems that your triangle is progressing, it didn't go unnoticed by Lena that Yulia now calls Mr. Meyer by his first name, and that line "you can have me instead" not only was teasing to Lena but to us readers as well
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Old 26-07-2005, 16:59   #73
Uhaku Uhaku is offline
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I usually have some kind of nervous breakdown every so often ever since I started
writing a few years ago. Like my daily doubts mounted up and I burst every now and
then. This is kinda ‘normal’, as someone put it. Haahaa. Umm, yeah, I guess. I guess..
I guess I’m kind edgy lately. Unconfident and edgy, yes. A little. LOL! Oh, yeah, baby!

Originally Posted by Volkster
At the end of Chapter 27 did you mean to say that Lena made a
promise to Yulia that she will return one day? I think there is a typo there
Yes, the old Volkova was referring to the promise seventy years ago (which I haven’t
got to that part of the story yet). It wasn’t a typo. ^_^

Originally Posted by Sullen.Kloun
does that mean you've always known what to do with your other
I’m sorry, Mel. I’m lost. What do you mean by that? Oh, and me being nice, won’t
that be a sight!? Bangkok will have a sunny day! (It’s rainy season now) Yuusss!

showmelove: I didn’t mean to tease readers. I’m innocent. Believe me!
And, yes, an update for ya!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>


“I was about to ring police, Yulia! Have you any idea how long you were gone!?”
Behind the desk, Roland burst out. Brushing his dark hair, he angrily strode to Yulia,
who was standing by the door to the living room, smiling from ear to ear.

“Hello, Roland.”

Roland stopped at the voice coming from behind Yulia. Lena walked a little further
into the room, her coat over her folded arms.

“You’re… You’re back… You’re back!” Laughing, Roland jumped at Lena, holding
her up and swinging her around.

Yulia just smiled at the sight. She somehow no longer felt the jealousy. Lena and
Roland were more than friends; they were like brother and sister.

Roland let Lena down and observed her from head to toe. “You’ve lost some weight,
Lena. Are you all right? How’s the wound? I’ll tell them to prepare a hot bath for you!
Or do you want me to take you out for a dinner first? Oh, wait, we should stay in. I’ll
tell Oliver to make you some dinner. How’s the idea?”

Lena chuckled and sighed in relief. “A hot bath would be nice.”

Roland put his arm around Lena’s shoulder and led her out to the lobby area, yelling
to all his bodyguards and showing off his partner like a hero, who had once again
returned safely. There was sure to be a celebration.

After Roland ordered a hot bath for Lena, he had his men lead Mitch to a guestroom.


In a white robe, Lena put a towel over her head, drying her hair as she came out of the
bathroom on the second floor. She walked down to the basement, where she thought
she would spend the night in. But she paused at the slight change in the room. There
were clothes scattered around, several pairs of high heel shoes by the doors, and some
of cosmetic products on the small, wooden table in the corner. Someone definitely
had been staying here during her absence.

“Excuse me!”

Lena was suddenly pushed aside by Yulia.

“I’ll move upstairs now!” Yulia frantically gathered her things around the room,
making a mess all over as she kept dropping them.

Lena moved beside Yulia and put her hand on Yulia’s arm, instantly stopping all
Yulia’s hurried movements.

“You can stay here if you’d like.”

Yulia swiftly turned around, their bodies only a few inches apart. Smirking, she tilted
her head a little to the side. “The bed is probably too small for both of us.”

Lena laughed inwardly at the sudden change in Yulia’s tone. “Thank you for the offer,
but there are plenty of rooms upstairs. In fact, I’m wondering why you chose this
room in the first place.” Lena believed she knew the reason, but she enjoyed it when
Volkova became nervous.

“It’s—small and cold—comfy—small. Why, I like that.”

Lena stared at Yulia’s fiery blue eyes, which seemed to find something interesting on
the wooden floor at the moment. She grabbed the clothes in Yulia’s hand. “I like it
when you wear this,” she whispered.

Yulia noted that it was the creamy nightgown. “I can’t possibly wear it tonight
because I haven’t had it washed since I left the motel.”

Lena withdrew her hand. She couldn’t believe Yulia hadn’t washed it for a month.

“Well, don’t you like what you see now, Ms. Cohen?”

