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Old 28-04-2006, 00:24   #25
dradeel dradeel is offline
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I think there are heaps of christians that would smile when reading this text 'cause they simply see the irony, yet don't take it personally. I don't believe that any christians would be convinced that their belief had been proven wrong, or that it was hurt in any way, just by reading this innocent text. I wouldn't in light years call this text an attack against christianity. This text was only a weak attempt to examplify the irony of it.

I know this guy in Australia, he's catholic and laughs of every anti-christian comment I come with. He thinks they're just funny, 'cause they are awfully cliché, as he has great knowledge of the black metal scene. He's a metalhead... why hasn't he said that my comments are insulting, and why does he keep listening to the music? Because he doesn't take it personally, and he don't believe that some atheist from norway with satanic overtones could convince him or even make him feel less of about his absolute belief here in this world, and his way of looking at reality, the truth and that people will go to a better place when they "cross over to the other side". It's something private and important for him, and he doesn't care about other people's remarks. I respect him ooo-so-much for that!

Even Jerry Seinfeld brought up the issue of anti-semitism and how everyone spoke about anti-seimitism even from the slightest attempt of a jew-joke. I mean, everyone got offended by nothing. He examplified it by talking about anti-dentitism on one of the episodes of Seinfeld. Funny, and very self-ironic. It was pretty clear what he ment... and Jerry Seinfeld is a jew.

I'm just saying that people shouldn't take things so personally. Just laugh and forget about it!
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