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Old 28-03-2007, 21:51   #4
haku haku is offline
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99% of genital cuttings are done on young children (without anesthesia most of the time) who have no say on the matter, it's not a "choice".

Adults can do what they want to their own genitals, cut them, scar them, pierce them, whatever, but children should always be protected from body mutilations (including from their parents).

And this is the problem with this WHO push for circumcision. By encouraging adults to get circumcised in countries where the practice was marginal, it's going to lead parents to have their children circumcised as well.
Furthermore, female genital cutting is widespread in Africa, how can we convince an African family that cutting girls is "wrong" while cutting boys is "alright"?
Many cultures can give good reasons as to why it's better to cut the penis of boys, but many cultures can also give good reasons as to why it's better to cut the clitoris and/or labia of girls, does that make it right to do any of that on children?

I am strictly against any kind of genital cutting performed on minors, male or female, i don't think it can be wrong to cut a gender and alright to cut the other. I consider that the genital mutilation of children is a barbaric act that qualifies as a sexual assault.
Adults can do what they want to themselves, but children should be left untouched.
Patrick | t.E.A.m. [ ]
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