Lena swore that Yulia could have taken her clothe off now if she asked to. She looked
at Yulia’s silky, crimson robe, which nicely outlined the alluring curves of her body.
The robe was a little above the knees, revealing too much of Yulia’s beautiful legs.
Lena ignored the temptation and gently tightened Yulia’s robe, pulling the necklines

“There are bodyguards around, should you be careful about that.”

Yulia was clearly becoming agitated. “The advice came rather too late since I’ve
stayed here for over a month now. They probably have seen everything there is to see.”

“I hope you know who the father is.”

“Believe me when I said I would have slapped you now if you weren’t Roland’s best
friend,” Yulia growled.

“I seem to owe him a lot. You helped me because of him. You wouldn’t slap me also
because of him.” Shrugging, Lena turned away, drying her hair with the towel. “I
don’t give a damn, really.”

Yulia scurried to block Lena’s way, pushing Lena back a few steps. They both
stopped, glaring at each other. Clenching her fists, Yulia didn’t seem to notice that the
necklines of her robe had slipped open a little.

Lena stared right at Yulia’s cleavage and did nothing to hide her blatant gaze. She
eyed Yulia up and down like watching a cheap whore.

Throwing the clothes onto the bed, Yulia moved forwards, in which Lena instantly
backed away. “You’re just afraid.” Yulia scoffed and started to walk away.

Lena firmly grabbed the blonde and spun her around, staring down at her. “I’m afraid
it’d hurt you.” Her whisper came resolutely.

“Knock. Knock. May I come in, ladies?”

Upon hearing Roland’s voice, Lena let go off Yulia and walked to the door. “I’m
taking the room upstairs.”

“I’ve brought some milk for you, Lena… Hello…?” With a tray of two glasses of
milk in his hands, Roland watched Lena left the room, perplexed. “Did I interrupt
something?” He stopped short when he got the full view of Yulia’s clothing. He
quickly put the tray on the small table and took one glass with him.

“Thank you. This is nice of you,” Yulia said, slouching down on the bed.

“Have a good night, Yulia,” he said, striding to the door and left.


In the guestroom upstairs, Lena was sitting on the bed when Roland knocked on her
door. He entered with the glass of milk.

“Put it on the table,” Lena said, continuing to dry her hair.

“Now, who’s the spoiled brat?” Despite the sarcasm, Roland put the glass on the table
as instructed.

“It’s contagious, you know.” Lena shrugged.

Roland sat down beside her. “What was going on down there?”

Their tight bond allowed them to be physically close to one another. They didn’t mind
being in the same room at night together even though they knew how the others
viewed them.

“Trivial conversation you wouldn’t be interested in.”

“Come now, what was it?”

“We were deciding who was going to get the basement.”

“Why are you being so hard on her? She’s a nice person when you get to know her

“Good to know. I’d like to turn in now.”

“You were arguing with her down there, I could tell.” Roland wouldn’t budge. “Over
a room in the basement?” He looked baffled.

Lena’s shoulders slumped down, and she sighed.

“She saved your life. Her father is in trouble now because he wouldn’t join Holden’s
hunt for you—”

Lena frowned. “I didn’t ask them to—”

“Can you at least be nice to her? Think of it as a favor for me, please?”

“You’ll regret it,” Lena muttered, chuckling in amusement.

“I haven’t told you this bit of news. I plan to take her to Berlin with me!”

Lena paused, the smile faded from her face. “That place is a mess,” she commented

“Everyone loves Berlin! I know she’ll have a great time there! She’ll love it!”

Lena put up a smile. “It is official then?”

Roland stopped to think for a moment, and a smile came across his darkly handsome
face, erasing Lena’s in turn. “You’re the only one who refused me. None others have
followed your path since.”

Lena nodded a little. “Congratulations.”

“Although she wouldn’t let me kiss her, I understand her completely. She is still
worried about her father she can’t think of anything else right now.”

“Oh.” Looking away, Lena took the glass and gulped the milk down.

“I couldn’t imagine how you two got along during the weeks of your disappearance.”

Lena suddenly choked, coughing.

“It couldn’t be that bad, eh?” Chortling, Roland patted Lena’s back.

Lena let out a deep sigh. “Not bad. I was too ill to kill her, and she was too tired to
annoy me. We got along just fine back then because we didn’t talk much. No.”

“I’m sure she took good care of you.” Roland grinned.

“You’re right. I owe the princess much. Are you happy now?”

Roland stood up and clasped his hands. “Good night, Lena!”

