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Old 15-12-2004, 02:59   #41
thegurgi thegurgi is offline
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i like the song, but i can tell it's not her, the production of the song just nearly as quality as she usually uses, someone could have easily made that music by layering a keyboard... but the voice is remarkably like her... which makes me want to eat my words! hehehe
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Old 15-12-2004, 03:05   #42
denial denial is offline
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if its not Gluk'Oza .. but she has the .. at the beginning when she pronounce the .."uuuu" .. it has Glukoza tone/pattern.. many part actually .. its has her singing style.. no .. "singing signature" .. that what I would call it.

Umm .. you have lyric and translation? I wrote you 2 emails already .. see I still have time for you ...
I will forget my dreams
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Old 15-12-2004, 03:19   #43
thegurgi thegurgi is offline
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well, the thing about Glukoza's voice is that it's so distinct that it's easier to imitate... that's why i wouldn't be surprised that this song could be fake... And the electronics would just further that

i do know where the lyrics are... but can't you be satisfied by knowing that the title means "Indeed, I'm Not A Robot" ???
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Old 15-12-2004, 05:06   #44
denial denial is offline
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Originally Posted by thegurgi
i do know where the lyrics are... but can't you be satisfied by knowing that the title means "Indeed, I'm Not A Robot" ???
yes I could .. no worry .. thanks..

I will forget my dreams
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Old 15-12-2004, 05:47   #45
thegurgi thegurgi is offline
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awwww... i'll try and do it tomorrow, Glukoza Lyrics are hard to translate... and if this is anything like a glukoza song... it will be hard too
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Old 15-12-2004, 08:11   #46
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yes, may be you're right Greg..may be a fake when i listen to it with moree attention...don't know ...found it : it what the number 12. of an album which count 19 tracks and which is called "Serduchka & Glukoza - Zheniha.xotela "The fist song is "Zheniha.xotela " with the duet Serduchka & Glukoza and then there are different songs from Serduchka and Glukoza singing alone...the titles are for exemple.."Nenavizhu" real songs from Glukoza...

So or it's a personal compilation or it's an official special edition with songs of both...
Their single seems to have been a success , so may be their producers decided to release this enigma...

Just see that "Goryachaya" orr "Gorjachaja" you see a relation, a link with Glukoza?

Last edited by nath; 15-12-2004 at 09:16.
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Old 15-12-2004, 09:12   #47
thegurgi thegurgi is offline
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i think what you have there is a bootleg album... they are rather abundant... i've seen the cd you speak off and it seemed to show the signs of being bootleg

... grr those bootleggers and their fancy color laser printers!! (I WANT ONE!!!)
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Old 15-12-2004, 09:17   #48
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what are bootleggers , please? people who make "fake" albums ?

Greg.. ...I know Miss Denial is a very possessive woman .. ...but when you'll have some time, could you give more meaning to these signs for the "poor russian langage non-understanding members", please?..It would be very kind to you ..
Верка Сердючка + Глюкоза -
Жениха хотела

Вот говорила я тебе много раз
кого ж ты выбрала дурная это ж просто атас
какой-то страшный несуразный говорит ерунду
и если это выбор твой на свадьбу я не иду
не пойду ду ду ты ж просто дура

как надоело мне тебя слушать мам
ты выпускай хоть пар немного
или дёрни 100 грамм
не наговаривай не надо - визуальный обман
а если очень приглядется он отличный пацан
он весь такой ой ой
уж я-то знаю.

жениха хотела вот и залетела ла ла ла ла ла
ой жениха хотела вовремя успела ла ла ла ла ла
жениха хотела вот и залетела ла ла ла ла ла
жениха хотела вовремя успела ла ла ла ла ла ла ла ла ла ла ла ла ла лай

ты бессовестна дочка, понимаешь?
ты пошла по наклонной, понимаешь?
ой, я не хочу слушать это

делай с ним что хочешь слова я не скажу
но если вдруг чего не так ты мне уже не жу жу

ну и не надо и не стану, буду рыбой молчать
не ожидала от тебя ,как не крути, но ты мать
он весь такой ой ой
и успокойся.. и успокойся..

