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Old 22-08-2008, 20:24   #1
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Loli-Tai (ex-ONA)


Formed in 2007 are an exciting new band who are soon to hit the Russian music scene. With famed producer HarDrum writing and producing songs for these amazingly beautiful and talented young women, what’s not to love?

Unlike many bands which are forced to bend to the record labels demand, both artistically and creatively, have been free from this and many other restrictions. With this level of freedom available to them, the girls have come up with many tracks which are true to their hearts and true to themselves. Their image, the content of the songs, their overall look, everything is decided by the girls. With this freedom the bands wish is to build a close relationship with their fans - instead of showing off a false on-stage persona like so many other artists.

Their music is a unique blend of dance, rock, pop and electro. Combining together elements from each genre they create something unique and exciting with their vocals taking the music to another level.’s first single will hit the Russian music scene in 2008, the video for the single will be shot during the first week of January 2008 in the UK!

So far, there are these songs:

- Nerazdelimi
Produced and composed by HarDrum, lyrics by Evgeniya Maximova. It's a fabulous combination of pop, rock and electronic music. It has an excellent rythm and is definitely a new hit on the Russian scene. All tracks can be found on's MySpace.


Podari drugim
Slov polet
Narisovan ot ruki
Tvoi schtrih-kod

Veter samolet
Mne k plechu
Tuda gde muzika zhivet

Muzika I ya – nerazdelimi
v etoi roli mi ne ulovimi

Drugoi chuzhoi
Beri s soboi
Etot mir tvoi

Proletayu mimo etoi drami
Otpravlyayu v nebo piktogrammu

Hochu krichat
Goret i pet
Vetrom letet

Zadrozhit vo mne
Tvoi priboi
Ya ostavila sebe
Golos tvoi

Budu ot tebya
Tam gde muzika zhivet
Mne legko


Present others
With flight of words
I drew with my own hands
Your barcode

Up to my shoulder
Where music lives
I’ll fly

The music and I are undivided
We can’t be caught in this role

Different, not native
Take with yourself
Your world

I fly across this drama
I send a pictogram into the sky

I want to scream
I want to feel hot and sing
And fly like wind

Tremble in me
Your waves
I left to myself
Your voice

I’ll be far away from you
Where music lives
It’s easy for me

Nerazdelimi has other versions too (remixes and edits):
- Nerazdelimi (Mustang Remix)
This is a remix of an author called MZ. He's very talented, and has done official and unofficial remixes for some mainstream and underground acts.The remix has its debut performance on radio - 29th of March, 2008.

- Nerazdelimi (Mustang Remix) / Club Edit
Almost the same version, but has few edits: instead of verse it has instrumental part and - is meant for clubs mostly. It can be downloaded here.

- Nerazdelimi (LotKoff Remix)
A remix by an author LotKoff, who is considered as HarDrum's right hand and is a part of HarDrum's project NewTone. Did a various remixes for a various of artists. This is the most played tracked til now, since it has been played many times in clubs, mostly Eastern Europe.

- Labels
Labels is's second track. The musical structure is still unknown, but there are lyrics revealed. They are symbolic and deep, talking about how we should not underastimate, hate, undervalue or be afraid of different people - we should just accept them.


Music: HarDrum
Lyrics: Ev, D.B., S. Blake
Producer: HarDrum

Open up your eyes
We are not one size
Don't you see the lies?

You perk up your ears
And give in to fear
But freedom's so near!
Ne boisia!*

I've got the key, to unlock your mind
Open your eyes to the world and find
People who like to toe the party line
Put your hand in mine, together we will

If there's one thing that I can guarantee
Tear off the labels
It's that our temperature's the same degree
Tear off the labels

I hate that you stare at us shamefully
Tear off the labels
Just follow our lead and finally...
Tear off the labels

You begin your speech
But berate not teach
Who are you to preach?

Open up your mind
Wonder what you'll find?
Let me be your guide
Ne boisia!*

*For non-Russian speakers, the term "Ne Boisia" means "Don't fear".