After Roland shut the door, Lena lied down and sighed heavily. She couldn’t
understand why she was bothered by the ups and downs in her relationship with
Yulia. For the first time, she wasn’t sure what to do with the unashamed advances
made at her. With Angela and others before her, she had no problem loving them, or
using them. She could make their nights forever or disappeared by the dawn as she
wished. But she couldn’t either push Volkova away or even thought of making her
stay. It became difficult when Roland was in the picture.

Grunting, Lena rolled on the bed. She was certain she couldn’t sleep tonight now
when Yulia was just downstairs. She got up and made her way to the coat hanging by
the door. She grabbed a small leather-cover book out of the coat’s pocket. She went to
the desk and penned down the first entry on the new notebook she just bought. It was
her way to make the night pass by quicker. After she wrote some trivial things down,
she suddenly stopped, ticking the pen at her chin.

“Pink champagne… Goddamn it…”
Irina Slutskaya
the champion of my heart
I salute you!

I know it's not the correct order of the colors of the Russian flag, but I want Irina in blue anyway. Yeehaw!
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Old 26-07-2005, 20:47   #74
showMElove2 showMElove2 is offline
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Ah, pink champagne... something about that bubbly stuff They seriously need to stop torturing each other, although I can understand Lena's reluctance.

Now this was funny:
“There are bodyguards around, should you be careful about that.”

Yulia was clearly becoming agitated. “The advice came rather too late since I’ve
stayed here for over a month now. They probably have seen everything there is to see.”

“I hope you know who the father is.”
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Old 27-07-2005, 02:43   #75
Ningyo Ningyo is offline
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Red face

Originally Posted by uhaku
I’m sorry, Mel. I’m lost. What do you mean by that? Oh, and me being nice, won’t that be a sight!? Bangkok will have a sunny day! (It’s rainy season now) Yuusss!
Never mind, it was my rhetorical attempt at sarcasm. But you know, maybe you being nice is not such a bad thing...

This is an interesting update, yet I feel like you cut or dwindled it somehow. Maybe it's just that I'm ACHING for more, lol.
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Old 27-07-2005, 14:27   #76
Blue-Amy Blue-Amy is offline
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I've got to say I really enjoyed this update!...while I was reading, I kept laughing alone... ..there's a good thing no one was around to see me.. ...I like a lot thosse moments when Lena loves to make Yul feel nervous...and she's starring at her shoes, or at the floor.. ...
Since I was away for a few days...I've been reading everything I've missed...and the sight of the 2 of them..riding on a the middle of snow covered lands..was really nice...
...and one more thing...u mentioned smth bout a promiss The Irish made to Yulia during this period ... and now seventy years have passed... that meens that all these years Yul has been waiting for her?...uuh..what happened to Lena?...why couldn't she return sooner?..that's sad...but I guess that's more likely to happen in real life...that living happyly ever after...
...anyway..i can't wait for more!
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Old 27-07-2005, 17:27   #77
Uhaku Uhaku is offline
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showmelove : they will need to stop being childish towards each other soon and
just get right on the big girl’s dirty business! Oh, yeah!

Mel : My god, I hope it’s the latter one. Did I read it right that u possibly
wanted more of it? Weeee!

BlueAmy : What happened? I hope that as I keep updating, all ur answers will
come to light! And I’m so happy that u seem not to expect a happy ever after ending
from The Irish because… I wouldn’t know how to make it a happy ending now,
would I!? LOL!

Eve : Don’t be jealous. You’re my number one, you know that. Hee hee. And
this update comes so fast only because you demanded so! But it’s a rather short one darling.

***And the bad news is…! Nobody picked up the reference to 2412 from the last two
previous update! LOL! Gag…! I should die... I should die a bad woman…***

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>


In the living room, Dimitri Volkov adjusted his white suit. He was finally released.
There was nothing money could not buy. Even though things seemed to go smoothly
now, Dimitri still did not trust Holden. The younger man might pull some tricks

“Car’s here.” A cop stood by the door, watching Dimitri putting on his white hat.

Dimitri rubbed his neck a little. He was now clean-shaven and had pulled his blonde
hair all the way to the back, looking sharp to receive this day. He couldn’t wait to
walk out of this place.

To Dimitri’s surprise, Yulia was there with Roland and Mitch at the curbside, waiting
for him.

“I told you not to come,” Dimitri hissed at his daughter although he was happy just to
see her.

