Thread: nATo
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Old 13-03-2005, 16:15   #94
dollparts3000 dollparts3000 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 324

You don't seem to understand what you are listening to. No offence, are you 13?

There's also a picture of her holding a gun somewhere.
People who promote violence are not cool.
She has also been dubbed 'The little suicide bomber'

In an article found on page 1 or 2 in this thread:
"A GIRL singer dubbed 'the Little Suicide Bomber' has sparked outrage after announcing plans for a UK 'terror concert'. The Russian teenager, known as Nato, sings in Arabic, wears all-covering burqa-style black garb with only her eyes showing and uses al-Qaeda images to promote her show."

and Ivan also announced plans way before Nato was created to make a suicide bomber singer.

Anyone who encourages violence and terrorism towards women and children in music is sick on all sides! The same type of people who think that this is art are probably the same type of people who think skinning a cat alive is art and this has been done. Disgusting!

She uses Al-Qaeda images to promote her show!

Even without the terrorism image, the music is below par! It doesn't come close to the great song writers of tatu and this is probably because songwriters cannot trust Ivan because he looks like a lying, stealing, cheat.

If you want to listen to a good arabic singer, check out Sky.
Sky has not done anything that I know of to promote terrorism.
Also, another good singer that uses arabic and Indian musical instruments is pyschokey
They sing in English but they are also good.
I recommend two songs: 'Jetty' and 'On the Wild'
They were scheduled to perform in Egypt at a concert but the concert was cancelled.
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