Although still relatively unknown on Russian scene, popularity is getting bigger and bigger. Their success is almost 100% guaranteed and for a short time, the girls have mantained a quite big fan base.

Just on MySpace, on Russian artist lists, are these positions:

Pop Category - Number 8
Rock Category - Number 7
Electronica Category - Number 10

With such a good results, songs are soon going to be sent to radio stations, and club performances are going to be held - in order so that public meets these two amazing girls.

Dima Bilan's and Sergey Lazarev's managers and producers are already interested in One of them is already a part of team.

We are excited to welcome new business manager, Yulia Gromova, to the team!

Yulia has extensive experience within the industry. Currently, Yulia works as PR Manager for the singer Lena Knyazeva (Fabrika Zvezd), who is produced by Yana Rudkovskaya (Dima Bilan).

We are very happy to have Yulia on board and look forward to the level of professionalism she will bring to the team.
Web Pages's official site is under construction and soon will be developed. When it appears, we can assure you that the link will be here. So far, have MySpace

Let's meet the girls now!

Olga - 19th March 1987

Olga is a girl of many talents, and holds a wide range of interests and hobbies. During her school years she was a professional volleyball player, with her team regularly taking the first place in Moscow. From playing volleyball, Olga developed a healthy attitude to problem solving - attack the problem head on, not to turn and run away from the obstacle facing her. She believes that through favorite activities you can find ways within yourself to help you navigate your way in life. Unfortunately due to a leg injury Olga had to give up her place on the volleyball team. This wasn’t all a loss and instead she turned her focus to two other interests - Music and Television.

From a young age, it wasn’t enough for Olga to just watch television, she was eager to be a part of the television media. Starting from the 8th Form, Olga began to take part in small roles as an actress on MTV Russia. At the same time, Olga’s ambition was to become a journalist. Whilst she held a column in the local newspaper she began to write several books. Incidentally, Olga’s first big story was written when she was just 5 years old.

Olga lives life to the full; she enjoys a fast paced life. She loves to travel, meet new people, attend exciting events, and experience new emotions. She is determined to experience everything that life can offer.

Olga believes you can begin to change your way of life by changing how you perceive life, and how life perceives you, your style and your attitude. Olga changes constantly, her appearance is always evolving with her latest inspirations and experiences.

In 2004, at her parents’ wishes, Olga entered the University of Economics, Statistics and Computing. Her specialty is within Advertising and Statistics. In the beginning Olga’s parents didn’t take her interest in television and music seriously, they were against any efforts she made to help herself evolve in this area. Olga continued to work within the industry as an extra on TV projects and joined a band in early 2006. Due to certain problems within the band, the situation became unworkable, and so Olga left. After the departure from the first band, Olga began to work within MTV Russia as a producer-assistant on many programs (her duties included composing speeches and choosing topics and characters for the programs). At the same time she entered the Russian Ostankino TV Center, studying within the specialty of VJ and Radio DJ.

Olga was studying at two universities whilst working for MTV, after only 6 months, her experiences had helped her to decide that this is the area in which she wished to continue. She wanted to reach a larger audience and share her feelings with the world.

In spring 2007, with some of her friends, a new and more professional project began – Within days of beginning, Olga began to take vocal lessons regularly with Nastya and a top vocal coach. The girls want to be ready to perform live shows for their fans as soon as the music is ready. At the same time as she began to work with Nastya, Olga finished her studies at the Ostankino TV Center, gaining a diploma of only the highest marks. Consequently she was offered a position as a VJ on a popular channel. As discussions of the new job were underway, it was shown in her contract that whilst Olga was employed by the channel she would be unable to participate in any other projects. This would have excluded Olga from her music career. Olga decided not to take the job as VJ and instead focus fully on her new career -

"It’s the only thing I kept wanting throughout my whole life. To sing and to perform! I feel that I have a lot to share, and I want to scream about all the emotions and feelings that fill my inside world. For me, is a chance to speak to the whole world, to put a smile on its face and even tackle some political problems. I have so much energy inside and wish to put it into something really global".

