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Old 10-04-2007, 19:42   #41
Talyubittu Talyubittu is offline
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You are correct, my mistake, woops.

I should have known that Die and Sie - went together.

I guess thats what happens when you over think your German and try to write up a lesson while watching TV lol. It won't happen again =].

Sorry guys!
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Old 10-04-2007, 22:11   #42
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After reading the first post(lesson), If i want to say "I Come From USA" It would be like "Ich komme USA"?
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Last edited by anml; 10-04-2007 at 22:24.
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Old 10-04-2007, 22:21   #43
Arnaudfrenchy Arnaudfrenchy is offline
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Ich komme aus USA.

And the question will be :
Woher kommen Sie (formal) / kommst-du ?

"Woher" is for the place where you come from
"Wohin" is for the place where you are going.

Example : Wohin gehst du ?
Ich gehe in Frankreich.

Woher kommst-du ?
Ich komme aus USA.

This is for a movement.

If you want to say : i am from USA, it's "ich bin aus USA"
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Old 10-04-2007, 22:29   #44
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Thx Arnaudfrenchy
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Old 10-04-2007, 23:11   #45
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I can't wait for the lessons with irregular verbs (pr?t?rit etc... ^^)

It will be so much fun
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Old 11-04-2007, 01:23   #46
Talyubittu Talyubittu is offline
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Irregular verbs are fun...I'll post a lesson later today.
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Old 11-04-2007, 17:45   #47
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Originally Posted by freddie View Post
First explain to me why a table is male. I never understood that. It's so clearly female when you look at it.
I don't know whether you asked that question seriously, but in case you really want to know...
This is the unofficial argos-explanation. Wooden products have a strong tendency towards male grammatical gender, especially carpenters' crafts.

Arnaudfrenchy, to improve your already excellent german:
Example : Wohin gehst du ?
Ich gehe in Frankreich.
In german we say: Ich gehe nach Frankreich.
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Old 11-04-2007, 18:28   #48
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Regarding the logic (or lack of) of grammatical genders in European languages…

From what i've read, the original 3 genders in Proto-Indo-European were "inanimate", "animate with male qualities", and "animate with female qualities". That seems logical enough, except that Proto-Indo-European people were animist and many things or objects that we consider inanimate today were considered animate by them… plants, animals, natural elements and phenomenas like water, fire, wind, storms, thunder, rivers, mountains, etc, and also many objects manufactured by man were all considered animate with male or female qualities.
Of course with time the system became less and less logical and more and more arbitrary in daughter languages.
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Old 11-04-2007, 20:27   #49
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I used to take German lessons two years ago,but that was not important at all and i thought it was difficult.I slightly remember things,like names of countries,Deutschland,Östreich(could be written wrong) means Austria,Griechenland-Greece,Türkei-Turkey,Frankreich-France were interesting to me.And it's funny to call the board female!
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Old 11-04-2007, 21:02   #50
Talyubittu Talyubittu is offline
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Los Geht's!

Alright, lets continue with the exercise I promised you guys!

Today we're going to learn how to enguage in conversation in German! I'm going to post a 6 part dialouge that will have some intermediate German, but nothing to difficult! I'll also be posting what I call a "Stufe" (Shtew-Fuh), a short vocabulary list that will help you on your way to understanding not only the dialouge but much more complex German later down the road! This particular dialouge will deal with going to and from school, and meeting people! However, the words and phrases you will learn will come in handy other places, as these are the foundations to all of German! To make it fun, I"ll use actual characters from the forum as people who are speaking!

LOS GEHT'S! Lets Go!
Wer Bist Du?

Part One
QueenBee: Hallo, Talyubittu!
Talyubittu: Hallo!
QueenBee: Ist das dein Moped?
Talyubittu: Ja, es ist!
QueenBee: Super, Klasse!
Talyubittu: Ich komme jetzt immer mit dem Moped zur Schule!
QueenBee: Ach ja! Du bist jetzt sechzehn!

Part Two

Talyubittu: Hallo! Wer bist du denn? Bist du neu hier?
Anml: Ja, Ich bin neu hier.
Talyubittu: Und wie heißt du?
Anml: Ich heiße Anml.

Part Three

Talyubittu: Das ist QueenBee.
Anml: Morgen, QueenBee!
QueenBee: Guten Morgen, Anml! Woher kommst du denn?
Anml: Aus Peru.
Talyubittu: Peru? Wo liegt denn Peru?
Anml: In Südamerika.

Part Four

QueenBee: Schau mal! Da kommt der* Haku. Hallo, Haku!
Haku: Hallo, QueenBee! Hallo, Talyubittu! Was gibt's?
Talyubittu: Sag mal, Haku, ist morgen Training?
Haku: Ja, klar! Um 3 Uhr.

Part Five

Anml:Ich bin Anml. Wie heißt du?
Haku: Haku Özkan.
Anml: Wie bitte? Öz...
QueenBee: Ich buchstabier's für dich. Ö-Z-K-A-N (Erts, Set, Ka, Ah, En). Stimmt doch, oder?
Haku: Ja, das stimmt!
Anml: Also, einfach! Und woher bist du?
Haku: Aus der Normandie.

Part Six

Talyubittu: Haku ist der beste Mann bei uns im Team. Die Nummer Eins!
Anml: Ja, prima!
Ahmet: Schon gut, wiedersehen!
QueenBee: Wiedersehen!
Talyubittu: Tschau!

* - der before a proper name is only used in some dialects of German. It is not however used in proper German.
Erste Stufe | Vocabulary One

Saying Hello and Goodbye

Guten Morgen - Good Morning!
Morgen - Morning!
Guten Tag! - Hello!
Tag! - Hi
Hallo - Hi
Grüß Dich! - Hi
Auf Wiedersehen! - Bye!
Tschüs! - Bye
Tschau! - Bye
Bis dann! - See you later!

