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Old 07-08-2003, 16:00   #19
Yulia_Fan Yulia_Fan is offline
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 342

Chapter 18:

When Yulia walked out onto the balcony, she noticed that Lena had made herself at home, snuggling up next to Rada under Yulia's blanket. Yulia rasied an eyebrow, "you want a drink or something?"

"No, thanks..." replied Lena before reaching for Yulia's packet of cigarettes and lit two. "Where are your parents?"

"Lena, you didn't some here to ask about my parents' social calender."

"Yeah i know. Come, sit... like i said outside, I need to apologise Yulia. I am so sorry for the way I reacted today at the cinema. It was childish and really cruel, I know you were only trying to see if I was ok." Lena held out one of the lit cigarettes to Yulia, inviting her to sit down. Yulia sat down next to the redhead and smiled slightly as she watched Lena gently re-adjust the blanket not only over them both, but over Rada as well.

"I don't understand why you were so mad thats all, i mean, why did you leave the cinema?" Yulia felt herself shaking, but she had to know whether it was because of the kiss that Lena had left. She was sure that Lena would have been repulsed by it.

Lena sighed. "I know this will sound crazy Yul, but I guess I was just jealous."

Yulia was stunned, she studied Lena carefully as the redhead took a slow drag of her cigarette. 'Is she saying what i think she is saying?' "Lena, what do you mean by Jealous?" asked Yulia.

Lena was enjoying the puzzled look on the brunettes face. She still wasn't 100% sure if Yulia felt the same way that she did, but she was definately intrigued at look of worry that flashed across Yulia's beautiful features."C'mon, do i really have to spell it out for you Yulia?"

"Yes Lena, you really do because i have had a very strange last few days and my mind is a little more crazy than usual, so if you would please, just explain?"

"I was jealous of Nicola! I know it sounds crazy but its just that I have always felt that she was this big competition you know? I mean, before I came to the school, who was your best friend?"

"I didnt have a best friend" answered Yulia.

"Right, ok, but who were you more close too?"

"No one"

"God damnit Yulia!" replied Lena in frustration, before calmly adding "you were kind of close with Nicola though yeah?"

"Yeah I guess so" Yulia was now sat cross-legged facing Lena, trying to grasp exactly what she was trying to say.

"Right, then i came to the school yeah? And we became close didn't we?"

"We became best friends" said Yulia with a big smile.

Lena smiled back, "Yeah we did. But maybe you were a bit too..." 'thick' "pre-occupied to notice, but I have always told you that I had noticed that Nicola didnt like me, haven't I?. She always glares at me and has never made any effort to be nice..."

"Oh yeah! Now that u mention it, I forgot to tell you, just before you arrived Nicola was here. She said that she came here to see how you were, but what she really was here for was to be mean about you. And, I think I finally see what you mean now, about her being jealous"

"Oh? How come?"

"Well, she kinda told me..."

Lena smiled, "So now you see why I was a bit mad at you at the cinema? I just felt kinda betrayed thats all..."

A few minutes of silence passed between the two girls (and Rada ). Finally, Yulia spoke.

"You know, you had, and have, no reason to be jealous of Nicola, I was only with her because you weren't available. I'd rather have spent the weekend with you," said Yulia quietly, before adding bitterly, "and I would have, if you had been patient enough for me to get out of the shower. Instead you just leave me some stupid note..."

"You were the one that started the whole note thing! Maybe if you had been more patient for me to get off the phone..."

"I tried to be! But its impossible to be patient when its about him! You say that you got jealous of Nicola, but what about me? I felt betrayed too Lena!" Yulia turned her back to the redhead and folded her arms across her heaving chest. It wasnt long before she felt a soft hand on her shoulder.

"Volchonok, I'm sorry, lets not start all this again, I know it sounds weird but I have really missed you this weekend. I hate arguing with you."

Yulia gently turned to face her friend, "I know, I missed you too".

"Good," said Lena with a smile, "now how about you go and make us some popcorn and I will ring my parents and let them know that I am staying here tonight yeah?"

Yulia stood up laughing, "I see you still don't wait for an invitation!"

Lena stood up also and gently pulled the small girl towards her, "Shut up Volkova, and give me a hug already"

The two girls held eachother tightly as Lena sighed inwardly, 'there's no escaping it,' she thought, 'I could hold this girl forever'.
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