Nastya - 26th November 1989

Nastya is the younger of the two girls, yet she is the more technically minded. Nastya loves photography and photoshop. She loves to take photographs of any situation, nature or portraits, and using her skills, enhance the beauty within these pictures. Nastya is also interested in web design and has earned some money working as a web designer, making websites and logos for different companies.

"In general I think the Internet gives lots of opportunities for each individual to express their creative skills".

Nastya’s hobbies range from swimming, to skating, to dancing and drawing! Music and performance are a big part of Nastya’s life. In her childhood Nastya learned to play the flute and took vocal lessons regularly.

In her spare time she loves to go to the movies or the theater. Nastya prefers not to watch horror films, "I like something more touching, with good ideas in it. Films should be smart! They should make people think, make people forget about their own problems. There’s no point in watching maniacs on screen, surrounding yourself in such darkness, when it already exists in real life."

To begin with, Nastya wanted to be a journalist, she liked taking interviews, any kind of job that allowed her creative freedom. In general she is keener on humanities so in 2006 she entered the Moscow Pedagogical University and started to study subjects such as Journalism, Philology, Rhetoric’s and lots of Russian literature.

Although she holds an interest in these subjects, she can find a limit to her capacity for enjoyment within this area. Joining allowed Nastya a medium to show all her skills. She drew on her experiences from her early vocal lessons and applied them to their most recent work with a vocal coach. Nastya actively helped in the groups early photo sessions by performing the editing work herself.

"When we sing together with common emotions, with such an understand of each other - without all these useless words - where everything in your inside world sings with you - it’s pure happiness, and we want all the world to sing with us".
Family is like fudge, very sweet with a couple of nuts.

Last edited by Igor; 23-08-2008 at 11:03.
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Old 22-08-2008, 20:35   #2
Argos Argos is offline
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Originally Posted by COMMAFANATKA93 View Post
I'm not sure if there is still a thread of ONA but I just wanted to know if anyone had info on them if anything was going on... Thanks!
They have obviously found a new girl, but Dean makes a big secret about her. Olga had her first performance at a wedding, alone and live, as she told, where she sung Nerazdelimi and Lizh Tebya (which is her own composition).

Here are the lyrics for the curious...

Ya iskala po sledam
I sledila po slezam
Lish tebya, lish tebya
Lish tebya, lish tebya
Ya shagala po krayam
I molila po slogam
Lish tebya, lish tebya
Lish tebya, lish tebya

Begi na menya
Skvoz' setku dozhdya
Lish tebya, lish tebya
Lyublyu ya, lyublyu ya
Lish tebya, lish tebya!

Begi na menya
Skvoz' setku dozhdya
Lish tebya, lish tebya
Lyublyu ya, lyublyu ya
Lish tebya, lish tebya!

Ya schitala po shagam
I lyubila po rolyam
Otdayu po chastram
Zaberu po nulyam
Snova v drozh' moya ruka
Vnov' zakat skvoz' glaza
Prosit gromko dusha
Lish tebya, lish tebya
I hope Dean will find the thread here again and continue posting first hand information.
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Old 22-08-2008, 21:43   #3
Talyubittu Talyubittu is offline
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What's Nast'ya's Myspace?
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Old 22-08-2008, 21:50   #4
Talyubittu Talyubittu is offline
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Originally Posted by crazy malchik View Post
I hope you know she ain't in the group no more!