Asking someone's name, and giving yours

Heißen - To be called
Wie heißt du? - Whats your name?
Ich heiße... - My name is...
Wie heißt das Mädchen?
Sie heißt... - Her name is...
Wie heißt der Junge? - What's the boys name?
Er heißt... - His name is...
Heißt sie...? Is her name...?
Ja - Yes
Nein - No

Asking who someone is

Wer ist das? - Who is that?
Das ist... - That is
Herr - Mr.
Frau - Mrs.
der Lehrer - Teacher (Male)
die Lehrerin - Teacher (Female)
der Deutschlehrer - German Teacher (Male)
die Deutschlehrerin - German Teacher (Female)
der Junge - Boy
das Mädchen - Girl

Definite Articles

der - The
die - The
Das - The

Useful Words

Und - And
Also, einfach! - That's easy!
Ach ja! - Oh, yeah!
Ja, klar! - Of course!
Prima! - Great!



Using Umlauts and Es-Seht

Ä - Either "Eh" or "Aye"
Ö - Ur
Ü - Ouh (Kind of pucker your lips up)
ß - This is called an Es-Seht - it makes the "ss" sound. (Heißt = Heisst)


ie - Eee
ei - Eye
au - Oww

Something To Note

V - When the first letter in a German word has the "F" sound to it, faintly though. So the number "Vier" should be pronounced "Fier"

G - When at the end of a German word - will produce a "K" sound. So the word "Tag" should be pronounced "Tak"

W - Is ALWAYS a V in German. No matter what the word! German's have no words with the "Wuh" sound, so there is no need for it. However, there is a need for the V sound, and since the German V sounds like an F - the W takes this place!

I would suggest making flaschards for this set of vocabulary! You learn fastest this way! Make a set of flash cards, and keep them in your pocket! Any time you have free time,'re watching TV and a comercial comes on, take out your cards and practice! Just keep practicing over and over, and you'll finally be able to read parts of the dialouge! Each little dialouge like the one above, will have three sections of vocabulary called "Stufe's" like I said above. - This is only the first part of the Stufe. Once I'm sure everyone has a good feel for it, I'll post up the 2nd Stufe! I know it may seem complicated right now, but don't worry, it's really easy!

Bonus: Talyubittu ist der Deutschlehrer. - Who can translate this for me?

Last edited by Talyubittu; 12-04-2007 at 23:16.
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Old 11-04-2007, 21:24   #51
Arnaudfrenchy Arnaudfrenchy is offline
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Originally Posted by Argos View Post

Arnaudfrenchy, to improve your already excellent german:

In german we say: Ich gehe nach Frankreich.
i totally forgot that *kick myself lol*

Thank you Argos
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Old 11-04-2007, 21:33   #52
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After 5 years of learning pretty much sick of it...mainly because the school forced me to study it one sentence i will always remember is.. nein vater, i habe schuhe gehort well i think its that.. and means no father, i listened to a shoe again im not sure
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Old 11-04-2007, 22:52   #53
Talyubittu Talyubittu is offline
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I don't understand how someone can take a language for years, and still not know it :-/
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Old 11-04-2007, 23:01   #54
Kyro Kyro is offline
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Originally Posted by Talyubittu View Post
I don't understand how someone can take a language for years, and still not know it :-/
Languages are something that most people have to use/practice a lot to remember, even if they like the language. If you don't enjoy learning it, or often even if you do, then once you stop practicing it doesn't take long to forget it.
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Old 11-04-2007, 23:28   #55
the unforgiven the unforgiven is offline
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Originally Posted by Talyubittu View Post
I don't understand how someone can take a language for years, and still not know it :-/
first year of german is sweet! beware the others lol
on this one I totally agree with Kyro
plus, if the language is difficult it's harder to remember it when you stop practicing
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Old 12-04-2007, 00:19   #56
anml anml is offline
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hahaha idont undestand what im saying, just some words
Thx Talyubittu for all the time your taking doing this
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Old 12-04-2007, 05:20   #57
Talyubittu Talyubittu is offline
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Originally Posted by Kyro View Post
Languages are something that most people have to use/practice a lot to remember, even if they like the language. If you don't enjoy learning it, or often even if you do, then once you stop practicing it doesn't take long to forget it.
I work a lot at it... I pick up language easily. I know basic Bosnian just because I visit one of my Bosnian friends and it's all they speak at her house. My German teacher "Frau" says I have a "Knack for language". Hehe

Also! - I'm going to have a homework assignement for you guys soon as well! I'll make up a sheet in word and post it here. You will need to complete the exercises and PM them to me! We can keep a running tab of who has the highest score in the thread, and after awhile, I can talk to Forre to see if he'll allow a user status change to somthing like "German Valedictorian" to your user title, and possibly some fancy color changes for your user name!

Last edited by Talyubittu; 12-04-2007 at 05:47.
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Old 12-04-2007, 12:54   #58
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Ich kan Deutsh sehr gut sprechen, aber schreiben, mann dass ist blod..
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Old 12-04-2007, 13:17   #59
the unforgiven the unforgiven is offline
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Originally Posted by Talyubittu View Post
I can talk to Forre to see if he'll allow a user status change
just a piece of advice, don't call her mister it's not polite

Talyubittu, I have to say that you make a great job here hehe
this chatting lesson was priceless! seriously, it reminds me when I was in secondary school ...good old time
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Old 12-04-2007, 15:01   #60
taty994945 taty994945 is offline
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I think the German language sounds very's very intense. I like listening to German speech in films.
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