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Old 18-04-2007, 17:25   #110
Sunrider Sunrider is offline
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Originally Posted by nath View Post
On which bases do you discribe Sarkozy as a "crypto-fascist "?
Except the fact that it's an habit in France to call all people who belong to Right as Fascists...

In which country are you living if I'm not too curious?...

Oh that's nonsense, I'd never call Chirac a fascist, and he's a right-winger.

Sarkozy's platform feeds on anti-immigration sentiment, without even trying to look at the reasons for the problems in the banlieues. He feeds off this negative sentiment, and the fear for islam of the general populace.

During the 2005 civil unrest, he, as interior minister of the entire french population, SHOULD have tried to calm down the situation; instead, to Sarko, it served as a launching pad for hiis political campaign for president, by describing the protestors as a "rabble" and calling for the troubled suburbs to be "Karcherised".

It's a reality though, that in France, like in much of Europe, children who are born in a suburb simply get no chances to build a better life for themselves. They get no chances for a good education, or a job. Even when they get an education, do you think a lot of people with an arabic or african appearance get a fair shot at a job? That's just naive. Sarkozy, however, does not care about improving the lives of these millions of frustrated people; he just wants to clean his country. While playing on these sentiments however, he tries to make his platform look like a classic rightist one. FN, with a human face, if you will.

The success of this method has apparently even influenced le pen to give his own platform a more human face. It's still junk, though.

Another thing that greatly worries me about Sarkozy is the fact that he is not a great believer in laïcité, which I think is one of the greatest things about French political culture.

I would like to point out though, that I, at no point, said "Sarkozy is a fascist". What I said was "I despise Sarkozy and his crypto-fascist ways"; it may look, and sound similar, but there is a subtle difference here.

To answer your other question, I live in the Netherlands. My father is mixed French/Russian, my mother is French. I was born in France and moved to the Netherlands when I was a child, but I still visit relatives in France several times a year, read French newspapers, watch French tv etc.
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