жениха хотела вот и залетела ла ла ла ла ла
ой жениха хотела вовремя успела ла ла ла ла ла
жениха хотела вот и залетела ла ла ла ла ла
жениха хотела вовремя успела ла ла ла ла ла ла ла ла ла ла ла ла ла лай

Раймонд давай! Хорошо! давай!
Глюкоза бессовестна!
Вот так и рожай!
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Old 15-12-2004, 09:26   #49
thegurgi thegurgi is offline
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i'll try, russian isn't a very fluent thing to me, i can only understand bits and pieces... but i should have translation time tomorrow....

yes, bootleggers make unofficial goods, usually whom steal or breach copyrights...
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Old 15-12-2004, 12:40   #50
QueenBee QueenBee is offline
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denial, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.. Lol.

know queenbee...just wanted to delete after. thanks
Oki.. sorry
Monika | t.E.A.m. [ <3 ] [ 11 ]
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Old 15-12-2004, 14:49   #51
denial denial is offline
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Originally Posted by sunwalk
what are bootleggers , please? people who make "fake" albums ?

Greg.. ...I know Miss Denial is a very possessive woman ..
no I'm not .. not ..not .. ...hehehe... but Greg is really the possesive one .. LoL .. *serious face* ...

Nath.. why is your nickname has that line on it? Looks cool how do I get one?

Queenbee .. thank you .. soon I'm going to expand my teritory .. beware .. those who are not cools... LoL.
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

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Old 15-12-2004, 22:24   #52
thegurgi thegurgi is offline
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Ведь, я не робот

Улицы, люди, потоки машин
Двери, подъезды, сиянье витрин
Все так спешат в суете городской
Мне лишь не хочется бегать одной...
Времени мало прошло с того дня
Как повстречала нежданно тебя
Видно угодно так было судьбе
И вот теперь меня тянет к тебе...
Ведь я не робот...
Ведь я не робот...
---Streets, People, Streams of cars
---Doors, Entrances, Light from the Store Windows
---So Everyone hurries in bustle of the city
---Only I don't want to run around alone...
---Little time has passed since that day
---Like how I unexpectedly met you
---Pleasing to have seen such destiny
---And here now it pulls me towards you
---In fact, i'm not a robot
---In fact, i'm not a robot

Я все спешу в суете городской
Я так хочу повстречаться с тобой
Что же мне делать, если люблю,
В каждом прохожем тебя узнаю...
Где ты сейчас, я пытаюсь узнать,
Где тебя встретить, хочу угадать,
Сколько же можно бродить мне одной?
Я ведь живая и чувствую боль!
Ведь я не робот...
Ведь я не робот...
---So i hurry in the bustle of the city
---I just want to meet with you
---That you want to too, if I love you
---With everyone who passes by you I learn
---Where are you now, I try to learn
---Where am I to meet you? I want guess right
---How can so many wander by and I be alone?
---I'm alive and i feel pain
---In fact, i'm not a robot
---In fact, i'm not a robot

Время, минуты раскрыли сердца
Мы повстречались, и я до конца
В море любви погрузилась теперь,
Это не сон, это я, ты поверь...
Где же ты, где, мой любимый Болек,
Где же ты, где, дорогой человек,
Я так скучаю и встречи так жду
Я ведь живая и сильно люблю...
Ведь я не робот...
Ведь я не робот...
---Time, minutes reveal hearts
---We met, and I up to the end
---Into the sea of love i've now plunged
---It not dream, It's me, you believe...
---Where are you, my beloved Bolek
---Where are you, dearest person
---I miss you so much, so I wait for us to meet
---I'm indeed alive and i strongly love...
---In fact, i'm not a robot
---In fact, i'm not a robot

Где же ты, где, мой любимый Болек,
Где же ты, где, дорогой человек,
Я так скучаю и встречи так жду
Я ведь живая и сильно люблю...
Ведь я не робот...
Ведь я не робот.
---Where are you, my beloved Bolek
---Where are you, dearest person
---I miss you so much, so I wait for us to meet
---I'm indeed alive and i strongly love...
---In fact, i'm not a robot
---In fact, i'm not a robot

at first i was wondering what the whole "i'm not a robot" thing was about, but now i get it. She's saying "I have feelings you know, how dare you stand me up!"

