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Old 24-04-2007, 05:51   #57
Talyubittu Talyubittu is offline
Can You See Them Now?
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I belive I gave a sufficient explination as to why they portray a "bad image" of themselves. Not all do, but you understand what I mean.

I'd also like you ask you how you figure I did not read your post, when I clearly quoted certain parts and responded to them?

If you disagree with somebody (which is awesome) do so but also provide as many references as possible. You can't simply state that "blah, blah, blah, your points are wrong so therefore my point is right" and not provide any arguments or references to refute my point and back yours up. In this case, if you do not agree that racism and slavery are somewhat connected then provide references to how my arguments (posted above if you have actually read them, which I doubt you have) are wrong while proving how your arguments instead are correct. Case in point:
Not just black people can be slaves. So your entire case about how they are "closely related" is tossed out.
Try listening (or reading) to earlier posts, there could be something worthwhile in them because pre-African Slave Trade slavery has already been discussed. My "entire" case isn't "tossed out" because you still haven't proven why they aren't related.
Definitions could be the launching pad of your argument, but never the summation.
Erm. I did.
Racism and Slavery however, are completely differen't and can be identified as such by definition.

Racism: The act of discrimating against a person/establishment based upon race.
Slavery: The act of enslaving another for laborious work.

Not just black people can be slaves. So your entire case about how they are "closely related" is tossed out. Slavery can be set in upon anyone. It's just that it was Africans that it was done to in America.
If you need an example:

"You are a fucking nigger" - This would be a case of racism. Nowhere have I forced someone to perform a task of laborious work. Or any work at all for that matter.

(Please note that I'm using this JUST as an example and that I'm not trying to offend anyone)

For further more proof of why racism and slavery are completely different, I suggest you look back into American history. Remember the black slaves that eventually bought their own freedom? Many of them turned around and purchased their own black slaves to do work for them. I find it illogical that a black man/woman, can be considered racist against his/her own race, but if slavery and racism are the same thing, I guess this does make sense? But as a whole, no, it does not.

And continuing on what freddie said about the Jews in Egypt. I'd like to point out that being Jewish, and the philosphy of Judaism - are not a races. Thus providing even more reason as to why racism and slavery are different.

And while we're talking about my lack of knolwedge on slavery in the North. I'd also like to point out that I said

The North was only better in terms of slavery.
When I said "there was no slavery in the North, I was implying that it wasn't HARSH slavery.


Heh, ok I'm going to apologize in advance for sounding condescending but I really need to tell you how to debate properly. There seems to be a pattern with you where you tend to post with such confidence that fails to accurately reflect how much you know of the subject. I'm going to play that up to your debating skills.
I believe when debating. It's prudent to be OVER confident than it is to be under confident. Obviously I have some detail of "the subject". I think some people just have a problem with debating with a 16 year old.

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