Thread: Any fans left?
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Old 17-12-2003, 08:34   #1
Kappa Kappa is offline
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Any fans left?

Okay. Most people, after the documentary, have taken my change of attitude at offense but after a bit of self analyzing I realize I haven't changed at all. I'm offended that people dare insinuate I have changed my attitude when who has changed is them and their attitude towards the girls. It's been far from innuendo what a lot of people says: "They are fake, liars, they abused my trust, they suck, I should burn my stuff, I spent more than <insert your entire bank account in here> in them and it dissapointed me". Curiously, tho', these people also happened to be celebrity-fans, those fans whose names you could mention in any forum and they'd know who they were.

I won't change my opinion. Whomever is saying this is just plainly a hypocrit. Hmmm. Let's rememorate. Hadn't Rachel (I Love Yulia been unable to muster up the courage to come out to her parents before she knew of Tatu? Wasn't Haku an optimistic overaged fanatic of Lena with a thing for saying dirty jokes? Wasn't TvA the biggest source of unknown pics of the girls, and a huge fanatic of Yulia? You know as what I see this? Fidget/Kate B./Katbeidar is having her field day now that more people support her word, and it sucks. It's making real fans suffer and almost no one realizes how depressing the thing is getting. Darwinism at it's freaking most. And now look at Rachel, she's depressed because "they lied to her". Haku's depressed because "he's a fool that fell for their lies". Katbeidar is proposing a fekking anti-tatu forum, and forre and Echoed, and I include myself, are getting tired of fighting against the windmills.

This is the thing. If people don't start realizing how badly they've managed to break the forum, I'm giving a thought on leaving and taking the last real fans with myself. I know Igor is gonna come to this thread and tell me not to let the door hit my butt, and hey, that's a nice reccomendation, but I really can't muster the strenght to keep on either bringing up or fighting everyone who is now dissapointed. Don't you realize how selfish you're being, how those years of selfless fanatism have gone down the drain? How the family Tatysiters fought so hard to create is slowly falling apart because no one even considerates that just a person from the English board has seen that freaking documentary I'm sick of talking about and haven't even seen?
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