Zheniha Hotela is harder, i've tried many times to translate it but i'll try again
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Old 16-12-2004, 04:15   #53
denial denial is offline
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Dear Greg, ...spasiba (soft voice) ...

I like the lyric .. I really do .. I've been listening to that song yesterday and continue today .. I like the key that goes up up up .. and still you can shake shake with the song ..I mean I like the melody .. but now .. I like everything .. thanks... that now I understand what the song about too .. try harder on the Xenila Hotela okay.. wishing you luck..

at first i was wondering what the whole "i'm not a robot" thing was about, but now i get it. She's saying "I have feelings you know, how dare you stand me up!"
Well ... I have a new russian friend I would like to keep .. his name is Sergey.... but no ..I'm not replacing you with him ..
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

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Old 16-12-2004, 07:39   #54
thegurgi thegurgi is offline
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Originally Posted by denial
Well ... I have a new russian friend I would like to keep .. his name is Sergey.... but no ..I'm not replacing you with him ..
you are replacing me aren't you!! i'm sad now... but i have a russian friend too, and i can talk to her face to face and she's bringing me stuff back next semester (if she remembers) so :P!!!!!!

Translation will be here tomorrow
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Old 16-12-2004, 18:12   #55
denial denial is offline
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.. I was just teasing you only.. there is no Sergey from Russia ..

Anyway! I tested the Xeniha Hotela lyrc given by Nath using online translator .. its ..
I will forget my dreams
Nothing is what it seems
I will effect you
I will protect you
From all the crazy schemes

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings

You never left me
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See what this feeling means
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Old 16-12-2004, 18:33   #56
coolasfcuk coolasfcuk is offline
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Originally Posted by denial
Nath.. why is your nickname has that line on it? Looks cool how do I get one?
gotta be FRENCH to get one of those....

Queenbee .. thank you .. soon I'm going to expand my teritory .. beware .. those who are not cools... LoL.
and which ones are those, 'cools' i mean?

I just wanted to say here... that i like that name Glukoza ... sounds so good and .... makes me hungry ha ha, i wonder what Glulkoza is called in English now... anyone?
oh... o!
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Old 16-12-2004, 23:22   #57
Joha84 Joha84 is offline
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Thank you guys for the song and the lyrics!

*Hem* Today, while I was looking for some new songs, I found this new song by Glukoza called sneg idyot...

Here you can download the preview (1 min): Глюкоза - Снег идет

can anyone find the complete version, please?
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Old 17-12-2004, 03:53   #58
denial denial is offline
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Thank you Johagirl... .. this is *my* type of song... wait passionately for full version. *eyes on Greg* ...*blink* *blink* ..

Cools .. Gluk'Oza means glucose ( sugar ) .. in body .. it is burn to become energy.. thus to move life and errupts emotions .. then by this .. build the world .. isn't it an amazing name? heh heh

..and "cools" .. those are not to be mention ... as it was stated as "not cools" .. so this definitely you it is not.. be calms.. my precious friend.. for storm to rise unexpectedly .. for life .. it is possible .. stay in my calmness .. I shall not you to be aware...


..hehehe.. I love my online translator ...
I will forget my dreams
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Old 17-12-2004, 04:12   #59
thegurgi thegurgi is offline
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Originally Posted by denial
Gluk'Oza means glucose ( sugar ) .. in body .. it is burn to become energy.. thus to move life and errupts emotions .. then by this .. build the world .. isn't it an amazing name? heh heh
You Poet!!!

hehe, i'll look for this song in full "It's Snowing!" hehehe, how true that song is (looks outside!)

PS: Here it is! Снег идёт!

Last edited by thegurgi; 17-12-2004 at 04:25.
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Old 17-12-2004, 04:32   #60
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Thank you, Greg!!!

You surely are the best in finding songs!
I knew you were gonna find it ...but not this fast
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