“It’s all right, father. Everything is all right now.” Yulia put her arms around him,

Dimitri studied Yulia a little. From the bright look in her eyes, he could have expected
that the Irish had returned. Putting the thought aside, he climbed into the car when
Mitch opened the door for him. Yulia and Roland followed, and the three Cadillac
drove away.


Lena looked down the window as the three cars pulled into the driveway. She paced
around, unsure of what to say to Dimitri when they met. She had caused so much
trouble to the Volkov family. She grew even more restless when she imagined what
Mitch might have reported to Dimitri. Only Roland was blind to what was going on.

Sighing, Lena pulled herself together and walked down the stairs to receive Dimitri
Volkov at the front door. Dimitri was standing there with Yulia closely behind. But
Yulia was not looking at her, and she knew the reason well.

“Hello, Mr. Volkov,” Lena finally said.

“You look well, Irish,” Dimitri said with a slight smirk on his face.


With the door to the living room closed, Yulia sat beside her father at the couch.
Roland occupied the opposite seat, while Lena stood by the window, peeping out
through the gaps between the crimson curtains. Yulia looked away from the sight of
the redhead.

“No one was following us.”

Lena turned to look at Dimitri.

“Unless you wish otherwise, so you can shoot them all.”

Lena sat down beside Roland, shrugging slightly. “You read my mind.”

Sipping her tea, Yulia glanced between her father and Lena. Her father had grown to
despise the Irish now, and she cringed just to see Lena’s reaction to it.

“Haven’t you had enough amusement at my ranch?” Dimitri sneered.

“It’s not our ranch anymore, father,” Yulia said.

“What do you mean?”

Biting her lips, Yulia stopped a little. “I put it on auction and… Mr. Wayne Ellison
bought it. That was how I got you out.”

Dimitri’s jaws dropped, eyes bulged.

“Mother told me it was the only way.” Yulia became frustrated. She shook her head
as Dimitri stared squarely at her. “We don’t care as long as you’re free again!”

“We also have all the proofs of your underground trades dated back twenty-six years
ago, Mr. Volkov. Although we paid them handsomely, they can’t trick you anymore,”
Roland added.

We?” Dimitri narrowed his eyes. He pulled a cigar out and put it between his lips.

Roland promptly lighted a match up for him. “We’re in the same boat now, Mr.
Volkov. We have the same enemy.”

“He doesn’t.” Lena interrupted, picking something out of her mouth. “Your men
either joined us or fled to Holden. You can take all your money and the proofs, and
sail back to Europe. Your time here is over.”

Yulia stiffened in her seat, staring down, refusing to believe what she was hearing.

“Ever since you were behind the bars, no one is willing to trade with you again.
Polices and the press will be closely watching you. You’re tainted. Powerless as it is
now, unfortunately.”

“You dare to say all these to my face when you were the cause of it!” Dimitri shot up
from the couch, throwing the cigar at Lena.

For a moment there, Yulia shut her eyes, praying that the Irish wouldn’t just pull out a
gun and shoot her father right then.

Lena just moved a little to avoid the burning cigar. She picked it up from the couch,
noticing the dark circle on the leather seat. “You burnt the couch,” Lena said.

Yulia could hear the accusation in Lena’s quiet tone as though it was the biggest
mistake one could make. Like Mason stepping on the Irish’s toes was the stupidest
blunder ever. It wasn’t even true… or was it…?

Dimitri threw a fist at Lena’s hand, knocking the cigar to the floor. “I’ll burn the
whole house if I so desire to!”

“Mr. Volkov, Lena is a little too blunt, but she didn’t mean to chase you away.”
Roland came to stand between the growling Dimitri and Lena, who was sitting on the
couch, looking up as if nothing had happened. He turned a little to his friend. “Lena,
apologize,” he urgently whispered.

To everyone’s surprise, Lena burst into a chuckle.

“I have had enough!” Dimitri stormed out of the living room.

Yulia followed suit. “Where are you going, father!?”

“Europe, perhaps! The suggestion sounds rather tempting, pumpkin! Will you stay or
come with me!?”

“Father, please! Lena didn’t mean for us to—err—to—to go today!”

Grunting, Dimitri pounded his fist at the wall. The bodyguards in the lobby area and
upstairs were watching them with bewildered eyes. Mitch closely stood by his boss,

Lena walked out of the living room with Dimitri’s cigar between her lips. “Cuban
cigars are the finest in the world. How about going a little down south to Cuba?”

