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Old 04-09-2005, 04:16   #49
Bitty2002 Bitty2002 is offline
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I hope everyone knows I am not thinking people should open their wallets. I just don't think hateful people should open their mouths. Just wanted to make that clear.

And just to defend celebrities a bit. I think they could give more. But a lot of celebrities do give 5% of their income to things like this. They also give their time and fame to make that amount even higher. But yes, there are plenty of famous people out there that don't give a cent.

PowerPuff_Grrl -
I heard George Bush say no to over 20 countries offering help
Just to say...they haven't, unless it was in the last few minutes, rejected any offers of help. They haven't accepted them yet either. At the moment, while inept, I think we have things covered. I think, at the moment, it is more of an issue of what help will with need and what we will be able to use, and it will probably be used at that time. Does that make sense? Believe me, I certainly hope it is not pride.

And I do think America cares about other countries. Maybe their ideologies and methods are to be abhorred and uninvited, but I think the intention is often good.

And the whole Iraq situation shouldn't be AT ALL related to this tragedy. And those who like to belabor that, over and over, what do you want? I hate it too. But you have two options, shit and shit. No one else was helping the people of Iraq. Let the corruption continue? Maybe we aren't making it a land of greatness and freedom, but what was the alternative, truly? Talk about a rock and a hard place. Either way, the situation is shit. Maybe these countries that have better ideologies and methods should have stepped in a long time ago.

And not everyone in New Orleans is acting like animals. Some stupid f***kers that should be shot are. Don't lump all the victims into one group of animals.

And Ice_Cream, I didn't want to respond to you, but every time I read your hateful words...I cannot believe my eyes. I have to say your comment was the shittiest of them all. Governments suck and are corrupt, you don't have to be. What has your country given to the world? Does Europe not pollute and bring death? Do Europeans not have corruption in government? Do they not have prejudices, high ideals that fall short? So we have SUV's, which I think should be banned, and Europeans drive beaters that don't have up-to-date emission standards. Are you really so perfectly righteous as to think you don't bring pollution and death to this world? You know, all countries bring pollution and death because all countries are run by humans--the ultimate parasite. So really, if your reasoning stands, no humans should be helped, no disasters aided, because all disaster is deserved because all humans bring death and pollution. So, is that the way you propose we live? Who says what you said in the face of so much death? I am appalled. Shame on you. You should examine yourself
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