Thread: Climate change
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Old 06-11-2006, 23:25   #21
Argos Argos is offline
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Originally Posted by haku
Many vegetal and animal species will die out, including species that we use for food, we need to adapt and select species that will resist to a much warmer climate.
And while Africa will die for the most part, Canada and Siberia will become much warmer and inhabitable, very large and almost empty lands where hundreds of millions of people will be able to live.
The key is to prepare instead of just wait for it to happen.
Well, almost any plants and animals have a very high ability of adaption for warmer climate, whereas there is much lower tolerance for colder regions. So most species will not have problems. In general warmer climate means more evaporation of water, thus higher humidity, less deserts, more CO2, now bound in the ocean waters,which helps plants for assimilation. In fact many plants suffer because of the low concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, and many plants had to find new ways of assimilation to avoid extinction (C4-cycle, CAM-cycle).

If we sum up all the positive and negative effects, there is a clear trend to more favourable conditions of a warmer earth. A good preparation for the future is nevertheless a good idea to benefit from the advantages and avoid harmful consequences.
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