Yulia pulled Lena to the corner. “Do you have to get on my father’s nerve the first
day he comes home!?”

“Sweet homecoming, isn’t it?” Smirking, Lena exhaled the smoke.

Yulia glared at the redhead. “If you speak one more word—”

“You would kiss me?”

“I will shove that cigar down your throat!” Yulia stopped and looked up when she
heard giggles from the bodyguards throughout the hallway.


Yulia knocked a few times before she entered the guestroom. Dimitri Volkov was
pacing around, a deep frown on his face. Yulia handed him a cup of coffee.

“I have enough caffeine for the day, honey.”

Yulia just put it on the table. “Please don’t be mad at her. Ask me how I find her
impossible at times!” She sighed and her tone softened. “She is just so stubborn she
wouldn’t apologize... but I know she regretted it, father.”

Dimitri faked a wide smile in response.

“She bought the ranch from Mr. Ellison. She meant to give it back to us,” Yulia

Dimitri’s head shot up. He studied his daughter for a while, and then sat down on the
chair. Yulia walked up to him and embraced him.

“She feels responsible, or else she would just let it all go,” Yulia added.

“The damage she had done to me can’t be undone, pumpkin… But if she is really
going to give it back, it should be under your name.”


Dimitri shook his head, smiling at last. “I gave it to your mother once, but now you
will be the one to keep it. I can imagine a bigger garden and more flowers in the
ranch. You’ll see the sunset over the vast, green field. Oh, yes, the vast green field. I
know you’ll make it even more beautiful.”

Yulia felt warm all over inside at her father’s genuine smile.

“But I feel bad taking it from her. Although she put us through so much trouble, she
paid for it… not to mention that I was the one participated in her escape.”

“Pumpkin… Do you think she might want to share it with you?”

For whatever reason, Yulia’s face beamed at once, and she couldn’t hide it.

“But you will not allow that. She paid what she deserved so. You shouldn’t
have to feel bad.”

Yulia looked down a little. “Well, what are we going to do now? What about mother
and Alex? Will we stay in America?”

Dimitri thought very hard for a moment. He then chuckled dryly. “I would love to
stay here, honestly, but I’m too old now. I’m too old. I don’t fit in this underworld
anymore. I can’t seem to get up after the fall now… It seems the only way is to join
your mother and brother in London. Yes, London…” Dimitri then straightened
himself up. “We’ll leave for New York as soon as we’re done with the financial
matters here.”

Yulia paused. Suddenly, the ground she stood upon seemed to swirl. But she knew the
answer even before she brought the question up. Her father could not stay here and
fight with Holden Young. Dimitri Volkov had lost all his connections and his
powerful allies. This world seemed to be too rough for an old man like him now.

“I won’t force you to come with me, pumpkin. You have a reason to stay. That kid,
Roland, he’s been good to you, hasn’t he? It might be the time you return his

“Umm… I need some times to think it through…” Yulia just stood stiffly. She wanted
to slap herself when she wanted to stay here only to be closed to the one person who
caused her father’s downfall. She grunted inwardly; heart always tricked one out of
their reasons. But Dimitri should fear one thing about his daughter; they were so
much alike they never followed their heads, but their hearts.
Irina Slutskaya
the champion of my heart
I salute you!

I know it's not the correct order of the colors of the Russian flag, but I want Irina in blue anyway. Yeehaw!
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Old 28-07-2005, 02:17   #78
Necrologist Necrologist is offline
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worth a passing glance
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Old 28-07-2005, 09:46   #79
Blue-Amy Blue-Amy is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 24 stories, movies.. this kind of things..there's always a way to change the end...or smth that doesn't fits..etc..for example...but nah...I won't say it...maybe in private.. I just want a happy ending I guess... just ignore me...
...geez...Lena sure is impossible sometimes...but for some strange reason I like her when she acts like that...I get the impresion she wants to push Yul away...but luckily the blonde is stubborn too...
I want to know what happens next!!...
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Old 28-07-2005, 17:15   #80
Uhaku Uhaku is offline
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Originally Posted by Necrologist
worth a passing glance
What? You?

On the other hand, THIS could be hostile flirting !!!!!!!


Amy : I'll need lots of vodka for the movie way out to happy ending!!! We shall see!!!
Irina Slutskaya
the champion of my heart
I salute you!

I know it's not the correct order of the colors of the Russian flag, but I want Irina in blue anyway. Yeehaw!
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