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Old 16-02-2004, 13:50   #3
freddie freddie is offline
Sad Little Monkey
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Guys I just have one thing to say. If you don't vote for Echoed as be best mod I'll hold it personaly against you. It's easy to forget isn't it? She was the one who spent hours on the forum resolving differences between ppl like only she can. She was theone who kept it together when things almost self-destructed. If there wasn't for Echoed there possibly wouldn't be a forum right now... or if it would be then it would mre then likely be missing half of it's pernament members. Whenever there was trouble it was always HER who mediated the situation. And if you look back on it... who was the one who always told you to get back on topic the most?! Who was the one that prevented insanities that went over in that "Yulia-nude" threads?! Who was the one who was the one that stoped the cybersexying activities in the infamous perv thread?! Who was the one who who calmed down all the fans when they started ranting over Kate's polls? She did all that. And she did it in slyle. Without coming of as uptight. She still managed to be funny and pleasent. It's easy to forget ppl when they're not around a while cause they have other things to do. It's incredible what short memory ppl have. And furthermore... it's also easy to forget ppl like her that do their job quietly, diligently and without scandal. Ppl need scandal so they won't forget, right?

Btw...I'm in no way trying to diss forre with this rant. I'm not denying that she did great things for the site, provided us with many translated exclusives and even had a face-to-face interview with Tatu, which is something most of us will only ever dream off. So I'd say she's an ennormous asset for the site and it wouldn't be the same without her either, but that should make her "member of the year" possibly. Maybe "best female performance". But it is MHO that the title of best moderator should go to none other then Echoed, simply cause of her MODDING abilities, which are unsurpasable. And most ppl agreed with this till very recently when she stoped showing up so much on the forum. But that doesn't make her any less deserving for the job that she's done ALL TROUGH 2003. She was the foundation for peace on Tatysite. Just like Forre was the foundation to all the exclusives and I Love Yulia /Real Lesbian the foundation for screen-caps/pictures. I said this many times. Not only that she's the best mod of tatysite. She's also the best mod in general. Of any forum out there. She's shone trough trough in most diffucult of situations and we must give her that.
freddie | t.E.A.m. [ ]

Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.