Anyway, ONA are really preparing lot of things! So, let's just wait!
I know she isn't, but I want to see her Myspace.
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Old 22-08-2008, 22:31   #5
Sweet W/ A Couple Of Nuts
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Thanks Argos!
Family is like fudge, very sweet with a couple of nuts.
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Old 23-08-2008, 00:13   #6
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Nastya is out? or olga? explain me!
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Old 23-08-2008, 10:07   #7
Blakeich Blakeich is offline
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Originally Posted by crazy malchik View Post
Nastya is no longer in the group due to her personal issues, she wanted it that way... But, like I've said, don't you be sad - they're still alive'n'kicking.
i would rather say mental issues
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Old 23-08-2008, 11:26   #8
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Originally Posted by Blakeich View Post
i would rather say mental issues
...and you definitely know it because you are familiar with her!
Man, stop talking shit about other people!
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Old 23-08-2008, 18:07   #9
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i Hope They Shoot a Video!!
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Old 23-08-2008, 20:09   #10
The_unknown The_unknown is offline
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I think they will but not for a while but who knows
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Old 24-08-2008, 16:36   #11
Talyubittu Talyubittu is offline
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Originally Posted by Argos View Post
...and you definitely know it because you are familiar with her!
Man, stop talking shit about other people!
Talyubittu: Language!
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Old 24-08-2008, 18:45   #12
Blakeich Blakeich is offline
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Originally Posted by Argos View Post
...and you definitely know it because you are familiar with her!
Man, stop talking shit about other people!
I have my own personal opinion and the opinion of friends. i am very friendly with some people from the group and Team so you don't know half of it./
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Old 24-08-2008, 19:46   #13
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Originally Posted by Blakeich View Post
I have my own personal opinion and the opinion of friends. i am very friendly with some people from the group and Team so you don't know half of it./
I see, it's yoooooour opinion! Quite easy to say nasty things about a person who has no chance here to depict the occurrences from her point of view, and how convenient for you. But what about discussing your mental state? Should I tell you my opinion?
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Old 24-08-2008, 20:38   #14
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They are back? I am confused. I thought one of them was out of group.
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Old 24-08-2008, 21:04   #15
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Hey guys,

Ok, for the confusion, yep Nastya left for personal reasons. We didn't intend on replacing her, and don't believe we have replaced her but we have indeed found another girl to sing with Olga. We're also hoping to add band members to the lineup at some point too, but need to find some talented guys or girls for that

The new girl is Katya, it's not so much a secret, as it is, we're waiting to record a song with her before showing her off to the world

The songs we have...

Zabud' (instrumental clip in the youtube vid Stefan posted)
Bass of Your Heartbeat (instrumental clip in the youtube vid Stefan posted) [working title]

We're still working on lyrics for other tracks and in total, we have about 10 songs we're trying to perfect. Once lyrics are finalised and HarDrum has finished with his current commitments, the girls will be able to go in and record 3 to 4 of these new songs with him straight away.

Katya, as mentioned by Olga, is on vacation in Turkey - so hopefully she's having a good time.

Not much else to report really, other than we're working and we can't wait to show you some new stuff. We're aiming for Zabud' to be the first single, and we're aiming to get it to Russian radio as soon as we possibly can!

Thanks for being patient with us, it's a slow process, but we want to make sure we do things right and get the best possible songs for you all to listen too

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Old 24-08-2008, 21:10   #16
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Originally Posted by dean View Post
... but we have indeed found another girl to sing with Olga. We're also hoping to add band members to the lineup at some point too, but need to find some talented guys or girls for that
...and the name of the group will be ONI?

Thanks for the info, Dean!
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Old 24-08-2008, 21:56   #17
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Dean Prove Contact With Masha (ex girl of Kontakt) for Get a New girl for your group

that will be awesome
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Old 25-08-2008, 05:40   #18
The_unknown The_unknown is offline
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Exciting news can't wait to hear more!
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Old 25-08-2008, 18:58   #19
Blakeich Blakeich is offline
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Originally Posted by Sunset View Post
Dean Prove Contact With Masha (ex girl of Kontakt) for Get a New girl for your group

that will be awesome
some how i don't think that will work. and I already know about the new songs
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Old 14-09-2008, 20:02   #20
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September 13

Check out new very cute video made by Shakim introducing new singer of ONA- Katya
Thank you, Shakim!
Thanks to all for attention and support, have a nice meeting with a new singer and wondeful person in ONA world
ONA team

I am Cannibal.

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